30th September 2003
Science of Healing
Good evening, my ladies.
I understand No 1 is hovering and coming
forward, and I don’t know if he wishes to say something or not, but I think he
is just checking the energy.
The ladies have made a concentrated effort upon the energy. He knows, he
knows, he said it has been easier to balance it. It’s never very difficult but anything that
makes it easier is good, to our advantage and to every body’s advantage.
I hope you are well my ladies, (yes thank you.) This is good. I want to
perhaps….I don’t know how to begin really but I’ll take it right from the
have experimented with healing….. I wanted to find out, I wondered if you knew
HOW it takes place, or is generated, the healing energy that goes from you to
the person?
going to try and explain a little about what happens, and what can happen. You
are quite a force when you are connected together, and if you send that energy
to a chosen person, this should have a great impact. But how does this work,
you may say?
Well, you can influence things in this way, as the cells interact
with the DNA. The person suffering from an illness finds himself or herself,
out of balance as you already know, but you see the thing is this, my ladies,
they become disconnected from the UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS, and therefore,
disconnected from those that are well.
So if you gather together all those that
are unwell, do you see what I mean, there is a disconnectedness from the
universal consciousness which brings DIS ease… the balance is not there, so the
body cannot balance properly you see. So in this way, you can direct YOUR
energy toward the person that is ill, hopefully to the actual place if you know
the exact organ that is diseased, which needs the help, to provide the balance
and the reconnection.
Now, what happens to you when you send this energy? You
are producing photons and an electromagnetic field, which is projected. Now if
you were experienced healers, you could generate up to 60 watts of electricity.
60 watts of voltage directed. If you are not experienced, you will still
generate about 40 watts, and the more you do it the more it would raise the
wattage. The trick is to get yourselves to step onto one side, if you can, so
that you can allow this free flow of energy, photons and electromagnetic field
to flow.
Now the thing about illness is, that if you have something like Aids
or cancer, the illness feeds on FEAR, and so keeps the imbalance going. (J. Yes
of course). If you can break the fear, you begin to penetrate. So those who get over the actual fear and
anxiety about the condition from which they are suffering, have more chance of
getting well. You understand me? From the energy and the voltage that is
This can be measured and registered on an electrometer; this is not some
story that I am telling you; you could actually trace it with an electrometer,
the voltage that you are putting out. (Gosh). You could do this, I’m not asking
you to do it, as you would need apparatus, just accept my word that this can
happen. (We do).
Now the other thing is, that once you have this imbalance, it
is hard to readjust this, but if you can get it readjusted, you can then join
those that are well. It is better to be with people that are well, not isolated
by the sickness that you have contracted. Heart patients altogether, all
collected in one place, Aids patients, all collected in one place, cancer
patients all collected in one place, this in actual fact is not good, from
where we are anyway, we are looking on, and of course, they are all
disconnected, and they are all in some sort of disarray, with their varying
imbalances, do you understand?
The problem is, to get them all balanced, and if
you can draw them away from the crowd that they are with, that suffer from the
same illness, you have more chance of directing the power, the wattage, so to
speak, to them, in order to help them heal.
Now the body has it’s own healing
power, so you are just connecting with that healing power to generate and to
lift up their immune system, if you can. The best thing to do with these
illnesses is to try to connect with the immune system, and this will help with
any adverse condition that is there. You could carry out a really long
far-reaching experiment, but you may not have the time. There is a place where
the people who suffer from cancer collect together, you could if….No 1 is
shaking his head….you could direct it to a particular ward, to a particular
number of people, without actually seeing them you see, you could have access,
perhaps through people who know somebody who is in with the illness, and
perhaps you could let suffering, terminal cancer maybe, you might be able to
make a difference, you may not be able to cure them, but you might be able to
extend their life expectancy.
This is possible. You see you have great power
you people, all humans have more power than they are aware of, and your body
has the capability of healing itself, if only you could tap into the right way
of trying to help yourself, to help your own healing powers.
This isn’t simple,
this is the problem, and we have a difficulty in teaching you this. You seem to
think that once you have these diseases, then all is lost, IT IS NOT, and you
can help one another with the healing practise, but it would take time, and
commitment you see, because it would be good if you could all direct your
healing power at the same time, at a given time.
You may need not to be in the
same place, you could be in a different place, but direct it at the same time,
but you would need a long commitment for this, for this is not going to happen
in a short time, for you will need a longer time.
I’m not being rude in saying
this, for I understand what busy lives you have, and having to fit everything
in. We already have you on the remote viewing, and we need more practice on
that. We think that it would be advisable that you say on the straight and
narrow for the moment ‘til you can bring up the power. You will get to it; but
it takes practise, there is nothing wonderful about it, and you don’t have to
have a fantastic mind to be able to do it, just general ordinary people can do
It just takes practise and training your mind in a certain way, of which
you are doing by actually doing the remote viewing. Healing is not remote, and it works in a
different way, because you are generating the power towards somebody else,
which you don’t actually do with the remote viewing, not in the same way. You
are not using the power of the mind and the body in the same way; it’s slightly
Humans have a great capacity for being able to do things that they
do not understand or think that they can. This is the problem here. They do not
understand themselves, within themselves, their own mind, what they are capable
of. They are capable of great things, but have fallen by the wayside, all is
too much trouble, and involved. You can generate your own good health my
friends, and between yourselves, you can generate even more. You must try to
keep along this pathway, it is good that you are trying with individual people
that you know, this is perhaps where the healing should happen and this should
be perhaps enough for you at the moment.
I want to expand it a little more, but I’m not sure how to go about it.
It’s all to do with the mind, and you have to tune your mind to a
certain way, and you can bring it in line with a certain wavelength that will
produce and project, you see, this energy, you have to learn to step aside and
let this happen, so that the energy can work freely. It is not hampered by you
personally, you see, it goes direct.
You will learn, you will know, and you
will teach yourselves to step aside and to allow it to flow. It will be another
lesson for you another time, and it is not difficult, it is just a case of
remembering how to do it that’s all, no great mystery about it. The remote
viewing will come, and you will get better at it my friend, and then we will
introduce something that will make it a little more exciting, but we want you
to have, how can I say, more success with it and then we will introduce
something that you might find fascinating, and it will work better when you
have more success with the simple things, you may well enjoy what we have sort
of, that you could take part in, to bring it up to speed to tune in to the
simple things, then you will have more chance with what we have in mind for you
with this and bring a little more enjoyment into your life maybe. No 1 is
looking at me again, yes I know what you are thinking No 1, but we won’t go
into that now.
I understand you have been watching the weather patterns, I told you did
I not to watch and wait, that everything wasn’t going to happen in a hurry or
in a moment, it is taking its time as Mars pulls further and further away from
the Earth plane, you will have other things happening and you have all this
problem with the Iraq people which is very sore and very distressing to watch,
because we knew this would happen once the genie was released from the bottle
and you won’t get it back in again, and things haven’t panned out as well as
the authorities and the armed forces thought, it hasn’t worked quite in the
same way, fighting a faceless enemy.
Terrorism is a much more devastating war,
than the war face to face that we spoke about before. I don’t know how this is
going to work, but it won’t be in the way that it was thought that it would do.
Some of the disadvantages will outweigh the advantages. In the end we will have
to see, we will have to watch Iran, for their atomic capability, and if it is
going to be used for what they say it is going to be used, for peaceful uses,
but one will never know will one, it will be aside, what is being done, and at
the same time it may not be for peaceful uses.
It is too much to expect from
them, that they will not try to dabble with bombs and things of that sort, it
would be too much to expect of humankind not to think that way. You understand
me my ladies.
I’m going to keep this short this evening, I’m going to go and leave you
to ponder what I have said about the healing, because this is quite important.
Ah I remember one thing that I should have said with the healing, and
don’t look at me like that No1, he says that I am dodging about again, but I
have to go back to it. If you think of an epidemic of, what can I say, say this
SARS thing that you’ve had, this so called epidemic.
Can you understand the
fear that gets up, when somebody says it’s an epidemic, it uses fear and it
multiplies you see, so you draw it to you and you manifest the SARS condition
about the body. If you have it or not, it can be sort of generated to fit in
with everybody else, do you see what I mean as an epidemic, and it needn’t have
Perhaps it would have been better not to mention the word epidemic, then
people aren’t so frightened, fear generates the condition, and the different
things that happen when you supposedly have the different symptoms, you
generate the symptoms whether you have it or not, because of the imagination
and the fear working together. This is what I’m telling you, for yourselves, do
you see. You have the capacity to do this, but you have the capacity to heal as
well. It seems that other way round is more so, not so much on the plus side,
but on the down side, you are very good at the down sides; you don’t believe in
yourselves in the up. It is a shame, because you have great capabilities here.
It is something, which is inbred in you or comes along with you, you
understand? (J. I think that people do prey on people’s fear, and they
manipulate, in order to create fear)
Yes, yes, it’s all part of the human
condition, you are conditioned to think in this way as well, which doesn’t
help, and you need to break the chain, I mean humanity as a whole, not you
personally, you couldn’t do it on your own, it’s a human condition and it has
to be done en masse. You know what fear can do, and we come back to the fear
and the power cuts that you have worried
about, and this could be to do with the moving of the
earths crust, and the
moving of the cables and this sort of thing as it moves across the Earth plane
do you understand, in these places? That is why they cannot say what has
happened to cause this, ALTHOUGH, if you have people who are clever enough and can
interfere with the actual computers that switch power, this also could happen
as well.
So it could be a combination of all these things, you see. (J. It’s
coincidental, we are having a lot of them). Yes you are, and it’s one after the
other, Like an epidemic (laughs), if you know what I mean, (J. creating fear as
well), creating fear, and can you imagine being stuck down one of those
tunnels, when somebody decided to drop the gas, and you couldn’t get out and
they couldn’t move the trains because the power is off. Somebody will think of
it sooner or later.
Anyway my ladies, I shall depart, and I will be back again, if our
friend here allows us, and we will be with you again my ladies, and your
energy, your Divinity, whatever you like to call it, go with you, your Divine
one, and keep you safe ‘til the next time we meet. I thank you for allowing us
to come to you. We seem to always bring you gloom and doom, but we try to help
as well. It is important that we tell it as it is, we do not dress it up, for
that is how it is, but we try to bring a little upliftment with the healing
thing. (J. I can give it to others, I can put it out and others can learn to do
it too). Yes, they can all practice on one another, and why not, and why not. I
will leave you now my friends, and thank you.
My children of the Divinity, I come to bring you the blessing, as I
always come at this time. I bring you the blessing of the Divinity, and I want
to bring you a present my children, my dear ones. Imagine I bring you the
present of emptiness, you may not think this very valuable, but I bring you
also the present of plenitude, and when you sleep my ladies, my children of the
Divinity, I want you to put them by your bedside.
Imagine them by your bedside,
and treat them very carefully, because they are very frail and fragile these
things that I bring you, and when you sleep, they will penetrate your minds,
for they will use the doorway of sleep to come into your head, and bring you
all the emptiness and all the fullness that is there, and we can use this to
help you to bring about certain things that you need to do within your day.
When you awaken in the morning, you will waken full of fullness, and you will
go about your work smiling, and you will wonder, for the fullness you will
feel, will be gladness, for the fullness, you cannot get anything else, or any
fuller, do you understand?
But the emptiness will remain empty, for you cannot
fill up an empty space with emptiness for it is already full of emptiness. I
want to take it as enough, and I want you to take it to your fellow workers, as
you go about your day, and bring the chalice of love that comes with it, to
drink from it my friends, to drink from it, and take it and wrap yourselves in
the Divine light that comes with it. For you shine as a Divine light, you are
the Divine light, I feel that you do not always believe this my children, but
it is true, you shine and we can tell where you are, and come to you because
the light draws us to you.
I want to be with you always my children, as I have
told you many times before, but I’m being drawn away now. But I come and wrap
you in the light of the Divine one, that you may take it and wrap your friends
and your families within its light, for they all need the light of the
Divinity. For they will not understand if you tell them about it, but
nevertheless I bring it to you so that you may take it on, for you seem to be
experts now in bringing light and love to those around you, and you will find
that their own place in this time will alter, as yours has done. When you pass
from this life and this Earth plane, you will come face to face for a fleeting
moment with your soul, and you will look at it in wonder, for it is a beautiful
thing, you understand me my children?
Your souls are absolutely beautiful, and
you will not believe that this is you but it is so, and your soul will go on,
and your physical body will disintegrate. The soul feels no fear, it has no
fear of today and tomorrow, or what has gone before. And you must be fearless
in your life my children, you must be fearless, for your soul has no fear at
I bring this to you to help you through the day of your work and your
play, until we meet again my ladies, I leave you with the love of the Divine
one, I leave you now my ladies, I thank you I thank you…..
30th Sept03 The
Science of Healing
Good evening, my ladies. I understand No 1 is hovering and coming
forward, and I don’t know if he wishes to say something or not, but I think he
is just checking the energy.
The ladies have made a concentrated effort upon the energy. He knows, he
knows, he said it has been easier to balance it. It’s never very difficult but anything that
makes it easier is good, to our advantage and to every body’s advantage.
I hope you are well my ladies, (yes thank you.) This is good. I want to
perhaps….I don’t know how to begin really but I’ll take it right from the
beginning. You
have experimented with healing….. I wanted to find out, I wondered if you knew
HOW it takes place, or is generated, the healing energy that goes from you to
the person?
going to try and explain a little about what happens, and what can happen. You
are quite a force when you are connected together, and if you send that energy
to a chosen person, this should have a great impact. But how does this work,
you may say? Well, you can influence things in this way, as the cells interact
with the DNA. The person suffering from an illness finds himself or herself,
out of balance as you already know, but you see the thing is this, my ladies,
they become disconnected from the UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS, and therefore,
disconnected from those that are well. So if you gather together all those that
are unwell, do you see what I mean, there is a disconnectedness from the
universal consciousness which brings DIS ease… the balance is not there, so the
body cannot balance properly you see. So in this way, you can direct YOUR
energy toward the person that is ill, hopefully to the actual place if you know
the exact organ that is diseased, which needs the help, to provide the balance
and the reconnection. Now, what happens to you when you send this energy? You
are producing photons and an electromagnetic field, which is projected. Now if
you were experienced healers, you could generate up to 60 watts of electricity.
60 watts of voltage directed. If you are not experienced, you will still
generate about 40 watts, and the more you do it the more it would raise the
wattage. The trick is to get yourselves to step onto one side, if you can, so
that you can allow this free flow of energy, photons and electromagnetic field
to flow. Now the thing about illness is, that if you have something like Aids
or cancer, the illness feeds on FEAR, and so keeps the imbalance going. (J. Yes
of course). If you can break the fear, you begin to penetrate. So those who get over the actual fear and
anxiety about the condition from which they are suffering, have more chance of
getting well. You understand me? From the energy and the voltage that is
This can be measured and registered on an electrometer; this is not some
story that I am telling you; you could actually trace it with an electrometer,
the voltage that you are putting out. (Gosh). You could do this, I’m not asking
you to do it, as you would need apparatus, just accept my word that this can
happen. (We do). Now the other thing is, that once you have this imbalance, it
is hard to readjust this, but if you can get it readjusted, you can then join
those that are well. It is better to be with people that are well, not isolated
by the sickness that you have contracted. Heart patients altogether, all
collected in one place, Aids patients, all collected in one place, cancer
patients all collected in one place, this in actual fact is not good, from
where we are anyway, we are looking on, and of course, they are all
disconnected, and they are all in some sort of disarray, with their varying
imbalances, do you understand? The problem is, to get them all balanced, and if
you can draw them away from the crowd that they are with, that suffer from the
same illness, you have more chance of directing the power, the wattage, so to
speak, to them, in order to help them heal. Now the body has it’s own healing
power, so you are just connecting with that healing power to generate and to
lift up their immune system, if you can. The best thing to do with these
illnesses is to try to connect with the immune system, and this will help with
any adverse condition that is there. You could carry out a really long
far-reaching experiment, but you may not have the time. There is a place where
the people who suffer from cancer collect together, you could if….No 1 is
shaking his head….you could direct it to a particular ward, to a particular
number of people, without actually seeing them you see, you could have access,
perhaps through people who know somebody who is in with the illness, and
perhaps you could let suffering, terminal cancer maybe, you might be able to
make a difference, you may not be able to cure them, but you might be able to
extend their life expectancy. This is possible. You see you have great power
you people, all humans have more power than they are aware of, and your body
has the capability of healing itself, if only you could tap into the right way
of trying to help yourself, to help your own healing powers. This isn’t simple,
this is the problem, and we have a difficulty in teaching you this. You seem to
think that once you have these diseases, then all is lost, IT IS NOT, and you
can help one another with the healing practise, but it would take time, and
commitment you see, because it would be good if you could all direct your
healing power at the same time, at a given time. You may need not to be in the
same place, you could be in a different place, but direct it at the same time,
but you would need a long commitment for this, for this is not going to happen
in a short time, for you will need a longer time. I’m not being rude in saying
this, for I understand what busy lives you have, and having to fit everything
in. We already have you on the remote viewing, and we need more practice on
that. We think that it would be advisable that you say on the straight and
narrow for the moment ‘til you can bring up the power. You will get to it; but
it takes practise, there is nothing wonderful about it, and you don’t have to
have a fantastic mind to be able to do it, just general ordinary people can do
it. It just takes practise and training your mind in a certain way, of which
you are doing by actually doing the remote viewing. Healing is not remote, and it works in a
different way, because you are generating the power towards somebody else,
which you don’t actually do with the remote viewing, not in the same way. You
are not using the power of the mind and the body in the same way; it’s slightly
different. Humans have a great capacity for being able to do things that they
do not understand or think that they can. This is the problem here. They do not
understand themselves, within themselves, their own mind, what they are capable
of. They are capable of great things, but have fallen by the wayside, all is
too much trouble, and involved. You can generate your own good health my
friends, and between yourselves, you can generate even more. You must try to
keep along this pathway, it is good that you are trying with individual people
that you know, this is perhaps where the healing should happen and this should
be perhaps enough for you at the moment.
I want to expand it a little more, but I’m not sure how to go about it.
It’s all to do with the mind, and you have to tune your mind to a
certain way, and you can bring it in line with a certain wavelength that will
produce and project, you see, this energy, you have to learn to step aside and
let this happen, so that the energy can work freely. It is not hampered by you
personally, you see, it goes direct. You will learn, you will know, and you
will teach yourselves to step aside and to allow it to flow. It will be another
lesson for you another time, and it is not difficult, it is just a case of
remembering how to do it that’s all, no great mystery about it. The remote
viewing will come, and you will get better at it my friend, and then we will
introduce something that will make it a little more exciting, but we want you
to have, how can I say, more success with it and then we will introduce
something that you might find fascinating, and it will work better when you
have more success with the simple things, you may well enjoy what we have sort
of, that you could take part in, to bring it up to speed to tune in to the
simple things, then you will have more chance with what we have in mind for you
with this and bring a little more enjoyment into your life maybe. No 1 is
looking at me again, yes I know what you are thinking No 1, but we won’t go
into that now.
I understand you have been watching the weather patterns, I told you did
I not to watch and wait, that everything wasn’t going to happen in a hurry or
in a moment, it is taking its time as Mars pulls further and further away from
the earth plane, you will have other things happening and you have all this
problem with the Iraq people which is very sore and very distressing to watch,
because we knew this would happen once the genie was released from the bottle
and you won’t get it back in again, and things haven’t panned out as well as
the authorities and the armed forces thought, it hasn’t worked quite in the
same way, fighting a faceless enemy. Terrorism is a much more devastating war,
than the war face to face that we spoke about before. I don’t know how this is
going to work, but it won’t be in the way that it was thought that it would do.
Some of the disadvantages will outweigh the advantages. In the end we will have
to see, we will have to watch Iran, for their atomic capability, and if it is
going to be used for what they say it is going to be used, for peaceful uses,
but one will never know will one, it will be aside, what is being done, and at
the same time it may not be for peaceful uses. It is too much to expect from
them, that they will not try to dabble with bombs and things of that sort, it
would be too much to expect of humankind not to think that way. You understand
me my ladies.
I’m going to keep this short this evening, I’m going to go and leave you
to ponder what I have said about the healing, because this is quite important.
Ah I remember one thing that I should have said with the healing, and
don’t look at me like that No1, he says that I am dodging about again, but I
have to go back to it. If you think of an epidemic of, what can I say, say this
SARS thing that you’ve had, this so called epidemic. Can you understand the
fear that gets up, when somebody says it’s an epidemic, it uses fear and it
multiplies you see, so you draw it to you and you manifest the SARS condition
about the body. If you have it or not, it can be sort of generated to fit in
with everybody else, do you see what I mean as an epidemic, and it needn’t have
been. Perhaps it would have been better not to mention the word epidemic, then
people aren’t so frightened, fear generates the condition, and the different
things that happen when you supposedly have the different symptoms, you
generate the symptoms whether you have it or not, because of the imagination
and the fear working together. This is what I’m telling you, for yourselves, do
you see. You have the capacity to do this, but you have the capacity to heal as
well. It seems that other way round is more so, not so much on the plus side,
but on the down side, you are very good at the down sides; you don’t believe in
yourselves in the up. It is a shame, because you have great capabilities here.
It is something, which is inbred in you or comes along with you, you
understand? (J. I think that people do prey on people’s fear, and they
manipulate, in order to create fear) Yes, yes, it’s all part of the human
condition, you are conditioned to think in this way as well, which doesn’t
help, and you need to break the chain, I mean humanity as a whole, not you
personally, you couldn’t do it on your own, it’s a human condition and it has
to be done en masse. You know what fear can do, and we come back to the fear
and the power cuts that you have worried
about, and this could be to do with the moving of the earths crust, and the
moving of the cables and this sort of thing as it moves across the earth plane
do you understand, in these places? That is why they cannot say what has
happened to cause this, ALTHOUGH, if you have people who are clever enough and can
interfere with the actual computers that switch power, this also could happen
as well. So it could be a combination of all these things, you see. (J. It’s
coincidental, we are having a lot of them). Yes you are, and it’s one after the
other, Like an epidemic (laughs), if you know what I mean, (J. creating fear as
well), creating fear, and can you imagine being stuck down one of those
tunnels, when somebody decided to drop the gas, and you couldn’t get out and
they couldn’t move the trains because the power is off. Somebody will think of
it sooner or later.
Anyway my ladies, I shall depart, and I will be back again, if our
friend here allows us, and we will be with you again my ladies, and your
energy, your Divinity, whatever you like to call it, go with you, your Divine
one, and keep you safe ‘til the next time we meet. I thank you for allowing us
to come to you. We seem to always bring you gloom and doom, but we try to help
as well. It is important that we tell it as it is, we do not dress it up, for
that is how it is, but we try to bring a little upliftment with the healing
thing. (J. I can give it to others, I can put it out and others can learn to do
it too). Yes, they can all practice on one another, and why not, and why not. I
will leave you now my friends, and thank you.
My children of the Divinity, I come to bring you the blessing, as I
always come at this time. I bring you the blessing of the Divinity, and I want
to bring you a present my children, my dear ones. Imagine I bring you the
present of emptiness, you may not think this very valuable, but I bring you
also the present of plenitude, and when you sleep my ladies, my children of the
Divinity, I want you to put them by your bedside. Imagine them by your bedside,
and treat them very carefully, because they are very frail and fragile these
things that I bring you, and when you sleep, they will penetrate your minds,
for they will use the doorway of sleep to come into your head, and bring you
all the emptiness and all the fullness that is there, and we can use this to
help you to bring about certain things that you need to do within your day.
When you awaken in the morning, you will waken full of fullness, and you will
go about your work smiling, and you will wonder, for the fullness you will
feel, will be gladness, for the fullness, you cannot get anything else, or any
fuller, do you understand? But the emptiness will remain empty, for you cannot
fill up an empty space with emptiness for it is already full of emptiness. I
want to take it as enough, and I want you to take it to your fellow workers, as
you go about your day, and bring the chalice of love that comes with it, to
drink from it my friends, to drink from it, and take it and wrap yourselves in
the Divine light that comes with it. For you shine as a Divine light, you are
the Divine light, I feel that you do not always believe this my children, but
it is true, you shine and we can tell where you are, and come to you because
the light draws us to you. I want to be with you always my children, as I have
told you many times before, but I’m being drawn away now. But I come and wrap
you in the light of the Divine one, that you may take it and wrap your friends
and your families within its light, for they all need the light of the
Divinity. For they will not understand if you tell them about it, but
nevertheless I bring it to you so that you may take it on, for you seem to be
experts now in bringing light and love to those around you, and you will find
that their own place in this time will alter, as yours has done. When you pass
from this life and this earth plane, you will come face to face for a fleeting
moment with your soul, and you will look at it in wonder, for it is a beautiful
thing, you understand me my children? Your souls are absolutely beautiful, and
you will not believe that this is you but it is so, and your soul will go on,
and your physical body will disintegrate. The soul feels no fear, it has no
fear of today and tomorrow, or what has gone before. And you must be fearless
in your life my children, you must be fearless, for your soul has no fear at
all. I bring this to you to help you through the day of your work and your
play, until we meet again my ladies, I leave you with the love of the Divine
one, I leave you now my ladies, I thank you I thank you…..
(All of us in tears)……
Offline - http://www.spirit-truths.co.uk
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