Once upon a time ... three British ladies who sat in a circle with one medium and three Beings of Light who, attracted by the Light of their auras, came and started a cycle extraordinarily informative messages which triggered my spiritual awakening.

This is my tribute to all of them because I know that the many still sleeping and skeptical will see the beauty and the message of Light and Love contained in each of them.

Be at peace

I am no-one special. I am a curious, problem solving type who's strict upbringing in the Catholic community gave me the foundation of a service to others ethic and a resolve for justice and peace.

I guess that is why, when drawn to others who were able to see beyond the ordinary we were chosen to receive outstanding messages, and beyond that, to see the MESSENGERS

We had a talented medium who was able to 'move over' and let spiritual light beings use her voice.

We were told things that would freeze us with fear, and others that were so amazing we would literally be silent and gasping at the end of the sessions.

We did this for about 8 years off and on. Above all we were compelled to return nearly every Monday for another gruelling session that would ultimately wake us out of our comfortable slumber and start the process of truth, research and upliftment.

Even more astonishing was the fact that we saw three separate light beings distinct from each other. We tested each other to see if we were imagining them and named them 1, 2 and 3 in order of appearance in many tests. The numbers stuck and the transcriptions state thus. (The Beings of Light preferred this too, as when asked their names, they insisted that we wouldn't know them, and that numbers were fine).

I found a reference to our phenomenon in an ancient script. The Apochryphon of John.

(In the light I beheld a youth who stood beside me. Even as I looked he became like an old man, then like a servant. Yet there were not three before me, but one, with multiple forms appearing through each other as though transparent. He said to me, "John, John, why do you doubt? And why are you afraid? I am the one who is with you always. I am the Father. I am the Mother. I am the Son.")

Curiously, this is EXACTLY how we saw our B.O.L. Morphing and then settling into one familiar face. It makes you think about what was reported from ancient times, and who these ‘apparitions’ really were.

Ours when asked who they were, said: Alpha, Omega, Andromeda. Still makes me tingle to think of the possibilities!


Saturday, December 1, 2012


15th September 2003   
Remote Viewing. Colour & Absent Healing. Reincarnation. Ghosts. 
4th Dimensional Prison Warders. Spirit Guides

                                                                                No 1
Good Evening my ladies.
The instrument is trying to make us come into line, because of our energy we are finding this difficult because we are already here. She is trying to hold us back, and it’s upsetting the energy, but she has the power.                                                          (J. It is the way she was taught.)                                                                                                 Now, the place that we come from is very light and very beautiful, but your earth plane viewed from afar is very beautiful also. The colours are wonderful, but ours are more so, the colours that we have are different to yours, you have never seen such colours. This is because we are all light, and a light energy-wave, as you already know. I’m going to leave you now, and let No3 edge closer. Wait until you see the figure as clearly as you can do, you understand me? This is important, because it helps with the flow of the message that is to come, that is if we are to get a message. (We do hope so). I think he has something to say, and I will move away ladies so that he may come further forward, as our energies don’t always mingle well with one another, and sometimes there is a clash. We have to separate properly so that he may come forward, and I may move back. It’s also intermingling with the instruments energy, and if she holds us back, we have to stand back, and we can’t get close because the energy pushes further out, and we do not like to intrude where we are not wanted yet. She is demonstrating how powerful she can be, (yes she is), we have to obey, for it is part of the agreement we have, that we would not want to upset her in any way.  I will be with you again my ladies, and I will leave you now for a moment or two and let No3 come. Remark on what you see, as it strengthens the picture.
Good evening my ladies, it is strong is it not? (Yes).  This is good it means the energy is balanced; this helps us as we go along.
This evening my ladies, I want to know how you got on with your remote viewing?                                (J. Well I think I’m doing quite well, surprisingly).                                                                       (P. I thought I was doing quite well, until this last week when I didn’t really have  full concentration in the 15 minutes).                                                                                            (A. I got the same as P, a bowl).                                                                                                               (J. Mine fragments in image, but it makes sense if you put the whole thing together).                                                                                                                                            This is good, don’t be disheartened by what you do get or don’t get. Keep working at it, and don’t get despondent. It will take a little time to sharpen up. It will sharpen up, I can assure you.  It will become accurate my children, the pictures will be stronger. Home in on the beacon you see. This will take you to whatever the object is. We will work up to something much harder later, the format might change a little, but we start of with the simple way and pave the way for something a little more exciting further along the road, which will inspire you to go on with it. What we have in mind will be fun, we know that people take part in it, and we could make it a little more interesting for you, but it would take some explaining and I don’t want to confuse you at the moment.                                                                                                                                            
  Now I want you to think about the remote viewing in a different way, some people here actually practise the absent healing.  Now you will be able to do this too, if you can strengthen the one, you will strengthen the other, and the other way round. For absent healing does work. You can actually alter the cells within a body, if you build up the power and the strength, do you understand me? But it will involve understanding a little of the person of whom you are trying to heal absently. You need to understand a little of the disease or what they are suffering from, so that you can all get together and pinpoint one particular place. You won’t need an in depth study of biology, but the actual illness or the disease itself, then you can all concentrate on one particular part. If somebody has cancer, its no good just homing in on cancer, you would need to know exactly WHERE it is, because you want to influence the cells that are there. If you want to rid them of it, you need to influence the cells, because you don’t want the rogue cells you know. In order to kill them off, you need to home in on a particular part of the body. Just to see it in the minds eye, so you can build up the picture, do you understand? This is important.
Colour is also important. The vibration of Colours also helps with the healing process, and YOU can produce this in a very simple way. Think of the colours and the vibration that they send out, and go with your instinct as to what to wear. For that will be what the body requires. The vortices within the body that produce colours and the resonance from them can be altered with the colour that you pick to wear. Your body will know instinctively which you should take and wear: the colour that you should take on board, even if it is only a hankie or a piece of material of that colour. Do you understand me? You will absorb the vibration from the colour, which will help with your body. Because the aura is in colours you see, you can heal the body through the aura: the energy field, the colours that come and radiate from them, from the vortices within the body. This is acceptable to you? Do you wish to ask me a question?                                                                                                                            
(A. If we wear a certain colour, say a blue, is it because our body needs that colour?) Yes, if you pick blue it is because the vortex needs it. It is the spinning of the vortex, the vibration from the vortex is not quite right, and it gets a sort of a blackened hole round where the colour is, and you need the colour so that the energy field can take up the vibration of the colour blue.                                              (A. Could we encourage someone with a certain illness, to wear a certain colour, so that this would help him or her?)                                                                                                            It would help them if they had no knowledge of their own and could not take on board the understanding of the energy fields and the vortices, and the way the aura works. If you look at the person, you will develop this sense, along with the remote viewing and the absent healing you understand me, and you would get to know what colour would be suitable for that person. You might suggest a colour that they have never thought of wearing, and they might say to you that they can’t wear that colour. But you should try and encourage them to, even if it isn’t somewhere that can be seen. Colour has a lot of power, and it is not taken seriously enough. You, yourself, are full of colour. When you are working, you exude these colours into your aura. Different shades of the aura blend one into the other, and it can change during the working time. Although you may be working at this present moment, and if you could photograph the aura as it emanates from you, you would see it change as to the power that was coming. This is part of what WE can work with you see, as the energy level, colour and vibration all draw us, and it helps us to mingle our energy with yours: although we do bring a certain something that you haven’t got here on your earth plane, and doesn’t come from you, we have to bring it to blend it as we have, mentioned before. (You have, yes). We take the energy from the earth, we bring our own energy with us, and we bring another something to mix with it to help to balance it, otherwise we couldn’t slow down enough to come close to you. It would be very difficult; we need to blend it, not to just come in but to actually blend with the colour, the energy field. Above all that, we have to have the person who is totally giving, and would be willing to stand aside so to speak, as it is metaphorically speaking, you understand me: as we cannot enter the body. We can only come within the energy field. We can come very, very close indeed. No1 is nodding, yes, very, very close.                                                                                                   (J. We feel that he is in our energy field quite often). I’m not surprised, I will have to have a word, because he shouldn’t be there when he is not working. (Laughs). He’s a bit of a rogue you know. 
Are there any questions that you wish to ask me?
(J&P. How much freedom as a spirit do we have, as how we return, or if we return? Are we locked into the cycle of reincarnation, do we have to…….?)
You are NOT locked into the cycle of Reincarnation , you do not have to return if you do not want to, it isn’t a foregone thing, and isn’t written that you must. You might find that you, for want of another word, were bored with the level that you were, and you would perhaps want to feel at some particular point, that you would like to move on, in which case maybe you would have to return and work again, polishing the facet of the diamond, which has been said before by many. This is how it works you see, you will move on a little further by fine-tuning yourself; but in any case, we have moved you to the fourth dimension, and you will be moved to the fifth dimension my ladies, you will be, even if No 1 has to drag you kicking and screaming. (Laughs). You will work towards that as you are partway between the fourth and the fifth, there is some work to do to get you into the fifth dimension.        I have heard that you speak often of the Fourth Dimensional Warders, can I ask YOU a question my ladies? Where do you get this from, and how do you get this idea?
(J. This David Icke the writer, he says that the Elite controls us, and they are controlled from a different dimension; they interfere with, and control our planet.)
This in a way is right, but it is a simplistic way of putting it of course, and that is the best way for you at this time. Now I see what you mean, we’d been given the idea that there were fourth dimensional prison warders as something terrible, that were going to hurt everybody moving into the fourth dimension. This is not going to happen. There are those in the fourth dimension, who are governing other energies and spirits; its complicated, and I don’t want to go down that road at this time, you understand me? I wanted to understand about these fourth dimension prison warders, and I said to No1 that they think that they are all going to end up in prison, move from one prison to another; a prison they’ve designed of their own making to another one there. We do not want you to think that, because it isn’t right. I understand now what is being thought and said about it now.                            (J. They are causing influence). Yes, there is always someone trying to influence someone else, trying to have the power, and of course, the power only comes with the power that you allow it to have, and you give it you see, if you allow something to be said and it overtakes you, and upsets you, this is the power that you have already given it because you have allowed it to be so. You have drawn it to you. Do you understand my ladies? (J. If you just love, can you attract just love too?) You also attract others, but it is how you deal with it of course, It’s as  I have just said, it is how you deal with it that will make or break it.                                                                               (P. If you reach the fifth dimension, does this alter your options for re-incarnation and return, or does it still remain the same?)
It remains open to you, but we feel that if you get to the Fifth Dimension my lady, you will not want to return, and I feel that the fourth dimensional people will not want to return either, but it is an option, there aren’t any rules and regulations, for if you want to move on further to the next layer, the option is there for you to return. This is difficult for me to say, for we work, you see in a slightly different manner. We are spirit, pure and simple. We are Light and Spirit. There are other spirits who work with you as well, that have lived before on the earth plane. But not all the  Guides that you have that come to you, have worked on the earth plane, there are those that are much higher that have never worked on the earth plane and have never needed to because they are pure. They come and they are pure straight away. There aren’t many of them, but there are some. The guides that are working with the one who is say bringing the loved one through an instrument, if the questions aren’t as one would like, then the guide can go back and ask for higher information, and the higher will come down. But you may have to wait for the answer, and some of them want the answer now, they are not prepared to wait. It will come in an inspiration you see. Everybody thinks that they thought of it themselves, but why didn’t they think of it before? (Ah.) This is the thing you see, their work is slightly different to us, for we come from elsewhere.                                     ( J. Where DO you come from?) I’m not going to tell you my friend. You assume we are Andromedans, and you are closer to the truth than you know.                         (J. Oh no…groans, we are curious). I’ll keep you guessing my friend, because we can work as the guides do, with the people here on your earth plane as well, and the ones that we work with aren’t always aware that we are slightly different to the guides that they are used to. Also, there are many spirits here on the earth plane that have never risen to their proper place, because of the wars that have gone on, there are many soldiers and armies, whose souls have never moved on.  They roam the earth plane, looking for their spot. We can’t cope with all of them, (how sad),  we and their guides will come and take them away, and they will go but some will not come with us, because they are convinced that they are STILL HERE. There are many from the different wars that will not move on, it is a terrible job to get them to move as they have made up in their minds that they are not dead. So they are walking the earth plane almost non-stop. It is very hard for us as spirit trying to coax them away, and it is more difficult if they don’t understand anything you see. Sometimes you get someone who passes who has no religious background at all. You can help them much easier than those who have a religious belief, because they expect this and that, and the other that is written and taught them.                        (J. Indoctrination ?)                                                                                                                            (A. It doesn’t help to have negative energy around you). No it doesn’t, the whole earth plane needs more positive energy, to help it to move forward in a satisfactory way.                                                                                                                                                               (P. Are these people like ghosts, would we see these people, are they like ghosts these ones that wish to remain?)                                                                                               These so-called ghosts, No1 is laughing, this is not for you No1 this is their belief. I will explain to you about a ghost. Somebody has done something in a manner, which is repetitive, then this is imprinted on the energy pattern from this person, so they go through the same things over and over again, this is why most people who say they have seen a ghost, do I suppose, but they will see them in the same places, the same surroundings always. They do not deviate from their pattern and their pathway.  (J. It is an energy), it is an energy, it isn’t a spirit, it is like a recording, it goes round and round and it is set to play at a certain time and it, (P. So it is not a spirit then?) No.  A Poltergeists is something very different, a different realm altogether, either a playful spirit or one which is much more dangerous…                                                                                                                                    (A. I’ve always understood that this could be a child, a spirit in a child……) Yes, this comes with the puberty of course, when the changes in the body are going on, sometimes this can release the energy that is disruptive, and it can be very disruptive, because it has more power, than the actual spiritual being itself, so it can be quite dangerous with the crashing about. This would need strong guidance and help, but usually things manage to calm down in the end, but it could be quite frightening, we could understand that.
(A. When you have got battlegrounds like  Glencoe, and you visit it, and you feel that negative energy, is there anything you can do to turn the negative energy positive again?) To think positive thoughts, to give out,….your thoughts are living things, and you must be careful what you think, you might get what you thought of, as thoughts are living things. If you think about something and direct it, and you think about it enough and direct it often enough, it can come to pass.  Have positive thoughts, as places of that sort have negative energy. You can walk into it, you can feel it, it is like a big wall, you know when you have hit it, and you pass into it, and you feel very uncomfortable.                                                                                            (A. So there is such a thing as the power of prayer). Yes there is, and you would be surprised that if you get enough people to do it all at the same time, and direct it, it can alter things, and because it alters the energy pattern again you see. It’s all to do with energy, movement, light, its all power, and it is governed by love as well, this will propel it further and faster forward, you see. So prayer is never wasted, but if you have a number of people all doing the same thing and praying for the same thing at the same time, surprising things happen. For as you know, there were those who already knew that something big was going to happen when the 9/11   occurred, because the energy field altered. They did not know what, where or when, but they knew that something was going to happen, because it was monitored you see on a Machine, and I think my friends that something like this will happen again, and in the not too distant future, and I’m not telling you something that you haven’t already thought of, because its been too quiet too long. Something is already being generated; we already know here that it is. The energy, you understand, but we don’t always know whence and where, but we know the energy is building, so that is something….but anyway, you have to live your life and go on, you can’t stop and wait for something to happen, because you don’t know when or where it may: and don’t forget the Pole Shift and the different things that are going on, and isn’t it unusual, that the news is not being carried forward, there are a lot of things going on, lots of flooding and earthquakes, and earth moves, and you are not being told, its all being played down.
(A. In this country, they say that there are problems with the water, and the mains are cracking, and I feel personally that it is because the earth is moving, and they are not telling……) It IS because it is moving, and its also drying out because of your weather pattern, which has changed you see and is drying the underneath .                                                                                          
                                Tape Ended…..

15Sept03   Remote Viewing. Colour & Absent Healing. Reincarnation. Ghosts. 4th Dimensional Prison Warders. Spirit Guides

                                                                                No 1
Good Evening my ladies.
The instrument is trying to make us come into line, because of our energy we are finding this difficult because we are already here. She is trying to hold us back, and it’s upsetting the energy, but she has the power.                                                          (J. It is the way she was taught.)                                                                                                 Now, the place that we come from is very light and very beautiful, but your earth plane viewed from afar is very beautiful also. The colours are wonderful, but ours are more so, the colours that we have are different to yours, you have never seen such colours. This is because we are all light, and a light energy-wave, as you already know. I’m going to leave you now, and let No3 edge closer. Wait until you see the figure as clearly as you can do, you understand me? This is important, because it helps with the flow of the message that is to come, that is if we are to get a message. (We do hope so). I think he has something to say, and I will move away ladies so that he may come further forward, as our energies don’t always mingle well with one another, and sometimes there is a clash. We have to separate properly so that he may come forward, and I may move back. It’s also intermingling with the instruments energy, and if she holds us back, we have to stand back, and we can’t get close because the energy pushes further out, and we do not like to intrude where we are not wanted yet. She is demonstrating how powerful she can be, (yes she is), we have to obey, for it is part of the agreement we have, that we would not want to upset her in any way.  I will be with you again my ladies, and I will leave you now for a moment or two and let No3 come. Remark on what you see, as it strengthens the picture.
Good evening my ladies, it is strong is it not? (Yes).  This is good it means the energy is balanced; this helps us as we go along.
This evening my ladies, I want to know how you got on with your remote viewing?                                (J. Well I think I’m doing quite well, surprisingly).                                                                       (P. I thought I was doing quite well, until this last week when I didn’t really have  full concentration in the 15 minutes).                                                                                            (A. I got the same as P, a bowl).                                                                                                               (J. Mine fragments in image, but it makes sense if you put the whole thing together).                                                                                                                                            This is good, don’t be disheartened by what you do get or don’t get. Keep working at it, and don’t get despondent. It will take a little time to sharpen up. It will sharpen up, I can assure you.  It will become accurate my children, the pictures will be stronger. Home in on the beacon you see. This will take you to whatever the object is. We will work up to something much harder later, the format might change a little, but we start of with the simple way and pave the way for something a little more exciting further along the road, which will inspire you to go on with it. What we have in mind will be fun, we know that people take part in it, and we could make it a little more interesting for you, but it would take some explaining and I don’t want to confuse you at the moment.                                                                                                                                           
  Now I want you to think about the remote viewing in a different way, some people here actually practise the absent healing.  Now you will be able to do this too, if you can strengthen the one, you will strengthen the other, and the other way round. For absent healing does work. You can actually alter the cells within a body, if you build up the power and the strength, do you understand me? But it will involve understanding a little of the person of whom you are trying to heal absently. You need to understand a little of the disease or what they are suffering from, so that you can all get together and pinpoint one particular place. You won’t need an in depth study of biology, but the actual illness or the disease itself, then you can all concentrate on one particular part. If somebody has cancer, its no good just homing in on cancer, you would need to know exactly WHERE it is, because you want to influence the cells that are there. If you want to rid them of it, you need to influence the cells, because you don’t want the rogue cells you know. In order to kill them off, you need to home in on a particular part of the body. Just to see it in the minds eye, so you can build up the picture, do you understand? This is important.
Colour is also important. The vibration of Colours also helps with the healing process, and YOU can produce this in a very simple way. Think of the colours and the vibration that they send out, and go with your instinct as to what to wear. For that will be what the body requires. The vortices within the body that produce colours and the resonance from them can be altered with the colour that you pick to wear. Your body will know instinctively which you should take and wear: the colour that you should take on board, even if it is only a hankie or a piece of material of that colour. Do you understand me? You will absorb the vibration from the colour, which will help with your body. Because the aura is in colours you see, you can heal the body through the aura: the energy field, the colours that come and radiate from them, from the vortices within the body. This is acceptable to you? Do you wish to ask me a question?                                                                                                                            
(A. If we wear a certain colour, say a blue, is it because our body needs that colour?) Yes, if you pick blue it is because the vortex needs it. It is the spinning of the vortex, the vibration from the vortex is not quite right, and it gets a sort of a blackened hole round where the colour is, and you need the colour so that the energy field can take up the vibration of the colour blue.                                              (A. Could we encourage someone with a certain illness, to wear a certain colour, so that this would help him or her?)                                                                                                            It would help them if they had no knowledge of their own and could not take on board the understanding of the energy fields and the vortices, and the way the aura works. If you look at the person, you will develop this sense, along with the remote viewing and the absent healing you understand me, and you would get to know what colour would be suitable for that person. You might suggest a colour that they have never thought of wearing, and they might say to you that they can’t wear that colour. But you should try and encourage them to, even if it isn’t somewhere that can be seen. Colour has a lot of power, and it is not taken seriously enough. You, yourself, are full of colour. When you are working, you exude these colours into your aura. Different shades of the aura blend one into the other, and it can change during the working time. Although you may be working at this present moment, and if you could photograph the aura as it emanates from you, you would see it change as to the power that was coming. This is part of what WE can work with you see, as the energy level, colour and vibration all draw us, and it helps us to mingle our energy with yours: although we do bring a certain something that you haven’t got here on your earth plane, and doesn’t come from you, we have to bring it to blend it as we have, mentioned before. (You have, yes). We take the energy from the earth, we bring our own energy with us, and we bring another something to mix with it to help to balance it, otherwise we couldn’t slow down enough to come close to you. It would be very difficult; we need to blend it, not to just come in but to actually blend with the colour, the energy field. Above all that, we have to have the person who is totally giving, and would be willing to stand aside so to speak, as it is metaphorically speaking, you understand me: as we cannot enter the body. We can only come within the energy field. We can come very, very close indeed. No1 is nodding, yes, very, very close.                                                                                                   (J. We feel that he is in our energy field quite often). I’m not surprised, I will have to have a word, because he shouldn’t be there when he is not working. (Laughs). He’s a bit of a rogue you know. 
Are there any questions that you wish to ask me?
(J&P. How much freedom as a spirit do we have, as how we return, or if we return? Are we locked into the cycle of reincarnation, do we have to…….?)
You are NOT locked into the cycle of Reincarnation , you do not have to return if you do not want to, it isn’t a foregone thing, and isn’t written that you must. You might find that you, for want of another word, were bored with the level that you were, and you would perhaps want to feel at some particular point, that you would like to move on, in which case maybe you would have to return and work again, polishing the facet of the diamond, which has been said before by many. This is how it works you see, you will move on a little further by fine-tuning yourself; but in any case, we have moved you to the fourth dimension, and you will be moved to the fifth dimension my ladies, you will be, even if No 1 has to drag you kicking and screaming. (Laughs). You will work towards that as you are partway between the fourth and the fifth, there is some work to do to get you into the fifth dimension.        I have heard that you speak often of the Fourth Dimensional Warders, can I ask YOU a question my ladies? Where do you get this from, and how do you get this idea?
(J. This David Icke the writer, he says that the Elite controls us, and they are controlled from a different dimension; they interfere with, and control our planet.)
This in a way is right, but it is a simplistic way of putting it of course, and that is the best way for you at this time. Now I see what you mean, we’d been given the idea that there were fourth dimensional prison warders as something terrible, that were going to hurt everybody moving into the fourth dimension. This is not going to happen. There are those in the fourth dimension, who are governing other energies and spirits; its complicated, and I don’t want to go down that road at this time, you understand me? I wanted to understand about these fourth dimension prison warders, and I said to No1 that they think that they are all going to end up in prison, move from one prison to another; a prison they’ve designed of their own making to another one there. We do not want you to think that, because it isn’t right. I understand now what is being thought and said about it now.                            (J. They are causing influence). Yes, there is always someone trying to influence someone else, trying to have the power, and of course, the power only comes with the power that you allow it to have, and you give it you see, if you allow something to be said and it overtakes you, and upsets you, this is the power that you have already given it because you have allowed it to be so. You have drawn it to you. Do you understand my ladies? (J. If you just love, can you attract just love too?) You also attract others, but it is how you deal with it of course, It’s as  I have just said, it is how you deal with it that will make or break it.                                                                               (P. If you reach the fifth dimension, does this alter your options for re-incarnation and return, or does it still remain the same?)
It remains open to you, but we feel that if you get to the Fifth Dimension my lady, you will not want to return, and I feel that the fourth dimensional people will not want to return either, but it is an option, there aren’t any rules and regulations, for if you want to move on further to the next layer, the option is there for you to return. This is difficult for me to say, for we work, you see in a slightly different manner. We are spirit, pure and simple. We are Light and Spirit. There are other spirits who work with you as well, that have lived before on the earth plane. But not all the  Guides that you have that come to you, have worked on the earth plane, there are those that are much higher that have never worked on the earth plane and have never needed to because they are pure. They come and they are pure straight away. There aren’t many of them, but there are some. The guides that are working with the one who is say bringing the loved one through an instrument, if the questions aren’t as one would like, then the guide can go back and ask for higher information, and the higher will come down. But you may have to wait for the answer, and some of them want the answer now, they are not prepared to wait. It will come in an inspiration you see. Everybody thinks that they thought of it themselves, but why didn’t they think of it before? (Ah.) This is the thing you see, their work is slightly different to us, for we come from elsewhere.                                     ( J. Where DO you come from?) I’m not going to tell you my friend. You assume we are Andromedans, and you are closer to the truth than you know.                         (J. Oh no…groans, we are curious). I’ll keep you guessing my friend, because we can work as the guides do, with the people here on your earth plane as well, and the ones that we work with aren’t always aware that we are slightly different to the guides that they are used to. Also, there are many spirits here on the earth plane that have never risen to their proper place, because of the wars that have gone on, there are many soldiers and armies, whose souls have never moved on.  They roam the earth plane, looking for their spot. We can’t cope with all of them, (how sad),  we and their guides will come and take them away, and they will go but some will not come with us, because they are convinced that they are STILL HERE. There are many from the different wars that will not move on, it is a terrible job to get them to move as they have made up in their minds that they are not dead. So they are walking the earth plane almost non-stop. It is very hard for us as spirit trying to coax them away, and it is more difficult if they don’t understand anything you see. Sometimes you get someone who passes who has no religious background at all. You can help them much easier than those who have a religious belief, because they expect this and that, and the other that is written and taught them.                        (J. Indoctrination ?)                                                                                                                            (A. It doesn’t help to have negative energy around you). No it doesn’t, the whole earth plane needs more positive energy, to help it to move forward in a satisfactory way.                                                                                                                                                               (P. Are these people like ghosts, would we see these people, are they like ghosts these ones that wish to remain?)                                                                                               These so-called ghosts, No1 is laughing, this is not for you No1 this is their belief. I will explain to you about a ghost. Somebody has done something in a manner, which is repetitive, then this is imprinted on the energy pattern from this person, so they go through the same things over and over again, this is why most people who say they have seen a ghost, do I suppose, but they will see them in the same places, the same surroundings always. They do not deviate from their pattern and their pathway.  (J. It is an energy), it is an energy, it isn’t a spirit, it is like a recording, it goes round and round and it is set to play at a certain time and it, (P. So it is not a spirit then?) No.  A Poltergeists is something very different, a different realm altogether, either a playful spirit or one which is much more dangerous…                                                                                                                                    (A. I’ve always understood that this could be a child, a spirit in a child……) Yes, this comes with the puberty of course, when the changes in the body are going on, sometimes this can release the energy that is disruptive, and it can be very disruptive, because it has more power, than the actual spiritual being itself, so it can be quite dangerous with the crashing about. This would need strong guidance and help, but usually things manage to calm down in the end, but it could be quite frightening, we could understand that.
(A. When you have got battlegrounds like  Glencoe, and you visit it, and you feel that negative energy, is there anything you can do to turn the negative energy positive again?) To think positive thoughts, to give out,….your thoughts are living things, and you must be careful what you think, you might get what you thought of, as thoughts are living things. If you think about something and direct it, and you think about it enough and direct it often enough, it can come to pass.  Have positive thoughts, as places of that sort have negative energy. You can walk into it, you can feel it, it is like a big wall, you know when you have hit it, and you pass into it, and you feel very uncomfortable.                                                                                            (A. So there is such a thing as the power of prayer). Yes there is, and you would be surprised that if you get enough people to do it all at the same time, and direct it, it can alter things, and because it alters the energy pattern again you see. It’s all to do with energy, movement, light, its all power, and it is governed by love as well, this will propel it further and faster forward, you see. So prayer is never wasted, but if you have a number of people all doing the same thing and praying for the same thing at the same time, surprising things happen. For as you know, there were those who already knew that something big was going to happen when the 9/11   occurred, because the energy field altered. They did not know what, where or when, but they knew that something was going to happen, because it was monitored you see on a Machine, and I think my friends that something like this will happen again, and in the not too distant future, and I’m not telling you something that you haven’t already thought of, because its been too quiet too long. Something is already being generated; we already know here that it is. The energy, you understand, but we don’t always know whence and where, but we know the energy is building, so that is something….but anyway, you have to live your life and go on, you can’t stop and wait for something to happen, because you don’t know when or where it may: and don’t forget the Pole Shift and the different things that are going on, and isn’t it unusual, that the news is not being carried forward, there are a lot of things going on, lots of flooding and earthquakes, and earth moves, and you are not being told, its all being played down.
(A. In this country, they say that there are problems with the water, and the mains are cracking, and I feel personally that it is because the earth is moving, and they are not telling……) It IS because it is moving, and its also drying out because of your weather pattern, which has changed you see and is drying the underneath .                                                                                          
                                Tape Ended…..

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