Once upon a time ... three British ladies who sat in a circle with one medium and three Beings of Light who, attracted by the Light of their auras, came and started a cycle extraordinarily informative messages which triggered my spiritual awakening.

This is my tribute to all of them because I know that the many still sleeping and skeptical will see the beauty and the message of Light and Love contained in each of them.

Be at peace

I am no-one special. I am a curious, problem solving type who's strict upbringing in the Catholic community gave me the foundation of a service to others ethic and a resolve for justice and peace.

I guess that is why, when drawn to others who were able to see beyond the ordinary we were chosen to receive outstanding messages, and beyond that, to see the MESSENGERS

We had a talented medium who was able to 'move over' and let spiritual light beings use her voice.

We were told things that would freeze us with fear, and others that were so amazing we would literally be silent and gasping at the end of the sessions.

We did this for about 8 years off and on. Above all we were compelled to return nearly every Monday for another gruelling session that would ultimately wake us out of our comfortable slumber and start the process of truth, research and upliftment.

Even more astonishing was the fact that we saw three separate light beings distinct from each other. We tested each other to see if we were imagining them and named them 1, 2 and 3 in order of appearance in many tests. The numbers stuck and the transcriptions state thus. (The Beings of Light preferred this too, as when asked their names, they insisted that we wouldn't know them, and that numbers were fine).

I found a reference to our phenomenon in an ancient script. The Apochryphon of John.

(In the light I beheld a youth who stood beside me. Even as I looked he became like an old man, then like a servant. Yet there were not three before me, but one, with multiple forms appearing through each other as though transparent. He said to me, "John, John, why do you doubt? And why are you afraid? I am the one who is with you always. I am the Father. I am the Mother. I am the Son.")

Curiously, this is EXACTLY how we saw our B.O.L. Morphing and then settling into one familiar face. It makes you think about what was reported from ancient times, and who these ‘apparitions’ really were.

Ours when asked who they were, said: Alpha, Omega, Andromeda. Still makes me tingle to think of the possibilities!


Saturday, December 1, 2012


12th January 2004

   Mithras & Mazra Update.  Transit of Weapons.  Palestine and Israel.

                                                                       No 1

We understand that there has been some consternation, because we were already here waiting for you, and heard you talking. (Yes), and of course there are problems which we will help you to negotiate as we go along this evening but first we need to expand the energy, for No 3 is waiting to come to speak to you.

I must leave it for him to say because he is insistent that he speaks, but it’s nice to be with you again. I haven’t spoken to you for a little while now and it is nice to be with my ladies once more (thank you very much), and we hope that you do not disband, and that this will continue. It might not continue in the same vein but we won’t leave you high and dry, as the instrument would say. I’ll leave you now and let you expand your energy a little more if you can and we will try and make the energy balance too. (Thank you).

  (We had had a little difficulty over the content of the last session, and one of us had great problems coming to terms with the message. At no time had any of us seriously considered disbanding).
                                                                           No 3

It is nice to be with you once more. I can understand the consternation that there is amongst you of course, because it is the enormity of the Situation that we have spoken about, and we are sorry that we have put this on you. Perhaps we should not have brought it to your notice in the first instance, but we feel we would not be doing our job if we did not, because this is not something that you could bypass you understand (J. I understand), and we understand your position, that you feel you cannot or do not know, which way to go with it as yet, but you WILL find a way my ladies for you will be inspired to find a way, (thank you). 

Now don’t expect to make a massive impression because this is not how it will work, (no). If it were only you that knew about all this, then nobody would take notice of you whatsoever.  You understand do you not, that there ARE others that also well aware and your knowledge will just add a little impact as you have already spoken about. 

It will add a little so that the build up will be gradual but in the end somebody will take notice and we think that they are already beginning to take notice anyway, (thank god); and we shall deal with these situations. 

There is the problem of course that we would like the Palestinians and the Israelis to come together to form some bridge of friendship, which they find obviously impossible at the moment. Now there may be a way through, they may talk to one another but you see then, I’m sorry I bring you more but I need you to think about this, I need to put you in the picture so to speak about something that could happen. 

If the leader of the Palestinians came to some agreement with the Israelis it may be that the Palestinians would assassinate their own leader. It could also happen with the Israelis you see, because all the Israelis would not be in favour of an agreement, so they could assassinate their leader you understand? (J. Like Rabin).

You see the problem. They are caught between a rock and a hard place so to speak. They might want to see their way through; there may be ways that they can come together. Not absolutely and completely but there may be a pathway through you understand (yes), but there are outsiders you see of Israel that would like to see it disappear. It is not always the Palestinians; the Arabs generally you see, also need their say, you understand, (very much)? So therefore this is the problem. Although we thought in the first instance, perhaps what we discussed before, was coming from Russia, we think it will eventually appear from  Libya   ( Libya ) J. Ahh).    (Refer to 4th Jan and previous transcripts)

Ahh, you watch this and see, and don’t get depressed about anything because we know it’s hard and easy to say don’t, and because you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. 

There is a light and there is a tunnel and there are others within the tunnel who can see the light even if you cannot (yes, good) you understand? (Yes, of course). It is not inevitable, as I have said before. I am sorry to bring this to your notice and perhaps we must look at other things differently and more carefully next time. 

I have thought about this and we have spoken about between ourselves about it and No 1 has already said it is too much to carry, but then in the light of day so to speak if we did not speak of it and it is the biggest thing that could happen to you then where would we be, where would we be then? (Exactly). 

So if it appears and it is understood and comes forward into the news, then you would think to yourselves well why did they not tell us about it? How much of a bigger problem do you have to have do you understand me? So we could not just walk away on the other side (no) you see because we were, well we are afraid of putting it all on yourselves so to speak as our friend here said it’s too much and it is too much, but we are hoping that you will be inspired and there will come a breakthrough and you will find a little niche where you can open the door a little you see, and you will be able to tell what you know do you understand me? 

What we have given you and it will add to the others that have already been spoken to. Don’t forget there are other circles apart from yours, which we have infiltrated so to speak, to be able to speak to others, not many I can assure you. For some, unlike you, have not had the wit to continue or the bravery, because you see you are brave people. 

The smaller you are and the enormity of the news or the information you carry makes you brave, (thank you) you understand me. You are the bravest ones for those that are used to carrying such news it just bypasses them and they think nothing of it, well they would think something of it but not in the same way that you are doing you understand? (Yes I do). 

We will try and lessen the worry for the one that worries the most, we will come to you my ladies ( P. thank you. I’m sorry if I show weakness). You are not weak; you speak as you feel from the heart, and this we appreciate very much. For maybe you speak for others as well only they’re feeling in good heart at the moment, but in the weaker time when they’re on their own and they think, then you see you speak for them as well (thank you) you understand? 

We will come and try and lighten your burden you must not worry yourself for you, as you say, on your own cannot do anything, but its a little, we can add a little something to the pile that is already beginning to be built. (I understand), it isn’t as if you are carrying it all by yourselves, you will not ( no ), there are others out there who know what is going on and hopefully it will be stopped in good time (yes). Don’t feel downhearted about it we don’t feel downhearted about it, for we want you to survive (thank you).

Your earth plane will always survive but we want it to be a place where humanity can survive as well. It is very beautiful place (it is, we love it). Not as beautiful as ours (laughs). You will see it one day my ladies you will see but we don’t want you to come yet, (no we don’t) you understand? (Yes).                                                                  

It is not yet time and you need and have work to do, and it is as the medium said, that even if you walk away from friend, it will be with you forever ( P.I know). I’m sorry but once you enter into it you cannot escape it. You will go away and try and live your life but occasionally it will creep back and gradually something will draw you back in again *** (I know) maybe not here but elsewhere.                           

You are caught, (J. You are on the hook), you are on the hook. You can wriggle but you won’t get off (laughs), No 1 will make sure that you do not. He likes wriggling, he can go and help he said, untangle things anyhow. I know what he means, you have to watch this one; he’s No 1 for a reason (yes I’m sure, laughs). He thinks he’s No 1, (J. We called him No 1 didn’t we) He is No 1; it is a good name for him, for he thinks he’s first, last and second also. (J. You’re modest number 3?). 

I’m very modest No 3; this is part of my charm (laughs) you understand (absolutely), and I’m not going to give you any heavy messages tonight; I’m going to leave you because of the enormity of that which I brought you last time we met, and we cannot go on further forward at the moment with this; maybe next time we meet we’ll bring something a little lighter. 

We have tried to lighten this evening, and I hope we have helped you put some things in perspective (yes), and we’ll come to you my friends if you have doubt in your heart which you as humans would only be expected to have, you understand? (yes), but you must not dwell on it for do not think always on the negative side (no). For there is help. They are not all fools out here out there you know (no). There are a lot of them about but there are a good few that are not and do understand what is going on as well. But if you can find a way of adding your little bit towards the whole so much the better, we will inspire you and you will be drawn to the light my dears. 

You must wonder why we cannot tell you exactly what to do. It is not in your interest that we do this. You must find your own way for our way may not be for you. It would be too easy I think. It needs to be worked at. For we could only alter so much in so much time, we couldn’t alter the whole, you understand (yes). 

It has to be done from within rather than from without. We can only do what we can do. We have come because we have seen this coming for a long time this is why we have made the effort to come and contact you. Not particularly you I am sorry to say as we have tried different circles, which I said have closed down because of us, because they do not understand from where we come from; but because you do not come from this planet anyway, we felt we had more of a chance. For there is latent belief in your mind, you understand.

There is something laying there that is dormant, and you’d be drawn to us and us to you (yes, very much), although we do not all come from the SAME place but you are not of this place here (no). Perhaps we will tell you more about this (Oh we would love to hear that) I expect you would and it is a big subject and we must take it a little at a time. 

I’m going to go now my friends **** so you will not have anything to worry about, and nothing for you to write about my friend perhaps I don’t know if you will want to transcribe it or not, it is up to you ( J. I will, I will).

By the way, Mazra. The meaning of Mazra is not too obvious but I tell you it IS a place, but the meaning of Mazra means SEED (ahh). Now look at Mithras and the meaning of Mithras, and Mazra is seed, is seeded (yes), I will tell you this because I cannot bear to watch you search any longer. ( J. He’s depicted as being in an egg brought in by light bearers so I think we guessed a little bit). Yes you are on the right pathway, but we cannot stand the agony (laughs).

( J. That was a great help, thank you so much, so Mazra is seed?) <Mazra is seed or seeded (ah lovely) Not from this place (no, yes it ties in now) and I will go now my friends (thank you for coming) we will be with you my friend.

Do not take it all on your shoulders on your own, we will come at night and help to relieve you of some of it to lighten your pathway or any of you that we feel need it. (P. I want to do what is right). 

This one is particularly sensitive on the surface as well as deep whereas the others, the deeper sensitivity does not come to the fore so quickly and we know and understand this (thank you) *** now so we will come and we hope you enjoy the ride my friend (we do, we call it a paper chase). No 1 will come and help you, you won’t enjoy it much ( J. I will become sensitive just for No 1 to come I think). I’m sure he will oblige, he is smiling yes, he cannot wait so I will leave you with that and hope you enjoy the rest of your evening (thank you so much for your reassurance) It’s quite all right my friend it is quite all right, we understand, we are not without feeling s, ( thank you) I give you my blessing (thank you so much).


FOLLOWS THE LINKS……………………………………………………………

 (  Mossad Exposed In Phony  'Palestinian Al Qaeda' Caper )
 (Warnings from Islam's 'messianic whirlpool')                            http://www.esotericastrologer.org/AW%20Essays/AWessaysJC2.htm

 ( Mithras, Masra, seed?)
 (Hamas. Lengthy, but interesting with references to Freemasonry and Zionism)
(This is the bible code reference to Mazra and the seed, in case you can’t access it on the Mazra link….this is the Eureka moment for me!)


                                                                No 2

I bring you the Divine light of the Divinity. I feel the pressure that you are under and I come to give you some consolation in your time of trouble. You must understand it is we that are going to help you through your worst time you understand me (yes) .I bring you the light and the love of the Divine one to wrap you in, to make it cosy, to wrap you in this warm Divine light from the Divine one, for it brings the light even brighter than before for we know you cannot take the full light that the Divine one is made up of, for you are not ready for that yet so we have to be careful of *** the light that we know we can bathe you in at this moment for your development you understand (yes). 

My children of the Divine one, I cannot bear to see you hurt or depressed, under pressure but it is the only way you will be able to get through to you for you to help yourselves you understand (yes). We will help you as much as we can and I bring you the chalice of love once more for you to drink from it take it for your families and for your friends also that they may drink for the Divine one sends it specifically for you my ladies, my children, my blessed children from the Divine light. For we need you so much to carry on your good work you understand? You must not falter. We can understand if you do but we cannot let you falter at this moment for you are needed by others on this planet you understand? (Yes). 

The beauty is the light and the love of the Divinity it brings and maybe when the tears have gone may there be rainbows for you at the end and bring light and love and warmth and happiness and sunlight to shine on you and your friends and your partners, and for everybody on the face on this Earth that is in distress. For there is blood on the sword and the sun dries the blood on the sword and your ground and Earth is saturated with blood, it is time now to stop this (yes).

We must stop this you understand we must bring the light and the love closer to you that you can understand even more. We must impress you with this (yes) and we give this light from the Divinity that will help you lighten up the dark places, you understand my children. You take the light and the love and do what you can in your own small corner for this is where the help is needed. You will find that people will be drawn to you, they will need your help and your love, for they need it for their everyday problems you understand, and
you are there and are capable of helping them with this, for you have the Divine, light round you that envelopes you and wraps you and cradles you for the Divine one wants you to help you see (yes). 

We need you to help, to bring help to others (we will). To soften the blows that life has put upon them (yes). I don’t mean the deep things that No 3 has spoken of, I’m talking about the everyday living that we must do (yes) you understand. The Divine one will give the light and the strength. No more tears now, no more blood on the sword, no more Earth sodden with the blood of the ones that have gone before. Such a waste such a waste my friends, such a waste. 

I will leave you now with this Divine love and |I will take you to the stars **** and **** if the moments between sleep and waking I will take you to the stars to the ends of the rainbows, so you may be uplifted for next time my friends I leave you now with m y blessings from the Divine one I feel the love that comes from you, the tug always the tug. It brings tears to my eyes also. But I must leave you now. Be uplifted *** for I will come again, I will come again for the Divine light will take you forward until we meet again, my friends, my daughters, always my daughters of the Divine light I thank you (thank you).

                                                                               No 1

Until we meet again I am going to help you as much as is possible, also No 3. We will do all in our power to help you. You must not worry. I shall be with you all the time and I’ll watch over you and you dear lady you must not be so sorrowful.  Be uplifted, for this is not a time to waver, not now my friend. I will leave you now my ladies it is not usual for me to come after No 2 but we felt this evening that you needed extra help (courage).  (P. Thank you for your strength)

12Jan 04   Mithras & Mazra Update.  Transit of Weapons.  Palestine and Israel.
We understand that there has been some consternation, because we were already here waiting for you, and heard you talking. (Yes), and of course there are problems which we will help you to negotiate as we go along this evening but first we need to expand the energy, for No 3 is waiting to come to speak to you. 
I must leave it for him to say because he is insistent that he speaks, but it’s nice to be with you again. I haven’t spoken to you for a little while now and it is nice to be with my ladies once more (thank-you very much), and we hope that you do not disband, and that this will continue. It might not continue in the same vein but we won’t leave you high and dry, as the instrument would say. I’ll leave you now and let you expand your energy a little more if you can and we will try and make the energy balance too. (Thank-you).

  (We had had a little difficulty over the content of the last session, and one of us had great problems coming to terms with the message. At no time had any of us seriously considered disbanding).

It is nice to be with you once more. I can understand the consternation
that there is amongst you of course, because it is the enormity of the Situation
that we have spoken about, and we are sorry that we have put this on you. Perhaps
we should not have brought it to your notice in the first instance, but
we feel we would not be doing our job if we did not, because this is not
something that you could bypass you understand (J. I understand), and we understand your position, that you feel you cannot or do not know, which way to go with it as yet, but you WILL find a way my ladies for you will be inspired to find a way, (thank-you). Now don’t expect to make a massive impression because this
is not how it will work, (no). If it were only you that knew about all this, then nobody would take notice of you whatsoever.  You understand do you not, that there ARE others that also well aware and your knowledge will just add a little impact as you have already spoken about. It will add a little so that the build up will be gradual but in the end somebody will take notice and we think that they are already beginning to take notice anyway, (thank god); and we shall deal with these situations. There is the problem of course that we would like the Palestinians and the Israelis to come together to form some bridge of friendship, which they find obviously impossible at the moment. Now there may be a way through, they may talk to one another but you see then, I’m sorry I bring you more but I need you to think about this, I need to put you in the picture so to speak about something that could happen. If the leader of the Palestinians came to some agreement with the Israelis it may be that the Palestinians would assassinate their own leader. It could also happen with the Israelis you see, because all the Israelis would not be in favour
of an agreement, so they could assassinate their leader you understand? (J. Like Rabin).
You see the problem. They are caught between a rock and a hard place so to
speak. They might want to see their way through; there may be ways that they
can come together. Not absolutely and completely but there may be a pathway
through you understand (yes), but there are outsiders you see of Israel that
would like to see it disappear. It is not always the Palestinians; the Arabs generally you see, also need their say, you understand, (very much)? So therefore
this is the problem. Although we thought in the first instance, perhaps what we discussed before, was coming from Russia, we think it will eventually appear from  Libya   ( Libya ) J. Ahh).    (Refer to 4th Jan and previous transcripts)

Ahh, you watch this and see, and don’t get depressed about anything because we know it’s hard and easy to say don’t, and because you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. There is a light and there is a tunnel and there are others within the tunnel who can see the light even if you cannot (yes, good) you understand? (Yes, of course). It is not inevitable, as I have said before. I am sorry to bring
this to your notice and perhaps we must look at other things differently
and more carefully next time. I have thought about this and we have spoken
about between ourselves about it and No 1 has already said it is too
much to carry, but then in the light of day so to speak if we did not speak
of it and it is the biggest thing that could happen to you then where would
we be, where would we be then? (Exactly). So if it appears and it is understood
and comes forward into the news, then you would think to yourselves well
why did they not tell us about it? How much of a bigger problem do you have
to have do you understand me? So we could not just walk away on the other
side (no) you see because we were, well we are afraid of putting it all on
yourselves so to speak as our friend here said it’s too much and it is too
much, but we are hoping that you will be inspired and there will come a
breakthrough and you will find a little niche where you can open the door a little
you see, and you will be able to tell what you know do you understand me? What we have given you and it will add to the other s that have already been spoken to. Don’t forget there are other circles apart from yours, which we have infiltrated
so to speak, to be able to speak to others, not many I can assure you. For
some, unlike you, have not had the wit to continue or the bravery, because you see you are brave people. The smaller you are and the enormity of the news or
the information you carry makes you brave, (thank-you) you understand me.
You are the bravest ones for those that are used to carrying such news it
just bypasses them and they think nothing of it, well they would think something
of it but not in the same way that you are doing you understand? (Yes I
do). We will try and lessen the worry for the one that worries the
most, we will come to you my ladies ( P. thank you. I’m sorry if I show weakness).
You are not weak; you speak as you feel from the heart, and this we appreciate
very much. For maybe you speak for others as well only they’re feeling in
good heart at the moment, but in the weaker time when they’re on their own
and they think, then you see you speak for them as well (thank you) you understand?
We will come and try and lighten your burden you must not worry yourself
for you, as you say, on your own cannot do anything, but its a little,
we can add a little something to the pile that is already beginning to be built.
(I understand), it isn’t as if you are carrying it all by yourselves, you will
not ( no ), there are others out there who know what is going on and hopefully
it will be stopped in good time (yes). Don’t feel downhearted about it we
don’t feel downhearted about it, for we want you to survive (thank you).
 Your earth plane will always survive but we want it to be a place where humanity can survive as well. It is very beautiful place (it is, we love it). Not as beautiful as ours (laughs). You will see it one day my ladies you will see but we don’t want you to come yet, (no we don’t) you understand? (Yes).                                                                   It is not yet time and you need and have work to do, and it is as the medium said, that even if you walk away from friend, it will be with you forever ( P.I know).

I’m sorry but once you enter into it you cannot escape it. You will go away and try
and live your life but occasionally it will creep back and gradually something
will draw you back in again *** (I know) maybe not here but elsewhere.                           You are caught, (J. You are on the hook), you are on the hook. You can wriggle but you won’t get off (laughs), No 1 will make sure that you do not. He likes
wriggling, he can go and help he said, untangle things anyhow. I know what
he means, you have to watch this one; he’s No 1 for a reason (yes I’m
sure, laughs). He thinks he’s No 1, (J. We called him No 1 didn’t we)
He is No 1; it is a good name for him, for he thinks he’s first, last
and second also. (J. You’re modest number 3?). I’m very modest No 3; this
is part of my charm (laughs) you understand (absolutely), and I’m not going
to give you any heavy messages tonight; I’m going to leave you because of
the enormity of that which I brought you last time we met, and we cannot
go on further forward at the moment with this; maybe next time we meet we’ll
bring something a little lighter. We have tried to lighten this evening, and I hope we have helped you put some things in perspective (yes), and we’ll come to you my friends if you have doubt in your heart which you as humans would only be expected to have you understand? (yes), but you must not dwell on it for do not think always on the negative side (no). For there is help. They are not all fools
out here out there you know (no). There are a lot of them about but there
are a good few that are not and do understand what is going on as well.
But if you can find a way of adding your little bit towards the whole so much the better, we will inspire you and you will be drawn to the light my dears. You must wonder why we cannot tell you exactly what to do. It is not in your interest
that we do this. You must find your own way for our way may not be for you.
It would be too easy I think. It needs to be worked at. For we could only
alter so much in so much time, we couldn’t alter the whole you understand
(yes). It has to be done from within rather than from without. We can only
do what we can do. We have come because we have seen this coming for a long
time this is why we have made the effort to come and contact you. Not particularly
you I am sorry to say as we have tried different circles, which I said have closed down because of us, because they do not understand from where we come
from; but because you do not come from this planet anyway, we felt we had
more of a chance. For there is latent belief in your mind, you understand.
There is something laying there that is dormant, and you’d be drawn to us and us
to you (yes, very much), although we do not all come from the SAME place
but you are not of this place here (no). Perhaps we will tell you more about this
(Oh we would love to hear that) I expect you would and it is a big subject
and we must take it a little at a time. I’m going to go now my friends ****
so you will not have anything to worry about, and nothing for you to write
about my friend perhaps I don’t know if you will want to transcribe it or not it
is up to you ( J. I will I will).
By the way, Mazra. The meaning of Mazra is not too obvious but I tell you
it IS a place, but the meaning of Mazra means SEED (ahh). Now look at Mithras and the meaning of Mithras, and Mazra is seed is seeded (yes), I will tell
you this because I cannot bear to watch you search any longer. ( J. He’s depicted
as being in an egg brought in by light bearers so I think we guessed a little
bit). Yes you are on the right pathway, but we cannot stand the agony (laughs).
( J. That was a great help, thank you so much, so Mazra is seed?) <Mazra is seed
or seeded (ah lovely) Not from this place (no, yes it ties in now) and I
will go now my friends (thank you for coming) we will be with you my friend.
Do not take it all on your shoulders on your own, we will come at night and
help to relieve you of some of it to lighten your pathway or any of you
that we feel need it. (P. I want to do what is right). This one is particularly sensitive
on the surface as well as deep whereas the others, the deeper sensitivity
does not come to the fore so quickly and we know and understand this (thank
you) *** now so we will come and we hope you enjoy the ride my
friend (we do, we call it a paper chase). No 1 will come and help you,
you won’t enjoy it much ( J. I will become sensitive just for No 1 to come I
think). I’m sure he will oblige, he is smiling yes, he cannot wait so I
will leave you with that and hope you enjoy the rest of your evening (thank you so
much for your reassurance) It’s quite all right my friend it is quite all
right, we understand, we are not without feeling s, ( thank you) I give
you my blessing (thank you so much).
   No2 FOLLOWS THE LINKS……………………………………………………………

 (  Mossad Exposed In Phony  'Palestinian Al Qaeda' Caper )
 (Warnings from Islam's 'messianic whirlpool')                            http://www.esotericastrologer.org/AW%20Essays/AWessaysJC2.htm
 ( Mithras, Masra, seed?)
 (Hamas. Lengthy, but interesting with references to Freemasonry and Zionism)
(This is the bible code reference to Mazra and the seed, in case you can’t access it on the Mazra link….this is the Eureka moment for me!)                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

                                                                No 2
I bring you the Divine light of the Divinity. I feel the pressure that you
are under and I come to give you some consolation in your time of trouble. You
must understand it is we that are going to help you through your worst time
you understand me (yes) .I bring you the light and the love of the Divine
one to wrap you in, to make it cosy, to wrap you in this warm Divine light
from the Divine one, for it brings the light even brighter than before for
we know you cannot take the full light that the Divine one is made up of,
for you are not ready for that yet so we have to be careful of *** the light
that we know we can bathe you in at this moment for your development you
understand (yes). My children of the Divine one, I cannot bear to see you hurt
or depressed, under pressure but it is the only way you will be able to get
through to you for you to help yourselves you understand (yes). We will help you
as much as we can and I bring you the chalice of love once more for you
to drink from it take it for your families and for your friends also that
they may drink for the Divine one sends it specifically for you my ladies my
children my blessed children from the Divine light. For we need you so much
to carry on your good work you understand? You must not falter we can understand if you do but we cannot let you falter at this moment for you are needed by others on this planet you understand? (Yes). The beauty is the light
and the love of the Divinity it brings and maybe when the tears have gone
may there be rainbows for you at the end and bring light and love and warmth
and happiness and sunlight to shine on you and your friends and your partners, and for everybody on the face on this earth that is in distress. For there
is blood on the sword and the sun dries the blood on the sword and your
ground and earth is saturated with blood, it is time now to stop this (yes)
We must stop this you understand we must bring the light and the love closer
to you that you can understand even more we must impress you with this (yes)
and we give this light from the Divinity that will help you lighten up the dark places,
you understand my children. You take the light and the love and do what
you can in your own small corner for this is where the help is needed. You
will find that people will be drawn to you, they will need your help and
your love, for they need it for their everyday problems you understand, and
you are there and are capable of helping them with this, for you have the Divine, light round you that envelopes you and wraps you and cradles you for the Divine
one wants you to help you see (yes). We need you to help, to bring help to
others (we will). To soften the blows that life has put upon them (yes). I don’t
mean the deep things that No 3 has spoken of, I’m talking about the everyday
living that we must do (yes) you understand. The Divine one will give the
light and the strength. No more tears now, no more blood on the sword, no
more earth sodden with the blood of the ones that have gone before. Such
a waste such a waste my friends, such a waste. I will leave you now with
this Divine love and |I will take you to the stars **** and **** if the
moments between sleep and waking I will take you to the stars to the ends
of the rainbows, so you may be uplifted for next time my friends I leave you now with m y blessings from the Divine one I feel the love that comes from you, the tug always the tug. It brings tears to my eyes also. But I must leave you now. Be uplifted
*** for I will come again, I will come again for the Divine light will take
you forward until we meet again, my friends, my daughters, always my daughters
of the Divine light I thank you (thank you).


Until we meet again I am going to help you as much as is possible, also No
3. We will do all in our power to help you. You must not worry. I shall
be with you all the time and I’ll watch over you and you dear lady you must
not be so sorrowful.  Be uplifted, for this is not a time to waver not now my
friend. I will leave you now my ladies it is not usual for me to come after
No 2 but we felt this evening that you needed extra help (courage).  (P. Thank you for your strength)

Offline -  http://www.spirit-truths.co.uk

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