Once upon a time ... three British ladies who sat in a circle with one medium and three Beings of Light who, attracted by the Light of their auras, came and started a cycle extraordinarily informative messages which triggered my spiritual awakening.

This is my tribute to all of them because I know that the many still sleeping and skeptical will see the beauty and the message of Light and Love contained in each of them.

Be at peace

I am no-one special. I am a curious, problem solving type who's strict upbringing in the Catholic community gave me the foundation of a service to others ethic and a resolve for justice and peace.

I guess that is why, when drawn to others who were able to see beyond the ordinary we were chosen to receive outstanding messages, and beyond that, to see the MESSENGERS

We had a talented medium who was able to 'move over' and let spiritual light beings use her voice.

We were told things that would freeze us with fear, and others that were so amazing we would literally be silent and gasping at the end of the sessions.

We did this for about 8 years off and on. Above all we were compelled to return nearly every Monday for another gruelling session that would ultimately wake us out of our comfortable slumber and start the process of truth, research and upliftment.

Even more astonishing was the fact that we saw three separate light beings distinct from each other. We tested each other to see if we were imagining them and named them 1, 2 and 3 in order of appearance in many tests. The numbers stuck and the transcriptions state thus. (The Beings of Light preferred this too, as when asked their names, they insisted that we wouldn't know them, and that numbers were fine).

I found a reference to our phenomenon in an ancient script. The Apochryphon of John.

(In the light I beheld a youth who stood beside me. Even as I looked he became like an old man, then like a servant. Yet there were not three before me, but one, with multiple forms appearing through each other as though transparent. He said to me, "John, John, why do you doubt? And why are you afraid? I am the one who is with you always. I am the Father. I am the Mother. I am the Son.")

Curiously, this is EXACTLY how we saw our B.O.L. Morphing and then settling into one familiar face. It makes you think about what was reported from ancient times, and who these ‘apparitions’ really were.

Ours when asked who they were, said: Alpha, Omega, Andromeda. Still makes me tingle to think of the possibilities!


Saturday, December 1, 2012

02 + 08:06:2003

 Monday 2nd June 2003


No 1

Can you see me (Not well, that’s better, that is much better) – you are seeing the right one aren’t you? 

(You look like No 1) – Yes, it is No 1. 

Good evening my ladies. I came this evening to speak to you. The instrument here has been on her journey and I think she has enjoyed it very much. (Yes).  

Although she has had a few minor problems since she has returned  - minor physical problems. You could not go and experience what she had without some sort of reaction when you return.  Emotionally and physically you must expect this but it is only temporary you understand. If we thought there was the possibility of damage of course not, we would not even try to attempt it, (No). This is just a temporary feeling of unease in the body as it is quite a journey and at great speed to which you are not accustomed.

I thought about something that I don’t fully understand but just to brighten the mood, I thought about the moving of the Earth laughs. (We understand). You can’t get better than that or perhaps we could. 

I don’t know – we’ll have to look into that. Your turn will come my friends (we know) and you, as I said before you will not remember either, we do not desire that you should because we know that you would not want to come back. But like your instrument has told you. This is something to remind you of your journey you understand (yes).  

I will leave you now my friends and try to balance things up – but I must say that when we are working and I am in charge of the balancing of the energy.  I also keep my eye on the instrument so that if she becomes tired and we have to withdraw halfway through, you will understand this (of course). 

It possibly would only be at this moment in time, we will see how we progress and   I must remind No 3 not to leave at speed  - but he thinks it is slow – isn’t. I’ve tried to explain this but sometimes he gets it wrong (yes). We are going to try and control the shaking because this also uses up energy, which could also be used, but we’ll have to see. 

I’ll leave you now my ladies as I feel that No 3 is on the hover and wants to move in.

                                                                   No 3

Good evening is it clear or not (it looks like No 1 again).

We are having a problem, I must tell you. You understand that some of the things spoken about this evening are not for the general public. (No). I will leave you again and see what happens (I can see now). (The face is starting to come through) This is good my children (Clearer) (Yes much better).

I’m moving in closer so the shaking starts you realise – I don’t want the instrument to focus on it. It’s inhibiting things.  

This evening my ladies – I’m glad to be with you – you are waiting for your trip, which we have promised. No 1 is elated that he had taken the instrument and by her reaction as she was… It interferes with the physical being as well as the emotions. It’s only temporary but it can be an inconvenience.

All above this line--Not for the public to see-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Now let us look at what we have at this moment in time. I have been looking at this European Government thing that your president, your Prime Minister   wants you to belong. To all go quietly and belong to the European Union, does he not? 

Yes – and you want to have a referendum, your instrument is worked up about this as she feels I know, that people should be allowed to make the decisions. He does not speak for everybody – (No). Especially at this time. Underneath it, and I have taught you how to look underneath it, and what would be happening if you joined this Union. His hope would be that he would be the Leader of the Union. But I don’t think the others will allow it – because he’s upset them so.    


8th June 2003    

Our Reptilian DNA, Photon Light, Re-Growing limbs, Seeded Armies                                               
                                                                  No 1

Yes, it is no 1 who wishes to speak to you. ( We had been saying that it was definitely no 1 who we could see). Good evening. I understand………Private message……..

                                                                   No 3

Good evening my friends, I welcome you all. I hope I am welcome, (very much), thank  you. I have been listening very intently to No 1, he doesn’t usually speak very much, but he’s plucked up the courage this evening. He is always goading me and telling me I get things back to front, and I do sometimes, I apologise for that, but it is my eagerness to get everything out. I am always in the process of going when I have to come back again, and this is very confusing for me as well as my friends here. They think I am about to retreat and I don’t.

Well, what shall we speak of this evening?  I have listened to you my friends speaking about your friend who you think is ill, and I will try and enlighten you a little on this subject. 

But for the moment I want to take you to look at energy fields, lets put it like that.                                                                                                                              You have here plants and the trees, all the vegetation on your Earth plane, and this emanates light. It gives off photons you see, and this is a very bright light, the photons of the vegetation. 

Now, what makes a tree, how does a tree come to be? Well within the egg or the seed, there is a blue-print, of what the plant should look like when it is fully matured, so the blue-print is already within. So when the seed grows, it already has the imprint of the adult plant, you understand me? 

Do you understand that if you hurt or take leaves off them, they actually tremble and cause the plant stress? 

I think I’ve spoken of it before, that even the surrounding plants are stressed like people. If you see somebody being tormented, and you wonder if when is going to be your turn too, you would become stressed would you not? When a part of a leaf is removed, and with certain photography, recorded and photographed, you will see the outline of the original piece that is missing; because the impression on the field round it is there. It still retains the outline, the actual blueprint is still there. 

So if we take perhaps a small animal, and I know that this has been done, that has lost a leg. I am talking about very small animals now, and if you take a photograph of that, you will see, that the imprint, the blueprint, also shows up on the photography, although the actual limb is missing. If you can pass, and I know this is possible, because I have seen it, if you can pass an electrical impulse into the stump part that has been amputated, if you get it at the right level, you can stimulate it so that re growth happens, and it will grow back again. (Good heavens)! 

Also, if we look at the energy field of something very tiny, I’ll talk about a worm, a flatworm that is damaged. If you pass this current through at a certain rate, you can make the head transform into the tail, and vice-versa. You can rearrange the cells, this can happen (gosh!). It isn’t rare, this has been done. 

Perhaps one day when humans lose a limb, they may perhaps be able to grow another with a certain amount of electrical impulse, but this is a futuristic thing. It would be amazing and quite wonderful. We know about the instruments’ mother. ( Her mother has one leg). The feeling, the actual nerve impulses are still there, so the body, for all its worth remembers the blueprint of the leg or whatever being still there, so the nerve pattern, is also reaching out to a leg or an arm that isn’t there, and all the pain they had in it before they had it removed, is still there, you’ve heard of this haven’t you? (Yes). Phantom pain you call it, but it’s not a phantom to the one who is suffering it.

I want to go back to photons, which are being given off by the vegetation, and it glows really quite brightly. 

If you look at a human being, we get in a person that is fully fit, a low glow of photons, which you would think would not be right. I think it is 10 per square centimetre, I think this is right, although my calculations are sometimes awry. But with plants it is a 100. Now, you can measure the photons, it is possible to measure the photons from the human being, the one that is fully fit. They come and develop in a rhythm pattern, do you understand? 

So many days and so many hours, and it repeats this same rhythm, but it’s not always equal,  it replays the pattern throughout time, years, whatever, I get muddled up with the time. But this happens in a rhythmic pattern. 

You understand, don’t you? that the rhythm isn’t always equally spaced, but it is a rhythm for all that. Now in a human being that is fully fit it is fine and it works beautifully, and the light that is given and the photons that are given off from the human being are low. It’s very intense but very low, and its soft, and it burns gently, do you see what I mean? You could liken it to a candle that is only just alight, but for all that it is steady, steady, and nothing interferes with it. This is the fully fit person.                                                                        

So now we take a person perhaps, with a cancer or something similar which is very devastating to the health. If we look at this you see, the photons aren’t able to come in a rhythmic pattern because of the disease. So the rhythm of the photons from the cells, is altered, then the cell pattern is altered, because the liquid within the cell vibrates at a certain level, you understand me? 

All is scrambled, all turned upside down, and the rhythm is not there you see? So you have this disharmony within the body, as well as the disease, and this is the problem that  what is happening is the light of your life or the  photons, are actually dying, or fading away. 

Once the person has been restored to health, it will gradually get back to a rhythmic pattern again. (Yes). It will take some time, especially if it is cancer, and somebody is recovering from cancer, and people do recover from it these days, and the rhythm can be built up again, and brought to something near normal.                     

Do you know that cells pass on information, because they vibrate. The fluid within the cell vibrates, and it causes a wave pattern you see, and this is how the life begins, but what we don’t understand is how it is all orchestrated. The beginning is exquisite, in that it all starts at the same time, and each cell knows what the other one is supposed to do, because the information is passed from one cell to the other, and so you get a molecular system building up. Each cell knows what the other one is going to do. All systems go, so to speak, orchestrated at the same time.                                                                                                                                                

This is where your Divinity comes in, your Divine one. It is part of the human condition, and now I will go to your friend, my friend. I will bring up the subject of Multiple Sclerosis. Now in this pattern, the equilibrium of the rhythm pattern is disturbed to a certain extent. It is disturbed because the photons are taking on too much light, and the cell absorbs too much light. (Ah). 

This brings about a perfection, where everything has to be very tightly ordered, everything is, how can I say- synchronised and co-ordinated. Too much co-operation within the body, which sounds absolutely ridiculous, but you’ll find it is true, too perfect, like an army marching, no room for flexibility, and this is the problem. It can throw off too much light as well, and it can absorb too much light, and when a normal body absorbs too much light, it can cast it off with ease, as it will only take what it wants. 

If you shine light onto a cell, or a photon even, you will find that the actual cell will glow with light, after a while its luminosity is quite beautiful. Perhaps you were thinking of this friend that has gone to where the sunshine is, to take on the light. It could work in reverse I think, I’m not sure about that, because of this light problem with the photons, I wanted to talk to you about this in particular
Do you understand what I’ve said to you my friends, I’m asking you a question now, EVERYBODY? 
( I didn’t understand the taking on too much light, or not enough light, is there any way that you can change the light you take?) Not really my friends to take on this light it is difficult for me to understand too, but I know that this is how it works with the photons, and I know that you can give off too much light, as with cancer, or it uses too much light so it draws it inwards, so that the candle starts to go out. 

With Multiple Sclerosis, it uses it in a different way, because the rhythm is scrambled again and it produces something entirely different. (Too ordered). Its trying to stop the photons from shining too much, well this is the problem, it is very difficult, and I am sure that sometime or another, you will actually finds a cure for this, but it won’t be yet a while I’m afraid, but it will come like everything else. Mind you, taking into consideration the pharmaceutical companies, you don’t know if something is already there, because they seem ruthless these people at the top.

Now you will have to deal and think again about this reptilian thing. I know you don’t want to look at it or be a part of it, but you are unfortunately. 

You have it within your DNA you see, in your cells, it is part of the DNA. It is not quite as some would have you believe, everything is not quite right, but it is all there you see, you just have it. If you look, you see some are more pronounced than others more developed, and some are not developed at all. 

If you look at these people who do these terrible things, and you see them in your newspapers, and you look at them on your boxes, your television, and you look into their eyes. They say that the eyes are the windows of the soul. But can you see the soul in some of them? They are completely and utterly dead, there is no compassion, no soul, no love, nothing. You see what I mean, and you understand what I am saying to you? This is very sad, these you could say are the seeded ones, there is no feeling there, no HUMAN feeling there you understand? 

This is why they can get away with and do such terrible things, because if you are normal, and from what we have observed in normal human beings, you couldn’t carry out these atrocities, that is why we cannot understand wars either. But we have our own problems in our own galaxy, our solar system and this is where you will understand. 

Somebody here is looking for world domination, to dominate your world you see, but this to us is small in comparison to galaxy and universe domination, for there are ones out there who would like to do that also. If this is allowed to happen, you will have this fascist problem rise again, and if you have a world domination it will make your world TREMBLE, you understand, so be aware my friends, for your votes help here. 

Look carefully at what you are letting yourself in for, or what you are encouraging to come forward. Look closely, and if everybody does, you will have a chance. You have a chance, there is always hope here. Yes, yes, yes, I was going to speak about something else. I must be getting old because I’ve forgotten what it is.  Anyway, the seeded ones, that is the problem, you will tell, you will be able to see, you wont have to look very hard to find them.                                                                                                         

(If we have the DNA, does that mean that we have a little bit, and the seeded ones have a lot?) It is more developed in them than if you are thinking of yourselves, and there is an added something too that you haven’t got. I mean, there is a sensitivity about most human beings, and their compassion and a spirituality, if it is not there they are like robots in human form.                                                                     

(May I ask you a question?) Yes you may. 

(I have been asked how people are seeded, and I’m not sure how to answer). The thing is you see, some of them are seeded from the galaxy. You understand that you have your extra terrestrials already here, then you have these ones with more of the reptilian, as my friend was speaking about, it is more highly developed, and they have been seeded too. They don’t come here by accident, and their development is not by accident, do you understand?

 (Do they come as babies?) They come as babies, yes sometimes as babies, but most of them just seem to appear from nowhere. Babies? Very rarely I would think, but it could happen, because they grow and develop, and I’ve suddenly thought about ………………….(He mentions a human condition, but I will say no more about that. )

………….. There is something adrift here, something missing. We’ll speak of that another time. No these people seem to appear from nowhere, they just are there. You imagine a great army marching, and all these ones looking similar to the other, some of them have families, and some you could say do not. Some are orphans, as one would say, but are they? It is very complicated, and understand this, the intelligence of the ones that are being seeded, they know where to integrate, and settle themselves and mix. Those higher up, encourage them to come forward, as they already have friends that are higher than them, who help them to come forward and go higher up, ah yes, there is always help at hand for those. I’m not going to say there always will be, because hopefully there wont.         

You haven’t got a hope of toppling this on your own, and it wouldn’t be done in your lifetime. It is too great, too vast an enterprise for you to get to grips with. You just have to manage your own corner, this isn’t something we are expecting, we wouldn’t dare ask, that we would NOT do. We can only encourage you in your own small corner. There are a lot of little small corners getting encouraged. 

This is where the danger begins to set in, you must be careful, we don’t want to excite anybody. So you just go about your business and do the bits and pieces that you can. 

Think how much you’ve advanced in the time that you have been coming, and all the things that you have DONE, it has been wonderful, we are so pleased for you. We just want to encourage, we are not telling you that you have to do anything. ( We know that), and we give you the help and the inspiration that we can, to open your mind and look, and see for yourself and you find your own pathway. 

That is all we ask of you and we shouldn’t even ask that, but we do encourage you to go forward and look, and you are sensible people and can do this. It isn’t as if there is anything hidden, all the information is there, open for anybody to follow, if only they had the sense to put it together, to build up some sort of dossier, and see that the thread runs through it all. 

I am going to leave you now, and hope to return again, I will leave you now my children.

 Monday 2nd June 2003


No 1

Can you see me (not well, that’s better, that is much better) – you are seeing the right one aren’t you? (You look like No 1) – Yes, it is No 1. Good evening my ladies. I came this evening to speak to you. The instrument here has been on her journey and I think she has enjoyed it very much. (Yes).  Although she has had a few minor problems since she has returned  - minor physical problems. You could not go and experience what she had without some sort of reaction when you return.  Emotionally and physically you must expect this but it is only temporary you understand. If we thought there was the possibility of damage of course not, we would not even try to attempt it, (No). This is just a temporary feeling of unease in the body as it is quite a journey and at great speed to which you are not accustomed.

I thought about something that I don’t fully understand but just to brighten the mood, I thought about the moving of the earth laughs. (We understand). You can’t get better than that or perhaps we could. I don’t know – we’ll have to look into that. Your turn will come my friends (we know) and you, as I said before you will not remember either, we do not desire that you should because we know that you would not want to come back. But like your instrument has told you. This is something to remind you of your journey you understand (yes).  I will leave you now my friends and try to balance things up – but I must say that when we are working and I am in charge of the balancing of the energy.  I also keep my eye on the instrument so that if she becomes tired and we have to withdraw halfway through, you will understand this (of course). It possibly would only be at this moment in time, we will see how we progress and   I must remind No 3 not to leave at speed  - but he thinks it is slow – isn’t. I’ve tried to explain this but sometimes he gets it wrong (yes). We are going to try and control the shaking because this also uses up energy, which could also be used, but we’ll have to see. I’ll leave you now my ladies as I feel that No 3 is on the hover and wants to move in.


Good evening is it clear or not (it looks like No 1 again) we are having a problem, I must tell you. You understand that some of the things spoken about this evening are not for the general public. (No). I will leave you again and see what happens (I can see now). (The face is starting to come through) This is good my children (Clearer) (Yes much better).

I’m moving in closer so the shaking starts you realise – I don’t want the instrument to focus on it. It’s inhibiting things.  This evening my ladies – I’m glad to be with you – you are waiting for your trip, which we have promised. No 1 is elated that he had taken the instrument and by her reaction as she was… It interferes with the physical being as well as the emotions. It’s only temporary but it can be an inconvenience.
All above this line--Not for the public to see-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Now let us look at what we have at this moment in time. I have been looking at this European Government thing that you president your Prime Minister   wants you to belong. To all go quietly and belong to the European Union, does he not? Yes – and you want to have a referendum, your instrument is worked up about this as she feels I know, that people should be allowed to make the decisions. He does not speak for everybody – (No). Especially at this time. Underneath it, and I have taught you how to look underneath it, and what would be happening if you joined this Union. His hope would be that he would be the Leader of the Union. But I don’t think the others will allow it – because he’s upset them so.   


June 8/03    Our Reptilian DNA, Photon Light, Re-Growing limbs, Seeded Armies                                              
                                                                           No 1
Yes, it is no 1 who wishes to speak to you. ( We had been saying that it was definitely no 1 who we could see). Good evening. I understand………Private message……..

Good evening my friends, I welcome you all. I hope I am welcome, (very much), thank  you. I have been listening very intently to No1, he doesn’t usually speak very much, but he’s plucked up the courage this evening. He is always goading me and telling me I get things back to front, and I do sometimes, I apologise for that, but it is my eagerness to get everything out. I am always in the process of going when I have to come back again, and this is very confusing for me as well as my friends here. They think I am about to retreat and I don’t.
Well, what shall we speak of this evening?  I have listened to you my friends speaking about your friend who you think is ill, and I will try and enlighten you a little on this subject. But for the moment I want to take you to look at energy fields, lets put it like that.                                                                                                                              You have here plants and the trees, all the vegetation on your earth plane, and this emanates light. It gives off photons you see, and this is a very bright light, the photons of the vegetation. Now, what makes a tree, how does a tree come to be? Well within the egg or the seed, there is a blue- print, of what the plant should look like when it is fully matured, so the blue- print is already within. So when the seed grows, it already has the imprint of the adult plant, you understand me? Do you understand that if you hurt or take leaves off them, they actually tremble and cause the plant stress? I think I’ve spoken of it before, that even the surrounding plants are stressed like people. If you see somebody being tormented, and you wonder if when is going to be your turn too, you would become stressed would you not? When a part of a leaf is removed, and with certain photography, recorded and photographed, you will see the outline of the original piece that is missing; because the impression on the field round it is there. It still retains the outline, the actual blueprint is still there. So if we take perhaps a small animal, and I know that this has been done, that has lost a leg. I am talking about very small animals now, and if you take a photograph of that, you will see, that the imprint, the blueprint, also shows up on the photography, although the actual limb is missing. If you can pass, and I know this is possible, because I have seen it, if you can pass an electrical impulse into the stump part that has been amputated, if you get it at the right level, you can stimulate it so that re growth happens, and it will grow back again. (Good heavens)! Also, if we look at the energy field of something very tiny, I’ll talk about a worm, a flatworm that is damaged. If you pass this current through at a certain rate, you can make the head transform into the tail, and vice-versa. You can rearrange the cells, this can happen (gosh). It isn’t rare, this has been done. Perhaps one day when humans lose a limb, they may perhaps be able to grow another with a certain amount of electrical impulse, but this is a futuristic thing. It would be amazing and quite wonderful. We know about the instruments’ mother. ( Her mother has one leg). The feeling, the actual nerve impulses are still there, so the body, for all its worth remembers the blueprint of the leg or whatever being still there, so the nerve pattern, is also reaching out to a leg or an arm that isn’t there, and all the pain they had in it before they had it removed, is still there, you’ve heard of this haven’t you? (Yes). Phantom pain you call it, but it’s not a phantom to the one who is suffering it.

I want to go back to photons, which are being given off by the vegetation, and it glows really quite brightly. If you look at a human being, we get in a person that is fully fit, a low glow of photons, which you would think would not be right. I think it is 10 per square centimetre, I think this is right, although my calculations are sometimes awry. But with plants it is a 100. Now, you can measure the photons, it is possible to measure the photons from the human being, the one that is fully fit. They come and develop in a rhythm pattern, do you understand? So many days and so many hours, and it repeats this same rhythm, but it’s not always equal,  it replays the pattern throughout time, years, whatever, I get muddled up with the time. But this happens in a rhythmic pattern. You understand don’t you that the rhythm isn’t always equally spaced, but it is a rhythm for all that. Now in a human being that is fully fit it is fine and it works beautifully, and the light that is given and the photons that are given off from the human being are low. It’s very intense but very low, and its soft, and it burns gently, do you see what I mean? You could liken it to a candle that is only just alight, but for all that it is steady, steady, and nothing interferes with it. This is the fully fit person.                                                                        So now we take a person perhaps, with a cancer or something similar which is very devastating to the health. If we look at this you see, the photons aren’t able to come in a rhythmic pattern because of the disease. So the rhythm of the photons from the cells, is altered, then the cell pattern is altered, because the liquid within the cell vibrates at a certain level, you understand me? All is scrambled, all turned upside down, and the rhythm is not there you see? So you have this disharmony within the body, as well as the disease, and this is the problem that  what is happening is the light of your life or the  photons, are actually dying, or fading away. Once the person has been restored to health, it will gradually get back to a rhythmic pattern again. (Yes). It will take some time, especially if it is cancer, and somebody is recovering from cancer, and people do recover from it these days, and the rhythm can be built up again, and brought to something near normal.                     Do you know that cells pass on information, because they vibrate. The fluid within the cell vibrates, and it causes a wave pattern you see, and this is how the life begins, but what we don’t understand is how it is all orchestrated. The beginning is exquisite, in that it all starts at the same time, and each cell knows what the other one is supposed to do, because the information is passed from one cell to the other, and so you get a molecular system building up. Each cell knows what the other one is going to do. All systems go, so to speak, orchestrated at the same time.                                                                                                                                                This is where your Divinity comes in, your Divine one. It is part of the human condition, and now I will go to your friend, my friend. I will bring up the subject of Multiple Sclerosis. Now in this pattern, the equilibrium of the rhythm pattern is disturbed to a certain extent. It is disturbed because the photons are taking on too much light, and the cell absorbs too much light. (Ah). This brings about a perfection, where everything has to be very tightly ordered, everything is, how can I say- synchronised and co-ordinated. Too much co-operation within the body, which sounds absolutely ridiculous, but you’ll find it is true, too perfect, like an army marching, no room for flexibility, and this is the problem. It can throw off too much light as well, and it can absorb too much light, and when a normal body absorbs too much light, it can cast it off with ease, as it will only take what it wants. If you shine light onto a cell, or a photon even, you will find that the actual cell will glow with light, after a while its luminosity is quite beautiful. Perhaps you were thinking of this friend that has gone to where the sunshine is, to take on the light. It could work in reverse I think, I’m not sure about that, because of this light problem with the photons, I wanted to talk to you about this in particular.
Do you understand what I’ve said to you my friends, I’m asking you a question now, EVERYBODY?                                                                                                                         ( I didn’t understand the taking on too much light, or not enough light, is there any way that you can change the light you take?) Not really my friends to take on this light it is difficult for me to understand too, but I know that this is how it works with the photons, and I know that you can give off too much light, as with cancer, or it uses too much light so it draws it inwards, so that the candle starts to go out. With Multiple Sclerosis, it uses it in a different way, because the rhythm is scrambled again and it produces something entirely different. (Too ordered). Its trying to stop the photons from shining too much, well this is the problem, it is very difficult, and I am sure that sometime or another, you will actually finds a cure for this, but it won’t be yet a while I’m afraid, but it will come like everything else. Mind you, taking into consideration the pharmaceutical companies, you don’t know if something is already there, because they seem ruthless these people at the top.

Now you will have to deal and think again about this reptilian thing. I know you don’t want to look at it or be a part of it, but you are unfortunately. You have it within your DNA you see, in your cells, it is part of the DNA. It is not quite as some would have you believe, everything is not quite right, but it is all there you see, you just have it. If you look, you see some are more pronounced than others more developed, and some are not developed at all. If you look at these people who do these terrible things, and you see them in your newspapers, and you look at them on your boxes, your television, and you look into their eyes. They say that the eyes are the windows of the soul. But can you see the soul in some of them? They are completely and utterly dead, there is no compassion, no soul, no love, nothing. You see what I mean, and you understand what I am saying to you? This is very sad, these you could say are the seeded ones, there is no feeling there, no HUMAN feeling there you understand? This is why they can get away with and do such terrible things, because if you are normal, and from what we have observed in normal human beings, you couldn’t carry out these atrocities, that is why we cannot understand wars either. But we have our own problems in our own galaxy, our solar system and this is where you will understand. Somebody here is looking for world domination, to dominate your world you see, but this to us is small in comparison to galaxy and universe domination, for there are ones out there who would like to do that also. If this is allowed to happen, you will have this fascist problem rise again, and if you have a world domination it will make your world TREMBLE, you understand, so be aware my friends, for your votes help here. Look carefully at what you are letting yourself in for, or what you are encouraging to come forward. Look closely, and if everybody does, you will have a chance. You have a chance, there is always hope here. Yes, yes, yes, I was going to speak about something else. I must be getting old because I’ve forgotten what it is.  Anyway, the seeded ones, that is the problem, you will tell, you will be able to see, you wont have to look very hard to find them.                                                                                                         (If we have the DNA, does that mean that we have a little bit, and the seeded ones have a lot?) It is more developed in them than if you are thinking of yourselves, and there is an added something too that you haven’t got. I mean, there is a sensitivity about most human beings, and their compassion and a spirituality, if it is not there they are like robots in human form.                                                                     (May I ask you a question?) Yes you may. (I have been asked how people are seeded, and I’m not sure how to answer). The thing is you see, some of them are seeded from the galaxy. You understand that you have your extra terrestrials already here, then you have these ones with more of the reptilian, as my friend was speaking about, it is more highly developed, and they have been seeded too. They don’t come here by accident, and their development is not by accident, do you understand? (Do they come as babies?) They come as babies, yes sometimes as babies, but most of them just seem to appear from nowhere. Babies? Very rarely I would think, but it could happen, because they grow and develop, and I’ve suddenly thought about ………………….(He mentions a human condition, but I will say no more about that. )………….. There is something adrift here, something missing. We’ll speak of that another time. No these people seem to appear from nowhere, they just are there. You imagine a great army marching, and all these ones looking similar to the other, some of them have families, and some you could say do not. Some are orphans, as one would say, but are they? It is very complicated, and understand this, the intelligence of the ones that are being seeded, they know where to integrate, and settle themselves and mix. Those higher up, encourage them to come forward, as they already have friends that are higher than them, who help them to come forward and go higher up, ah yes, there is always help at hand for those. I’m not going to say there always will be, because hopefully there wont.         You haven’t got a hope of toppling this on your own, and it wouldn’t be done in your lifetime. It is too great, too vast an enterprise for you to get to grips with. You just have to manage your own corner, this isn’t something we are expecting, we wouldn’t dare ask, that we would NOT do. We can only encourage you in your own small corner. There are a lot of little small corners getting encouraged. This is where the danger begins to set in, you must be careful, we don’t want to excite anybody. So you just go about your business and do the bits and pieces that you can. Think how much you’ve advanced in the time that you have been coming, and all the things that you have DONE, it has been wonderful, we are so pleased for you. We just want to encourage, we are not telling you that you have to do anything. ( We know that), and we give you the help and the inspiration that we can, to open your mind and look, and see for yourself and you find your own pathway. That is all we ask of you and we shouldn’t even ask that, but we do encourage you to go forward and look, and you are sensible people and can do this. It isn’t as if there is anything hidden, all the information is there, open for anybody to follow, if only they had the sense to put it together, to build up some sort of dossier, and see that the thread runs through it all. I am going to leave you now, and hope to return again, I will leave you now my children.

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