15th March 2004
Noah’s Flood and the
seven cometary fragments. Enoch. Methuselah. Lamech and Bitenosh. The Watchers. Giants. New planet. Madrid
Atrocity. Book of Enoch. Book of Judith.
Introduction of Domestic Animals. Secrets of DNA.
No 1
Good evening my ladies.
I haven’t been with
you for a little while. In fact I haven’t visited although I have been in the
background of the circle obviously, doing my usual job, keeping my eye on No 3.
Sometimes he gets very, believe it or not, forgetful, a human trait that we
must cure him of (indeed).
He’s glowering at me now as he waits on the edge
waiting to come forward. I just wanted to make contact with you, my ladies, because
I haven’t been here for a little while, or I have been here but not that you
would have noticed.It is very pleasant to be with you once again (thank you,
you too).
When we went to the other group, it was quite interesting, to move
amongst the other ladies, to pick up their energy fields as I do with the
ladies that are here; but I must say I’d rather be here (thank you), because
the energy didn’t feel the same, but I had to manage the best that I could at
the time.
I’d better move away now because No 3 is giving the signal that he
would like to make his way forward, so I will leave you now my ladies (thank
you very much). It’s very nice to be in contact with you again (thank you) I
will come again.
Not if No 3 has his way, he likes to keep me in the background.
He doesn’t like me to mingle. Whatever the mingle means, (laughs), but he is
waiting I know, it will be a few moments while we gather…
No 3
evening ladies (good evening).
It is nice to be with you again (thank you), and
it seems to be a long time since I have been with you. I am finding it difficult this evening for
some reason; I must wait a moment. The
last time we met my ladies, you understand, the mistake that I made about Mount
Ararat, it should have been Sinai. I
also hinted at the end, that the flooding could have been caused by a pole
shift, which I hoped you would perhaps pick me up on but you did not. So I’m
going to sort it all out this evening later I hope.
Now I want to speak of the atrocity,
(Madrid Bombing), that has been committed in this last little while. We
understand the difficulties that you are in, and we are trying to motivate
certain people to act in a proper way, with more discretion you understand me?
This has been terrible for the population of this particular country, but you
must be aware my ladies, you must be aware, for certain things will come to
fruition, I am afraid, but when or where I cannot say.
Now I would like to take
this opportunity to point out to you that also Palestine has been mentioned
and Al Qaeda comes right on the back of things that are going on in other
factions you understand me, the different Judaism (?) and all the rest of it
that goes on out there that we have to take into account there, and you see
what is going to happen don’t you?
have all these various atrocities happening here and there. Al Qaeda will join
on; jump on the back of the Palestinians. This will encourage the others, the Israelites to move. The Palestinians will
come forward with the help of Al Qaeda and this is when your bomb thing will
happen because that is the only thing that is going to make the whole world sit
up and take notice. (Here, he speaks in an angry and stern voice).
It will have
to come to this, I am very sorry for you all (oh my goodness), but it will come
to this because this is what I have been talking about, and this will be the
driving force. You must be made, or not you particularly my ladies for I know
you know, for the world to sit back and take notice. It will rock it back on
its heels, and that is what it needs and this is what it will take.
It is very
distressing for us to watch this and we will do all we can from here but we
would like to get amongst you all and do something in a practical way and maybe
just maybe, we will, which will be something.
Who can say we thought this would happen, or we are not surprised that
this has happened but its unheard of really (yes) but things are being, as I
can only explain to you; different ideas are being talked about, and not in the
way you think, WHERE I AM (yes).
We are looking for a solution for you, (thank
you), we will try and guide it, but it is going to be difficult because this
man is on a mission, you understand me, he has much hatred. He is on a mission,
he doesn’t want power but he is going to stop everybody else as well, and you
see the United States wants world domination and this is the problem with your
Iraq you see, and this was the foothold, one of the footholds with Afghanistan,
and for whatever reason you cannot push him aside.
The problem you have, your
country itself has gained very little from this because you haven’t got the
contracts for the work to be done that you should have had. Of course they must
have thought of this, it was never going to happen, was it? (no). That you would
get this? You talk about WW3 but its already started, 9-11 it started (yes),
and this was the slippery slope that you are on.
We thought perhaps you might,
but of course it was inconceivable that you would turn back, but if there were
a hope that you may... and at the end of the day somebody’s going to have to
speak to these people as much as you hate each other for what they have done,
there has to be dialogue for you do not know what they do want do you (no). You
don’t know what they REALLY want, only other than hate, and their hate is to
the countries that they are in conflict with.
( J. Is there a deeper reason?).
There must be, there must be, but sooner or later somebody must speak to them
because that is the only way forward for you do not know what they do want from
you and the killing has got to stop and talking has got to take place on some
level, some where, somehow this must happen you understand me (yes I do).
Yes, now I will revert back and No 1 will have to
sort it out. I can’t help it my mind so to speak it is a bit scattered this
evening. It was unfortunate our meeting with the friends that you took us and
we went along with you, that was unfortunate and I do not want to go on old
ground, because we already mentioned the things that must be because you are
professional and you must act in a professional manner and I wanted to bring
that to you notice because that is what you are and that is what you must be,
because that is what we are (we understand) acting in a professional manner.
have our little joke here and there but you understand (we do, we do understand
we take it on board). That is very good then.
(We had allowed a channeling with our Beings of
Light in less than ideal circumstances, which included a cat running around).
Now we will return perhaps to the The Flood. Now of course this was Cometary; a comet
caused it and there were 7
fragments as well, that broke off and crashed into different parts of your Earth plane. You will be able to find this out my friend, you will be able to
find this out; but fragments of a comet caused it. 7 fragments you understand
(yes). Additional Link
Now before this took place there you had these Watchers
that came down, which have come from, they are extraterrestrials you understand
me. There were over, or approximately 200 Watchers, which are the GIANTS you understand me, who came to your Earth
plane. Now these Giants were very skilful at war? They had 6 fingers on each
hand you understand (yes) and they were very skilful, but they were also very
foolish at the end of the day. They came to watch what the humans were doing.
They had seen, and could see the women that were here you understand? (Yes),
and they felt they could have intercourse then with the women that were here so
they could breed their own kind you understand (yes). Which wasn’t what they
had come for at all and the whole thing foundered. They did some very
extraordinary things; I’ve lost the word for the minute (experiments?),
The women, and animals and all sorts and then you had the
monstrous things that were created like part-fish part-woman, (mermaids?) yes,
absolutely frowned upon and with much disgust. Then you see, the world of
course had to be cleansed. This is the comet that came you understand me (aha).
Now before all this of course there was this man, called, ah tell me No 1 what
was the name called? (Noah?) No not Noah Lamech. Lamech
and his wife Bitenosh. They were the mother and father of Noah (ah).
Lamech looked at Noah and he was quite beautiful you understand and he accused
his wife of sleeping with the Giants (ah), you see? The plot thickens, and he
asked her and she said no she had not, and she reminded him of the time that
the intercourse took place. Lamech was not happy with this and he had to go and
ask his father what he thought of the whole situation, which was Methuselah (oh
yes, the ancient one). Yes, now Methuselah, he had to go and ask his father who
had already passed. Now he hadn’t suffered the death you understand me but he
was part and to do with the Watchers also and this was Enoch? (J. Ah the key of
Enoch)? Now wait a minute; wait a minute you are too far ahead of me (sorry).
This is to do with Enoch you see and it is known that Noah was fine; it was as
Bitenosh had said. He was their son, not of the Watchers. Now Enoch had passed,
or not passed because if you understand me Enoch and Elijah only (ascended?) in
your book, your holy book and never actually died, and that includes your
friend Jesus (that’s right). (Was Jesus a Watcher)?
They went away, the
Watchers (ah). Now you begin to see the whole picture you understand me? Enoch knew of the flood
that was to come and he instructed Noah you see? To build whatever ark you call
it and I know you have pictures of a boat but I don’t think it was quite like
that (no), but anyway. This ark was built because he knew the comet was coming
because the Watchers had taken him to a place of darkness that he did not know
or like and he was told to stand there and watch what was to come. So there he
had the picture of the comet that came and caused the flooding and also the
seven fragments (yes) and this is how the flood came about.
Now when the
floodwaters subsided, they said the floodwater subsided and that only the Giants
had been caught in the flood and were now gone, but this was not true for some
remained, and they taught them to cut and prune
things. They taught them animal husbandry and how to grow things, these
Watchers. They also showed them how to make breastplates and spears with the
special metals that they had (ah), and jewellery and bracelets and such
like; and also believe it or not, decorating the eyelids is also mentioned
(really). They were very knowledgeable about these things.
Now I will leave you with a puzzle here. Before the
flood you had all these animals but they were not domesticated animals. There
was the wolf and boar and some others I cannot remember now which is a shame,
not prehistoric animals, I am not talking about the dinosaurs, I don’t mean the
woolly mammoth I don’t mean those, (you mean pre-domesticated?)
pre-domesticated, but this is what I want to leave you with you see. After the
flood and the Watchers, what remained of the Watchers the Giants that were
left, suddenly you have domesticated animals. Now somebody,
somewhere knew something about DNA (ah, yes). You can say yes but YOU’VE
only just found out about it (oh absolutely).
Yes and I’m going back thousands
of years here, so somebody knew something, because suddenly you had cows and
goats and pigs, and dogs and cats you understand me - domesticated animals. Go and
have a look my friends, see what you can find out. But you will need to go to
The Book
of Enoch (yes I will).
Possibly another book you will have difficulty
finding-The Book of Judith
(right thank you). I will leave you with this to sort out my friend a little
puzzle. You have not had one for a little while (no, no I love them). We shall
see, we shall see.
But it is something to look at and it is quite interesting
really because you see you have the extra-terrestrials coming then, and you
will have them again; and why people on your planet cannot accept I cannot
understand for they have already been here.
You see you had the White Men
coming too, the tall white men and this is to do with the GIANTS as well. They came forth because they were
very angry at what the giants had done. (Oh I see). There were others that
FOLLOWED, you see? They were extremely angry at what they had done. The mess
and the upset they had caused, for it was not for them to do what they did. But
anyway it was done and this is how we must leave it, but there is a lot there.
I mean the Keys are all there, the Codes are all there; the Keys are all there.
It is all written, on the surface it is just stories, but underneath it now and
through technology you can dig further when I’m telling you something.
You will
be able to find the end of the story. You will come to the end of the maze at
some point, your generation perhaps. I think you may have visits from
extra-terrestrials perhaps, but we already know you have them hidden away. I
mean, I think that you might have a definite landing or sighting or something.
I don’t say next week you understand me, but I think it is possible. Also you
have found a planet
on the edge
of the universe (that’s right). It has been with you all
the time but you couldn’t see it (yes) you understand? (Is it this Niburu?)
No, (no, OK).
I shall go now my friends (thank you, thank you so much). We
shall be back with you some other time.
You do understand do you not my friends that at
some point, I am not speaking of now, at some point we will wind down you
understand? (Will you?). Well at some point I expect we will do, but not at the
moment. (no) Do not worry about it. But at some point it will happen, it will
happen. But we will talk about that another time perhaps.
Well we will never
leave you. We will always be there for you (thank you). We will talk about
this, another time though, (fine, thank you). Nearer the time, maybe. No 1 is
looking at me. I know No 1 but one has to say these things or otherwise did you
think we would go on forever my friend? (Not forever, but as long as it took)
It’s taking as long as it takes (yes, exactly). Let’s put it that way.
will come an end of course like there is to everything and we will see what
else will come in its place (thank you). We are not ready, not yet anyway (no,
too much to do) but, in case you thought it would go on for ever (J. No, no we
didn’t, not really-did we? P. Well I think I did but there we are). At some
point, I am wandering now; I must go.
No 1 is making signs at me it is time for
me to be quiet and go. I have said too much. If he says I’ve said too much then
I must have done He is governor - he thinks he is. I will leave you now my
ladies (thank you) and you have a look and see what you can find (I will do,
thank you so much) and I will be with you again the next time we meet. Good
evening now my ladies (good evening).
I come once more my ladies, my daughters of the
Divinity, to wrap you in the cloak of Light from the Divine one, to enfold you
and clasp you to me as always; for I bring much love to you, so that you can
take it to your family and friends, and I bring you the chalice of love also,
so that you may take it and drink from it once more, for these times are evil
are they not?
You have much to be sad about, there are many tears being shed
much blood once more, as we knew there would be, for you never learn do you,
for unfortunately your race never learns, never learns.
One day perhaps you
will be able to live together peacefully, and in harmony and in love for there
is only one power, and that is the love that the Divinity sends. He comes, and
I come also to bind up the wounds of those who have been hurt, sorely hurt,
sorely tried and those who are emotionally deprived and upset, and do not know
which way to turn, I bring them the love from the Divine one. For if they do
not know, and they probably would not accept it at this time, because they are
in so much sorrow and so much anger here.
I come as ever to bring you the light
of the Divinity, and bring you the love from the one who knows everything sees
everything. I want you my friends, my ladies, my daughters of the Divinity, to
reach through the dark cloak that covers your planet at the moment, for beyond
is the light of the Divinity. For if you put your hand through the dark cloud
that is there, you will find the light.
You must push holes in it with your
hands, your fists, your emotions, I am talking about your emotions here to lift
it to pierce it, and let the light through the darkness that is here. To bring
it through for those who are in despair, for there are ordinary tragedies
continuing also. For those who have lost loved ones, I want to bring peace and
balm, to bind up their wounds also.
I will leave you now my daughters of the
Divinity, I must go and help where I can; you understand this, for I bring it
not just to you but to others also, (of course).
I will go now my daughters as
I wrap you once more in the Divine one’s cloak and light, so you can go forward
in your next week, and take it and see if you can help others with it, as you
have said that you might be able to bring help and compassion to them also,
bind up their little sorrows too as you go about your daily tasks.
I will leave
you now my daughters, and I go and leave you with much love from the Divine
one. I leave you.
Additional Links.
15/03/04 Noah’s Flood and the
seven cometary fragments. Enoch. Methuselah. Lamech and Bitenosh. The Watchers. Giants. New planet. Madrid
Atrocity. Book of Enoch. Book of Judith.
Introduction of Domestic Animals. Secrets of DNA.
No 1
Good evening my ladies. I haven’t been with
you for a little while. In fact I haven’t visited although I have been in the
background of the circle obviously, doing my usual job, keeping my eye on No 3.
Sometimes he gets very, believe it or not, forgetful, a human trait that we
must cure him of (indeed). He’s glowering at me now as he waits on the edge
waiting to come forward. I just wanted to make contact with you my ladies because
I haven’t been here for a little while, or I have been here but not that you
would have noticed. It is very pleasant to be with you once again (thank you,
you too). When we went to the other group, it was quite interesting, to move
amongst the other ladies, to pick up their energy fields as I do with the
ladies that are here; but I must say I’d rather be here (thank you), because
the energy didn’t feel the same, but I had to manage the best that I could at
the time. I’d better move away now because No 3 is giving the signal that he
would like to make his way forward, so I will leave you now my ladies (thank
you very much). It’s very nice to be in contact with you again (thank you) I
will come again. Not if No 3 has his way, he likes to keep me in the background.
He doesn’t like me to mingle. Whatever the mingle means, (laughs), but he is
waiting I know, it will be a few moments while we gather…
No 3
evening ladies (good evening). It is nice to be with you again (thank you), and
it seems to be a long time since I have been with you. I am finding it difficult this evening for
some reason; I must wait a moment. The
last time we met my ladies, you understand, the mistake that I made about Mount
Ararat, it should have been Sinai. I
also hinted at the end, that the flooding could have been caused by a pole
shift, which I hoped you would perhaps pick me up on but you did not. So I’m
going to sort it all out this evening later I hope.
Now I want to speak of the atrocity,
(Madrid Bombing), that has been committed in this last little while. We
understand the difficulties that you are in, and we are trying to motivate
certain people to act in a proper way, with more discretion you understand me?
This has been terrible for the population of this particular country, but you
must be aware my ladies, you must be aware, for certain things will come to
fruition, I am afraid, but when or where I cannot say. Now I would like to take
this opportunity to point out to you that also Palestine has been mentioned
and Al Qaeda comes right on the back of things that are going on in other
factions you understand me, the different Judaism (?) and all the rest of it
that goes on out there that we have to take into account there, and you see
what is going to happen don’t you? You
have all these various atrocities happening here and there. Al Qaeda will join
on; jump on the back of the Palestinians. This will encourage the others, the Israelites to move. The Palestinians will
come forward with the help of Al Qaeda and this is when your bomb thing will
happen because that is the only thing that is going to make the whole world sit
up and take notice. (Here, he speaks in an angry and stern voice).
It will have
to come to this, I am very sorry for you all (oh my goodness), but it will come
to this because this is what I have been talking about, and this will be the
driving force. You must be made, or not you particularly my ladies for I know
you know, for the world to sit back and take notice. It will rock it back on
its heels, and that is what it needs and this is what it will take. It is very
distressing for us to watch this and we will do all we can from here but we
would like to get amongst you all and do something in a practical way and maybe
just maybe, we will, which will be something.
Who can say we thought this would happen, or we are not surprised that
this has happened but its unheard of really (yes) but things are being, as I
can only explain to you; different ideas are being talked about, and not in the
way you think, WHERE I AM (yes). We are looking for a solution for you, (thank
you), we will try and guide it, but it is going to be difficult because this
man is on a mission, you understand me, he has much hatred. He is on a mission,
he doesn’t want power but he is going to stop everybody else as well, and you
see the United States wants world domination and this is the problem with your
Iraq you see, and this was the foothold, one of the footholds with Afghanistan,
and for whatever reason you cannot push him aside. The problem you have, your
country itself has gained very little from this because you haven’t got the
contracts for the work to be done that you should have had. Of course they must
have thought of this, it was never going to happen was it (no). That you would
get this? You talk about WW3 but its already started, 9-11 it started (yes),
and this was the slippery slope that you are on. We thought perhaps you might,
but of course it was inconceivable that you would turn back, but if there were
a hope that you may... and at the end of the day somebody’s going to have to
speak to these people as much as you hate each other for what they have done,
there has to be dialogue for you do not know what they do want do you (no). You
don’t know what they REALLY want, only other than hate, and their hate is to
the countries that they are in conflict with. ( J. Is there a deeper reason?).
There must be, there must be, but sooner or later somebody must speak to them
because that is the only way forward for you do not know what they do want from
you and the killing has got to stop and talking has got to take place on some
level, some where, somehow this must happen you understand me (yes I do).
Yes, now I will revert back and No 1 will have to
sort it out. I can’t help it my mind so to speak it is a bit scattered this
evening. It was unfortunate our meeting with the friends that you took us and
we went along with you, that was unfortunate and I do not want to go on old
ground, because we already mentioned the things that must be because you are
professional and you must act in a professional manner and I wanted to bring
that to you notice because that is what you are and that is what you must be,
because that is what we are (we understand) acting in a professional manner. We
have our little joke here and there but you understand (we do, we do understand
we take it on board). That is very good then.
(We had allowed a channeling with our Beings of
Light in less than ideal circumstances, which included a cat running around).
Now we will return perhaps to the The Flood. Now of course this was Cometary; a comet
caused it and there were 7
fragments as well, that broke off and crashed into different parts of your
earth plane. You will be able to find this out my friend, you will be able to
find this out; but fragments of a comet caused it. 7 fragments you understand
(yes). Additional Link
Now before this took place there you had these Watchers
that came down, which have come from, they are extraterrestrials you understand
me. There were over, or approximately 200 Watchers, which are the GIANTS you understand me, who came to your earth
plane. Now these Giants were very skilful at war? They had 6 fingers on each
hand you understand (yes) and they were very skilful, but they were also very
foolish at the end of the day. They came to watch what the humans were doing.
They had seen, and could see the women that were here you understand? (Yes),
and they felt they could have intercourse then with the women that were here so
they could breed their own kind you understand (yes). Which wasn’t what they
had come for at all and the whole thing foundered. They did some very
extraordinary things; I’ve lost the word for the minute (experiments?),
experiments. The women, and animals and all sorts and then you had the
monstrous things that were created like part-fish part-woman, (mermaids?) yes,
absolutely frowned upon and with much disgust. Then you see, the world of
course had to be cleansed. This is the comet that came you understand me (aha).
Now before all this of course there was this man, called, ah tell me No 1 what
was the name called? (Noah?) No not Noah Lamech. Lamech
and his wife Bitenosh. They were the mother and father of Noah (ah). Now
Lamech looked at Noah and he was quite beautiful you understand and he accused
his wife of sleeping with the Giants (ah), you see? The plot thickens, and he
asked her and she said no she had not, and she reminded him of the time that
the intercourse took place. Lamech was not happy with this and he had to go and
ask his father what he thought of the whole situation, which was Methuselah (oh
yes the ancient one). Yes, now Methuselah, he had to go and ask his father who
had already passed. Now he hadn’t suffered the death you understand me but he
was part and to do with the Watchers also and this was Enoch? (J. Ah the key of
Enoch)? Now wait a minute; wait a minute you are too far ahead of me (sorry).
This is to do with Enoch you see and it is known that Noah was fine; it was as
Bitenosh had said. He was their son, not of the Watchers. Now Enoch had passed,
or not passed because if you understand me Enoch and Elijah only (ascended?) in
your book, your holy book and never actually died, and that includes your
friend Jesus (that’s right). (Was Jesus a Watcher)? They went away, the
Watchers (ah). Now you begin to see the whole picture you understand me? Enoch knew of the flood
that was to come and he instructed Noah you see? To build whatever ark you call
it and I know you have pictures of a boat but I don’t think it was quite like
that (no), but anyway. This ark was built because he knew the comet was coming
because the Watchers had taken him to a place of darkness that he did not know
or like and he was told to stand there and watch what was to come. So there he
had the picture of the comet that came and caused the flooding and also the
seven fragments (yes) and this is how the flood came about. Now when the
floodwaters subsided, they said the floodwater subsided and that only the Giants
had been caught in the flood and were now gone, but this was not true for some
remained, and they taught them to cut and prune
things. They taught them animal husbandry and how to grow things, these
Watchers. They also showed them how to make breastplates and spears with the
special metals that they had (ah), and jewellery and bracelets and such
like; and also believe it or not, decorating the eyelids is also mentioned
(really). They were very knowledgeable about these things.
Now I will leave you with a puzzle here. Before the
flood you had all these animals but they were not domesticated animals. There
was the wolf and boar and some others I cannot remember now which is a shame,
not prehistoric animals, I am not talking about the dinosaurs, I don’t mean the
woolly mammoth I don’t mean those, (you mean pre-domesticated?) Yes
pre-domesticated, but this is what I want to leave you with you see. After the
flood and the Watchers, what remained of the Watchers the Giants that were
left, suddenly you have domesticated animals. Now somebody,
somewhere knew something about DNA (ah, yes). You can say yes but YOU’VE
only just found out about it (oh absolutely). Yes and I’m going back thousands
of years here, so somebody knew something, because suddenly you had cows and
goats and pigs, and dogs and cats you understand me-domesticated animals. Go and
have a look my friends, see what you can find out. But you will need to go to
The Book
of Enoch (yes I will). Possibly another book you will have difficulty
finding-The Book of Judith
(right thank you). I will leave you with this to sort out my friend a little
puzzle. You have not had one for a little while (no, no I love them). We shall
see, we shall see. But it is something to look at and it is quite interesting
really because you see you have the extra-terrestrials coming then, and you
will have them again; and why people on your planet cannot accept I cannot
understand for they have already been here. You see you had the White Men
coming too, the tall white men and this is to do with the GIANTS as well. They came forth because they were
very angry at what the giants had done. (Oh I see). There were others that
FOLLOWED, you see? They were extremely angry at what they had done. The mess
and the upset they had caused, for it was not for them to do what they did. But
anyway it was done and this is how we must leave it, but there is a lot there.
I mean the Keys are all there, the Codes are all there; the Keys are all there.
It is all written, on the surface it is just stories, but underneath it now and
through technology you can dig further when I’m telling you something. You will
be able to find the end of the story. You will come to the end of the maze at
some point, your generation perhaps. I think you may have visits from
extra-terrestrials perhaps, but we already know you have them hidden away. I
mean, I think that you might have a definite landing or sighting or something.
I don’t say next week you understand me, but I think it is possible. Also you
have found a planet
on the edge
of the universe (that’s right). It has been with you all
the time but you couldn’t see it (yes) you understand? (Is it this Niburu?)
No, (no, OK). I shall go now my friends (thank you, thank you so much). We
shall be back with you some other time.
You do understand do you not my friends that at
some point, I am not speaking of now, at some point we will wind down you
understand? (Will you?). Well at some point I expect we will do, but not at the
moment (no) do not worry about it. But at some point it will happen, it will
happen. But we will talk about that another time perhaps. Well we will never
leave you. We will always be there for you (thank you). We will talk about
this, another time though, (fine, thank you). Nearer the time, maybe. No 1 is
looking at me. I know No 1 but one has to say these things or otherwise did you
think we would go on forever my friend? (Not forever, but as long as it took)
It’s taking as long as it takes (yes, exactly). Let’s put it that way. There
will come an end of course like there is to everything and we will see what
else will come in its place (thank you). We are not ready, not yet anyway (no,
too much to do) but, in case you thought it would go on for ever (J. No, no we
didn’t, not really-did we? P. Well I think I did but there we are). At some
point, I am wandering now; I must go. No 1 is making signs at me it is time for
me to be quiet and go. I have said too much. If he says I’ve said too much then
I must have done He is governor, -he thinks he is. I will leave you now my
ladies (thank you) and you have a look and see what you can find (I will do,
thank you so much) and I will be with you again the next time we meet. Good
evening now my ladies (good evening).
I come once more my ladies, my daughters of the
Divinity, to wrap you in the cloak of Light from the Divine one, to enfold you
and clasp you to me as always; for I bring much love to you, so that you can
take it to your family and friends, and I bring you the chalice of love also,
so that you may take it and drink from it once more, for these times are evil
are they not? You have much to be sad about, there are many tears being shed
much blood once more, as we knew there would be, for you never learn do you,
for unfortunately your race never learns, never learns. One day perhaps you
will be able to live together peacefully, and in harmony and in love for there
is only one power, and that is the love that the Divinity sends. He comes, and
I come also to bind up the wounds of those who have been hurt, sorely hurt,
sorely tried and those who are emotionally deprived and upset, and do not know
which way to turn, I bring them the love from the Divine one. For if they do
not know, and they probably would not accept it at this time, because they are
in so much sorrow and so much anger here. I come as ever to bring you the light
of the Divinity, and bring you the love from the one who knows everything sees
everything. I want you my friends, my ladies, my daughters of the Divinity, to
reach through the dark cloak that covers your planet at the moment, for beyond
is the light of the Divinity. For if you put your hand through the dark cloud
that is there, you will find the light. You must push holes in it with your
hands, your fists, your emotions, I am talking about your emotions here to lift
it to pierce it, and let the light through the darkness that is here. To bring
it through for those who are in despair, for there are ordinary tragedies
continuing also. For those who have lost loved ones, I want to bring peace and
balm, to bind up their wounds also. I will leave you now my daughters of the
Divinity, I must go and help where I can; you understand this, for I bring it
not just to you but to others also, (of course). I will go now my daughters as
I wrap you once more in the Divine one’s cloak and light, so you can go forward
in your next week, and take it and see if you can help others with it, as you
have said that you might be able to bring help and compassion to them also,
bind up their little sorrows too as you go about your daily tasks. I will leave
you now my daughters, and I go and leave you with much love from the Divine
one. I leave you.
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