Now everybody talks about the passing, but nobody explains REALLY what happens
or what you could expect in the actual process of passing.
You know what
happens to a certain extent, what happens to you after you have passed on. But
this you see… You will know when you begin to pass, when your time has come.
You may begin to experience what you will call an unconsciousness, but because
you are a spirit, and because you four have an inner knowing also because of
the work that you do here together, and you are of an understanding, then there
will be perhaps a point when you are experiencing the separation of the
physical form from the etheric form.
The spirit, or the light body, is trying
to move away. Sometimes this does not happen straight away, sometimes it takes
a little time, and not as one would expect, a sudden snap. This snap does not
always happen and in that case my ladies, as you understand, you would be
inquisitive enough to look before this has taken place completely – you
may decide to open your eyes, so to speak and the eyes will be of the etheric
body now because it has quietly slipped away and separated from the physical
body and the mind also has moved you understand me, as the etheric brain comes
into action as well.
But the mind is the mind and it follows that the physical
body, & the etheric body brain cannot have two separate minds, understand?
But here we have two separate entities so to speak – the etheric body, the
etheric brain and the mind goes from one to the other. In this case, you see,
you may decide to open your eyes and suddenly you may find yourself in a
darkness, and you may be frightened – and we understand from writings that you
may not have read yourself, for we know that people have written of such things
and been frightened; and have had such experiences and not been scared on
entering the tunnel of light.
But because of your innate inquisitiveness, you
may open your eyes before it has taken place properly, you understand, the
separation? You will feel you have become blind and also cannot hear –that it
is total darkness…black. With this, my friends, if this happens to you, do not
be afraid…just close down again and when you awaken the next time, or you feel
you are awakening, the next time it will be different.
A blue-white light will
accompany you, you understand, and because of the way that you pass, you will
need some sort of blessing and care. You will need this perhaps before you come
in contact with your relations – the initial meeting perhaps, you will come in
contact on their plane (where you will also meet your friends), but then you
will taken, or you will be uplifted or moved but not of your own volition…you
will be just lifted, it is the way things are in the spirit world.
You will be
lifted into this blue-white light for the healing process – you will feel like
you are in a bed, it will feel like the bed that you have here, but your room
will have no walls, and it will just be this blue silver light, and your
friends will come perhaps to visit you there, or relations – and I shall be
there, I shall be there guiding you all the way…because I am the one that is
I have told you before, that I am the one that is between the here and
the now, and I help to move people, spirit people, along; and you will rest
here and you may take some time to rest – and the nuns, or people dressed, as
you would call nuns, spirit people who look like nuns, will come and tend to
you. The nuns that have passed you see, are very capable, and there are others
also and they wear a habit or something which is similar to a nun – and they
will tend to you until you are well.
You will think you have passed simply from
one state to another but you have a missing link that is there and you will be
as a whole. You need rest you see, and if there is anything wrong with you, all
this will be put right but you need this rest to recuperate from the shock, so
to speak. This is how it will be.
Then after that, you will be taken perhaps to help in this first plane of
existence that you come across – you know the early time when you first go,
when you first recover…you may want to help with the others that are coming
into this area that have come to rest and recuperate.
Because there will come a
time my friends, when before you will pass to the upper spheres – you will have
to take a look at your life.
This sometimes will take some time to do, for
some, others it will take a very long time because you can only do a little bit at a time…and then your spirit guide,
and I, will be there to help you and to uplift you if you stumble – we cannot
alter anything as It is your OWN life that you will be looking at, and all the
good and the bad things will all come to the fore and you will need to address
them and so that you can move on a little bit more, you see, until you have
come to the end of your life and work through all the time that you have spent
This might take a little time, and while you are working on this, you
may be able to help in this plateau, or plane of existence with those who are
coming here, who might be in a much worse state that have done terrible things
but have seen the light on their plane of existence and have risen up, be it in
The evil ones, who have suddenly realized and owned that they are
evil and will want to move on. But they will come up in darkness - and they
will rest also – and maybe you would like to help with them as well. It would
be very hard because the things that have been committed here are quite
disastrous, the inhumane things done from one to the other; you may not want to
We will understand, you will not be forced to help with it, the rehabilitation.
For some it will take a long, long time and you will not be there all the time
because you will be needed to move on, and you my ladies will move on quite
quickly but your services could be very useful.
The ones who have done the terrible things – will have a problem, you see, with looking at the light and it could be quite traumatic. They will need
much support from the spirit guides, not from you my ladies – you will just
tend and do what is needed and necessary, a stroking of the hand of whatever –
but these people have come because they know they have done wrong, and they
have decided to repent.
But they come to a place, which is full of darkness,
only slightly lighter, as their recognition of what they have done comes to them. Gradually
they will be restored to whole, but it will take a long time and you will not
be on that particular sphere of existence, plateau of existence while this goes
Some will never get over it and will never be able to release dark and get a
path because it has been so terrible for them. Even with support from the
guides - the guides cannot smooth a path, they can only support you in the
things that have gone wrong and support you for not only will you see the
things that you have done well my ladies, but you will see what has occurred
and how it has affected others when you have done this, and you will be needed
to take on their grief for whatever it is, to live their path as well – I hope
I am not distressing you, but this is not a fairy tale and it is not all
wonderful – it IS wonderful of course and it will be.
For there is a great
garden there which we know, and it is tended there and you can go there and
rest and lie on the grass with golden flowers, beautiful golden flowers, which
when you enter the garden – will radiate this golden light upon you, and you
may rest on what looks like grass, and you think is grass and you can
recuperate there ready for the next session.
it is of your own choosing and you go at your own rate, although you will not
be there long, my ladies, you will move quite quickly. You will move to the
upper spheres. This we know. We have looked at your lives and we know that
there is not much there that needs much attention. You have time, as well, to
make sure that nothing goes wrong between now and then, for you have a
forewarning do you not? You can put it right. You are honorable ones and we
understand this.
Just that everybody’s talking about the passing and about the
tunnels of light, which is more common and is usually the case; but
occasionally, because one is more knowing, one tries to get there before it is
properly time –this is in the short space of time to have separation from the
physical body by the etheric body. Believe it or not, sometimes the etheric
body is reluctant to leave its friend, the physical body…
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