Once upon a time ... three British ladies who sat in a circle with one medium and three Beings of Light who, attracted by the Light of their auras, came and started a cycle extraordinarily informative messages which triggered my spiritual awakening.

This is my tribute to all of them because I know that the many still sleeping and skeptical will see the beauty and the message of Light and Love contained in each of them.

Be at peace

I am no-one special. I am a curious, problem solving type who's strict upbringing in the Catholic community gave me the foundation of a service to others ethic and a resolve for justice and peace.

I guess that is why, when drawn to others who were able to see beyond the ordinary we were chosen to receive outstanding messages, and beyond that, to see the MESSENGERS

We had a talented medium who was able to 'move over' and let spiritual light beings use her voice.

We were told things that would freeze us with fear, and others that were so amazing we would literally be silent and gasping at the end of the sessions.

We did this for about 8 years off and on. Above all we were compelled to return nearly every Monday for another gruelling session that would ultimately wake us out of our comfortable slumber and start the process of truth, research and upliftment.

Even more astonishing was the fact that we saw three separate light beings distinct from each other. We tested each other to see if we were imagining them and named them 1, 2 and 3 in order of appearance in many tests. The numbers stuck and the transcriptions state thus. (The Beings of Light preferred this too, as when asked their names, they insisted that we wouldn't know them, and that numbers were fine).

I found a reference to our phenomenon in an ancient script. The Apochryphon of John.

(In the light I beheld a youth who stood beside me. Even as I looked he became like an old man, then like a servant. Yet there were not three before me, but one, with multiple forms appearing through each other as though transparent. He said to me, "John, John, why do you doubt? And why are you afraid? I am the one who is with you always. I am the Father. I am the Mother. I am the Son.")

Curiously, this is EXACTLY how we saw our B.O.L. Morphing and then settling into one familiar face. It makes you think about what was reported from ancient times, and who these ‘apparitions’ really were.

Ours when asked who they were, said: Alpha, Omega, Andromeda. Still makes me tingle to think of the possibilities!


Saturday, December 1, 2012


1st December 2003

     What Happens When You Pass Over.
  Nuclear Fusion. Deutrium Tritium and the Torus.   
 No 1

Good evening, it is nice to be with you again, and we have progressed forward. It will not be long before No 3 makes his appearance of course. I’m sure he will as he usually does.
If he came to you as he really is, as we come nearer to your circle, we would be almost as pillars of fire, white fire. This is the pulsation and it takes us a long time to get down to your level and I’ve said this before; you know and understand this anyway, but it does take us a few moments to adjust…and we didn’t meet last time. We have waited until this time to be with you again and we have somehow had a bit of a problem here and there with our weeks, in your time weeks; we do not understand weeks but we know it’s time of some sort. It’s nothing to us from where we are, but now I hope to make way for the one who’s going to speak and hopefully he will say something of interest...I cannot tell you what he is doing now…he says he is always interesting. I will leave you now.

                                                                     No 3 

Good evening my ladies it should be clear after No1’s announcement, and he thinks I might say something of importance. As it happens, my ladies, I am not sure of what I shall speak about this evening, but something springs to mind, perhaps the conversation you have had between yourselves, about the aches and pains that you all seem to be having, and of course it is true that there is a shift in the dimensions and it’s the etheric body within the light body that is moving, but it has a reaction you see with the physical body also, because the one does not move without the other. Not at present anyway… there will be a time when it will happen but not at this present time.                                                                                                            I might speak about PASSING, as we come to talk about the etheric body and it being closely associated with the physical body, and I want to speak about the passing, or what you call death, you understand me.

Now everybody talks about the passing, but nobody explains REALLY what happens or what you could expect in the actual process of passing. 

You know what happens to a certain extent, what happens to you after you have passed on. But this you see… You will know when you begin to pass, when your time has come. 

You may begin to experience what you will call an unconsciousness, but because you are a spirit, and because you four have an inner knowing also because of the work that you do here together, and you are of an understanding, then there will be perhaps a point when you are experiencing the separation of the physical form from the etheric form. 

The spirit, or the light body, is trying to move away. Sometimes this does not happen straight away, sometimes it takes a little time, and not as one would expect, a sudden snap. This snap does not always happen and in that case my ladies, as you understand, you would be inquisitive enough to look before this has taken place completely  – you may decide to open your eyes, so to speak and the eyes will be of the etheric body now because it has quietly slipped away and separated from the physical body and the mind also has moved you understand me, as the etheric brain comes into action as well. 

But the mind is the mind and it follows that the physical body, & the etheric body brain cannot have two separate minds, understand? But here we have two separate entities so to speak – the etheric body, the etheric brain and the mind goes from one to the other. In this case, you see, you may decide to open your eyes and suddenly you may find yourself in a darkness, and you may be frightened – and we understand from writings that you may not have read yourself, for we know that people have written of such things and been frightened; and have had such experiences and not been scared on entering the tunnel of light. 

But because of your innate inquisitiveness, you may open your eyes before it has taken place properly, you understand, the separation? You will feel you have become blind and also cannot hear –that it is total darkness…black. With this, my friends, if this happens to you, do not be afraid…just close down again and when you awaken the next time, or you feel you are awakening, the next time it will be different. 

A blue-white light will accompany you, you understand, and because of the way that you pass, you will need some sort of blessing and care. You will need this perhaps before you come in contact with your relations – the initial meeting perhaps, you will come in contact on their plane (where you will also meet your friends), but then you will taken, or you will be uplifted or moved but not of your own volition…you will be just lifted, it is the way things are in the spirit world. 

You will be lifted into this blue-white light for the healing process – you will feel like you are in a bed, it will feel like the bed that you have here, but your room will have no walls, and it will just be this blue silver light, and your friends will come perhaps to visit you there, or relations – and I shall be there, I shall be there guiding you all the way…because I am the one that is between

I have told you before, that I am the one that is between the here and the now, and I help to move people, spirit people, along; and you will rest here and you may take some time to rest – and the nuns, or people dressed, as you would call nuns, spirit people who look like nuns, will come and tend to you. The nuns that have passed you see, are very capable, and there are others also and they wear a habit or something which is similar to a nun – and they will tend to you until you are well. 

You will think you have passed simply from one state to another but you have a missing link that is there and you will be as a whole. You need rest you see, and if there is anything wrong with you, all this will be put right but you need this rest to recuperate from the shock, so to speak. This is how it will be.

Then after that, you will be taken perhaps to help in this first plane of existence that you come across – you know the early time when you first go, when you first recover…you may want to help with the others that are coming into this area that have come to rest and recuperate. 

Because there will come a time my friends, when before you will pass to the upper spheres – you will have to take a look at your life. 

This sometimes will take some time to do, for some, others it will take a very long time because you can only do a little bit at a time…and then your spirit guide, and I, will be there to help you and to uplift you if you stumble – we cannot alter anything as It is your OWN life that you will be looking at, and all the good and the bad things will all come to the fore and you will need to address them and so that you can move on a little bit more, you see, until you have come to the end of your life and work through all the time that you have spent here.  

This might take a little time, and while you are working on this, you may be able to help in this plateau, or plane of existence with those who are coming here, who might be in a much worse state that have done terrible things but have seen the light on their plane of existence and have risen up, be it in darkness.

The evil ones, who have suddenly realized and owned that they are evil and will want to move on. But they will come up in darkness - and they will rest also – and maybe you would like to help with them as well. It would be very hard because the things that have been committed here are quite disastrous, the inhumane things done from one to the other; you may not want to help. 

We will understand, you will not be forced to help with it, the rehabilitation. For some it will take a long, long time and you will not be there all the time because you will be needed to move on, and you my ladies will move on quite quickly but your services could be very useful.

The ones who have done the terrible things – will have a problem, you see, with looking at the light and it could be quite traumatic. They will need much support from the spirit guides, not from you my ladies – you will just tend and do what is needed and necessary, a stroking of the hand of whatever – but these people have come because they know they have done wrong, and they have decided to repent. 

But they come to a place, which is full of darkness, only slightly lighter, as their recognition of what they have done comes to them. Gradually they will be restored to whole, but it will take a long time and you will not be on that particular sphere of existence, plateau of existence while this goes on.

Some will never get over it and will never be able to release dark and get a path because it has been so terrible for them. Even with support from the guides - the guides cannot smooth a path, they can only support you in the things that have gone wrong and support you for not only will you see the things that you have done well my ladies, but you will see what has occurred and how it has affected others when you have done this, and you will be needed to take on their grief for whatever it is, to live their path as well – I hope I am not distressing you, but this is not a fairy tale and it is not all wonderful – it IS wonderful of course and it will be. 

For there is a great garden there which we know, and it is tended there and you can go there and rest and lie on the grass with golden flowers, beautiful golden flowers, which when you enter the garden – will radiate this golden light upon you, and you may rest on what looks like grass, and you think is grass and you can recuperate there ready for the next session.                                                                                                       

But it is of your own choosing and you go at your own rate, although you will not be there long, my ladies, you will move quite quickly. You will move to the upper spheres. This we know. We have looked at your lives and we know that there is not much there that needs much attention. You have time, as well, to make sure that nothing goes wrong between now and then, for you have a forewarning do you not? You can put it right. You are honorable ones and we understand this. 

Just that everybody’s talking about the passing and about the tunnels of light, which is more common and is usually the case; but occasionally, because one is more knowing, one tries to get there before it is properly time –this is in the short space of time to have separation from the physical body by the etheric body. Believe it or not, sometimes the etheric body is reluctant to leave its friend, the physical body…

If you need to ask a question then do so now.

(P – I have been thinking, while you have been saying that, if you have resolved and dealt with something that has happened to you while you are here on Earth does this make it easier when you look back on your life when you get there – to move on?)

Number 3: Yes – this does my lady and that is what I am telling you because you have the opportunity in the knowing that you could, if there is anything that you can think of, that you think you ought to put right – you have plenty of time to do that while you are on the Earth plane. I mean the things that you have done that are wrong, so to speak, or think you are guilty of, then you will put them right but there will also be for you to look at the good times too – not all the bad times. All this is looked at. 

There is much here that I cannot tell you. More that I thought I would say about this – the passing, everybody mentions the passing. But we know some stories have been written about people who have died momentarily, and then come back – and this is because they have an inquisitiveness that has pressed them to awaken before it is quite time; but do not get upset about it, just relax and shut your eyes and let it all go before you and in fractions of seconds it will be released. 

There is much work here, it is very complicated really and in the early days, and we have given you a simplistic view of what happens and goes on, but there is lots more to it – it is very beautiful, this I can tell you. 

For it is very beautiful there, this beautiful rather silvery blue light, it is not a golden light as in the garden, but this silvery white light – it has a blue tinge about it which is the healing, you see. It is a very beautiful and you will feel very relaxed and quiet. Your loved ones will come and visit you and you will be moved out of there. You will not need much tending – it is not the same as a hospital as you would have here. For the light it will heal and make you well and rest your soul.

In this way then you will be strong enough to look at your life at some point, but you will not be pressed to do it straight away – you will be able to work on it at your own pace, in your own time. But we feel that once you actually get started and make your mind up to look at your life, we feel you will get through this part quite quickly as I have said before – for you are not bad people

(J – We feel that we are already looking at our lives and trying to improve ourselves.)

No 3: Yes – you understand we are looking at you and we are finding that we have noticed the difference in you, and the way that you work with others is good. I think our friend here says she has a dispassionate view, become dispassionate – she can sit back and look at things and the world and all you can do is look – for you cannot do anything else on your own in any case

(P – Yes I feel guilty because I feel dispassionate)

No 3:  Mmm – do not feel like this, it’s your way of helping you to cope with what is going on here. We are making you stand back from it and view it from afar like a telescope – so you can look at it from a distance. We are trying to help you to cope with what is going on because you have become more sensitive in the days that you have been working with us, and through this we are making you stand back so that things don’t hurt as much and you do not drive yourself mad with worry and anxiety about things you have no control over. Whatever will be, will be.

(J – Well we accept that now, and stand back)

No 3 Yes this is very good. I want you to know this and you can do this

 (A. We still need to love people very much.)

  This is what I am saying, my friend – you have these deeper feelings now that you never thought that you would experience. But because you are sensitive, you want to stand you back a bit so you will not get too involved in what is going on – or too anxious or guilty about what you have no control over.

Now I am going to try and change the subject – and I am going to try and describe something else and it very heavy so you will have to allow for the instrument as well as myself. We are going to tread some deep water now. 

Now – I want to remind you of what I have said the last time we met and it was about a plane and its propulsion with plasma fuel – I am going to try and explain to you about plasma fuel. 

This, you see is what we call nuclear fusion – not fission. If you understand about this. If you understand about the nucleus of a star – we have hydrogen at the centre of the star with single protons all swimming around it. Now these need to fuse, you see, and they do fuse in the end and then we end up with helium. This is two protons and two neutrons together and there has to be a fusing. Now in the star, it takes millions of years for this to happen, because you have gravitational pressure and we also have – what can I call it – a separation from the protons, they push away from one another – sort of a rejection and it is heavy pressure here.  It is how we measure here the gravitational pressure. 

Anyway, it takes millions of years for this Fusion to happen. So here on your Earth plane to form this material, metal, nucleus you would have to wait thousands of years for this to happen. This is absolutely useless…it’s less than useless in some ways – so what do we do? 

We have to take two isotopes I think from the hydrogen – right? Now we have  deutrium--tritium .

(J – Deutrium and Tritium?)

No 3: Tritium – right – you have these two. Now, you have the Deutrium this is easy, it is in your salty sea – it is in your seawater! You have plenty of it and you can access plenty of material from millions of years. You have the properties. 

Now, that is easy to come by but Tritium is not so easy to come by, and so it has to be made. We take the two isotopes and place them in the nuclear fusion machine. Now in the centre of this we have what we call a Torus – in the centre of the Torus we put the two isotopes you understand me. These are heated up at a great heat and gradually we have a fusion of the two and we have plasma. (Ah!

Now we have not finished yet my ladies. Now what happens is we have the neutrons and the protons – now they are all going around getting fused together. When the neutrons hit the walls of this Torus, (scroll down link), there is a Lithium shield and when it hits the shield this is the Tritium. It’s repelled back into the Torus and then it bounces back again and more Tritium is made with this boundless energy that is here you see, understand me?

(J – yes, I do!)

No 3 - Do you all understand me?

What this is, is an endless source of energy, will become an endless source of energy – I put it in very layman’s language and I’ve probably missed some very exacting parts to it –but I have given you the gist of it. This is not the end my friend, it is just the beginning, because how would you access it? 

This energy from the Torus - and how will you contain it? It would need to be contained…and you need to be able to access it. We don’t know that this is the fuel or energy of the future – I am unsure about this but somebody down here feels that this is it –but we have some thoughts about this. Now it has no by-products, no waste products as you would have from nuclear fission – there isn’t any waste…not directly anyway but from the second reaction you will have a half-life waste which will take, unlike nuclear fission that takes thousands of years, this takes only hundreds of years to clear itself and go back to normal again – so it’s much cleaner you understand? 

If you can hold it and try to access it out, then although your magnets might come into play here this is how this fuel is made but it’s on the drawing board and somebody is going to have a go at it and I think they are fighting for which country is going to build this nuclear fusion reactor – it will be a massive undertaking. The idea is all right but putting it into practice they will encounter many problems with it to hold it.

(But what exactly is the Torus?)

No 3: Well, if you imagine an apple, with the core taken out of the centre it is something like that, but what size I cannot imagine – but it is to hold it, to access it.

(A. To hold it, would there be a great deal of danger?)

No 3:  Yes…but I am not going to tell you because you need to see it done first and look at other possibilities, and it is going to take from now – from what I understand – ten or twenty years maybe longer.

So this is what you must get away from, nuclear fuel and fossil fuels – there are other ways – there will be other fuel, maybe our little friends from afar may be able to help you. There are problems with this Torus thing – fusion – and you will have to wait and see…all right?

I am leaving now my ladies, it has been very nice to be with you – and we are back to normal, are we not? And I understand we are having a visitor coming next time that we meet?…No 1 says that it is a lady so he wont have any problems.                                  

(J. She is very nice)

I must leave you now. May your God go with you.

                                                                      No 2

I come to you my daughters of the Divinity, once more, to bring you the Divine light from the Divinity, as always. I come to pour it in you, and over you, and around you, and as always my friends to take it to your beloved ones and help them along their pathway. 

For you need to look at the world and pour it onto the world, and I want you to expand your energy to cover the whole world, taking the light of the Divinity into the dark corners that there are, for these need to be lightened, and brought out of the darkness. 

I want you to take it and pour it over your world, and see how it lightens it and brings beauty to the fore. Where there is darkness let there be light, for the light of the Divinity is special, a pure golden white light, that builds up in love, for love is everything. 

It is the power, there is no other power, only love is the power, and I bring it to you my ladies I bring it to you, as I want you to take it with you to enlighten the world, and pour it on the others. Pour the golden light of the Divinity, and wrap the world in its beautiful light, this cloud of pure gold and white light which comes from the Divine one himself; and this I hope you will take with you my friends, as you go along your earth pathway, help where you can, and look into the eyes of those who say nothing, for they may have much to tell. 

Listen to them that you may enlighten them also, as they ask for your help. They may not ask directly, they may ask with their eyes, for their eyes are the windows of the soul, and all shall be revealed in them. 

So sense my ladies where the help is needed, for I will help you bring the love and the light from the Divinity to give out, and distribute amongst all those who need the help. 

I bring you the chalice of love once again, that you may take from it what you need, as I always do, the Divine one makes sure that you have all that you need: for what is wanted and what you need will be there for the asking. I give it to you my friends with all my love. 

I must go now, my daughters of the Divinity, once more I must go, and I look forward to meeting again. 

 Dec 01/03     What Happens When You Pass Over.  Nuclear Fusion. Deutrium Tritium and the Torus.                                          


Good evening, it is nice to be with you again, and we have progressed forward. It will not be long before No 3 makes his appearance of course. I’m sure he will as he usually does.   
 If he came to you as he really is, as we come nearer to your circle, we would be almost as pillars of fire, white fire. This is the pulsation and it takes us a long time to get down to your level and I’ve said this before; you know and understand this anyway, but it does take us a few moments to adjust…and we didn’t meet last time. We have waited until this time to be with you again and we have somehow had a bit of a problem here and there with our weeks, in your time weeks; we do not understand weeks but we know it’s time of some sort. It’s nothing to us from where we are, but now I hope to make way for the one who’s going to speak and hopefully he will say something of interest...I cannot tell you what he is doing now…he says he is always interesting. I will leave you now

                                                                          No 3 –

Good evening my ladies it should be clear after No1’s announcement, and he thinks I might say something of importance. As it happens, my ladies, I am not sure of what I shall speak about this evening, but something springs to mind, perhaps the conversation you have had between yourselves, about the aches and pains that you all seem to be having, and of course it is true that there is a shift in the dimensions and it’s the etheric body within the light body that is moving, but it has a reaction you see with the physical body also, because the one does not move without the other. Not at present anyway… there will be a time when it will happen but not at this present time.                                                                                                            I might speak about PASSING, as we come to talk about the etheric body and it being closely associated with the physical body, and I want to speak about the passing, or what you call death, you understand me.
Now everybody talks about the passing, but nobody explains REALLY what happens or what you could expect in the actual process of passing. You know what happens to a certain extent, what happens to you after you have passed on. But this you see… You will know when you begin to pass, when your time has come. You may begin to experience what you will call an unconsciousness, but because you are a spirit, and because you four have an inner knowing also because of the work that you do here together, and you are of an understanding, then there will be perhaps a point when you are experiencing the separation of the physical form from the etheric form. The spirit, or the light body, is trying to move away. Sometimes this does not happen straight away, sometimes it takes a little time, and not as one would expect, a sudden snap. This snap does not always happen and in that case my ladies, as you understand, you would be inquisitive enough to look before this has taken place completely  – you may decide to open your eyes, so to speak and the eyes will be of the etheric body now because it has quietly slipped away and separated from the physical body and the mind also has moved you understand me, as the etheric brain comes into action as well. But the mind is the mind and it follows that the physical body, & the etheric body brain cannot have two separate minds, understand? But here we have two separate entities so to speak – the etheric body, the etheric brain and the mind goes from one to the other. In this case, you see, you may decide to open your eyes and suddenly you may find yourself in a darkness, and you may be frightened – and we understand from writings that you may not have read yourself, for we know that people have written of such things and been frightened; and have had such experiences and not been scared on entering the tunnel of light. But because of your innate inquisitiveness, you may open your eyes before it has taken place properly, you understand, the separation? You will feel you have become blind and also cannot hear –that it is total darkness…black. With this, my friends, if this happens to you, do not be afraid…just close down again and when you awaken the next time, or you feel you are awakening, the next time it will be different. A blue-white light will accompany you, you understand, and because of the way that you pass, you will need some sort of blessing and care. You will need this perhaps before you come in contact with your relations – the initial meeting perhaps, you will come in contact on their plane (where you will also meet your friends), but then you will taken, or you will be uplifted or moved but not of your own volition…you will be just lifted, it is the way things are in the spirit world. You will be lifted into this blue-white light for the healing process – you will feel like you are in a bed, it will feel like the bed that you have here, but your room will have no walls, and it will just be this blue silver light, and your friends will come perhaps to visit you there, or relations – and I shall be there, I shall be there guiding you all the way…because I am the one that is between. I have told you before, that I am the one that is between the here and the now, and I help to move people, spirit people, along; and you will rest here and you may take some time to rest – and the nuns, or people dressed, as you would call nuns, spirit people who look like nuns, will come and tend to you. The nuns that have passed you see, are very capable, and there are others also and they wear a habit or something which is similar to a nun – and they will tend to you until you are well. You will think you have passed simply from one state to another but you have a missing link that is there and you will be as a whole. You need rest you see, and if there is anything wrong with you, all this will be put right but you need this rest to recuperate from the shock, so to speak. This is how it will be.
Then after that, you will be taken perhaps to help in this first plane of existence that you come across – you know the early time when you first go, when you first recover…you may want to help with the others that are coming into this area that have come to rest and recuperate. Because there will come a time my friends, when before you will pass to the upper spheres – you will have to take a look at your life. This sometimes will take some time to do, for some, others it will take a very long 
time because you can only do a little bit at a time…and then your spirit guide, and I, will be there to help you and to uplift you if you stumble – we cannot alter anything as It is your OWN life that you will be looking at, and all the good and the bad things will all come to the fore and you will need to address them and so that you can move on a little bit more, you see, until you have come to the end of your life and work through all the time that you have spent here – this might take a little time, and while you are working on this, you may be able to help in this plateau, or plane of existence with those who are coming here, who might be in a much worse state that have done terrible things but have seen the light on their plane of existence and have risen up, be it in darkness; the evil ones, who have suddenly realized and owned that they are evil and will want to move on. But they will come up in darkness - and they will rest also – and maybe you would like to help with them as well. It would be very hard because the things that have been committed here are quite disastrous, the inhumane things done from one to the other; you may not want to help. 
We will understand, you will not be forced to help with it, the rehabilitation. For some it will take a long, long time and you will not be there all the time because you will be needed to move on, and you my ladies will move on quite quickly but your services could be very useful.
The ones who have done the terrible things – will have a problem, you 
see, with looking at the light and it could be quite traumatic. They will need much support from the spirit guides, not from you my ladies – you will just tend and do what is needed and necessary, a stroking of the hand of whatever – but these people have come because they know they have done wrong, and they have decided to repent. But they come to a place, which is full of darkness, only slightly 
lighter, as their recognition of what they have done comes to them. Gradually they will be restored to whole, but it will take a long time and you will not be on that particular sphere of existence, plateau of existence while this goes on.
Some will never get over it and will never be able to release dark and get a path because it has been so terrible for them. Even with support from the guides - the guides cannot smooth a path, they can only support you in the things that have gone wrong and support you for not only will you see the things that you have done well my ladies, but you will see what has occurred and how it has affected others when you have done this, and you will be needed to take on their grief for whatever it is, to live their path as well – I hope I am not distressing you, but this is not a fairy tale and it is not all wonderful – it IS wonderful of course and it will be. For there is a great garden there which we know, and it is tended there and you can go there and rest and lie on the grass with golden flowers, beautiful golden flowers, which when you enter the garden – will radiate this golden light upon you, and you may rest on what looks like grass, and you think is grass and you can recuperate there ready for the next session.                                                                                                       But it is of your own choosing and you go at your own rate, although you will not be there long, my ladies, you will move quite quickly. You will move to the upper spheres. This we know. We have looked at your lives and we know that there is not much there that needs much attention. You have time, as well, to make sure that nothing goes wrong between now and then, for you have a forewarning do you not? You can put it right. You are honorable ones and we understand this. Just that everybody’s talking about the passing and about the tunnels of light, which is more common and is usually the case; but occasionally, because one is more knowing, one tries to get there before it is properly time –this is in the short space of time to have separation from the physical body by the etheric body. Believe it or not, sometimes the etheric body is reluctant to leave its friend, the physical body…

If you need to ask a question then do so now.

(P – I have been thinking, while you have been saying that, if you have resolved and dealt with something that has happened to you while you are here on earth does this make it easier when you look back on your life when you get there – to move on?)

Number 3 Yes – this does my lady and that is what I am telling you because you have the opportunity in the knowing that you could, if there is anything that you can think of, that you think you ought to put right – you have plenty of time to do that while you are on the earth plane. I mean the things that you have done that are wrong, so to speak, or think you are guilty of, then you will put them right but there will also be for you to look at the good times too – not all the bad times. All this is looked at. There is much here that I cannot tell you. More that I thought I would say about this – the passing, everybody mentions the passing. But we know some stories have been written about people who have died momentarily, and then come back – and this is because they have an inquisitiveness that’s pressed them to awaken before it is quite time; but do not get upset about it, just relax and shut your eyes and let it all go before you and in fractions of seconds it will be released. There is much work here, it is very complicated really and in the early days, and we have given you a simplistic view of what happens and goes on, but there is lots more to it – it is very beautiful, this I can tell you. For it is very beautiful there, this beautiful rather silvery blue light, it is not a golden light as in the garden, but this silvery white light – it has a blue tinge about it which is the healing, you see. It is a very beautiful and you will feel very relaxed and quiet. Your loved ones will come and visit you and you will be moved out of there. You will not need much tending – it is not the same as a hospital as you would have here. For the light it will heal and make you well and rest your soul.
In this way then you will be strong enough to look at your life at some point, but you will not be pressed to do it straight away – you will be able to work on it at your own pace, in your own time. But we feel that once you actually get started and make your mind up to look at your life, we feel you will get through this part quite quickly as I have said before – for you are not bad people

(J – we feel that we are already looking at our lives and trying to 
improve ourselves.)

No 3 Yes – you understand we are looking at you and we are finding that we have noticed the difference in you, and the way that you work with others is good. I think our friend here says she has a dispassionate view, become dispassionate – she can sit back and look at things and the world and all you can do is look – for you cannot do anything else on your own in any case

(P – yes I feel guilty because I feel dispassionate)

No 3.  Mmm – do not feel like this, it’s your way of helping you to cope with what is going on here. We are making you stand back from it and view it from afar like a telescope – so you can look at it from a distance. We are trying to help you to cope with what is going on because you have become more sensitive in the days that you have been working with us, and through this we are making you stand back so that things don’t hurt as much and you do not drive yourself mad with worry and anxiety about things you have no control over. Whatever will be, will be

(J – well we accept that now, and stand back)

No 3 Yes this is very good. I want you to know this and you can do this

 (A. We still need to love people very much.)
  This is what I am saying, my friend – you have these deeper feelings now that you never thought that you would experience. But because you are sensitive, you want to stand you back a bit so you will not get too involved in what is going on – or too anxious or guilty about what you have no control over.

Now I am going to try and change the subject – and I am going to try and describe something else and it very heavy so you will have to allow for the instrument as well as myself. We are going to tread some deep water now. Now – I want to remind you of what I have said the last time we met and it was about a plane and its propulsion with plasma fuel – I am going to try and explain to you about plasma fuel. This, you see is what we call nuclear fusion – not fission. If you understand about this. If you understand about the nucleus of a star – we have hydrogen at the centre of the star with single protons all swimming around it. Now these need to fuse, you see, and they do fuse in the end and then we end up with helium. This is two protons and two neutrons together and there has to be a fusing. Now in the star, it takes millions of years for this to happen, because you have gravitational pressure and we also have – what can I call it – a separation from the protons, they push away from one another – sort of a rejection and it is heavy pressure here.  It is how we measure here the gravitational pressure. Anyway, it takes millions of years for this Fusion to happen. So here on your earth plane to form this material, metal, nucleus you would have to wait thousands of years for this to happen. This is absolutely useless…it’s less than useless in some ways – so what do we do? 
We have to take two isotopes I think from the hydrogen – right? Now we have  deutrium--tritium .
(J – Deutrium and Tritium?)

No 3 Tritium – right – you have these two. Now, you have the Deutrium this is easy, it is in your salty sea – it is in your seawater! You have plenty of it and you can access plenty of material from millions of years. You have the properties. Now, that is easy to come by but Tritium is not so easy to come by, and so it has to be made. We take the two isotopes and place them in the nuclear fusion machine. Now in the centre of this we have what we call a Torus – in the centre of the Torus we put the two isotopes you understand me. These are heated up at a great heat and gradually we have a fusion of the two and we have plasma. Ah. Now we have not finished yet my ladies. Now what happens is we have the neutrons and the protons – now they are all going around getting fused together. When the neutrons hit the walls of this Torus, (scroll down link), there is a Lithium shield and when it hits the shield this is the Tritium. It’s repelled back into the Torus and then it bounces back again and more Tritium is made with this boundless energy that is here you see, understand me?
(J – yes, I do!)
No 3 - Do you all understand me?
What this is, is an endless source of energy, will become an endless source of energy – I put it in very layman’s language and I’ve probably missed some very exacting parts to it –but I have given you the gist of it. This is not the end my friend, it is just the beginning, because how would you access it? This energy from the Torus - and how will you contain it? It would need to be contained…and you need to be able to access it. We don’t know that this is the fuel or energy of the future – I am unsure about this but somebody down here feels that this is it –but we have some thoughts about this. Now it has no by-products, no waste products as you would have from nuclear fission – there isn’t any waste…not directly anyway but from the second reaction you will have a half-life waste which will take, unlike nuclear fission that takes thousands of years, this takes only hundreds of years to 
clear itself and go back to normal again – so it’s much cleaner you understand? If you can hold it and try to access it out, then although your magnets might come into play here this is how this fuel is made but it’s on the drawing board and somebody is going to have a go at it and I think they are fighting for which country is going to build this nuclear fusion reactor – it will be a massive undertaking. The idea is all right but putting it into practice they will encounter many problems with it to hold it
(But what exactly is the Torus?)
No3 Well, if you imagine an apple, with the core taken out of the centre it is something like that, but what size I cannot imagine – but it is to hold it, to access it.

(A. to hold it, would there be a great deal of danger?)
No 3 Yes…but I am not going to tell you because you need to see it done first and look at other possibilities, and it is going to take from now – from what I understand – ten or twenty years maybe longer.
So this is what you must get away from, nuclear fuel and fossil fuels – there are other ways – there will be other fuel, maybe our little friends from afar may be able to help you. There are problems with this Torus thing – fusion – and you will have to wait and see…all right?
I am leaving now my ladies, it has been very nice to be with you – and we are back to normal, are we not, and I understand we are having a visitor coming next time that we meet?…No 1 says that it is a lady so he wont have any problems.                                  (J. She is very nice)
I must leave you now. May your God go with you.

                                                                      No 2

I come to you my daughters of the Divinity, once more, to bring you the Divine light from the Divinity, as always. I come to pour it in you, and over you, and around you, and as always my friends to take it to your beloved ones and help them along their pathway. For you need to look at the world and pour it onto the world, and I want you to expand your energy to cover the whole world, taking the light of the Divinity into the dark corners that there are, for these need to be lightened, and brought out of the darkness. I want you to take it and pour it over your world, and see how it lightens it and brings beauty to the fore. Where there is darkness let there be light, for the light of the Divinity is special, a pure golden white light, that builds up in love, for love is everything. It is the power, there is no other power, only love is the power, and I bring it to you my ladies I bring it to you, as I want you to take it with you to enlighten the world, and pour it on the others. Pour the golden light of the Divinity, and wrap the world in its beautiful light, this cloud of pure gold and white light which comes from the Divine one himself; and this I hope you will take with you my friends, as you go along your earth pathway, help where you can, and look into the eyes of those who say nothing, for they may have much to tell. Listen to them that you may enlighten them also, as they ask for your help. They may not ask directly, they may ask with their eyes, for their eyes are the windows of the soul, and all shall be revealed in them. So sense my ladies where the help is needed, for I will help you bring the love and the light from the Divinity to give out, and distribute amongst all those who need the help. I bring you the chalice of love once again, that you may take from it what you need, as I always do, the Divine one makes sure that you have all that you need: for what is wanted and what you need will be there for the asking. I give it to you my friends with all my love. I must go now, my daughters of the Divinity, once more I must go, and I look forward to meeting again. 

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