Once upon a time ... three British ladies who sat in a circle with one medium and three Beings of Light who, attracted by the Light of their auras, came and started a cycle extraordinarily informative messages which triggered my spiritual awakening.

This is my tribute to all of them because I know that the many still sleeping and skeptical will see the beauty and the message of Light and Love contained in each of them.

Be at peace

I am no-one special. I am a curious, problem solving type who's strict upbringing in the Catholic community gave me the foundation of a service to others ethic and a resolve for justice and peace.

I guess that is why, when drawn to others who were able to see beyond the ordinary we were chosen to receive outstanding messages, and beyond that, to see the MESSENGERS

We had a talented medium who was able to 'move over' and let spiritual light beings use her voice.

We were told things that would freeze us with fear, and others that were so amazing we would literally be silent and gasping at the end of the sessions.

We did this for about 8 years off and on. Above all we were compelled to return nearly every Monday for another gruelling session that would ultimately wake us out of our comfortable slumber and start the process of truth, research and upliftment.

Even more astonishing was the fact that we saw three separate light beings distinct from each other. We tested each other to see if we were imagining them and named them 1, 2 and 3 in order of appearance in many tests. The numbers stuck and the transcriptions state thus. (The Beings of Light preferred this too, as when asked their names, they insisted that we wouldn't know them, and that numbers were fine).

I found a reference to our phenomenon in an ancient script. The Apochryphon of John.

(In the light I beheld a youth who stood beside me. Even as I looked he became like an old man, then like a servant. Yet there were not three before me, but one, with multiple forms appearing through each other as though transparent. He said to me, "John, John, why do you doubt? And why are you afraid? I am the one who is with you always. I am the Father. I am the Mother. I am the Son.")

Curiously, this is EXACTLY how we saw our B.O.L. Morphing and then settling into one familiar face. It makes you think about what was reported from ancient times, and who these ‘apparitions’ really were.

Ours when asked who they were, said: Alpha, Omega, Andromeda. Still makes me tingle to think of the possibilities!


Saturday, December 1, 2012


16th February 2004 

 Bible Code. Torah. Duality. Sapphire Tablets. Moses. Watchers. Book of Jacob. Giants. Babylonia.

                                                                  No 3

 Good evening, my ladies. 

No 1 is about and he may say something later, but at this moment it is 3 (yes we know), and I bid you welcome (thank you), and it is nice for us to come and be with you once more. We’ve had a little break have we not (we have), and we understand this is going to be the normal procedure for the moment anyway (yes).

I want to say something to you for we know the anxiety the medium has experienced over this little expedition that we are all going to undertake, and she has been very anxious about doing the right thing or not doing the wrong thing as we might say.

(We were going to be with other channelers from the College of Psychic Studies in London, and hopefully demonstrate.)

There need not be any concern, for if it is right for us to be there and conditions are compatible, we will be there. If they’re not, then we just won’t be. 

If we do come, and obviously you will make sure the conditions are much the same as they are here for it is easier for us to make contact with you with the red light you understand? Your own light shines out too. There will be things that we would like to say, but you need not be afraid, we are not going to bring out some deep scientific information that could frighten anybody. So don’t be apprehensive about what will come out at this event if we should be there at that time do you understand me?  

We can share that information here because we know you, and we know what you do with it, sometimes it’s put out and sometimes it is not, do you understand me?
( J. Absolutely).

Now one or two different things have been brought to my notice and we have been talking, well I can only explain it as talking amongst ourselves for we do not obviously TALK to each other, we communicate quicker than that. 

You do understand, don’t you? That you have found a new galaxy today, and the fact that it’s so many millions of miles away means that I don’t think it will have any impact or be of any problem to you really, because the distance is vast you understand?

Well did you know that you have found a new planet?  I ask you because this has become news lately and it has oxygen, it has properties as well that would be conducive to human life. It is a small planet that has been stumbled on by accident. So this could be interesting, we watch and wait and see what happens here you understand?

I think that you wish to discuss the different aspects of religion with me, is that so my friend? (J Yes, particularly the  Bible Code yes). Well, ask me then my child, ask. (J Yes I’ve been asked by members of the group that we have: Is there truth in the bible code?).

There is the short answer is YES THERE IS TRUTH IN THE BIBLE CODE, and why has it not come to the fore before this, is because you had not the technology to cope with it so you are going to need a technology now do you understand me?

 (Yes), and you will need somebody to decipher what is written (Yes). I think it will come; it is there you see for the asking more or less just to find out, to explore and look into it deeper, because this is what you will ask and need to do. 

It would not have come to the fore in the past because they hadn’t got the technology to be able to decipher a code with it, you understand me? I speak of this now but there are riddles to be undone within it you understand me. So nothing will be made easy for you, but this is how it should be because this is when the time comes when a student appears, and the master will come, and this is the time and there are truths in it, there are truths that are drawn already. 

How much more does one need? I mean to say it is written in black and white, almost drawing you pictures, do you understand me my child? (J Yes I do). I mean what more do you need, how much more convincing do you need? Why do you believe in the stories of your bible, quaint and strange as they are, why do so many people believe in these fantasies as you see them? This bible code was taken from the original torah? You understand me? The  Hebrew Torah  you understand me?

(J I do-in the original language). It is in the original language and this is where the bible code is, it its no good you picking up your modern bible and trying to source it out because you won’t be able to. You have to go back to the original Hebrew you would need to learn it you understand? (Yes). Or you perhaps can get in on your boxes and with the technology that you have you understand me? (Yes).

Your technology at the end of the day my friends if not watched carefully, will actually run away with you, because it will outstrip you, because you will have found the answer to one thing with the technology but you will not be aware of what other things that it could possibly bring about and do. 

Some people will manage to decipher that, they will decode that with the technology and they will have an advantage, you understand me? (Yes). It will outstrip if you will not be careful, the understanding that you have of different technological things that are being brought up at the moment you understand me? (J I think so; I think so).

 What is it that you do not understand my friend, I will try to answer? (J Well I….)-do you understand-(J no I don’t). 

The technology that you have developed to sort out one problem, will also do other things, and the people will understand or some scientists will understand that this is capable of doing something else and not all for the good. We have this cloning coming along, you see you have found the technology to do this but in the one hand it will do good but if you look at another way? (Quite). This is what I mean about it will run and outstrip you, because you haven’t a possibility of governing it, or laws that should do this, for there is always somebody who would like to experiment further and will. (J. Like Nano- technology)

Nano- technology is there (J and could be very dangerous). It could be very dangerous, as you understand (Yes totally). These things these tiny machines that could be injected into you could enable you to recover from cancer you see, defeat disease in that way, but it could also devour you from the inside, if someone needed it so to do.  You would not know it might be injected. It is fine; it is a beautiful piece of technology, but beware, beware. ( J It could be in the wrong hands)

Like everything, there is good and evil in everything. Do you not think also my friends that it is strange that once you come near to a beneficial discovery, something else sneaks in at the back, that will pull you up so to speak, and upset everything? As the good comes to the fore so does the bad. This is the way you see there is good and bad, there’ s good and evil, and the one plays against the other. It always seems as if you are on the point of making a breakthrough and something happens to stop you, if you see what I mean? So you must look at that.

Did you understand that when Moses came down from Mount Sinai, the tablets that he was given from the Divinity were written on tablets of SAPPHIRE? (Ah)? Ah ha I hear you say. It is there my friend, it is all there, and we will find something for you to Research.


P (Can I ask a question?) Yes of courses my dear. (Why, if they wrote the bible in original Hebrew, what made them put the code into it, was there, had they the technology then? Why did they put in the code? )

(J - Was it written by someone who was wise enough to do it without the technology?) Yes, It was done by somebody wise enough………….now you say somebody, it was not written by anybody-the things were there for them to write, the idea and the pattern of what is being put is not a verse (Oh I see).

(Actually, I don’t think that we did see, but we felt that we couldn’t keep on asking questions).

This is coming from elsewhere. You can call it Divinity, you can call it extraterrestrial but that is what it is. There is much more thought here, and if you think that the possibility that the different things will that happen on your Earth plane, that the people or the beings from other planets will not come to keep guard on their DNA that they sent from many millions of years ago? ( J. Of course). Do you realize that you have had three attempts at civilization here on this planet and suddenly there is nothing and the next moment people are being able to do this and do that and the other, then there is something else going on here in a practical way?

If you look also at the book I think it is of  JACOB, you will read about the Watchers. The WATCHERS have come from another planet. This is how they implanted their seeds in the women over time a thousand ****and this is where your Giants (GIANTS) come from you understand me?  Giants ( J I do actually). 

You look at the buildings that there are in Egypt and other places, look how high the arches are. They wouldn’t have-to be impressive but not needed to have been so high for the smaller people that YOU are, and why be so precise and so High? (Yes). This is where a different sort of civilization comes in that will make you think my friends. (In America too?

Yes, yes it is possible, you see they did not dig or sail across the seas; they were already come from outer space you understand? (J Yes completely now). This seems more feasible I cannot understand why you humans cannot grasp this because this would be more, be feasible whereas the other explanation is not, and the bible and everything else. Of course it (?) was built for power as well as other things, but the code was well hidden amongst everything else. It is very clever, very clever.

You have Moses and Noah. Jacob was another one was he not, I believe I cannot sort it all out, I might have to go back and get help you see but Noah was given the instructions for this ark to be made. 

Now somebody knew something and it was given you see because the water was going to rise, this is going to be perhaps your pole shift (quite), and see behind there is a mountain and Mount Ararat where it rested on the top and you see how high, this is one of the highest mountains there in that range and you will know how high the water came, you understand me? (Yes).

There’s a lot there, to be gone into, and lots of intriguing theories and stories which are not stories though they are actual facts put into stories and they are made for you my children to read and understand, for you have the sensibilities now to look beneath what is going on, do not take it at face value you understand me? (Yes absolutely). 

Are there any more questions while I am here? I tell you this if we get a questions and answer thing going at this other place that we are going to visit, it depends on how it is constructed whether I will take part or not. If this is to do with chatting to other spirits, it would not be very good manners to interrupt another spirit form, so they usually have to speak one at a time, but it could be devised in such a way that we might converse with one other spirit (yes). 

We will have to see how they devise it otherwise we will do what we do here and now at the moment perhaps have a short question and answer session. I think some of the information that will come forward from us, will be what you have heard before you understand. They may not have heard it and perhaps not have read your transcripts my friend (no, no) and even if they have they have, they won’t have covered all that much I wouldn’t think, so we will cover old ground so don’t go away thinking oh well we’ve heard all this before (we won’t). We will go back to parts of the beginning you understand (we understand). I wouldn’t want to upset any of you by bringing up our own things that we have gone into before. Is there anything else?

(Yes I would like to. When I was looking for the obelisk that you were talking about the  MithrasMazra one, the reference I got to the obelisk the only one was actually in the bible code). 

This is how it should, be is it not? (Yes). It should be hidden. The technology to decipher and understand what was done then, was not for any other time, and now could be the time or say there would be a time shift maybe to bring it to the fore, but of all things that have come true shall we put it, or have been described and put forward and translated from the bible code this is what I’m saying how much more do you want?

What has to happen for you to take notice, and will you take notice when you finally have the answer? For you should (we should, I know). There are more people working on this than you may know as well as you, and it won’t be for yourself to go digging there ( J much as I’d like to), because there are others you see in more what is, it is Babylon  is it not? (Yes). They won’t have a lot of people digging about in their country you see, no matter how enthusiastic they may be from other countries to dig this thing up; they may not want it to be got up for ridiculous reasons that one doesn’t know, you understand me?
 (J Yes, you mentioned Sidon, last time)? Yes, (J A part of Phoenicia, the old  Phoenician link there) 

Yes, you sea the Dead Sea, you have a peninsula that sticks out from there somewhere and it is within this part you understand ( J: I do, I’ve looked at a map) you must have another look there and you will find it. You won’t find exactly where it is because you would need special equipment for that and I said that the people of Babylon would not allow it I do not think. Not at the moment or in the recent past I cannot say. It is all highly technical in any case for some do not believe there is anything there to get up, and this is the problem. If we get more people involved, especially the Babylonians themselves this could help you see, because they could unlock doors. 

( J: Babylonia, meaning Iraq and round that area or extending right out to Sidon?) Extending right out to Sidon really this area ( J: the old Babylonia), the old Babylonia that’s what I’m saying, but even so they wont like it (no, they won’t). We know this already (yes). But anyway time will tell my friends, time will tell. Is there anything else? 

(P I heard on the news today that an enormous diamond has been found in space and it’s the biggest diamond ever but it’s in space somewhere, connected to this planet maybe). This is of course quite possible, quite possible. there are other things in heaven and Earth?

 (J Yes but a diamond, it must be made of carbon-carbon based) Carbon based from where? (Quite) From where?

The fact that they found this other Little Planet there, which already has oxygen and carbon, watch this space (gosh!). I will say this, there is so much to look at and sorry I cannot give you more information (oh no, oh no its fine, its best). This is one out of the blue but it is very possible there are so many things you see that are possible, so much out there that you do not know of yet. 

It is a pity that they are going to dissemble the Hubble telescope; but they will send something much stronger, much more advanced. I think it is getting rid of the old stuff you understand. I hope they don’t leave it all lying around. Anyway, I must go now my friends. 

Have things done in the correct way with regard to our little excursion. We can bend a little you understand.

Feb 16/04.  Bible Code. Torah. Duality. Sapphire Tablets. Moses. Watchers. Book of Jacob. Giants. Babylonia.

 Good evening, my ladies. No 1 is about and he may say something later, but at this moment it is 3 (yes we know), and I bid you welcome (thank you), and it is nice for us to come and be with you once more. We’ve had a little break have we not (we have), and we understand this is going to be the normal procedure for the moment anyway (yes).
 I want to say something to you for we know the anxiety the medium has experienced over this little expedition that we are all going to undertake, and she has been very anxious about doing the right thing or not doing the wrong thing as we might say.
(We were going to be with other channelers from the College of Psychic Studies in London, and hopefully demonstrate.)
There need not be any concern, for if it is right for us to be there and conditions are compatible, we will be there, if they’re not, then we just won’t be. If we do come, and obviously you will make sure the conditions are much the same as they are here for it is easier for us to make contact with you with the red light you understand? Your own light shines out too. There will be things that we would like to say, but you need not be afraid, we are not going to bring out some deep scientific information that could frighten anybody. So don’t be apprehensive about what will come out at this event if we should be there at that time do you understand me?  We can share that information here because we know you, and we know what you do with it, sometimes it’s put out and sometimes it is not, do you understand me?
( J. Absolutely).
Now one or two different things have been brought to my notice and we have been talking, well I can only explain it as talking amongst ourselves for we do not obviously TALK to each other, we communicate quicker than that. You do understand don’t you that you have found a new galaxy today, and the fact that it’s so many millions of miles away means that I don’t think it will have any impact or be of any problem to you really, because the distance is vast you understand?
Well did you know that you have found a new planet?  I ask you because this has become news lately and it has oxygen, it has properties as well that would be conducive to human life. It is a small planet that has been stumbled on by accident. So this could be interesting, we watch and wait and see what happens here you understand?
  I think that you wish to discuss the different aspects of religion with me, is that so my friend? (J Yes, particularly the  Bible Code yes). Well, ask me then my child, ask. (J Yes I’ve been asked by members of the group that we have, -is there truth in the bible code?).
There is the short answer is YES THERE IS TRUTH IN THE BIBLE CODE, and why has it not come to the fore before this, is because you had not the technology to cope with it so you are going to need a technology now do you understand me? (Yes), and you will need somebody to decipher what is written (Yes). I think it will come; it is there you see for the asking more or less just to find out, to explore and look into it deeper, because this is what you will ask and need to do. It would not have come to the fore in the past because they hadn’t got the technology to be able to decipher a code with it, you understand me? I speak of this now but there are riddles to be undone within it you understand me. So nothing will be made easy for you, but this is how it should be because this is when the time comes when a student appears, and the master will come, and this is the time and there are truths in it, there are truths that are drawn already. How much more does one need? I mean to say it is written in black and white, almost drawing you pictures, do you understand me my child? (J Yes I do). I mean what more do you need, how much more convincing do you need? Why do you believe in the stories of your bible, quaint and strange as they are, why do so many people believe in these fantasies as you see them? This bible code was taken from the original torah? You understand me? The  Hebrew Torah  you understand me?
(J I do-in the original language). It is in the original language and this is where the bible code is, it its no good you picking up your modern bible and trying to source it out because you won’t be able to. You have to go back to the original Hebrew you would need to learn it you understand? (Yes). Or you perhaps can get in on your boxes and with the technology that you have you understand me? (Yes).
Your technology at the end of the day my friends if not watched carefully, will actually run away with you, because it will outstrip you, because you will have found the answer to one thing with the technology but you will not be aware of what other things that it could possibly bring about and do. Some people will manage to decipher that, they will decode that with the technology and they will have an advantage, you understand me? (Yes). It will outstrip if you will not be careful, the understanding that you have of different technological things that are being brought up at the moment you understand me? (J I think so; I think so). What is it that you do not understand my friend, I will try to answer? (J Well I….)-do you understand-(J no I don’t). The technology that you have developed to sort out one problem, will also do other things, and the people will understand or some scientists will understand that this is capable of doing something else and not all for the good. We have this cloning coming along, you see you have found the technology to do this but in the one hand it will do good but if you look at another way? (Quite). This is what I mean about it will run and outstrip you, because you haven’t a possibility of governing it, or laws that should do this, for there is always somebody who would like to experiment further and will. (J. Like Nano- technology)? Nano- technology is there (J and could be very dangerous). It could be very dangerous, as you understand (Yes totally). These things these tiny machines that could be injected into you could enable you to recover from cancer you see, defeat disease in that way, but it could also devour you from the inside, if someone needed it so to do.  You would not know it might be injected. It is fine; it is a beautiful piece of technology, but beware, beware. ( J It could be in the wrong hands). Like everything, there is good and evil in everything. Do you not think also my friends that it is strange that once you come near to a beneficial discovery, something else sneaks in at the back, that will pull you up so to speak, and upset everything? As the good comes to the fore so does the bad. This is the way you see there is good and bad, there’ s good and evil, and the one plays against the other. It always seems as if you are on the point of making a breakthrough and something happens to stop you, if you see what |I mean? So you must look at that.

Did you understand that when Moses came down from Mount Sinai, the tablets that he was given from the Divinity were written on tablets of SAPPHIRE? (Ah)? Ah ha I hear you say. It is there my friend, it is all there, and we will find something for you to Research.
P (Can I ask a question?) Yes of courses my dear. (Why, if they wrote the bible in original Hebrew, what made them put the code into it, was there, had they the technology then? Why did they put in the code? )
(J) Was it written by someone who was wise enough to do it without the technology?) Yes, It was done by somebody wise enough………….now you say somebody, it was not written by anybody-the things were there for them to write, the idea and the pattern of what is being put is not a verse (Oh I see).
(Actually, I don’t think that we did see, but we felt that we couldn’t keep on asking questions).
This is coming from elsewhere. You can call it Divinity, you can call it extraterrestrial but that is what it is. There is much more thought here, and if you think that the possibility that the different things will that happen on your earth plane, that the people or the beings from other planets will not come to keep guard on their DNA that they sent from many millions of years ago? ( J. Of course). Do you realise that you have had three attempts at civilisation here on this planet and suddenly there is nothing and the next moment people are being able to do this and do that and the other, then there is something else going on here in a practical way?

If you look also at the book I think it is of  JACOB, you will read about the Watchers. The WATCHERS have come from another planet. This is how they implanted their seeds in the women over time a thousand ****and this is where your Giants (GIANTS) come from you understand me?  Giants ( J I do actually). You look at the buildings that there are in Egypt and other places, look how high the arches are. They wouldn’t have-to be impressive but not needed to have been so high for the smaller people that YOU are, and why be so precise and so High? (Yes). This is where a different sort of civilisation comes in that will make you think my friends. (In America too?) Yes, yes it is possible, you see they did not dig or sail across the seas; they were already come from outer space you understand? (J Yes completely now). This seems more feasible I cannot understand why you humans cannot grasp this because this would be more, be feasible whereas the other explanation is not, and the bible and everything else. Of course it (?) was built for power as well as other things, but the code was well hidden amongst everything else. It is very clever, very clever.
You have Moses and Noah. Jacob was another one was he not, I believe I cannot sort it all out, I might have to go back and get help you see but Noah was given the instructions for this ark to be made. Now somebody knew something and it was given you see because the water was going to rise, this is going to be perhaps your pole shift (quite), and see behind there is a mountain and Mount Ararat where it rested on the top and you see how high, this is one of the highest mountains there in that range and you will know how high the water came, you understand me? (Yes). There’s a lot there, to be gone into, and lots of intriguing theories and stories which are not stories though they are actual facts put into stories and they are made for you my children to read and understand, for you have the sensibilities now to look beneath what is going on, do not take it at face value you understand me? (Yes absolutely). Are there any more questions while I am here? I tell you this if we get a questions and answer thing going at this other place that we are going to visit, it depends on how it is constructed whether I will take part or not. If this is to do with chatting to other spirits, it would
not be very good manners to interrupt another spirit form, so they usually have to speak one at a time, but it could be devised in such a way that we might converse with one other spirit (yes). We will have to see how they devise it otherwise we will do what we do here and now at the moment perhaps have a short question and answer session. I think some of the information that will come forward from us, will be what you have heard before you understand. They may not have heard it and perhaps not have read your transcripts my friend (no, no) and even if they have they have, they won’t have covered all that much I wouldn’t think, so we will cover old ground so don’t go away thinking oh well we’ve heard all this before (we won’t). We will go back to parts of the beginning you understand (we understand). I wouldn’t want to upset any of you by bringing up our own things that we have gone into before. Is there anything else?
(Yes I would like to. -When I was looking for the obelisk that you were talking about the  Mithras/ Mazra one, the reference I got to the obelisk the only one was actually in the bible code). This is how it should be is it not? (Yes). It should be hidden. The technology to decipher and understand what was done then, was not for any other time, and now could be the time or say there would be a time shift maybe to bring it to the fore, but of all things that have come true shall we put it, or have been described and put forward and translated from the bible code this is what I’m saying how much more do you want?
 What has to happen for you to take notice, and will you take notice when you finally have the answer? For you should (we should, I know). There are more people working on this than you may know as well as you, and it won’t be for yourself to go digging there ( J much as I’d like to), because there are others you see in more what is, it is Babylon  is it not? (Yes). They won’t have a lot of people digging about in their country you see, no matter how enthusiastic they may be from other countries to dig this thing up; they may not want it to be got up for ridiculous reasons that one doesn’t know, you understand me? 
 (J Yes, you mentioned Sidon, last time)? Yes, (J A part of Phoenicia, the old  Phoenician link there) Yes, you sea the Dead Sea, you have a peninsula that sticks out from there somewhere and it is within this part you understand ( JI do, I’ve looked at a map) you must have another look there and you will find it. You won’t find exactly where it is because you would need special equipment for that and I said that the people of Babylon would not allow it I do not think. Not at the moment or in the recent past I cannot say. It is all highly technical in any case for some do not believe there is anything there to get up, and this is the problem. If we get more people involved, especially the Babylonians themselves this could help you see, because they could unlock doors. ( J Babylonia, meaning Iraq and round that area or extending right out to Sidon?) Extending right out to Sidon really this area ( J the old Babylonia), the old Babylonia that’s what I’m saying, but even so they wont like it (no they won’t). We know this already (yes). But anyway time will tell my friends, time will tell. Is there anything else? (P I heard on the news today that an enormous diamond has been found in space and it’s the biggest diamond ever but it’s in space somewhere, connected to this planet maybe). This is of course quite possible, quite possible there are other things in heaven and earth?
 (J Yes but a diamond, it must be made of carbon-carbon based) Carbon based from where? (Quite) From where?
The fact that they found this other Little Planet there, which already has oxygen and carbon, watch this space (gosh). I will say this, there is so much to look at and sorry I cannot give you more information (oh no, oh no its fine, its best). This is one out of the blue but it is very possible there are so many things you see that are possible, so much out there that you do not know of yet. It is a pity that they are going to dissemble the Hubble telescope; but they will send something much stronger, much more advanced. I think it is getting rid of the old stuff you understand. I hope they don’t leave it all lying around. Anyway, I must go now my friends. ********************************
Have things done in the correct way with regard to our little excursion. We can bend a little you understand.

Offline -  http://www.spirit-truths.co.uk

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