17th November 2003.
Electrons. Etheric & Physical
Vibration. Earth’s Gene Pool
Morphing Aircraft. Space Energy. Hidden History. Gulf Stream. Beings of Light in History. Understanding the Beings of Light.
Now then my ladies, if you remember, recently we talked about Atoms and the way they act, and protons and neutrons, and how we know 26 neutrons and protons are always referred to as iron. Planetary, (yes I do remember), that it takes 26 and it’s always 26.
I don’t want to go over that old ground again. I don’t think that something was made clear, and I cannot remember to be honest; but with regard to looking at the house, what I meant was, that if you turn round and you cannot see the house, it doesn’t mean that the house disappears because you weren’t looking at it. (No, no.)
I don’t know if I got that right at the time but that isn’t what I meant at all. I thought there might have been some sort of misunderstanding and No 1 pointed out that perhaps you might have thought that the house had disappeared because you were not looking at it and of course that cannot happen (no.) Ah good, we’ve sorted that out then. http://www.spirit-truths.co.uk/transcripts/2003/october/index.htm
The course of the universe is built up of many vibrations throughout, and of course where you are on your Earth plane, the vibrations are slow, because this is what makes up the physical world that you are in.
You have 64000 vibrations to the inch one way on one scale, and you have 34,000 vibrations to the inch on the other scale. Now I’m talking about 400 to 750 billion vibrations to the second. That is why your world is physical you understand (yes)?
Now the scientists here only seem to appear to go and look at the lower ones, to try and understand the vibrations on your Earth plane. If they cannot see it, or they cannot pick it up on different instruments to record it, they do not think it is there (yes); but they need to look further you see beyond your Earth plane, within the etheric field. This is where all the vibration is and it’s all at different vibrations throughout the universe.
There is more out there than you are aware of obviously, (yes), but here you are in a very thin band, which is the physical and this is why you can see one another and different things. It is the physical field you see (yes).
On the one hand you see you have, what do we have here we have the ultraviolet ray on your one hand with the 64,000 vibrations to the inch, and on the other hand you have 34,000 vibrations to the inch is where the ultraviolet ones and the infra red ones to the other you understand it (yes I do). Then of course on the other side where you have 400 and 750 billion vibrations to the second, you have x-rays and soft x-rays one side, and the other side you have radio waves and such at the other end you see, and this is what makes up your very narrow band.
Beyond both ends of the scale you have the etheric, and this is where you do not understand or know what is happening in this field, because the vibrations are beyond and are different, and the only way you can penetrate the circuit is on the etheric field where you are when you leave your physical body and move. Then you enter the etheric field, which we have spoken of before, it is just on the edge you understand? That’s where your world is, your afterlife, but beyond that you see there are other vibrations.
You are such a tiny speck of dust within the universe really, in the immensity of all, just tiny. It is your light that attracts us, to come to you, to help you. We hope that we are of use and service to you (oh you are, you are), we open up the band of knowledge and understanding perhaps a little more. Of course we know there are things going on your Earth plane that you are not aware of and sometimes we are able to pick it up.
Now, I wonder if you have ever thought about the gene pool here on the Earth plane, and how it is being eroded and weakened in one way, and undesirable elements are accelerating it in another. Of course drugs have a lot to do with it, and I know it sounds ridiculous, but it is so.
These drugs people make so much money you see, there is so much money involved, So Much Power Involved in the supplying of drugs, so, on the one hand you do not want the drugs but on the other hand a company imports them from places that provide the drugs. It is Big Business, and at the other end, you have people taking drugs and are encouraged in some way to do so in subtle, subtle ways; one being, that if you are in company of course, you may want to join in with the rest of the people that are taking them.
These are the ones that are soft options really; because they are the ones with the weak minds and are easily led do you understand me? So, in the end if they cannot get off the drugs and they die (yes, indeed). It is a clever way of getting rid of the weak ones. You think about the power of the drug companies, and if you think about who is at the top, and you get rid of the feeble minded you will a really good gene pool here, and I don’t mean it must contain highly intelligent human beings, for you need all shapes of intelligence, for there will always be a spectrum of jobs to do, and some people are only capable of simple tasks. Do you see what I mean, what I’m trying to get at?
They are making money from the drugs and the other addictive elements in your society, and at the same time they are also getting rid of the weak minded, that they don’t need either. It’s just another way of making the gene pool as pure as it can be. ( J. Years and years ago, they tried a semi-secret Eugenics programme in lots of countries).
They went about it in a different way, and it caused problems, being attempted, and it upset a lot of people naturally (of course, of course). This drug problem is used as a subtle way of improving and selecting the gene pool, but it would not be acceptable if it were REALLY understood. This might seem terrible to you, but you my friends and your peoples, have originally come from another place, which is much stricter than you are on these issues.
It’s very strict, but you have forgotten (ah! How interesting), all the better for it because it makes you softer and easier to work with, you understand (yes we do)? You have hidden depths that you know nothing about my friends, and perhaps it’s better that you do not plumb (are you talking to all of us here?). Yes I’m talking to all of you here and this you must decide for yourself.
Now I want to talk about something else. We have done the gene pool, have we not? We have spoken about the universe and the vibration, and I did mention to you that I thought there would be another plane craft on the drawing board? There are many coming along in actual fact being developed. There is one in particular that we are watching with great interest. The struggle that is going on is quite fascinating, and it might sound really quite exciting, we shouldn’t expect it, but we will watch and wait and see.
There is New Aircraft coming. It may take 10 to 20 years to develop but the development of it is, it will have the wings like your aircraft have, but they will be able to move up and down, the wings will be able to move up and down and also be able to move backwards and forwards (ah) and it will be able to hover and it will not be picked up by your radar system. It will have skin, and it will be able to fold its wings within itself and become like a missile.
As a combat aircraft it will be lethal (oh dear) because it can hover. It will be able to hover and wait and it can fold back its wings and then it will go. Mighty powerful (good heavens), even the new fuel I think is plasma fuel, which is being developed to fuel this terrible being? More or less like a missile but the idea of the skin which is flexible and can be contracted and expanded is what is fascinating us as the building and the design that is coming along, but also the ordinary aircraft you know that carry people, that is the same, is the same, looks the same but could be useful transporting people about Earth plane explain if you see (yes I remember).
That would be the area that you still haven’t got to grips with, this Energy Field which is out in space which is in space but isn’t a vacuum but (vertical particle) yes, this is where the Fuel comes in if you can get from here to the edge of space you see and I’ve said before, just into space perhaps you would find a way of drawing this energy in. This fuel is there, free for the taking and it has no by-products (yes) you understand me?
(Mm, would it be good to draw the attention of a scientist at this stage or maybe not?)
Not at this stage maybe, I wouldn’t worry too much about it at this stage, and I’m not telling you something that isn’t already being proposed. It is just fascinating for us to watch and wait and see what happens. We are pondering the fact that maybe the aliens that you have about in different hiding holes so to speak, in the bases that you have around your Earth plane, that perhaps they have brought in new technology, they have found different materials now that they could not find before; to use you see and it is interesting (yes), for there is help here that has come from elsewhere, but maybe the new metals are now being introduced into different mechanical objects, and there will be different underwater vehicles as well which will come to the fore.
Those are being worked on too, at the moment you understand (yes), there are lots of experiments going on, all over the place, there’s a lot of your History that is Hidden From You, for they do not want you to be knowing of these things that went on many, many years ago, centuries ago, thousands of years ago, but there are different things left here and They Have Been Planted, and others have gathered them up and hidden them away you understand?
Yes, but don’t you see that on your boxes, you are only given the information that other people are already aware of, that can put it on there do you understand me, it’s only as good as the information that is given to you; but there’s more going on which you would never get to see or, for obvious reasons would never come onto your computer.
We just keep an eye on things my friends, just to keep an eye on things to see what is happening, and your weather patterns are changing, are they not again? (they are), yes they are and they think it’s all going to be very, Very Cold here do they not (yes)?
The new ice age is coming, but they’re wrong (I think so too). I’m sorry they’re wrong, as it’s likely to get hotter rather than colder as you already are aware (absolutely, I thought that was very wrong.)
They are on the wrong track. The Gulf Stream might well cool it down a little bit but not to the extent that they are talking about. It will get warmer anyway it just will get warmer because the move has started (yes) it’s not something that’s going to happen; we don’t think it will happen in a flash. We think it’s already beginning to creep forward (yes), so they will be changes and nothing to get too excited about (no) because you are already aware (we are).
Are there any questions my friends? I will try and answer them if I can?
(J. I read today that somebody had channelled some being, and he reported that he was told that under the pyramids, there was a city, that the pyramids were a sort of decoy in a way to hide this huge city that was underneath the pyramids. Is that possible?)
It could be possible I suppose but we do not know of it (ah right, it probably isn’t then.)
I suppose it could be possible, but we are not aware of anything going on under the pyramids. Sometimes some of the explanations of how the blocks were moved and built…..and well, we’ve done all this before have we not (yes indeed), yes we’ve done all this before so it’s old ground.
Any more questions my friends before I go?
(P. Yes I would like to ask you a question. You talked about not understanding our emotions, and observing our emotions. Is there any benefit to you by learning about our emotions or is this something you have no need of at all?).
It is good for us in try to understand your emotions because we have never walked on your Earth plane, we have never been here and we have never gone back to the afterlife as it were, if you understand (yes), so we haven’t got any memory of emotion, or mind.
So we are trying to understand the emotions but it’s very difficult and it would be more of an advantage to us if we understood more. We do try but it is difficult because as I said we are beings of light and (yes you haven’t had the experience) we haven’t had the experience.
We only sense and pick up the vibrations from you, if we can tell the difference in the vibration that you generate (yes). It would be an advantage like I said, for us to understand it better and experience it also (yes).
( A. Can I ask a question?) Yes you may.
(Have beings of light, helped our ancestors in the past)?
Yes we have tried in the past. This was, I was going to say, fairly obvious, but perhaps not. We have tried to help in the past and we have got mixed up with all sort of beliefs, and Angels, and things of that sort, but we come in a different guise from them; but we have been here where others have been, if we can call ourselves others other beings of light and I do not say that we all come from the same place (no).
(J. Do you come from different parts of the universe?)
We come from different parts of the universe, you understand. I cannot say for example, I cannot experience what other Beings of light have experienced, not in that way, I’ve made it too simple really, it is more complicated than you would think, but I cannot simplify it enough to give it its proper understanding.
(A. Could we ever eventually become beings of light?) You ARE beings of light, (yes, but like you?). We do not think so not in this way, not in this way, because you will go into the afterlife as I said, but you will be drawn to the third, fourth, fifth, sixth dimension, we will have you there, we will have you there, and the vibration is faster there.
The world will be finer; you will have experiences that you cannot possibly experience here because the vibrations are too slow (ah yes). Even in its fastest point, its peak it is too slow.
(Will we be of benefit to others when we get there?) Oh yes my dear, yes. You will be of benefit to them here but you’ll most certainly be of benefit when you pass to the afterlife, for you will not stay just in only the ethereal plane which is next to your Earth plane you will move (yes) and you will move rapidly (yes I hope so). You may stay long enough with the relatives and friends that you know, they will wait for you, I’ve told you it will be like a great railway station (yes) waiting for all the trains to come in. They will be there to greet you but after that you see you will move on when you’re ready. We won’t tear you away from your friends or family straight away. We wouldn’t in any case, but there will be a desire within your mind to move because you will have a feeling that you should be elsewhere, which of course you will, and we will be there. You will know and you will recognise the light (J. I see, how lovely), because you will be very bathed in it and you will know that we are there. We will make it sure that you know (thank you, thank you) and you will be there my dears, soon you’ll be there for your life span here on Earth is but a short time is it not (yes). It seems a long time but it is not at all (no that’s very true), we will be there for you.
(J. Can I ask you something? It will sound very strange. I was thinking today about the dark matter, which you talked about with the Universe expanding, and Exploding Stars at the Edge of the Universe. It seems to me that it is acting like one of our viruses or bacteria, as it gathers and scavenges, and grows from it and becomes more powerful, it’s a similar sort of effect somehow.)
Same sort of effect, yes.
(J. Its been preying on my mind). It’s a similar sort of effect really, but then you see every thing is interconnected, and you’ll get vibrations from it of course, and this dark matter, we do not know what we shall see from this, but we will keep our channels open, yes it would be similar to what you describe my friend, like a virus that’s expanding, (that encroaches on and surrounds and consumes.) the problem is that you only see a tiny part of your universe in any case, and you would be amazed at what is hidden there, that you cannot see.
(J. Oh gosh! I’d love to see it; this is where you are at an advantage to us). We have to have some advantages I’m afraid. No 1 thinks he has many advantages, more than any other of course, because he can come close to the ladies.
I cannot understand it myself but he tries to explain it to me, but he has an advantage more than we have. We must leave now my friends unless you have anything else. I will leave you with that idea then, and you watch the gene pool and see, the push and pull and the way it works, and the weakest will eventually give way to the strongest.
(J. So there are those in high places that own and run the drug cartels, and who have a strong influence over those in power worldwide?)
In one way and another, with drugs. They are having it both ways, because they are making money from their drugs, and getting rid of the dross.
(J. I had thought, that one of the reasons they took over Afghanistan, was to take control of the drugs there), but it hasn’t, has it?
(J. No, but they must reap the benefits of the drugs there).
If you take away somebody’s livelihood, it’s no good unless you can put something else in its place growing there, for it is the only thing they have, to provide for their families and for food and whatever. You will find that most of them don’t take the stuff.
You can’t just take it away if you don’t replace it with something, that’s the problem, yes), and how you will fare with this Iraq thing I do not know, May I say this before I go, the one who has the power, he will speak of many more things, he is not coming for any old conflab, this prime minister, there are other things to be discussed, with Iraq and Iran, this is not something you can do from a long distance, it is something you would have to discuss man to man.
< Prime Minister Blair was meeting George Bush for talks>. They will sense and sort these things out between them; I feel that this must be on the agenda. It is secret and it will be done between them, spoken of between them of the pathway they are planning to take. Watch and wait, but it is a mess here in Iraq as we knew it would be, and it will take a long time to sort through it all; it will be a running sore as we have said before.
I will leave you now my friends and thank you for coming, and I will be with you again. ( It’s our great pleasure).
I come to you my children of the Divinity, to bring you the love of the Divine one. To wrap you once more in the Divine Light, so you can take your Light and shine into all the dark places, and make it brilliant with your beautiful light, so that you may be seen. Also, the places that are dark within, bring them the light, as there must some in the dark corners that are willing to take on the light, and this is important in your work, my daughters of the Divinity, for you are filled with the strength and the light of the loved one, that you may continue with your work, although it very hard for you to come to terms with what is going on around you.
I bring you the chalice once more, that you may drink from it, and drink from it with love, for we cherish you all, you understand, and we bring you this light and love to bind you together so that you may support one another through the hard times, for there will be hard times.
People will say unspoken things, will speak to you in tongues that you do not understand, and I do not mean foreign languages, but a tongue that you do not understand.
You must be strong, for this will come I fear, in some form or another; but you will stand together, you must stand together, my children of the Divinity, for you will have the light and love of the Divine one to help you.
I will leave you now my children and I will wrap you in the love of the Divine one, as always I bring the love and the Light, to bind up the sore places I have brought you something slightly different tonight, I do not want to go but I must.

17Nov03. Planetary
Electrons. Etheric & Physical
Vibration. Earth’s Gene Pool.
Morphing Aircraft. Space
Energy. Hidden History. Gulf Stream.
Beings of Light in History.
Understanding the Beings of Light.
Morphing Aircraft. Space
Energy. Hidden History. Gulf Stream.
Beings of Light in History.
Understanding the Beings of Light.
Now then my ladies, if you remember, recently we talked about Atoms and the way they act, and
protons and neutrons, and how we know 26 neutrons and protons are always
referred to as iron. Planetary, (yes I do remember), that it takes 26 and it’s
always 26. I don’t want to go over that old ground again. I don’t think that
something was made clear, and I cannot remember to be honest; but with regard
to looking at the house, what I meant
was, that if you turn round and you cannot see the house, it doesn’t mean that
the house disappears because you weren’t looking at it. (No, no.) I don’t know if I got that right at
the time but that isn’t what I meant at all. I thought there might have been
some sort of misunderstanding and No 1 pointed out that perhaps you might have
thought that the house had disappeared because you were not looking at it and
of course that cannot happen (no.) Ah good, we’ve sorted that out then. http://www.spirit-truths.co.uk/transcripts/2003/october/index.htm
The course of the universe is built up of many vibrations throughout,
and of course where you are on your earth plane, the vibrations are slow,
because this is what makes up the physical world that you are in.
You have 64000
vibrations to the inch one way on one scale, and you have 34,000
vibrations to the inch on the other scale. Now I’m talking about 400 to 750
billion vibrations to the second. That is why your world is physical you
understand (yes)? Now the scientists here only seem to appear to go and look at
the lower ones, to try and understand the vibrations on your earth plane. If
they cannot see it, or they cannot pick it up on different instruments to
record it, they do not think it is there (yes); but they need to look further
you see beyond your earth plane, within the etheric field. This is where all
the vibration is and it’s all at different vibrations throughout the universe.
There is more out there than you are aware of obviously, (yes), but here you
are in a very thin band, which is the physical and this is why you can see one
another and different things. It is the physical field you see (yes). On the
one hand you see you have, what do we have here we have the ultraviolet ray on
your one hand with the 64,000 vibrations to the inch, and on the other hand you
have 34,000 vibrations to the inch is where the ultraviolet ones and the infra
red ones to the other you understand it (yes I do). Then of course on the other
side where you have 400 and 750 billion vibrations to the second, you have
x-rays and soft x-rays one side, and the other side you have radio waves and
such at the other end you see, and this is what makes up your very narrow
band. Beyond both ends of the scale you
have the etheric, and this is where you do not understand or know what is
happening in this field, because the vibrations are beyond and are different,
and the only way you can penetrate the circuit is on the etheric field where
you are when you leave your physical body and move. Then you enter the etheric field, which we
have spoken of before, it is just on the edge you understand? That’s where your
world is, your afterlife, but beyond that you see there are other
You are such a tiny speck of dust within the universe really, in the
immensity of all, just tiny. It is your light that attracts us, to come to you,
to help you. We hope that we are of use and service to you (oh you are, you
are), we open up the band of knowledge and understanding perhaps a little more.
Of course we know there are things going on your earth plane that you are not
aware of and sometimes we are able to pick it up.
Now, I wonder if you have ever thought about the gene pool here on the
earth plane, and how it is being eroded and weakened in one way, and
undesirable elements are accelerating it in another. Of course drugs have a lot
to do with it, and I know it sounds ridiculous, but it is so. These drugs
people make so much money you see, there is so much money involved, So Much
Power Involved in the supplying of drugs, so, on the one hand you do
not want the drugs but on the other hand a company imports them from places
that provide the drugs. It is Big
Business, and at the other end, you have people taking drugs and are
encouraged in some way to do so in subtle, subtle ways; one being, that if you
are in company of course, you may want to join in with the rest of the people
that are taking them. These are the ones that are soft options really; because
they are the ones with the weak minds and are easily led do you understand me?
So, in the end if they cannot get off the drugs and they die (yes, indeed). It
is a clever way of getting rid of the weak ones. You think about the power of
the drug companies, and if you think about who is at the top, and you get rid
of the feeble minded you will a really good gene pool here, and I don’t mean it
must contain highly intelligent human beings, for you need all shapes of
intelligence, for there will always be a spectrum of jobs to do, and some
people are only capable of simple tasks. Do you see what I mean, what I’m
trying to get at? They are making money from the drugs and the other addictive elements in your society, and at
the same time they are also getting rid of the weak minded, that they don’t
need either. It’s just another way of making the gene pool as pure as it can
( J. Years and years ago, they tried a semi-secret Eugenics programme in
lots of countries).
They went about it in a different way, and it caused problems, being
attempted, and it upset a lot of people naturally (of course, of course). This
drug problem is used as a subtle way of improving and selecting the gene pool,
but it would not be acceptable if it were REALLY understood. This might seem
terrible to you, but you my friends and your peoples, have originally come from
another place, which is much stricter than you are on these issues. It’s very strict, but you have forgotten (ah! How interesting), all the better for it because
it makes you softer and easier to work with you understand (yes we do)? You
have hidden depths that you know nothing about my friends, and perhaps it’s
better that you do not plumb (are you talking to all of us here?). Yes I’m
talking to all of you here and this you must decide for yourself.
Now I want to talk about something else. We have done the gene pool have
we not, we have spoken about the universe and the vibration, and I did mention
to you that I thought there would be another plane craft on the drawing board?
There are many coming along in actual fact being developed. There is one in
particular that we are watching with great interest. The struggle that is going
on is quite fascinating, and it might sound really quite exciting, we shouldn’t
expect it, but we will watch and wait and see. There is New
Aircraft coming. It may take 10 to 20 years to develop but the
development of it is, it will have the wings like your aircraft have, but they
will be able to move up and down, the wings will be able to move up and down
and also be able to move backwards and forwards (ah) and it will be able to
hover and it will not be picked up by your radar system. It will have skin, and
it will be able to fold its wings within itself and become like a missile. As a
combat aircraft it will be lethal (oh dear) because it can hover. It will be
able to hover and wait and it can fold back its wings and then it will go.
Mighty powerful (good heavens), even the new fuel I think is plasma fuel, which
is being developed to fuel this terrible being? More or less like a missile but
the idea of the skin which is flexible and can be contracted and expanded is
what is fascinating us as the building and the design that is coming along, but
also the ordinary aircraft you know that carry people, that is the same, is the
same, looks the same but could be useful transporting people about earth plane
explain if you see (yes I remember). That would be the area that you still
haven’t got to grips with, this Energy Field which is out in space
which is in space but isn’t a vacuum but
(vertical particle) yes, this is where the Fuel
comes in if you can get from here to the edge of space you see and I’ve said
before, just into space perhaps you would find a way of drawing this energy
in. This fuel is there, free for the
taking and it has no by-products (yes) you understand me? (Link 1. )
(Link 2) Free Energy (Mm, would it be good
to draw the attention of a scientist at this stage or maybe not?) Not at this
stage maybe, I wouldn’t worry too much about it at this stage, and I’m not
telling you something that isn’t already being proposed. It is just fascinating
for us to watch and wait and see what happens. We are pondering the fact that
maybe the aliens that you have about in different hiding holes so to speak, in
the bases that you have around your earth plane, that perhaps they have brought
in new technology, they have found different materials now that they could not
find before; to use you see and it is interesting (yes), for there is help here
that has come from elsewhere, but maybe the new metals are now being introduced
into different mechanical objects, and there will be different underwater
vehicles as well which will come to the fore. Those are being worked on too, at
the moment you understand (yes), there are lots of experiments going on, all
over the place, there’s a lot of your History
that is Hidden From You,
for they do not want you to be knowing of these things that went on many, many
years ago, centuries ago, thousands of years ago, but there are different
things left here and They
Have Been Planted, and others have gathered them up and hidden them
away you understand; that You
are Not Supposed To Be Aware Of, but of course people with
intelligence these days, those that wish
to look can often find. (We research it don’t we?) Yes, but don’t you see that
on your boxes, you are only given the information that other people are already
aware of, that can put it on there do you understand me, it’s only as good as
the information that is given to you; but there’s more going on which you would
never get to see or, for obvious reasons would never come onto your computer.
We just keep an eye on things my friends, just to keep an eye on things to see
what is happening, and your weather patterns are changing are they not again, (they
are), yes they are and they think it’s all going to be very, Very
Cold here do they not (yes)?
new ice age is coming, but they’re wrong (I think so too). I’m sorry they’re
wrong, as it’s likely to get hotter rather than colder as you already are aware
(absolutely, I thought that was very wrong.)
They are on the wrong track. The Gulf Stream might well cool it down a
little bit but not to the extent that they are talking about. It will get warmer anyway it just will get
warmer because the move has started (yes) it’s not something that’s going to
happen; we don’t think it will happen in a flash. We think it’s already
beginning to creep forward (yes), so they will be changes and nothing to get
too excited about (no) because you are already aware (we are). Are there
any questions my friends? I will try and answer them if I can? (J. I read
today that somebody had channelled some being, and he reported that he was told
that under the pyramids, there was a city, that the pyramids were a sort of
decoy in a way to hide this huge city that was underneath the pyramids. Is that
could be possible I suppose but we do not know of it (ah right, it probably
isn’t then.) I suppose it could be
possible, but we are not aware of anything going on under the pyramids.
Sometimes some of the explanations of how the blocks were moved and built…..and
well, we’ve done all this before have we not (yes indeed), yes we’ve done all
this before so it’s old ground.
Any more questions my
friends before I go?
(P. Yes I would like to ask you a question. You talked about not
understanding our emotions, and observing our emotions. Is there any benefit to
you by learning about our emotions or is this something you have no need of at
It is good for us in try to understand your emotions because we have
never walked on your earth plane, we have never been here and we have never
gone back to the afterlife as it were, if you understand (yes), so we haven’t
got any memory of emotion, or mind. So we are trying to understand the emotions
but it’s very difficult and it would be more of an advantage to us if we
understood more. We do try but it is difficult because as I said we are beings
of light and (yes you haven’t had the experience) we haven’t had the
experience. We only sense and pick up the vibrations from you, if we can tell
the difference in the vibration that you generate (yes). It would be an
advantage like I said, for us to understand it better and experience it also
(yes). ( A. Can I ask a question) yes you may. (Have beings of light, helped
our ancestors in the past)?
Yes we have tried in the past. This was, I was going to say, fairly
obvious, but perhaps not. We have tried to help in the past and we have got
mixed up with all sort of beliefs, and Angels,
and things of that sort, but we come in a different guise from them; but we
have been here where others have been, if we can call ourselves others other
beings of light and I do not say that we all come from the same place
(no). (J. Do you
come from different parts of the universe?) We come from different parts of the
universe, you understand. I cannot say for example, I cannot experience what
other Beings
of light have experienced, not in that way, I’ve made it too simple really, it
is more complicated than you would
think, but I cannot simplify it enough to give it its proper
(A. Could we
ever eventually become beings of light?) You ARE beings of light, (yes, but
like you?). We do not think so not in this way, not in this way, because you
will go into the afterlife as I said, but you will be drawn to the third,
fourth, fifth, sixth dimension, we will have you there, we will have you there,
and the vibration is faster there. The world will be finer; you will have
experiences that you cannot possibly experience here because the vibrations are
too slow (ah yes). Even in its fastest point, its peak it is too slow.
(Will we be of benefit to others when we get there?) Oh yes my dear,
yes. You will be of benefit to them here but you’ll most certainly be of
benefit when you pass to the afterlife, for you will not stay just in only the
ethereal plane which is next to your earth plane you will move (yes) and you
will move rapidly (yes I hope so). You may stay long enough with the relatives
and friends that you know, they will wait for you, I’ve told you it will be
like a great railway station (yes) waiting for all the trains to come in. They
will be there to greet you but after that you see you will move on when you’re
ready. We won’t tear you away from your friends or family straight away. We
wouldn’t in any case, but there will be a desire within your mind to move
because you will have a feeling that you should be elsewhere, which of course
you will, and we will be there. You will know and you will recognise the light
(J. I see, how lovely), because you will be very bathed in it and you will know
that we are there. We will make it sure that you know (thank you, thank you)
and you will be there my dears, soon you’ll be there for your life span here on
earth is but a short time is it not (yes). It seems a long time but it is not
at all (no that’s very true), we will be there for you.
(J. Can I ask you
something? It will sound very strange. I was thinking today about the dark
matter, which you talked about with the Universe
expanding, and Exploding Stars at the Edge of the Universe.
It seems to me that it is acting like one of our viruses or bacteria, as it
gathers and scavenges, and grows from it and becomes more powerful, it’s a
similar sort of effect somehow.)
Same sort of effect, yes.
Its been preying on my mind). It’s a similar sort of effect really, but then
you see every thing is interconnected, and you’ll get vibrations from it of
course, and this dark matter, we do not know what we shall see from this, but
we will keep our channels open, yes it would be similar to what you describe my
friend, like a virus that’s expanding, (that encroaches on and surrounds and
consumes.) the problem is that you only see a tiny part of your universe in any
case, and you would be amazed at what is hidden there, that you cannot
(J. Oh gosh, I’d love to see it; this is where you are at an advantage
to us). We have to have some advantages I’m afraid. No 1 thinks he has many
advantages, more than any other of course, because he can come close to the
I cannot understand it myself but he tries to explain it to me, but he
has an advantage more than we have. We must leave now my friends unless you
have anything else. I will leave you with that idea then, and you watch the
gene pool and see, the push and pull and the way it works, and the weakest will
eventually give way to the strongest.
(J. So there are those in high places that own and run the drug cartels,
and who have a strong influence over those in power worldwide?)
In one way and another, with drugs. They are having it both ways,
because they are making money from their drugs, and getting rid of the
(J. I had thought, that one of the reasons they took over Afghanistan,
was to take control of the drugs there), but it hasn’t has it? (J.
No, but they must reap the benefits of the drugs there).
If you take away somebody’s livelihood, it’s no good unless you can put
something else in its place growing there, for it is the only thing they have,
to provide for their families and for food and whatever. You will find that
most of them don’t take the stuff. You can’t just take it away if you don’t replace
it with something, that’s the problem, yes), and how you will fare with this
Iraq thing I do not know, May I say this before I go, the one who has the
power, he will speak of many more things, he is not coming for any old conflab,
this prime minister, there are other things to be discussed, with Iraq and
Iran, this is not something you can do from a long distance, it is something
you would have to discuss man to man. < Prime Minister Blair was meeting
George Bush for talks>. They will sense and sort these things out between
them; I feel that this must be on the agenda. It is secret and it will be done
between them, spoken of between them of the pathway they are planning to take.
Watch and wait, but it is a mess here in Iraq as we knew it would be, and it will
take a long time to sort through it all; it will be a running sore as we have
said before.
I will leave you now my friends and thank you for coming, and I will be
with you again. ( It’s our great
I come to you my children of the Divinity, to bring you the love of the
Divine one. To wrap you once more in the Divine Light, so you can take your
Light and shine into all the dark places, and make it brilliant with your
beautiful light, so that you may be seen. Also, the places that are dark
within, bring them the light, as there must some in the dark corners that are
willing to take on the light, and this is important in your work, my daughters
of the Divinity, for you are filled with the strength and the light of the
loved one, that you may continue with your work, although it very hard for you
to come to terms with what is going on around you.
I bring you
the chalice once more, that you may drink from it, and drink from it with love,
for we cherish you all, you understand, and we bring you this light and love to
bind you together so that you may support one another through the hard times,
for there will be hard times. People will say unspoken things, will speak to
you in tongues that you do not understand, and I do not mean foreign languages,
but a tongue that you do not understand. You must be strong, for this will come
I fear, in some form or another; but you will stand together, you must stand
together, my children of the Divinity, for you will have the light and love of
the Divine one to help you. I will leave you now my children and I will wrap
you in the love of the Divine one, as always I bring the love and the Light, to
bind up the sore places I have brought you something slightly different
tonight, I do not want to go but I must.
Offline - http://www.spirit-truths.co.uk
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