Once upon a time ... three British ladies who sat in a circle with one medium and three Beings of Light who, attracted by the Light of their auras, came and started a cycle extraordinarily informative messages which triggered my spiritual awakening.

This is my tribute to all of them because I know that the many still sleeping and skeptical will see the beauty and the message of Light and Love contained in each of them.

Be at peace

I am no-one special. I am a curious, problem solving type who's strict upbringing in the Catholic community gave me the foundation of a service to others ethic and a resolve for justice and peace.

I guess that is why, when drawn to others who were able to see beyond the ordinary we were chosen to receive outstanding messages, and beyond that, to see the MESSENGERS

We had a talented medium who was able to 'move over' and let spiritual light beings use her voice.

We were told things that would freeze us with fear, and others that were so amazing we would literally be silent and gasping at the end of the sessions.

We did this for about 8 years off and on. Above all we were compelled to return nearly every Monday for another gruelling session that would ultimately wake us out of our comfortable slumber and start the process of truth, research and upliftment.

Even more astonishing was the fact that we saw three separate light beings distinct from each other. We tested each other to see if we were imagining them and named them 1, 2 and 3 in order of appearance in many tests. The numbers stuck and the transcriptions state thus. (The Beings of Light preferred this too, as when asked their names, they insisted that we wouldn't know them, and that numbers were fine).

I found a reference to our phenomenon in an ancient script. The Apochryphon of John.

(In the light I beheld a youth who stood beside me. Even as I looked he became like an old man, then like a servant. Yet there were not three before me, but one, with multiple forms appearing through each other as though transparent. He said to me, "John, John, why do you doubt? And why are you afraid? I am the one who is with you always. I am the Father. I am the Mother. I am the Son.")

Curiously, this is EXACTLY how we saw our B.O.L. Morphing and then settling into one familiar face. It makes you think about what was reported from ancient times, and who these ‘apparitions’ really were.

Ours when asked who they were, said: Alpha, Omega, Andromeda. Still makes me tingle to think of the possibilities!


Saturday, December 1, 2012


2th February 2004.  

Terrorist Virus & Nuclear Threat.  Lissan, Sidin, Obelisks. Base 31. Alien Communication.  Alien Language

                                                               No 1

Good evening ladies. 

We are a little later perhaps but we enjoy listening to your chatter (laughs). We often have a chuckle ourselves if you can imagine Beings of Light chuckling, it leaves something to be desired but there you are we do our very best (laughs). 

I will try to stay in the background and our friend here the medium has decided that she’s just told us that we’re definitely on our own this evening and she’s decided she won’t get in the way at all, (good). You may say good my lady but she’s not very, they’re sometimes not all that willing to be part (I know) which makes it very difficult for us sometimes to move the energy, we know she will in the end and move to one side but of course if she says no, then that’s it.

We can only do what she allows us to do and she allows us a lot of freedom and leeway which you have no doubt discovered as we have been coming all this long time (yes). 

I will move away now and let No 3 come and say what he’s going to say I don’t know what he’s going to say this evening. He hasn’t given us a hint. Really he’s a bit muddled. I hope he’s not going to be confused again, as this makes it very difficult for everybody (laughs). He’s glaring at me I will move out of the way so we will see how we progress (thank you). I will step away now my ladies.

                                                                 No  3

Can you see me (vaguely but you’re quite dark, not in light)? We must wait a moment then. (I can see you better now, yes much better. Definitely).  Shall we try now to proceed (yes)?

Good evening my friends (good evening). It is nice to be with you once more and to come to speak to you again as usual, but as No 1 said there is a little confusion.

He doesn’t always understand you see, and he needn’t look at me like that either, it’s a battle between the two of us (of course, laughs). It’s a case of whose coming first and who will be last, there’s a lot of pushing that goes on if you can imagine, (yes) and it gets intermingled and we don’t know who we are. Whether I’m No 1 or No 2, or No 3 (laughs), though No 2 keeps themselves to themselves really but does enter into the fun of it at some part, (oh how nice), now and then you understand? (Yes).

Now we have spoken of many things and we cannot go away from the seriousness of other things that we have described, you understand me, I cannot just move away from it all (we understand).

So you understand that 2004 could be a significant year and we are moving further into 2004 (yes), and we do observe that there is a lot of disruption with security and people are on high alert at the moment? We know this, we see it too, we feel the vibrations, and we understand what is going on. You cannot you see, although some think you are overriding it and reading too much into these stories that come to you, this information that comes to you about terrorist acts, you see you cannot afford to not take notice of it (of course). 

So of course in that way you understand, the terrorist has got you always, for it knows you cannot afford to turn away and turn your back on it; you must take notice of it wherever and for whatever it comes and whichever way it comes. 

This way it’s financial,(?) as well as anything else and you are really regulating yourselves in the end without them having to do much at all, (ah-yes). You can be diverted you see when your mind is focused in one particular place and one particular type of thing is happening; but the thing that you must be careful of, whether it is yourself personally or generally, is WHERE they are going to attack, and listen now my lady, the one that worries so much, I am going to say something and you mustn’t go away and worry about it ( P. I honestly won’t). 

A virus has could be discharged in Israel. This is in 2004 you understand (yes). It could be the smallpox virus. This is the one that is the most, this is the one we know that you have as a human race, and this is the one that we know it is being thought of. Now, Israel you see has all the vaccines it needs to inject all those people in protection against it. So has the United States and also you have it here, but the problem is, why do they not start to vaccinate now, because it’s no good waiting until its been dropped and then, because it is an airborne virus, it passes from one person to another quite easily but it is airborne that is the problem. You cannot control it once its loose, so there is no good in waiting until its being released because this vaccine takes a little while to work.

We don’t know how they are going to progress with this or what thoughts they have on this; but if it is suggested that you have the vaccine then have it (yes). It isn’t a very pleasant one I understand but it is better to be safe than sorry. ( J. I think we all had them as children though), no some people did not have them because the thing was eradicated in the 1980’s (oh yes) and other children did not have it and there are those that though it lingered in parts of your Earth plane, then they didn’t bother to vaccinate anymore (that’s true). So it would be, but if it’s suggested then you have inside information (yes) have you not (yes we do). Now keep a tight rein on this one and watch. We Will We hope it will not come to pass but we know this is the one that is being considered, more so than the chemical. The virus is the quicker and easier. A stupid way to put it but that is how it is. 

Now as regards  Libya, we move forward now to 2005 and 2006 and this big thing will come from  Libya . The atomic attack that could, COULD, not will, could come to Israel and of course to a place where this will be devastating. If they dropped it on the temple mount the most precious place, this would be terrible; this would cause a great uprising in the entire world. 

The Jews all over the world would be in uprising. It would be not good to survive it you understand (yes). So I’m sorry we have had to return to this (no it’s important), but you see the problem is that when Russia was dissolved as the communist state, they left all these little pockets open and they have over 30,000 atomic weapons in this country, in that country not in this country, and it is like being let loose shall you say as you would say in a sweetie shop (yes) because they cannot contain it all and this is how things get moved and escape one’s notice you understand. 

This is where your dirty bomb could come from as well as the atomic bomb because the atomic parts from the atomic energy, not an atomic bomb itself you understand me but what do you call it, just an ordinary bomb could carry the nuclear fallout in it you see, which would spread and If, don’t you worry about this I’ll just tell you, if it dropped on London it would be uninhabitable even with the conventional bomb with this stuff in it you would not be able to live in London because of the radioactivity and such you understand me and this is just a conventional war (yes). 

So you have all these things to think about. Now because I have told, you it does not mean to say it will come to pass but it is considered you understand, as some kind of agreement between the two factions must come and get to the bottom of it and sort it out one way or another, come to some sort of agreement. This must happen because we feel this thing will come from Libya to Israel, maybe Jordan as well you see, to pass through. Now what have we now, we have Iran, who will have full atomic weaponry in 2005

They will be nuclear, another nuclear country, they will have it fully you understand. They are in the process now they haven’t got far to go to finish what they have started so this will be another country, you have India and Pakistan also, you have the North Koreans that you have spoken about this evening, we have heard you talking with interest, and of course it is true that the ritual and everything else is a form of brainwashing as you have said. 

You understand well, we know that you understand because you have said so, you have spoken of it. So you see there are all these things to be considered, and we will hope that things will come right. Now as well, you can see perhaps, although you have more insight now than you have ever had is that the Government that you see, the face of the Government that you see in America you understand, there is a Government inside the Government, the faceless ones you would not ever see

These are the ones that are running this country and they can also manipulate this country as well as their own because you ALSO have the faceless ones who really are manipulating what goes on, but in America in particular there is an inner Government that is really very powerful indeed, and for all sorts of reasons things happen and you wonder to yourself why this is being allowed to happen such as the prime minister (president?) is trying to back step, about the Iraqi weaponry that has not been found, but believe me it is there and they will find it, the equipment  that was used or the debris or whatever, they will find it eventually but this is working you see with advisors*** it is being constructed, orchestrated don’t worry about it, they won’t make him look stupid (ah). 

There is a reason for why they are doing this, which will become apparent as guided by the inner government you understand? All is not what it seems (I know). (They’re not doing it for any good reasons are they; are they doing it for bad reasons)? The reason will become apparent sooner or later; you must wait and sit this one out (right).

The other thing I was going to speak to you about was you have been having trouble with the obelisks, have you not ?(yes a bit) This is, shall we say well known in any case it has been written about the valley of Sidin (Sidon?) (Siddim?

Siddim-it was a very beautiful place at one point the valley of Siddim, and it was flooded at one point by the Dead Sea (ah yes). Now this you will find is where the place called Lissan is (could you say that name again please) Lissan (Nissan) Lissan you understand me. 

Now in very old language-Lissan means a language, it was given as Language you understand but there is a place called Lissan. Now listen to me, there is a peninsular in that part you understand me and in this place there is also Mazra (ah). 

Mazra means seed, and there you have it-you have language and you have seed as well. Now this is where the obelisk you will find, has been covered you understand as I spoke of it before, with salt water. Now I don’t think I made this quite clear before, he? is come in a steel or an iron arc, it is covered you understand the actual obelisk itself is within (you said it was metal before), but the metal on the outside you would say it will go rusty perhaps but it will not because they didn’t make the metal then as they do today, today’s metal called iron and steel would rust, but in the old days they made it differently, if it came from this planet at all (I see) you understand? (Yes, very much). 

Now the KEY is there. It is there my children and even if you could get it out, which possibly will be done at some point, the salt will keep and preserve the iron or the steel you see, because it cuts off the oxygen from it (yes), if it was ever raised it would start to disintegrate, you would have to be careful with outer cover as the arc itself would begin to disintegrate you understand me as it hits the air. 

They would know that in any case, they would know that. (When you say arc do you mean arc like Arc of the Covenant?). No I’m talking about arc, it is the covering of the actual obelisk it is (known as the chariots of fire)?????? It is not of your making it is not human, although they say they are humanoid. 

Now they do not speak these obelisks in such a way but they say they can mutate in a particular and peculiar way. Now the ??????? on this  obelisk as I’ve said before will give you a past, a present and your future and the key to everything is there, but even when you’ve got it you will have to find somebody who can decipher it for you, you understand me? Now why has this come to light now you may ask, for it has been written about also and I tell you why because you were not of an intelligence to handle this sort of thing in the earlier days (of course not).

It is only the coming of the computer that will help you most you understand me? You will have to reach certain intelligence for this to happen. Now I’m going to speak now in conjunction with this, about Aliens. 

It isn’t IF they come, but WHEN they come now, you understand this? For the Seeded Ones, the DNA that they bought earlier at some point, you see they are worried about that you are going to obliterate all their good work. They are coming to look after their own.(oh dear). 

Well this is fair enough, do not worry about it, but it is a case of when they come not if they come, for they will come, because they do not want you to destroy all their hard work over many thousands of years you understand me. They are keeping an eye on their handiwork; it is only to be expected (of course). 

So at least you have them as well, and they will come, they will come and they possibly will work with you. For now you see you have reached a stage of intelligence whereby they can speak to you (communicate), yes communicate, as they speak in simple words, and this will help so there we have it.

Also a number base called  31  as well as 51 (ah). Now this is something for you to look at my lady perhaps ( J.I will).

This will be of interest, better look for the mirror pointers (? ) here you see the answer’s always been here but you’ve not been able or capable of finding it. It was not the time (no) because the intelligence had not developed so, but now you are on the threshold that maybe as we know that they can come and communicate in some way, it may be through your computers so to do this, you understand (yes). The computers may be used as some sort of device (ah).

Now there is something else as well I have talked about before, that I think in a lifetime or two if you don’t mess your planet up too much that is, you will be able to move through time and space. There will be time travel my friends there will be, and this will be something that would be very handy would it not? (Indeed)

Yes, we just must keep an eye on you all so that you don’t destroy yourselves in the effort to get wherever you need to be getting. We don’t understand what all the fuss is about to be honest, because well we know its power but at what price? (We don’t either, we don’t understand either). The price is power, which is what it’s all about. Power over one and then the other, you must keep looking and watching.

You have the intelligence now to see what is beneath, what is said to you and given to you, although that does make you a little bit on the er what should I say…you don’t trust anything anymore, which is a shame in a lot of ways. It is easier to lead a simple life as my friend here would like to do, but I’m afraid you cannot (P. I might be bored if I did). 

Yes I think you probably would, it sounds very lovely but I think you would possibly be very bored. You are an intelligent lady and should use your brains in other ways as you are. I will leave you now my friends, ahhh but I have something just one thing to say to you. I am going to give you a word and I’m going to give you  Axis.   AXIS  lovely, OK)? 

Not as you know it, look deeper. I don’t think I’ve given it to you before (no, no you haven’t). Have I given it before No 1? No he says no he doesn’t think so, he doesn’t keep check he said on everything (J. I do, but you haven’t). It’s too much to keep a check on he can’t do that as well; he can’t do several things at once (J. I’m surprised).

Yes, well that’s what he tells me, and I notice it. He does very well. I will leave you now my ladies. (Thank you very much for you information). We’ll come and frighten you again (oh no, no, we have to find out. I think we can help others now). 

You think you can but don’t be too hasty, they will just back away and tell you, you are all mad. Don’t give them the bare facts, a little word here and there, subtle, subtle (as you said by stealth) by stealth yes you must do this by stealth. (P. Thank you for your love and support) It is a pleasure my dear it is a pleasure for us to come and speak to you. I will leave you now my friends and I will return (thank you, thank you).

                                                                      No 2 

My ladies of the Divinity. I come to be with you once more my friends, to bring you the love as always and to help you along the way as I bring you the chalice once more that you may take from it the love. Take from it, sip from it, and take it for your friends and your family as always, as I always say when I come. 

I hope you have not been upset by what No 3 has brought you this evening (no). I have been made very aware of what has happened in the past and we could not help but worry about your reactions for the past information that has been brought to you, especially our friend here who worries so much. 

We are here to help you all and we will help as much as we can and instil words into those minds that seem to be blank and have only hostility within them, to bring a release from that, so that they may help others bring pleasure and understanding to all peoples in all of your world you understand me my lovely ones? 

For I am the Divine light and I bring you the Divine light from the Divine one, and you may go and light up the dark places as always with a kind word here or a kind word there, for your family and for your friends and for those even that you do not know yet. 

For you will be in demand as the time goes on you understand me. As the fear grows you will there to help and hold the hands of those that need it, for they may worry over nothing at all, for they may worry over nothing at all, but you will have the courage and the understanding to bring a kind word to them to help them with their troubles along the way you understand me (yes very much). 

With love from the Divinity for that is what you are by bringing the light and the love of the Divine one and you have the light and the love of the Divine one within you, This glows in the dark and helps to bring us to you, you understand the vibration of the light that is around you. 

For we come to try and help you also, to bring pleasure into your family life you understand (thank you) so that you may tread this time lightly with a lighter step, although the time seem heavy at this moment they should bring a lightness and you bring a lightness to your people and your families and friends and those that you do not know yet as well as I’ve said you will give out the odd word here and there which will mean so much. 

Some of the words will fall on stony ground unfortunately, but others will be glad of it so if you cannot help them all you can help the odd one or two here or there, which will be a bonus you understand. 

I bring you this light and I leave it with you and it encircles you and wraps you in the Divinity. For he well knows about the work that you do and bring the light and the love to everybody around you. I give you the strength and the love from the Divine one. 

I leave you now my daughters of the Divinity. I will leave you now to go about your work and continue working and walking along the pathway of inspiration and Divine light. I leave you now my ladies; I leave you (thank you, thank you so much).

2/Feb/04.  Terrorist Virus & Nuclear Threat.  Lissan, Sidin, Obelisks. Base 31. Alien Communication.  Alien Language


Good evening ladies. We are a little later perhaps but we 
enjoy listening to your chatter (laughs). We often have a chuckle ourselves if you 
can imagine Beings of Light chuckling, it leaves something to be 
desired but there you are we do our very best (laughs). I will try to stay in the background and our friend here the medium has decided that she’s just told us that we’re definitely on our own this evening and she’s decided 
she won’t get in the way at all, (good). You may say good my lady but she’s 
not very, they’re sometimes not all that willing to be part (I know) which 
makes it very difficult for us sometimes to move the energy, we know 
she will in the end and move to one side but of course if she says no, then that’s it. We can only do what she allows us to do and she allows us a lot of freedom and leeway which you have no doubt discovered as we have been coming all this long time (yes). I will move away now and let No 3 come and say what he’s going to say I don’t know what he’s going to say this evening. He hasn’t given us a hint. Really he’s a bit muddled. I hope he’s not going to be confused again, as this makes it very difficult for everybody (laughs). He’s glaring at me I will move out of the way so we will see how we progress (thank you). I will step away now my ladies.


Can you see me (vaguely but you’re quite dark, not in light)? We must wait a 
moment then. (I can see you better now, yes much better. Definitely).  Shall 
we try now to proceed (yes)?

Good evening my friends (good evening). It is nice to be with you once more and to come to speak to you again as usual, but as No 1 said there is a little confusion. 

He doesn’t always understand you see, and he needn’t look at me like that either, it’s a battle between the two of us (of course, laughs). It’s a case of whose coming first and who will be last, there’s a lot of pushing that goes on if you can imagine, (yes) and it gets intermingled and we don’t know who we are. Whether I’m No 1 or No2, or No 3 (laughs), though No2 keeps themselves to themselves really but does enter into the fun of it at some part, (oh how nice), now and then you understand? (Yes).

Now we have spoken of many things and we cannot go away from the seriousness of other things that we have described, you understand me, I cannot just 
move away from it all (we understand).

So you understand that 2004 could be a significant year and we are moving further into 2004 (yes), and we do observe that there is a lot of disruption with security and people are on high alert at the moment? We know this, we see it too, we feel the vibrations, and we understand what is going on. You cannot you see, although some think you are overriding it and reading too much into these stories that come to you, this information that comes to you about terrorist acts, you see you cannot afford to not take notice of it (of course). So of course in that way you understand, the terrorist has got you always, for it knows you cannot afford to turn away and turn your back on it; you must take notice of it wherever and for whatever it comes and whichever way it comes. This way it’s financial,(?) as well as anything else and you are really regulating yourselves in the end without them having to do much at all, (ah-yes). You can be diverted you see when your mind is focused in one particular place and one particular type of thing is happening; but the thing that you must be careful of, whether it is yourself personally or generally is WHERE they are going to attack, and listen now my lady, the one that worries so much, I am going to say something and you mustn’t go away and worry about it ( P. I honestly won’t). A virus has could be discharged in Israel. This is in 2004 you understand (yes). It could be the smallpox virus. This is the one that is the most, this is the one we know that you have as a human race, and this is the one that we know it is being thought of. Now, Israel you see has all the vaccines it needs to inject all those people in protection against it. So has the United States and also you have it here, but the problem is, why do they not start to vaccinate now, because it’s no good waiting until its been dropped and then, because it is an airborne virus, it passes from one person to another quite easily but it is airborne that is the problem. You cannot control it once its loose, so there is no good in waiting until its being released because this vaccine takes a little while to work. 

We don’t know how they are going to progress with this or what thoughts 
they have on this; but if it is suggested that you have the vaccine then 
have it (yes). It isn’t a very pleasant one I understand but it is better to 
be safe than sorry. ( J. I think we all had them as children though), no some 
people did not have them because the thing was eradicated in the 1980’s (oh 
yes) and other children did not have it and there are those that though it lingered 
in parts of your earth plane, then they didn’t bother to vaccinate anymore (that’s true). So it would be, but if it’s suggested then you have inside information (yes) have you not (yes we do). Now keep a tight rein on this one and watch. We Will We hope it will not come to pass but we know this is the one that is being considered, more so than the chemical. The virus is the quicker and easier. A stupid way to put it but that is how it is. 

Now as regards  Libya, we move forward now to 2005 and 2006 and this big thing will come from  Libya . The atomic attack that could, COULD, not will, could come to Israel and of course to a place where this will be devastating. If they 

dropped it on the temple mount the most precious place, this would be 
terrible; this would cause a great uprising in the entire world. The Jews all over the world would be in uprising. It would be not good to survive it you understand (yes). So I’m sorry we have had to return to this (no it’s important), but you see the 
problem is that when Russia was dissolved as the communist state, they left all these little pockets open and they have over 30,000 atomic weapons in this country, in that country not in this country, and it is like being let loose shall you say as you would say in a sweetie shop (yes) because they cannot contain it all and this is how things get moved and escape one’s notice you understand. This is where your dirty bomb could come from as well as the atomic bomb because the atomic parts from the atomic energy, not an atomic bomb itself you understand me but what do you call it, just an ordinary bomb could carry the nuclear fallout in it you see, which would spread and If, don’t you worry about this I’ll just tell you, if it dropped on London it would be uninhabitable even with the conventional bomb with this stuff in it you would not be able to live in London because of the radioactivity and such you understand me and this is just a conventional war (yes). So you have all these things to think about. Now because I have told, you it does not mean to say it will come to pass but it is considered you understand, as some kind of agreement between the two factions must come and get to the bottom of it and sort it out one way or another, come to some sort of agreement. This must happen because we feel this thing will come from Libya to Israel, maybe Jordan as well you see, to pass through. Now what have we now, we have Iran, who will have full atomic weaponry in 2005. They will be nuclear, another nuclear country, they will have it fully you understand. They are in the process now they haven’t got far to go to finish what they have started so this will be another country, you have India and Pakistan also, you have the North Koreans that you have spoken about this evening, we have heard you talking with interest, and of course it is true that the ritual and everything else is a form of brainwashing as you have said. You understand well, we know that you understand because you have said so, you have spoken of it. So you see there are all these things to be considered, and we will hope that things will come right. Now as well, you can see perhaps, although you have more insight now than you have ever had is that the Government that you see, the face of the Government that you see in America you understand, there is a Government inside the Government, the faceless ones you would not ever see. These are the ones that are running this country and they can also manipulate this country as well as their own because you ALSO have the faceless ones who really are manipulating what goes on, but in America in particular there is an inner Government that is really very powerful indeed, and for all sorts of reasons things happen and you wonder to yourself why this is being allowed to happen such as the prime minister (president?) is trying to back step, about the Iraqi weaponry that has not been found, but believe me it is there and they will find it, the equipment  that was used or the debris or whatever, they will find it eventually but this is working you see with advisors*** it is being constructed, orchestrated don’t worry about it, they won’t make him look stupid (ah). There is a reason for why they are doing this, which will become apparent as guided by the inner government you understand? All is not what it seems (I know). (They’re not doing it for any good reasons are they; are they doing it for bad reasons)? The reason will become apparent sooner or later; you must wait and sit this one out (right).

The other thing I was going to speak to you about was you have been having trouble with the obelisks, have you not (yes a bit)? This is, shall we say well known in any case it has been written about the valley of Sidin (Sidon?) (Siddim?) Siddim-it was a very beautiful place at one point the valley of Siddim, and it was flooded at one point by the Dead Sea (ah yes). Now this you will find is where the place called Lissan is (could you say that name again please) Lissan (Nissan) Lissan you understand me. Now in very old language-Lissan means a language, it was given as 

Language you understand but there is a place called Lissan. Now listen to me, there is a peninsular in that part you understand me and in this place there is also Mazra (ah). Mazra means seed, and there you have it-you have language and you have seed as well. Now this is where the obelisk you will find, has been covered you understand as I spoke of it before, with salt water. Now I don’t think I made this quite clear before, he? is come in a steel or an iron arc, it is covered you understand the actual obelisk itself is within (you said it was metal before), but the metal on the outside you would say it will go rusty perhaps but it will not because they didn’t make the metal then as they do today, today’s metal called iron and steel would rust, but in the old days they made it differently, if it came from this planet at all (I see) you understand? (Yes, very much). Now the KEY is there. It is there my children and even if you could get it out, which possibly will be done at some point, the salt will keep and preserve the iron or the steel you see, because it cuts off the oxygen from it (yes), if it was ever raised it would start to disintegrate, you would have to be careful with outer cover as the arc itself would begin to disintegrate you understand me as it hits the air. They would know that in any case, they would know that. (When you say arc do you mean arc like Arc of the Covenant?). No I’m talking about arc, it is the covering of the actual obelisk it is (known as the chariots of fire)?????? It is not of your making it is not human, although they say they are humanoid. Now they do not speak these obelisks in such a way but they say they can mutate in a particular and peculiar way. Now the ??????? on this  obelisk as I’ve said before will give you a past, a present and your future and the key to everything is there, but even when you’ve got it you will have to find somebody who can decipher it for you, you understand me? Now why has this come to light now you may ask, for it has been written about also and I tell you why because you were not of an intelligence to handle this sort of thing in the earlier days (of course not). 

It is only the coming of the computer that will help you most you understand me? You will have to reach certain intelligence for this to happen. Now I’m going to speak now in conjunction with this, about Aliens? It isn’t IF they come, but WHEN they come now, you understand this? For the Seeded Ones, the DNA that they bought earlier at some point, you see they are worried about that you are going to obliterate all their good work. They are coming to look after their own.(oh dear). Well this is fair enough, do not worry about it, but it is a case of when they come not if they come, for they will come, because they do not want you to destroy all their hard work over many thousands of years you understand me. They are keeping an eye on their handiwork; it is only to be expected (of course). So at least you have them as well, and they will come, they will come and they possibly will work with you. For now you see you have reached a stage of intelligence whereby they can speak to you (communicate), yes communicate, as they speak in simple words, and this will help so there we have it.

Also a number base called  31  as well as 51 (ah). Now this is something for you to look at my lady perhaps ( J.I will). 

This will be of interest, better look for the mirror pointers (? ) here you see the answer’s always been here but you’ve not been able or capable of finding it. It was not the time (no) because the intelligence had not developed so, but now you are on the threshold that maybe as we know that they can come and communicate in some way, it may be through your computers so to do this, you understand (yes). The computers may be used as some sort of device (ah).

Now there is something else as well I have talked about before, that I think in a lifetime or two if you don’t mess your planet up too much that is, you will be able to move through time and space. There will be time travel my friends there will be, and this will be something that would be very handy would it not? (Indeed). Yes, we just must keep an eye on you all so that you don’t destroy yourselves in the effort to get wherever you need to be getting. We don’t understand what all the fuss is about to be honest, because well we know its power but at what price?

 (We don’t either, we don’t understand either). The price is power, which is what it’s all about. Power over one and then the other, you must keep looking and watching. 

You have the intelligence now to see what is beneath, what is said to you 
and given to you, although that does make you a little bit on the er what 
should I say…you don’t trust anything anymore, which is a shame in a lot of 
ways. It is easier to lead a simple life as my friend here would like to do, 
but I’m afraid you cannot (P. I might be bored if I did). Yes I think you 
probably would, it sounds very lovely but I think you would possibly be very 
bored. You are an intelligent lady and should use your brains in other ways 
as you are. I will leave you now my friends, ahhh but I have something just one thing to say to you. I am going to give you a word and I’m going to give you  Axis.   AXIS  lovely, OK)? Not as you know it, look deeper. I don’t think I’ve given it to you before (no, no you haven’t). Have I given it before No 1? No he says no he doesn’t think so, he doesn’t keep check he said on 
everything (J. I do, but you haven’t). It’s too much to keep a check on he can’t 
do that as well; he can’t do several things at once (J. I’m surprised). Yes 
well that’s what he tells me, and I notice it. He does very well. I will 
leave you now my ladies. (Thank you very much for you information). We’ll 
come and frighten you again (oh no, no, we have to find out. I think we 
can help others now). You think you can but don’t be too hasty, they will 
just back away and tell you, you are all mad. Don’t give them the bare facts, a little word here and there, subtle, subtle (as you said by stealth) by stealth yes you must do this by stealth. (P. Thank you for your love and support) It is a pleasure my dear it is a pleasure for us to come and speak to you. I will leave you now my friends and I will return (thank you, thank you).

My ladies of the Divinity. I come to be with you once more my friends, to 
bring you the love as always and to help you along the way as I bring you 
the chalice once more that you may take from it the love. Take from it, sip 
from it, and take it for your friends and your family as always, as I always say 
when I come. I hope you have not been upset by what No 3 has brought you 
this evening (no). I have been made very aware of what has happened in the 
past and we could not help but worry about your reactions for the past information that has been brought to you, especially our friend here who worries so much. We are here to help you all and we will help as much as we can and instil words into those minds that seem to be blank and have only hostility within them, to bring a release from that, so that they may help others bring pleasure and understanding to all peoples in all of your world you understand me my lovely ones? For I am the Divine light and I bring you the Divine light from the Divine one, and you may go 
and light up the dark places as always with a kind word here or a kind word 
there, for your family and for your friends and for those even that you do not 
 know yet. For you will be in demand as the time goes on you understand 
me. As the fear grows you will there to help and hold the hands of those 
that need it, for they may worry over nothing at all, for they may worry 
over nothing at all, but you will have the courage and the understanding to 
bring a kind word to them to help them with their troubles along the way you 
understand me (yes very much). With love from the Divinity for that is what you are by bringing the light and the love of the Divine one and you have the light and 
the love of the Divine one within you, This glows in the dark and helps to 
bring us to you, you understand the vibration of the light that is around 
you. For we come to try and help you also, to bring pleasure into your 
family life you understand (thank you) so that you may tread this time 
lightly with a lighter step, although the time seem heavy at this moment 
they should bring a lightness and you bring a lightness to your people and 
your families and friends and those that you do not know yet as well as I’ve 
said you will give out the odd word here and there which will mean so much. Some of the words will fall on stony ground unfortunately, but others will be glad of it so if you cannot help them all you can help the odd one or two here or there, which will be a bonus you understand. I bring you this light and I leave it with you and it encircles you and wraps you in the Divinity. For he well knows about the work that you do and bring the light and the love to everybody around you. I give you the strength and the love from the Divine one. I leave you now my daughters of the Divinity. I will leave you now to go about your work and continue working and walking along the pathway of inspiration and Divine light. I leave you now my ladies; I leave you (thank you, thank you so much).

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