Once upon a time ... three British ladies who sat in a circle with one medium and three Beings of Light who, attracted by the Light of their auras, came and started a cycle extraordinarily informative messages which triggered my spiritual awakening.

This is my tribute to all of them because I know that the many still sleeping and skeptical will see the beauty and the message of Light and Love contained in each of them.

Be at peace

I am no-one special. I am a curious, problem solving type who's strict upbringing in the Catholic community gave me the foundation of a service to others ethic and a resolve for justice and peace.

I guess that is why, when drawn to others who were able to see beyond the ordinary we were chosen to receive outstanding messages, and beyond that, to see the MESSENGERS

We had a talented medium who was able to 'move over' and let spiritual light beings use her voice.

We were told things that would freeze us with fear, and others that were so amazing we would literally be silent and gasping at the end of the sessions.

We did this for about 8 years off and on. Above all we were compelled to return nearly every Monday for another gruelling session that would ultimately wake us out of our comfortable slumber and start the process of truth, research and upliftment.

Even more astonishing was the fact that we saw three separate light beings distinct from each other. We tested each other to see if we were imagining them and named them 1, 2 and 3 in order of appearance in many tests. The numbers stuck and the transcriptions state thus. (The Beings of Light preferred this too, as when asked their names, they insisted that we wouldn't know them, and that numbers were fine).

I found a reference to our phenomenon in an ancient script. The Apochryphon of John.

(In the light I beheld a youth who stood beside me. Even as I looked he became like an old man, then like a servant. Yet there were not three before me, but one, with multiple forms appearing through each other as though transparent. He said to me, "John, John, why do you doubt? And why are you afraid? I am the one who is with you always. I am the Father. I am the Mother. I am the Son.")

Curiously, this is EXACTLY how we saw our B.O.L. Morphing and then settling into one familiar face. It makes you think about what was reported from ancient times, and who these ‘apparitions’ really were.

Ours when asked who they were, said: Alpha, Omega, Andromeda. Still makes me tingle to think of the possibilities!


Saturday, December 1, 2012


8th December 2003  

Aids & Eugenics. Bin Laden.  Micro Nukes.  Cloaking Technology.  Transport Immobilizing Weaponry.  Dumbing down of Education.  Breakdown of Family Life.

                                                                        No 3

Good evening my ladies. Can you see me? It is important that it is strong for our visitor to perceive us.  WE HAD A FEMALE VISITOR THAT EVENING.

(J. It is stronger, there is more light around the head as well). Shall I wait a moment? (If you want to). Shall I wait a moment? (No it would be fine for you to continue).

It will? (Yes). Are you sure? (Yes). Can you see, can our friend see or not?

(No, she can’t). She can’t see? (No). Never mind, if I get stronger, then she must say what she can see. Do you see anything my friend? (I see a little light around you). That’s good, that’s good. That is helpful anyway; we can go forwards with that.                                                                                                                         

I’m going to keep it light this evening my friends. I feel that it is the end of this long session that we have had, and I would like to draw it to a conclusion so that you can enjoy your festival.                                                                                                                                        I want to cast your mind back to some of the things we have covered during this time, especially the Iraq affair. 

You remember what I said about the genie getting out of the bottle and not being able to put it back in again (yes). Now this I’m afraid will be small time compared to what is ahead of you all. What we must do now, what you must do, or what  is important for your Earth plane to do and for those in charge, is to really  seek out  Bin Laden, because this is where the clue? starts if you can nip it in the bud. 

This man must be sought out and caught you understand me? (Yes) For this is where your terrorism and more than that will come from. This is the root of the evil and you need to take control of it, to stop what is on the agenda for perhaps over them next year and I know we will talk about 2006 but I’m talking about 2004 (yes) and this could be critical for one particular country if this man is not picked up (right). 

We have talked about, spoken of this Saddam Hussein have we not?(yes) Now that man is totally different. That man is only interested in greed and in power, you understand me? (Yes). Bin Laden  is different all together, for this man has an agenda and he is on a mission and he is not particularly interested in power, not in the same way, do you understand me my ladies what I am speaking of? (Yes) And this is very important, this must be stopped it must be nipped in the bud. 

Terrorism will continue I’m afraid, for all of the disaffected peoples will try and join in and prove their cause or help their cause OR SO THEY THINK, by using  Terrorism and some of the events will be attributed to different organizations that in actual fact they DO NOT (ah) commit (yes). Not that they mind if it has proved a point you understand? This is most URGENT that this man is caught. 

He is very clever, very clever indeed; his brain is brilliant in some ways whereas Saddam Hussein is an idiot in comparison you understand? (Yes). That man is all for the here and now and the fruits of battle, but Bin Laden is on a mission and it doesn’t matter what he gets hold of, it won’t make  a bit of difference to him because he’s not looking for that sort of (reward?) Yes, you could say reward. 

He’s on something else all together. He needs to prove a point and he’s going to do it any whichever way he can, you understand me? (Yes).  So this is the involvement for 2004 coming into the 2004th year you understand? This is VERY IMPORTANT. I know I’ve gone over it several times; No 1 is wagging his head again. I know I’ve repeated myself my friend, but I know that I need to get this over to you understand? (But may I ask you will it be a western country that will be in danger, at risk?). 

We don’t really know which one they have chosen yet but we know they are picking on one or two so we must wait and see where they will strike, for it is undetermined yet, but he is gathering his forces as they put it together.

On the military side, did I not say about the small backpack devicesMicro Nukes

This man is clever and has the intellect you understand me? (Yes) and he has friends who are as willy as he is, so what one doesn’t know, the other one does. They can help each other.                                                                                                                                             Now, with regard to armaments, we must look at the position of cloaking as we have mentioned before but it needs polishing, it is not fully designed and brought up to scratch so to speak yet, you see?

This cloaking method must be more refined as it is too haphazard, and they haven’t got it quite right I think. Sooner or later there will be a device made where the fuel that you are using in the military vehicles, aircraft and all the rest of it even in the ordinary car can be obliterated. They must be wary of this because there is a device being brought together whereby experiments are being done and the energy can be withdrawn as easily as you can withdraw an atmosphere. 

The device will come along and the energy of an ordinary car or military vehicle, will be sucked from it and made stationary you understand me, and new fuels must be found. Our compatriots and we, do not think that nuclear fusion will be your power of the future We think that you will delve into it  and find that it has possibilities, but it is going to be difficult we think to use and control (yes). So other things must be found, and until you get out into the universe and into the vacuum, which is called a vacuum and which is not, then I think that you will have problems. 

You may be able to fuel yourself from your atmosphere into space and then one fuel will perhaps take over from another, which will be very good because it has no waste products you see, nothing to fear in that way; but it is just a matter of developing a device which can gather it and so it can be used. This is the problem.                                                                        

You must ask your little friends, (Grays?) on the bases that are hidden away; perhaps they can help you with that. If you haven’t got the materials here, the metals and other mediums here for them to use then that is where the problem might lie, you see. They can’t make what they haven’t got, what
they’re used to handling on their own planet. This might come as peculiar to our friend here, to talk of another planet. You watch for the cloning as well. It goes on and on, and you must watch and wait and you will see, you will know them you will just know them.                                                                                                                    

Now I want to also talk about the your remote viewing which you are having a little success with and we need to develop next year, projection, which is something a little different, but this is the fore-runner of what we would hope you will take an interest in, and do. We won’t compel you to do anything. You do it if you want to, or if you don’t it doesn’t matter to us of course whether you do or not but we think you will be interested, and you will get better at it. It is more practice really but perhaps after the festivities you will settle down and perhaps do a little more maybe, we shall see we
shall see. 

There are a lot of things in the pipeline for you being lined up and if you get used to doing them you will find it more exciting (yes thank you). Yes number 1; I know what you mean but (laughs) it is exciting enough. Take no notice of him; he feels he is missing out of the festivities (ahh) he would like to join in (he may). He may well do but you might regret it. (Laughs) He might too. He would be disappointed let’s put it that way. Yes, yes I think he will be. We have covered a little ground as we are not doing much this evening, and as I said we are rounding off the evening as best we can.                                                                                                                                           

Now, we have heard you talk, and we have seen about the education here that some think it is below the standard that you used to have (definitely). Do you think this is being done for a purpose where, if you are below par you can be controlled more (yes)?

 I think they have found that a lot of people have stepped up with their intellect.

You humans, you see with your education you are much cleverer than you thought you were, (yes), and now it is time we feel, that somebody, somebody out there with this master brain of theirs has decided to put a clamp on it so you cannot be controlled if you get too smart you understand? (Yes). 

You have the education, you have the wherewithal to look for your self and delve for yourself but if you don’t get taught in the right way you are on a sticky wicket so to speak right from the start. So we have the basic problem here, and really things must be brought into line (yes).                                                                                                      You must be careful, Cleansing here, Eugenics not in this particular country, but the Earth plane as such, it is all running downhill at the moment. 

The population is being controlled through the different diseases that come about through moral values being disregarded, you understand (yes). Almost saying, if we can’t get you one way, then well control you in another way, (exactly). (AIDS?) You see this is something for you to think about.                                                                                                                           

I don’t say that this is what it is, but it’s for you to think about, possibly a view from the past and what has gone on before (yes).                                                                       

What does our visitor friend think is new here? (What do you think?). What do you think? Are you in agreement with them, does it make sense to you? I’m not telling you that it is written in stone as you would say, but it is worth considering for it seems to be all over your planet not just in this country, you understand? Also the young ones seem to be out of control. They have no concept of right and wrong, most parents don’t seem to care where they are or what they’re doing or what they’re involved in (no that’s right). They’ve lost the art of bringing up their young you understand me? The art has gone out of it. They just produce them and then that is it.  They are not animals as such, but they will get like animals because they have no parental control. If they have parents and they’re humans then they should act better than they do (yes). They have no respect for anybody or anything and they’re not taught respect you see, not by their parents. All their parents want them to do is to get out of the way.

They make too much noise and they’re too demanding and the parents haven’t got the knack of saying no and meaning it. It is a world problem it is a shame, but perhaps things will right themselves; there is time to right everything (I hope so) and hopefully we can help you to do it.                                                           My friends and I that visit you, will be sorry not to be back here for a few weeks, and we understand the time, but we also have work to do elsewhere which need not concern you at all but we have a lot of problems to deal with, and we must away to see how we can sort things out here so to speak. 

There are many things going on that you do not know anything about, and it is only worth saying that things are being developed and are being manipulated (yes). So you watch some of the things that are being developed that will be of great use to you, that you will see in the future.

Computers will be governed by the eyes, as I said this a long time ago, a long time ago (indeed). You will look at it and it will do what you want it to do.  All the information will be sent just at the flick of
an eye (yes). I will leave you now my ladies and I will hopefully be back when you are ready to receive us after your festivities and we will see what we shall see then. May your God go with you, and the Divine light. (Thank you very much). It is a pity our friend cannot see me is it not. (Can you see anything?  I can see much light just around, but I can’t see a face).                                                                                                                                                     

For No 1 is much upset for he is beautiful. He says he is, so he must be (laughs). Well HE says he’s beautiful. (He is actually. He is). He is a very handsome person. He’s decided that this is how he will be (laughs,).

 I will leave you now my ladies; I thank you (thank you).

                                                                         No 2

 I come to you. I bring you the light from the one that shines from above. For there are a million stars in the universe and a thousand galaxies, and there are a million tears shed for a million souls that have passed unnecessarily.

We bring you light to shine on them and to shine on you and I bring it to wrap you in the light once more my friends. Also to bring you the chalice of love that you may drink from freely, for I am going to take you my dear ones, my daughters of the Divinity, I am going to take you to our universe so that you may be cared for and loved and have the Divine light encircle you and bring you once more to this same and ultimately beautiful place.

We want you to be with us so that we can care for you, you understand me my ladies, my children of the Divinity? (Yes) For we need you to understand us as we come with this blessing for you this evening, so that you can go forward in your festivities and think of us, think of us (we will). Take the chalice of love to your friends and to your people that you love, that are around you. Take it for them, to help them through their earthly life, to help them on to their pathway and their working day. I bring you this light from the Divine one my friends, so that it may wrap you in it as always.

I bring it for all the tears that are shed, all the light that shines upon the ones that have gone before. I bring you peace, I bring you peace, I bring you peace. I leave you now my daughters of the Divinity and I shall come and be with you once more. When you return my friends, when you return,
when you return. ( All.Thank you, we send you love).

8th Dec 03.  Aids & Eugenics. Bin Laden.  Micro Nukes.  Cloaking Technology.  Transport Immobilizing Weaponry.  Dumbing down of Education.  Breakdown of Family Life.

Good evening my ladies. Can you see me? It is important that it is strong for our visitor to perceive us.  WE HAD A FEMALE VISITOR THAT EVENING.
(J. It is stronger, there is more light around the head as well). Shall I wait a moment? (If you want to). Shall I wait a moment? (No it would be fine for you to continue).
It will? (Yes). Are you sure? (Yes). Can you see, can our friend see or not?
(No she can’t). She can’t see? (No). Never mind, if I get stronger, then she
must say what she can see. Do you see anything my friend? (I see a little
light around you). That’s good, that’s good. That is helpful anyway; we can
go forwards with that.                                                                                                                          I’m going to keep it light this evening my friends. I feel that it is the end of this long session that we have had, and I would like to draw it to a conclusion so that you can enjoy your festival.                                                                                                                                        I want to cast your mind back to some of the things we have covered during this
time, especially the Iraq affair. You remember what I said about the genie getting out of the bottle and not being able to put it back in again (yes). Now this I’m afraid will be small time compared to what is ahead of you all. What we must do now, what you must do, or what  is important for your earth plane to do and for
those in charge, is to really  seek out  Bin Laden, because this is where
the clue? starts if you can nip it in the bud. This man must be sought out
and caught you understand me? (Yes) For this is where your terrorism and
more than that will come from. This is the root of the evil and you need
to take control of it, to stop what is on the agenda for perhaps over the
next year and I know we will talk about 2006 but I’m talking about 2004 (yes)
and this could be critical for one particular country if this man is not
picked up (right). We have talked about, spoken of this Saddam Hussein have
we not (yes)? Now that man is totally different. That man is only interested
in greed and in power you understand me? (Yes). Bin Laden  is different all
together, for this man has an agenda and he is on a mission and he is not
particularly interested in power, not in the same way, do you understand
me my ladies what I am speaking of? (Yes) and this is very important, this
must be stopped it must be nipped in the bud. Terrorism will continue I’m
afraid, for all of the disaffected peoples will try and join in and prove their
cause or help their cause OR SO THEY THINK, by using  Terrorism and some of the events will be attributed to different organizations that in actual
fact they DO NOT (ah) commit (yes). Not that they mind if it has proved
a point you understand? This is most URGENT that this man is caught. He
is very clever, very clever indeed; his brain is brilliant in some ways
whereas Saddam Hussein is an idiot in comparison you understand? (Yes).
That man is all for the here and now and the fruits of battle, but Bin Laden
is on a mission and it doesn’t matter what he gets hold of, it won’t make
a bit of difference to him because he’s not looking for that sort of (reward?)
Yes, you could say reward. He’s on something else all together. He needs
to prove a point and he’s going to do it any whichever way he can, you understand
me? (Yes).  So this is the involvement for 2004 coming into the 2004th year
you understand? This is VERY IMPORTANT. I know I’ve gone over it several times; No1 is wagging his head again. I know I’ve repeated myself my
friend, but I know that I need to get this over to you understand? (But may
I ask you will it be a western country that will be in danger, at risk?).
We don’t really know which one they have chosen yet but we know they are
picking on one or two so we must wait and see where they will strike, for
it is undetermined yet, but he is gathering his forces as they put it together.
friends who are as wily as he is, so what one doesn’t know, the other one
does. They can help each other.                                                                                                                                             Now, with regard to armaments, we must look at the position of cloaking as we have mentioned before but it needs polishing, it is not fully designed and brought up to scratch so to speak yet, you see?
This cloaking method must be more refined as it is too haphazard, and they haven’t
got it quite right I think. Sooner or later there will be a device made
where the fuel that you are using in the military vehicles, aircraft and
all the rest of it even in the ordinary car can be obliterated. They must be wary of this because there is a device being brought together whereby experiments are being done and the energy can be withdrawn as easily as you can withdraw an atmosphere. The device will come along and the energy of an ordinary car or military vehicle, will be sucked from it and made stationary you understand me, and
new fuels must be found. Our compatriots and we, do not think that nuclear fusion will be your power of the future We think that you will delve into it  and
find that it has possibilities, but it is going to be difficult we think
to use and control (yes). So other things must be found, and until you get out
into the universe and into the vacuum, which is called a vacuum and which is
not, then I think that you will have problems. You may be able to fuel yourself
from your atmosphere into space and then one fuel will perhaps take over
from another, which will be very good because it has no waste products you
see, nothing to fear in that way; but it is just a matter of developing a device which can gather it and so it can be used. This is the problem.                                                                        You must ask your little friends, (Grays?) on the bases that are hidden
away; perhaps they can help you with that. If you haven’t got the materials
here, the metals and other mediums here for them to use then that is where
the problem might lie, you see. They can’t make what they haven’t got, what
they’re used to handling on their own planet. This might come as peculiar
to our friend here, to talk of another planet. You watch for the cloning as well. It goes on and on, and you must watch and wait and you will see, you will know them you will just know them.                                                                                                                    Now I want to also talk about the your remote viewing which you
are having a little success with and we need to develop next year, projection, which is something a little different, but this is the fore-runner of what we would hope you will take an interest in, and do. We won’t compel you to do anything. You do it if you want to, or if you don’t it doesn’t matter to us of course whether you
do or not but we think you will be interested, and you will get
better at it. It is more practice really but perhaps after the festivities
you will settle down and perhaps do a little more maybe, we shall see we
shall see. There are a lot of things in the pipeline for you being lined
up and if you get used to doing them you will find it more exciting (yes
thank you). Yes number 1; I know what you mean but (laughs) it is exciting
enough. Take no notice of him; he feels he is missing out of the festivities
(ahh) he would like to join in (he may). He may well do but you might regret
it. (Laughs) He might too. He would be disappointed let’s put it that way.
Yes, yes I think he will be. We have covered a little ground as we
are not doing much this evening, and as I said we are rounding off the evening
as best we can.                                                                                                                                           Now, we have heard you talk, and we have seen about the education here that some think it is below the standard that you used to have (definitely). Do you think this is being done
for a purpose where, if you are below par you can be controlled more (yes)?
 I think they have found that a lot of people have stepped up with their intellect. 
You humans, you see with your education you are much cleverer than you thought you were, (yes), and now it is time we feel, that somebody, somebody out there with
this master brain of theirs has decided to put a clamp on it so you cannot
be controlled if you get too smart you understand? (Yes). You have the education,
you have the wherewithal to look for your self and delve for yourself but
if you don’t get taught in the right way you are on a sticky wicket so to speak
right from the start. So we have the basic problem here, and really things
must be brought into line (yes).                                                                                                      You must be careful, Cleansing here, Eugenics not in this particular country, but the earth plane as such, it is all running downhill at the moment. The population is being controlled through the different diseases that come about through moral values being disregarded, you understand (yes). Almost saying, if we can’t get you one way, then well control you in another way, (exactly). (AIDS?) You see this is something for you to think about.                                                                                                                           I don’t say that this is what it is, but it’s for you to think about, possibly a view from the past and what has gone on before (yes).                                                                       What does our visitor friend think is new here? (What do you think?). What do you think? Are you in agreement with them, does it make sense to you? I’m not telling you that it is written in stone as you would say, but it is worth
considering for it seems to be all over your planet not just in this country
you understand? Also the young ones seem to be out of control. They have
no concept of right and wrong, most parents don’t seem to care where they are or what they’re doing or what they’re involved in(no that’s right). They’ve lost the art of bringing up their young you understand me? The art has gone out of it. They just produce them and then that is it.  They are not animals as such, but they will get like animals because they have no parental control. If they have parents and they’re humans then they should act better than they do (yes). They have no respect for any body or anything and they’re not taught respect you see, not by their parents. All their parents want them to do is to get out of the way.
They make too much noise and they’re too demanding and the parents haven’t got
the knack of saying no and meaning it. It is a world problem it is a shame,
but perhaps things will right themselves; there is time to right everything
(I hope so) and hopefully we can help you to do it.                                                           My friends and I that visit you, will be sorry not to be back
here for a few weeks, and we understand the time, but we also have work to do elsewhere which need not concern you at all but we have a lot of problems to deal with, and we must away to see how we can sort things out here so to speak. There are many things going on that you do not know anything about, and it is only worth saying that things are being developed and are being manipulated (yes). So you watch some of the things that are being developed that will be of great use to you, that you will see in the future.

 Computers will be governed by the eyes, as I said this a long
time ago, a long time ago (indeed). You will look at it and it will do what
you want it to do.  All the information will be sent just at the flick of
an eye (yes). I will leave you now my ladies and I will hopefully be back
when you are ready to receive us after your festivities and we will see
what we shall see then. May your God go with you, and the Divine light. (Thank you very much). It is a pity our friend cannot see me is it not. (Can you see anything?  I can see much light just around, but I can’t see
a face).                                                                                                                                                     For No 1 is much upset for he is beautiful. He says he is, so he
must be (laughs). Well HE says he’s beautiful. (He is actually. He
is). He is a very handsome person. He’s decided that this is how he will be (laughs,). I will leave you now my ladies; I thank you (thank you).

                                                                         No 2

 I come to you. I bring you the light from the one that shines from
above. For there are a million stars in the universe and a thousand galaxies,
and there are a million tears shed for a million souls that have passed unnecessarily.
We bring you light to shine on them and to shine on you and I bring it
to wrap you in the light once more my friends. Also to bring you the chalice
of love that you may drink from freely, for I am going to take you my dear
ones, my daughters of the Divinity, I am going to take you to our universe
so that you may be cared for and loved and have the Divine light encircle
you and bring you once more to this same and ultimately beautiful place.
We want you to be with us so that we can care for you, you understand me
my ladies my children of the Divinity? (Yes) For we need you to understand
us as we come with this blessing for you this evening, so that you can go
forward in your festivities and think of us, think of us (we will). Take
the chalice of love to your friends and to your people that you love, that
are around you. Take it for them, to help them through their earthly life,
to help them on to their pathway and their working day. I bring you this
light from the Divine one my friends, so that it may wrap you in it as always.
I bring it for all the tears that are shed, all the light that shines upon
the ones that have gone before. I bring you peace, I bring you peace, I bring you peace.

I leave you now my daughters of the Divinity and I shall
come and be with you once more. When you return my friends, when you return,
when you return. ( All.Thank you, we send you love).

Offline -  http://www.spirit-truths.co.uk

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