23th June 03 .
Walk-Ins. Origins of the Moon. HAARP . Fourth Dimension. The Atlantic &
the Pole Shift
Good evening my ladies.
Now my friend here, the instrument, has read
something this evening, which suggests or speaks about walk-ins. Did you read
this my friend?
(I sent it to her). Have you read this? (Yes).
If you think of
it in another way, for those that haven’t read it, it is about a lady, who has
suggested, or this spirit through her has, that there are souls or spirits that
wish to depart the body, and you could have another spirit, a walk-in, which
would take it on. So they would not have
to start from the birth and the tiny ones, you understand. This sometimes could
happen, and you see this could be a vehicle too for the seeded ones, it is so
easy you see, if you think of it in that way.
I just thought of that, and I was looking as she was looking, and I was
thinking, ah yes, but that that is not all that it seems either, but this is
where the seeded ones could come in you understand, and it would be so easy to
take on another body so to speak, and there you have it. Then they are already
here, no problem whatsoever, no problem at all.
Now what I wanted to speak to you about again, my friends, is that there
seems to be a lot of talk about the pole shift, and even though I know we have
spoken about it twice already, I am going to speak of it again to you, because
there seems so much concern about it, and there should be, you understand.
Well, when this takes place, and I say WHEN it takes place, there will be some
problems, obviously there will be some problems. The Atlantic you see, the
ocean will spread with the pull, it will spread and be pulled to the west, and
the islands to the west of your little country here, may have problems. But the
country where you live, has always fared well, so far with the pole shifts that
have gone before, because you are on rock, you understand?
But this Atlantic
ocean will be pulled, and there will be a spread. Now this will come about,
because of the rotation of the Earth on its axis. During the rotation so to
speak, the Earth will be trying to realign itself really, because it is trying
to reject the shift, the pull; so you are going to have problems there. If it
happens in jolts, this won’t be so destructive, if it judders, you may have
more destruction. But for whatever reason, the Atlantic will spread out, and
with the spreading out of the water, as it pulls away, and spreads, and it obviously
is going to cover other land masses; as it does this, your Atlantic ocean, will
drop 70-75 feet, and this will be permanent. (Gosh!).
Now when this happens and it continues to
rotate, although the rotation is about to stop, this is where the slippage
comes. Then you have a problem, because the water that returns will make waves
and slosh about as it comes back again…. This is where the problem lies,
despite the fact that the Atlantic ocean will be visibly lower than it has
been, it could cause a problem, and all the water round your country will go
towards the north pole, do you see?
So this will cause a problem also, as it
starts, the rotation, the actual slippage. It is not the axis itself that
moves; it is the Earth that moves within the axis. This actual slippage will go
on for about I think you would call it, and I don’t deal in time, about seven
days, so all I can say to you, is that you must go for the higher ground, and
you are I understand on high ground here. But it is no good worrying about it,
you are on high ground, and that is all we can advise people to do, is to make
for high ground for at least 48hours, while things right themselves.
There is
bound to be some upheaval with the slippage, you will not get away without
anything happening, that would be too much to ask, you understand? I thought I
would try and put this into perspective, so that you understand a little more
of exactly what is happening, or when. Yes. Some give one date, some give
another, so we must leave that for I cannot say for absolute sure.
Some have
said that it is time for the Earth to be cleansed again. This is another way of
thinking. I don’t think that it will be that dramatic, but people have said
that it is time, and spirit have said too that the Earth be cleansed again,
because of the problems that you have down here, and man has made such a mess
of things. But it isn’t too late to sort it out, if you can just make it a
little better.
Not you my friends, you can only spread the word, and hope that
people in higher places will take on board some of the messages that are coming
through, because they are not only coming through from this group, you
understand me? We are trying to get round to other groups as well, and as I’ve
said before, some will let us in and some will not.
Something else, I wanted to ask you which No1 I think was going to ask
you, but he is busy elsewhere. If you wish us to withdraw from your group, we
will, if you find this all too much for you to carry. (No) I think we are
causing some headaches here and there, with one thing and the other
organization as such, do you understand me?
If you wish us to withdraw, you have only to say the word, and we will. Because we quite understand because it has gone on for a long time now, and if
you have had enough, then that is fair enough.
I know that No1 says that I
bring a lot of gloom and doom, but I try to liven it up a little bit. I cannot make fun of some of the things that
are going on, because there isn’t anything there to be funny about, nothing to
laugh at amongst all this information that is coming through. If I made light
of it you would not believe me, so I tell it as it is, and I try to soften it
here and there; but I think we have come a long way now my friends, and I think
that you can accept more of what I am saying, it doesn’t hit as hard, and we
did hit hard at the beginning, (you did), because we needed to test your mettle
you see. If you couldn’t take that then you wouldn’t be able to take the other
things that are going to be said, although we do try to lighten it here and
( I know, we CAN take it) You can. (Absolutely) This is very good. (We
want to share it with others) Yes, you will find a way, you will find a way;
you will be inspired my friend. Things will come to the fore, and you will know
when the time is right, suddenly you will feel that this is fine I can do this!
Do you understand me? (Yes). So don’t worry about it, it will come.
If you get
a push or a nudge to do some thing, you DO it; because we will be inspiring
you, but we won’t be TELLING you, you must do it. We will just inspire you to think that this
is probably the way forward for you, and I think that there are big things to
come for you, my friends in this group, but I didn’t want to say that if you
wish for us to withdraw, and we don’t want to keep you on a lead so to speak,
because you see, the energy here, works very well, and without the good energy,
we cannot work, we can adjust for one or two, I know that, as you have in mind
visitors, maybe they would like to come, and we can adjust for that, but
anything bigger than that we would have to go and reorganize and regroup again.
We don’t rule any of it out, but at this moment in time and in this small
group, if a visitor wishes to come, like the young man did, this would be fine
with us. It would take us a little time to accommodate them but we need to know
beforehand, because there are preparations we make behind the scenes. We will
even go and visit the person that is coming, we can sense the energy; we try to
work the energy.
Now I don’t know if you have ever thought of, this is lighter anyway, a
little lighter (laughs). I’m thinking about the moon, do you know how it came
to be my friends? I am going to try to tell you.
In your, what shall I call it, your universe, is that the word I am
looking for, I have to sort through a lot of papers here in this brain,
(laughs), the universe or galaxy, maybe she would call it. There was a stray
planet that entered your solar system trillions and billions of years ago
before your Earth had any living thing on it. Now this stray planet had an
irregular cycle and in the end it grew closer and closer to what was then the Earth, the planet Earth, and there was a collision. Now the collision came and
the rogue planet was blasted into nothingness, into trillions of pieces, and it
didn’t do the Earth any good either, it made a mess of the Earth as well. So
the planet, which almost completely disintegrated, some of the iron from that
planet entered the Earth.
Now the Earth was in a bit of a mess at that time, as
it was fractured too, and it had to draw itself together, the gravitational
pull, but on top of that the gravitation of the bits and pieces from this
planet that careered into you at that time, some of the bits joined together
and made small lumps. The gravitational pull would gather it you see. Some of
the particles also entered the Earth. Gradually these small lumps grew into
bigger lumps, and the lumps gathered together, until you had the beginnings of
the moon. Do you see?
Then it grew
bigger and bigger because it attracted more lumps together, and then the Earth
that had been spherical in appearance, was now not, so it quivered like a jelly
because it couldn’t get back to its proper rhythm, but eventually it did; but
this was long before anything was living on your planet, so then you ended up
with this huge moon, and believe it or not, it is the largest moon there is, if
you work it out in relation to the size of your planet, it is the biggest moon
in the universe. Titan and Jupiter are together, but if you think of how big
Jupiter is, and how big Titan is, in conjunction one with the other it isn’t
big. Your Earth plane has the most beautiful moon, huge, huge 2000 miles across,
although Titan is 5000, but in relation to Jupiter, it is small in comparison
with the planet itself.
I tell you about this, because if the Earth and the moon were born, for
the sake of another word, together, then they would be made of the same stone,
rock, magma. But this isn’t so, and I’ll tell you why. The astronauts that
landed there, they found a piece of green glass- like stone there, and they
managed to chip some of it off and bring it back here, and they had not seen
anything like it before.
It looked like it had been molten, and it had been you
see, because this is what happened when the collision occurred, the whole thing
became molten, and pieces flew about all over the place, and how do you think
your Pacific became the size it is? That is where the piece had flown out of
the impact area, the magma has flown out that is why the Pacific is so big,
such a large hole, this is why your Earth plane quivered because it couldn’t
get properly right again, as it was no longer spherical.
So if they had both
been born at the same time, then they would be made of the same stone, which is
a very simplistic way of putting it, but this is how things were, and this is
how I give it to you. (It’s very interesting). You are very lucky to have this
beautiful moon, and may I say this?
Do you think that your astronauts were the
first ones to be on the moon? (No). Do you think that there are living beings
also on the moon now? (We do, yes). I don’t think that you were the first. I
can say this for sure that this was NOT the first person, people to come onto
the moon.
There are already beings of one sort there. You may find out more
about this at another time, but there has not been so much haste about going to
the moon, than there was, and maybe they have decided to retreat, maybe for
their own good. For out there is not friendly you understand, not friendly.
Some of them are, some of them not, we have our own problems here you see, as
you have there, but not in quite such depth, they are different problems, of who’s
doing this to whom, and what, but not quite like you have here I must say that.
Now you have the HAARP device, have you not? Things will develop from the HAARP device, as
I understand there is a new bomb, and the instrument knows about it, she has
read this, I am not telling you something that you do not know, we knew that
this was in the offing, but didn’t want to say anything about it too quickly.
There are lots of things being developed you understand that you would not be
too happy about. Wouldn’t you think that with all the problems that you may
have with the pole shift, why bother about a bomb. I cannot understand it, the
thinking is, that it doesn’t appear to be sensible, but believe me it will be
to one or another who is on the gain you see with the money and the power that
this will bring, it is bound to happen you see, for as much as you get one
thing that will do this that or the other, there will be somebody out there
organizing and developing something else bigger and better. This will constantly
go on my friend with what ever you have, like the anti tank shield, that can
protect the different equipment that you have for war games, then yes you will
have a force field, its being built and devised if not being practised within
the Iraqi war.
I wish you good evening now my
friends, I’m sorry it has been short, but there we have it. (Send our love to no1) He will know, he will
know. He may not be here, but he will know what has gone on. I will not have to
tell him, he will know. He has, this light you see, this sense. Well he obviously cannot be drawn away, and
I cannot see it happening, I am sorry for it. (No, no it’s fine). He likes to
come and tease you. He’s probably gone away to think of more ways. (laughs).
Are you sure that you do not want us to leave you? (100 %) Well that is very
good of you.
I haven’t got a word for our friend here, so she won’t have to go racing
through bits of paper. There we have it I shall try next time to find you one.
Thank you and good evening
I come again to be with you, to bring you the chalice of love once more,
that you may drink from it and take it with you in your busy lives; to go
forward to the next time. I come to
bring you happiness, and love, and laughter to help you along the way. For I
know that you need it at this time, you all do.
I want to bring you all the love that is within the universe, for do you
not feel that love and the light that goes into the dark places, and brings
light forth to shine upon your Earth plane, that lightens up the corners that
need to be lit; and that there are others on your Earth plane, also seeking the
light, the Divine light, for we see them beginning to shine, my daughters of
the Divinity, we see them begin to shine as you are shining.
You do not know
how it enhances your light, as you live a different life at this time, and we
are glad that we have been able to inspire you and bring you closer to us, and
closer to the next dimension, that we want you to rise to you understand?
we must do this, and I say must because this is what we want for you, and I’m
sure you would want it for yourselves. We bring all this love to you, and ask
you to take from it what you will, and for your families and your friends also.
Try to bring them into the circle of light, my friends, because it is very
important now at this time, do you understand? (Yes).
We bring you the blessing of the Divinity, as always, and I clasp you to
me as I need you to come to me my ladies, I feel the pull of love from you, and
I want to stay with you as always. I find it very difficult to leave you my
ladies, but I am with you nearly always, in your work and your play as you go
about your business in this world, and I will try and help your friends as well
as the others to come to the light as best you can. (We will), and we will try
and help the ones here, for they all must rise into their next dimension, they
all must rise into the fourth dimension, and we are determined that they shall
do this for their own good you understand, but you my ladies, you will be taken
into the fifth, for there is much love here for you and for the work that you
are doing as we understand you bring to others as you go about your work.
I will leave you now my friends, I will leave you now, though I do not
want to go but I must, I try to be with you all the time my ladies. I say
goodbye to you now, and may your God go with you, and the light of the Divinity
shine on you. (You are always in our hearts). I thank you my ladies, my
daughters of the Divinity
23 June 03 . Walk-Ins. Origins of the Moon. HAARP . Fourth Dimension. The Atlantic &
the Pole Shift
Good evening my ladies. Now my friend here, the instrument, has read
something this evening, which suggests or speaks about walk-ins, did you read
this my friend? (I sent it to her). Have you read this? (Yes). If you think of
it in another way, for those that haven’t read it, it is about a lady, who has
suggested, or this spirit through her has, that there are souls or spirits that
wish to depart the body, and you could have another spirit, a walk-in, which
would take it on. So they would not have
to start from the birth and the tiny ones, you understand. This sometimes could
happen, and you see this could be a vehicle too for the seeded ones, it is so
easy you see, if you think of it in that way.
I just thought of that, and I was looking as she was looking, and I was
thinking, ah yes, but that that is not all that it seems either, but this is
where the seeded ones could come in you understand, and it would be so easy to
take on another body so to speak, and there you have it. Then they are already
here, no problem whatsoever, no problem at all.
Now what I wanted to speak to you about again, my friends, is that there
seems to be a lot of talk about the pole shift, and even though I know we have
spoken about it twice already, I am going to speak of it again to you, because
there seems so much concern about it, and there should be, you understand.
Well, when this takes place, and I say WHEN it takes place, there will be some
problems, obviously there will be some problems. The Atlantic you see, the
ocean will spread with the pull, it will spread and be pulled to the west, and
the islands to the west of your little country here, may have problems. But the
country where you live, has always fared well, so far with the pole shifts that
have gone before, because you are on rock, you understand? But this Atlantic
ocean will be pulled, and there will be a spread. Now this will come about,
because of the rotation of the earth on its axis. During the rotation so to
speak, the earth will be trying to realign itself really, because it is trying
to reject the shift, the pull; so you are going to have problems there. If it
happens in jolts, this won’t be so destructive, if it judders, you may have
more destruction. But for whatever reason, the Atlantic will spread out, and
with the spreading out of the water, as it pulls away, and spreads, and it obviously
is going to cover other land masses; as it does this, your Atlantic ocean, will
drop 70-75 feet, and this will be permanent. (Gosh). Now when this happens and it continues to
rotate, although the rotation is about to stop, this is where the slippage
comes. Then you have a problem, because the water that returns will make waves
and slosh about as it comes back again…. This is where the problem lies,
despite the fact that the Atlantic ocean will be visibly lower than it has
been, it could cause a problem, and all the water round your country will go
towards the north pole, do you see? So this will cause a problem also, as it
starts, the rotation, the actual slippage. It is not the axis itself that
moves; it is the earth that moves within the axis. This actual slippage will go
on for about I think you would call it, and I don’t deal in time, about seven
days, so all I can say to you, is that you must go for the higher ground, and
you are I understand on high ground here. But it is no good worrying about it,
you are on high ground, and that is all we can advise people to do, is to make
for high ground for at least 48hours, while things right themselves. There is
bound to be some upheaval with the slippage, you will not get away without
anything happening, that would be too much to ask, you understand? I thought I
would try and put this into perspective, so that you understand a little more
of exactly what is happening, or when. Yes. Some give one date, some give
another, so we must leave that for I cannot say for absolute sure. Some have
said that it is time for the earth to be cleansed again. This is another way of
thinking. I don’t think that it will be that dramatic, but people have said
that it is time, and spirit have said too that the earth be cleansed again,
because of the problems that you have down here, and man has made such a mess
of things. But it isn’t too late to sort it out, if you can just make it a
little better. Not you my friends, you can only spread the word, and hope that
people in higher places will take on board some of the messages that are coming
through, because they are not only coming through from this group, you
understand me? We are trying to get round to other groups as well, and as I’ve
said before, some will let us in and some will not.
Something else, I wanted to ask you which No1 I think was going to ask
you, but he is busy elsewhere. If you wish us to withdraw from your group, we
will, if you find this all too much for you to carry. (No) I think we are
causing some headaches here and there, with one thing and the other
organisation as such, do you understand me?
If you wish us to withdraw, you have only to say the word, and we will.
because we quite understand because it has gone on for a long time now, and if
you have had enough, then that is fair enough. I know that No1 says that I
bring a lot of gloom and doom, but I try to liven it up a little bit. I cannot make fun of some of the things that
are going on, because there isn’t anything there to be funny about, nothing to
laugh at amongst all this information that is coming through. If I made light
of it you would not believe me, so I tell it as it is, and I try to soften it
here and there; but I think we have come a long way now my friends, and I think
that you can accept more of what I am saying, it doesn’t hit as hard, and we
did hit hard at the beginning, (you did), because we needed to test your mettle
you see. If you couldn’t take that then you wouldn’t be able to take the other
things that are going to be said, although we do try to lighten it here and
( I know, we CAN take it) You can. (Absolutely) This is very good. (We
want to share it with others) Yes, you will find a way, you will find a way;
you will be inspired my friend. Things will come to the fore, and you will know
when the time is right, suddenly you will feel that this is fine I can do this!
Do you understand me? (Yes). So don’t worry about it, it will come. If you get
a push or a nudge to do some thing, you DO it; because we will be inspiring
you, but we won’t be TELLING you, you must do it. We will just inspire you to think that this
is probably the way forward for you, and I think that there are big things to
come for you, my friends in this group, but I didn’t want to say that if you
wish for us to withdraw, and we don’t want to keep you on a lead so to speak,
because you see, the energy here, works very well, and without the good energy,
we cannot work, we can adjust for one or two, I know that, as you have in mind
visitors, maybe they would like to come, and we can adjust for that, but
anything bigger than that we would have to go and reorganise and regroup again.
We don’t rule any of it out, but at this moment in time and in this small
group, if a visitor wishes to come, like the young man did, this would be fine
with us. It would take us a little time to accommodate them but we need to know
beforehand, because there are preparations we make behind the scenes. We will
even go and visit the person that is coming, we can sense the energy; we try to
work the energy.
Now I don’t know if you have ever thought of, this is lighter anyway, a
little lighter (laughs). I’m thinking about the moon, do you know how it came
to be my friends? I am going to try to tell you.
In your, what shall I call it, your universe, is that the word I am
looking for, I have to sort through a lot of papers here in this brain,
(laughs), the universe or galaxy, maybe she would call it. There was a stray
planet that entered your solar system trillions and billions of years ago
before your earth had any living thing on it. Now this stray planet had an
irregular cycle and in the end it grew closer and closer to what was then the
earth, the planet earth, and there was a collision. Now the collision came and
the rogue planet was blasted into nothingness, into trillions of pieces, and it
didn’t do the earth any good either, it made a mess of the earth as well. So
the planet, which almost completely disintegrated, some of the iron from that
planet entered the earth. Now the earth was in a bit of a mess at that time, as
it was fractured too, and it had to draw itself together, the gravitational
pull, but on top of that the gravitation of the bits and pieces from this
planet that careered into you at that time, some of the bits joined together
and made small lumps. The gravitational pull would gather it you see. Some of
the particles also entered the earth. Gradually these small lumps grew into
bigger lumps, and the lumps gathered together, until you had the beginnings of
the moon. Do you see? Then it grew
bigger and bigger because it attracted more lumps together, and then the earth
that had been spherical in appearance, was now not, so it quivered like a jelly
because it couldn’t get back to its proper rhythm, but eventually it did; but
this was long before anything was living on your planet, so then you ended up
with this huge moon, and believe it or not, it is the largest moon there is, if
you work it out in relation to the size of your planet, it is the biggest moon
in the universe. Titan and Jupiter are together, but if you think of how big
Jupiter is, and how big Titan is, in conjunction one with the other it isn’t
big. Your earth plane has the most beautiful moon, huge, huge 2000 miles across,
although Titan is 5000, but in relation to Jupiter, it is small in comparison
with the planet itself.
I tell you about this, because if the earth and the moon were born, for
the sake of another word, together, then they would be made of the same stone,
rock, magma. But this isn’t so, and I’ll tell you why. The astronauts that
landed there, they found a piece of green glass- like stone there, and they
managed to chip some of it off and bring it back here, and they had not seen
anything like it before. It looked like it had been molten, and it had been you
see, because this is what happened when the collision occurred, the whole thing
became molten, and pieces flew about all over the place, and how do you think
your Pacific became the size it is? That is where the piece had flown out of
the impact area, the magma has flown out that is why the Pacific is so big,
such a large hole, this is why your earth plane quivered because it couldn’t
get properly right again, as it was no longer spherical. So if they had both
been born at the same time, then they would be made of the same stone, which is
a very simplistic way of putting it, but this is how things were, and this is
how I give it to you. (It’s very interesting). You are very lucky to have this
beautiful moon, and may I say this? Do you think that your astronauts were the
first ones to be on the moon? (No). Do you think that there are living beings
also on the moon now? (We do, yes). I don’t think that you were the first. I
can say this for sure that this was NOT the first person, people to come onto
the moon. There are already beings of one sort there. You may find out more
about this at another time, but there has not been so much haste about going to
the moon, than there was, and maybe they have decided to retreat, maybe for
their own good. For out there is not friendly you understand, not friendly.
Some of them are, some of them not, we have our own problems here you see, as
you have there, but not in quite such depth, they are different problems, of who’s
doing this to whom, and what, but not quite like you have here I must say that.
Now you have the HAARP device have you not? Things will develop from the HAARP device, as
I understand there is a new bomb, and the instrument knows about it, she has
read this, I am not telling you something that you do not know, we knew that
this was in the offing, but didn’t want to say anything about it too quickly.
There are lots of things being developed you understand that you would not be
too happy about. Wouldn’t you think that with all the problems that you may
have with the pole shift, why bother about a bomb. I cannot understand it, the
thinking is, that it doesn’t appear to be sensible, but believe me it will be
to one or another who is on the gain you see with the money and the power that
this will bring, it is bound to happen you see, for as much as you get one
thing that will do this that or the other, there will be somebody out there
organising and developing something else bigger and better. This will constantly
go on my friend with what ever you have, like the anti tank shield, that can
protect the different equipment that you have for war games, then yes you will
have a force field, its being built and devised if not being practised within
the Iraqi war.
I wish you good evening now my
friends, I’m sorry it has been short, but there we have it. (Send our love to no1) He will know, he will
know. He may not be here, but he will know what has gone on. I will not have to
tell him, he will know. He has, this light you see, this sense. Well he obviously cannot be drawn away, and
I cannot see it happening, I am sorry for it. (No, no it’s fine). He likes to
come and tease you. He’s probably gone away to think of more ways. (laughs).
Are you sure that you do not want us to leave you? (100 %) Well that is very
good of you.
I haven’t got a word for our friend here, so she won’t have to go racing
through bits of paper. There we have it I shall try next time to find you one.
Thank you and good evening
I come again to be with you, to bring you the chalice of love once more,
that you may drink from it and take it with you in your busy lives; to go
forward to the next time. I come to
bring you happiness, and love, and laughter to help you along the way. For I
know that you need it at this time, you all do.
I want to bring you all the love that is within the universe, for do you
not feel that love and the light that goes into the dark places, and brings
light forth to shine upon your earth plane, that lightens up the corners that
need to be lit; and that there are others on your earth plane, also seeking the
light, the Divine light, for we see them beginning to shine, my daughters of
the Divinity, we see them begin to shine as you are shining. You do not know
how it enhances your light, as you live a different life at this time, and we
are glad that we have been able to inspire you and bring you closer to us, and
closer to the next dimension, that we want you to rise to you understand? For
we must do this, and I say must because this is what we want for you, and I’m
sure you would want it for yourselves. We bring all this love to you, and ask
you to take from it what you will, and for your families and your friends also.
Try to bring them into the circle of light, my friends, because it is very
important now at this time, do you understand? (Yes).
We bring you the blessing of the Divinity, as always, and I clasp you to
me as I need you to come to me my ladies, I feel the pull of love from you, and
I want to stay with you as always. I find it very difficult to leave you my
ladies, but I am with you nearly always, in your work and your play as you go
about your business in this world, and I will try and help your friends as well
as the others to come to the light as best you can. (We will), and we will try
and help the ones here, for they all must rise into their next dimension, they
all must rise into the fourth dimension, and we are determined that they shall
do this for their own good you understand, but you my ladies, you will be taken
into the fifth, for there is much love here for you and for the work that you
are doing as we understand you bring to others as you go about your work.
I will leave you now my friends, I will leave you now, though I do not
want to go but I must, I try to be with you all the time my ladies. I say
goodbye to you now, and may your God go with you, and the light of the Divinity
shine on you. (You are always in our hearts). I thank you my ladies, my
daughters of the Divinity
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