Once upon a time ... three British ladies who sat in a circle with one medium and three Beings of Light who, attracted by the Light of their auras, came and started a cycle extraordinarily informative messages which triggered my spiritual awakening.

This is my tribute to all of them because I know that the many still sleeping and skeptical will see the beauty and the message of Light and Love contained in each of them.

Be at peace

I am no-one special. I am a curious, problem solving type who's strict upbringing in the Catholic community gave me the foundation of a service to others ethic and a resolve for justice and peace.

I guess that is why, when drawn to others who were able to see beyond the ordinary we were chosen to receive outstanding messages, and beyond that, to see the MESSENGERS

We had a talented medium who was able to 'move over' and let spiritual light beings use her voice.

We were told things that would freeze us with fear, and others that were so amazing we would literally be silent and gasping at the end of the sessions.

We did this for about 8 years off and on. Above all we were compelled to return nearly every Monday for another gruelling session that would ultimately wake us out of our comfortable slumber and start the process of truth, research and upliftment.

Even more astonishing was the fact that we saw three separate light beings distinct from each other. We tested each other to see if we were imagining them and named them 1, 2 and 3 in order of appearance in many tests. The numbers stuck and the transcriptions state thus. (The Beings of Light preferred this too, as when asked their names, they insisted that we wouldn't know them, and that numbers were fine).

I found a reference to our phenomenon in an ancient script. The Apochryphon of John.

(In the light I beheld a youth who stood beside me. Even as I looked he became like an old man, then like a servant. Yet there were not three before me, but one, with multiple forms appearing through each other as though transparent. He said to me, "John, John, why do you doubt? And why are you afraid? I am the one who is with you always. I am the Father. I am the Mother. I am the Son.")

Curiously, this is EXACTLY how we saw our B.O.L. Morphing and then settling into one familiar face. It makes you think about what was reported from ancient times, and who these ‘apparitions’ really were.

Ours when asked who they were, said: Alpha, Omega, Andromeda. Still makes me tingle to think of the possibilities!


Saturday, December 1, 2012


12th May 2003  
Lithosphere/Pole Shift/Orb/Suppression/Re-Incarnation                                                
Good Evening.  

The last time we met, I said that we would talk about the pole-shift. There seems to be much that has been spoken of, about this pole-shift and I don’t want to delve too far into it. But you know you have two poles, and then you have the geographical pole, which is different from the North Pole as such, do you understand? It is about 11-12 degrees different from the ordinary pole, although there is nothing ordinary about it. 

Now there seems to be a tie up between your planet and a magnetic force field, to do with the rotation of your planet, do you understand? Well, the axis also has altered, the rotation of the axis. Therefore your planet has actually been rolling about, and you were unaware of it. I know some of the information, you find very hard to take in, but for all that I think I must go a little bit further. It rolls about a bit, but you haven’t noticed it have you? The pole shift is a little different, because you see the poles have already shifted, they shifted 20 feet between 1900 and1968. They also moved 10 feet between 1960 and 1968, 20 feet in all to 1968 you see. 

Now the problem is that you will have a slippage here of about 180 degrees, and if this happens, the magnetic field alters the rotation as you understand. If this shifts you see, then you will get an 180 degree slippage, which would be devastating.                                                         

But, the information brought forward by your scientists, may not mean that you will have this upheaval. Do you understand? It may not be as devastating as one thinks, it may not happen in that way. What you would get you see, would be hurricane force winds, even if you had the slippage without the upheaval, you would have 100 force winds, you would get volcanic eruptions, and the sea would abruptly rise.                                                                                                                                    

Now you have seismographs that measure volcanic eruptions, and forthcoming quakes, and density? In turn, these seismographs are very sensitive, to the extent that they will pick up in still time, when there is no activity going on naturally. They will pick up the sounds of a train, the sounds of a city. They are highly sensitive to wind action touching the actual soil. 

Now, you have picked up a rumbling within your planet, a rumbling and a crackling and a rolling, which cannot be explained. There is no answer to why this is happening. Your seismographs have picked this up. Then think again my ladies, has the Lithosphere already started to slip?  Ah yes. Its already in motion, you understand me? (Yes).  

I would tell you a date, but it might be controversial. We are talking of 2030, for a complete reversal. Now even I get things wrong, you understand my ladies, sometimes the information that I pick up is wrong too, I also have to perhaps go to a higher source for confirmation of different things. 

No 1 says that it is a lot for me to admit that I am sometimes wrong. He can talk! (laughs) . He does, he says many things, and sometimes he will not be quiet. (laughs). Anyway, I have brought this to you and I said that I would discuss it, not in depth, but I have brushed over the surface of it. There seems to be a lot of information about it, and there should be and you should be aware, you should have this knowledge. It is after all a natural phenomenon and it is to do with you, and you cannot have any control over it, but one would like to know. There are others who like to dig their head in the sand, well that is fair, we must respect them also.

(Are you saying that it is a gradual thing that is happening?)

I have said that it COULD be, I have not said that it will be, but the information that the scientists have, means that, all of a sudden you would not literally  be falling 180 degrees. This could also mean that it would not cause so much of an upheaval, but you would be aware of hurricane winds, and volcanic disturbance. You would not get away with nothing at all. But there will be changing weather patterns, and there already have been. It is gentle at the moment, and if it takes its own time and does not do too much in a hurry, I think things should be not too bad.

I want to go to another subject now, I’m trying to keep the subjects separate, so I don’t keep going backwards and forwards, as the one who is writing is getting into some problem, I am sorry. I am scattering the information, Yes I know that No1. He tells me afterwards that it is not right, that I have to talk about one thing then the other. He says, how can people keep up? I do this I’m afraid, I suddenly think of  something.

Now I am going to talk of something else. The people on your planet, all the people the humans on the planet, whether they be seeded or not, or born in the normal way and come of the normal parents, you understand? 

Viewing you from afar on your planet, we see you as seeds in a bowl. If you rotate the bowl, the seeds begin to roll round and round the bowl, and this is how we view you, and I’m asking you perhaps you could view it too so that you can understand what I am talking to you about. These are the people, all you humans going round and round in circles. It’s a never ending circle. You can subdivide it but it is never ending. 

Now all the people here on the Earth plane, are doing  work of one sort or another. You could be higher or lower it does not matter, for the time goes on and on, and it waits for no man, as you have that saying here. 

This circle is eternal, and this is YOU my friends you are eternal. If you pass to death as you call it, and later on, reincarnate again, what do you do? You come back to where you started from, and you would probably end up in a similar place and situation to what you are already in. 

Now, in order to lift to the next vibration, you have got to start to realize that you have been suppressed by your religions, and you have been coaxed into this idea that this is how your life should be, like a treadmill. They make you feel that it is normal so that you do not realize that there is any other way. But if you look at it, you have others that have risen a little bit, and opened up their minds. 

It is indeed as much as if your brain has been frozen, part of it you do not use, you understand me? Yes, I’m telling you this, and for SOME it has begun to defrost, so to speak. I don’t mean in a literal sense, but it is blocked off and for some reason, you cannot find the key to open it, but all this information is there you see, it is all there. 

For some there is a breakthrough, for some are looking higher. You need to get on to the spiritual pathway, to look at the way things are done and not be blinded by what is going on in your name. You see that you are suppressed, and you sometimes do not know that you are being suppressed. If you take the human race as a whole, you can see that you are. You think that you are free with your holidays and your free time, but you, the minions, have been given little treats to encourage you to go back to your workplace and get on. 

You may rise a little in your job, but you are still under pressure, and you are still there treading along this pathway, because this suppression is at all levels. Now you must lift up you see, and look, and there are some people we know who have broken away, and I know that you know of these people that are beginning to lead the way, to make you look at things properly, so that you understand more about what is going on in your name. 

If you could lift up, and you could get the human race to look at what is going on.  You are all running about like mad things  in this bowl, chasing your own tails, and what happens, you’ve got  religion which keeps you down because of the dogmas, you must not do this and you must not do that, and of course, you must have SOME rules and regulations. 

But if you used your own spirituality, and give kindness and love to people, and if everybody could do that, then you wouldn’t need the churches, the understanding would already be there. It would be difficult of course, and I am talking about a dreamland, but some people are getting there, they are beginning to open their eyes and look. 

You see you have the young ones too all taken up with sex and drugs. These are the things that keep the young ones occupied at that level, until they break free of it and start to actually work, and then you see there is more suppression. You must look up and try to break the chains of this suppression that is going on. 

When you get religions all suppressed and arguing with one another, then you start a war, and then you get all this negative energy that rises from the Earth plane. This is what we say when we cannot penetrate, you understand?  The atmosphere around you is so dense, for you are always having little wars or big wars, and causing problems you see. All this dense activity rises to the surface. But within that surface around the Earth plane, there are chinks in the armour, or shall I call it a grid from which there is light that comes through, pinholes of light such as you my friends, and it is these pinholes that attract us down. 

For we know that you need help because the pinholes, they are the tiniest lights ever, and we know that you need support to pull you through a little more, and this is how we can upgrade you to the 4th and the 5th dimension. It is important to get you to the 4th, but I want even more so, I want you to come to the fifth. I’m determined that you will come, somehow or the other we will drag you through these little pinholes. (laughs). No 1 is laughing also,  he knows what it is like to be dragged. He is a dear soul.                                                                                          

So what I am trying to tell you is to look forward and not be blinded, and talked down to like you have no brain and cannot think for your self, for you are beginning to unlock. It is a long process, but the unlocking is coming. Some of the younger ones are suddenly realising that there has got to be more to life than this, finance and everything else. You have the rules of the presidents and the kings on all the different parts of your planet, but THEY are being governed as well. 

You think that they are not suppressed but they are. They are being manipulated from another area. Even those that I have heard you call the Illuminati, even they are being manipulated from a much higher source. It may not be of this planet at all.  We have our own problems in the galaxy, we do I’m afraid my friends. But we manage to calm things down and perhaps work things through, for we can move at the speed of light, for that is what we are. (We know). 

This is why we can come to you so quickly, to these pinholes of light shining through the matrix. We have come to help because the light shines through and we know that somebody there is making an effort to contact us, and they need help, which brings us through. I will open this up a little more and see what we can see. This is why it is important for you to go about your business, and continue to try and enlighten others. 

We are very pleased with the work that you are doing with bringing this to the notice of others, and you can broaden it out a bit and tell them what we think. For all the information is there, but nobody takes it and looks at it properly. Someone says, this that and the other, and this is how it is written and this is how it will be and you must believe, and you think yes! I must believe that because my mother and father believed it, and my ancestors believed it, and this is how things are, so I will just go along in the same mould. 

Narrow. You have been taught to keep it narrow. Thank goodness, people like you have a broader outlook and can look more closely, as you think about things in a much deeper way. The evidence is all there it is written, you just have to look at it and give it a different slant and you will get an idea of what is going on. A lot of previous civilizations have been trying to tell you things, which you’ve dismissed. You say that it couldn’t be because it was a human civilization, but I don’t think so. We’ve discussed this before. 

Some of the things that have been achieved, could not have been done by humans. It has had outside help, and they have left you instructions at different points, but you don’t seem to understand or grasp it and there are those that have deliberately covered up the pathway so that you do not know as much as they. So, then they have control again, and this is how it goes on my friends. 

That is all I have come to say this evening, I hope this will be of some help. Look at this closely and see yourselves as seeds in the bowl. The problem is, even if you re-incarnate, you will come back and do something similar, you are caught in the loop, you must try to lift your mind and use your brain and try and unlock a little more and we will help you and point you in the right direction. 

I will give you a word my friend, for you have not had one for a while. I’m going to give you ORB. Not in the accepted sense. Have a look and see what you can find. Good evening my ladies and I hope to be with you another time, and may the Divine light shine on you.

                                                                 No 2

I bring you the Divine Light from the Divine One, to wrap you up in my friends, as you go about your earthly work. I am with you and bring you the love of the Divinity. For he is forever with you my friends, you need not be afraid. 

I know you take your work seriously, and he will be there to help you and to bring you the love of the Divinity, so it helps you to go along your pathway. I know this pathway is stony and hard, but we will always be there to help you my friends. As you stumble and fall, the Divine light will come and pick you up, and hold you in his arms and clasp you to me. For I love you, I love you and I bring you the love of all the Divinity. 

The light enfolds and caresses you my friends, for you are mine, and I need you to come to me, I need you to come to me. I bring you again the chalice of love so that you may drink from it to help you along your way in your earthly life. But when your life is over, and you come in the death state, I will be there, at the crossroads, at the gates to meet you my friends and to clasp you to me. 

I do not want to leave you, for I feel the hug that comes from each and every one of you. But I am afraid I must go, and I leave you with this beautiful light of love, that brings this warm light to soften all the blows of your world and your earthly plane. My friends, you come to me, come to me, for I want you to be with me. I do not want you to come too soon, for you have your life to lead, and your friends to help one another along the path way. 

I know that you have been set many tasks, but believe me the light of the loved one is with you. You are bathed in the warm light of the Divine one, and I will leave you with that this evening my friends, and may your God go with you, for I know the Divinity goes also with you, and bathes you in the light as you go. I leave you now my friends, I leave you.

Suppression:….  http://www.prisonplanet.com

  May12/03    Lithosphere/Pole Shift/Orb/Suppression/Re-Incarnation                                                 
Good Evening.  The last time we met, I said that we would talk about the pole-shift. There seems to be much that has been spoken of, about this pole-shift and I don’t want to delve too far into it. But you know you have two poles, and then you have the geographical pole, which is different from the North Pole as such, do you understand? It is about 11-12 degrees different from the ordinary pole, although there is nothing ordinary about it. Now there seems to be a tie up between your planet and a magnetic force field, to do with the rotation of your planet, do you understand? Well, the axis also has altered, the rotation of the axis. Therefore your planet has actually been rolling about, and you were unaware of it. I know some of the information, you find very hard to take in, but for all that I think I must go a little bit further. It rolls about a bit, but you haven’t noticed it have you? The pole shift is a little different, because you see the poles have already shifted, they shifted 20 feet between 1900 and1968. They also moved 10 feet between 1960 and 1968, 20 feet in all to 1968 you see. Now the problem is that you will have a slippage here of about 180 degrees, and if this happens, the magnetic field alters the rotation as you understand. If this shifts you see, then you will get an 180degree slippage, which would be devastating.                                                         But, the information brought forward by your scientists, may not mean that you will have this upheaval. Do you understand? It may not be as devastating as one thinks, it may not happen in that way. What you would get you see, would be hurricane force winds, even if you had the slippage without the upheaval, you would have 100 force winds, you would get volcanic eruptions, and the sea would abruptly rise.                                                                                                                                     Now you have seismographs that measure volcanic eruptions, and forthcoming quakes, and density? In turn, these seismographs are very sensitive, to the extent that they will pick up in still time, when there is no activity going on naturally. They will pick up the sounds of a train, the sounds of a city. They are highly sensitive to wind action touching the actual soil. Now, you have picked up a rumbling within your planet, a rumbling and a crackling and a rolling, which cannot be explained. There is no answer to why this is happening. Your seismographs have picked this up. Then think again my ladies, has the Lithosphere already started to slip?  Ah yes. Its already in motion, you understand me? (Yes).  I would tell you a date, but it might be controversial. We are talking of 2030, for a complete reversal. Now even I get things wrong, you understand my ladies, sometimes the information that I pick up is wrong too, I also have to perhaps go to a higher source for confirmation of different things. No 1 says that it is a lot for me to admit that I am sometimes wrong. He can talk! (laughs) . He does, he says many things, and sometimes he will not be quiet. (laughs). Anyway, I have brought this to you and I said that I would discuss it, not in depth, but I have brushed over the surface of it. There seems to be a lot of information about it, and there should be and you should be aware, you should have this knowledge. It is after all a natural phenomenon and it is to do with you, and you cannot have any control over it, but one would like to know. There are others who like to dig their head in the sand, well that is fair, we must respect them also.
(Are you saying that it is a gradual thing that is happening?)
I have said that it COULD be, I have not said that it will be, but the information that the scientists have, means that, all of a sudden you would not literally  be falling 180 degrees. This could also mean that it would not cause so much of an upheaval, but you would be aware of hurricane winds, and volcanic disturbance. You would not get away with nothing at all. But there will be changing weather patterns, and there already have been. It is gentle at the moment, and if it takes its own time and does not do too much in a hurry, I think things should be not too bad.
       I want to go to another subject now, I’m trying to keep the subjects separate, so I don’t keep going backwards and forwards, as the one who is writing is getting into some problem, I am sorry. I am scattering the information, Yes I know that No1. He tells me afterwards that it is not right, that I have to talk about one thing then the other. He says, how can people keep up? I do this I’m afraid, I suddenly think of  something .
Now I am going to talk of something else. The people on your planet, all the people the humans on the planet, whether they be seeded or not, or born in the normal way and come of the normal parents, you understand? Viewing you from afar on your planet, we see you as seeds in a bowl. If you rotate the bowl, the seeds begin to roll round and round the bowl, and this is how we view you, and I’m asking you perhaps you could view it too so that you can understand what I am talking to you about. These are the people, all you humans going round and round in circles. It’s a never ending circle. You can subdivide it but it is never ending. Now all the people here on the earth plane, are doing  work of one sort or another. You could be higher or lower it does not matter, for the time goes on and on, and it waits for no man, as you have that saying here. This circle is eternal, and this is YOU my friends you are eternal. If you pass to death as you call it, and later on, reincarnate again, what do you do? You come back to where you started from, and you would probably end up in a similar place and situation to what you are already in. Now, in order to lift to the next vibration, you have got to start to realise that you have been suppressed by your religions, and you have been coaxed into this idea that this is how your life should be, like a treadmill. They make you feel that it is normal so that you do not realise that there is any other way. But if you look at it, you have others that have risen a little bit, and opened up their minds. It is indeed as much as if your brain has been frozen, part of it you do not use, you understand me? Yes, I’m telling you this, and for SOME it has begun to defrost, so to speak. I don’t mean in a literal sense, but it is blocked off and for some reason, you cannot find the key to open it, but all this information is there you see, it is all there. For some there is a breakthrough, for some are looking higher. You need to get on to the spiritual pathway, to look at the way things are done and not be blinded by what is going on in your name. You see that you are suppressed, and you sometimes do not know that you are being suppressed. If you take the human race as a whole, you can see that you are. You think that you are free with your holidays and your free time, but you, the minions, have been given little treats to encourage you to go back to your workplace and get on. You may rise a little in your job, but you are still under pressure, and you are still there treading along this pathway, because this suppression is at all levels. Now you must lift up you see, and look, and there are some people we know who have broken away, and I know that you know of these people that are beginning to lead the way, to make you look at things properly, so that you understand more about what is going on in your name. If you could lift up, and you could get the human race to look at what is going on.  You are all running about like mad things  in this bowl, chasing your own tails, and what happens, you’ve got  religion which keeps you down because of the dogmas, you must not do this and you must not do that, and of course, you must have SOME rules and regulations. But if you used your own spirituality, and give kindness and love to people, and if everybody could do that, then you wouldn’t need the churches, the understanding would already be there. It would be difficult of course, and I am talking about a dreamland, but some people are getting there, they are beginning to open their eyes and look. You see you have the young ones too all taken up with sex and drugs. These are the things that keep the young ones occupied at that level, until they break free of it and start to actually work, and then you see there is more suppression. You must look up and try to break the chains of this suppression that is going on. When you get religions all suppressed and arguing with one another, then you start a war, and then you get all this negative energy that rises from the earth plane. This is what we say when we cannot penetrate, you understand?  The atmosphere around you is so dense, for you are always having little wars or big wars, and causing problems you see. All this dense activity rises to the surface. But within that surface around the earth plane, there are chinks in the armour, or shall I call it a grid from which there is light that comes through, pinholes of light such as you my friends, and it is these pinholes that attract us down. For we know that you need help because the pinholes, they are the tiniest lights ever, and we know that you need support to pull you through a little more, and this is how we can upgrade you to the 4th and the 5th dimension. It is important to get you to the 4th, but I want even more so, I want you to come to the fifth. I’m determined that you will come, somehow or the other we will drag you through these little pinholes. (laughs). No 1 is laughing also,  he knows what it is like to be dragged. He is a dear soul.                                                                                             So what I am trying to tell you is to look forward and not be blinded, and talked down to like you have no brain and cannot think for your self, for you are beginning to unlock. It is a long process, but the unlocking is coming. Some of the younger ones are suddenly realising that there has got to be more to life than this, finance and everything else. You have the rules of the presidents and the kings on all the different parts of your planet, but THEY are being governed as well. You think that they are not suppressed but they are. They are being manipulated from another area. Even those that I have heard you call the Illuminati, even they are being manipulated from a much higher source. It may not be of this planet at all.  We have our own problems in the galaxy, we do I’m afraid my friends. But we manage to calm things down and perhaps work things through, for we can move at the speed of light, for that is what we are. (We know). This is why we can come to you so quickly, to these pinholes of light shining through the matrix. We have come to help because the light shines through and we know that somebody there is making an effort to contact us, and they need help, which brings us through. I will open this up a little more and see what we can see. This is why it is important for you to go about your business, and continue to try and enlighten others. We are very pleased with the work that you are doing with bringing this to the notice of others, and you can broaden it out a bit and tell them what we think. For all the information is there, but nobody takes it and looks at it properly. Someone says, this that and the other, and this is how it is written and this is how it will be and you must believe, and you think yes! I must believe that because my mother and father believed it, and my ancestors believed it, and this is how things are, so I will just go along in the same mould. Narrow. You have been taught to keep it narrow. Thank goodness, people like you have a broader outlook and can look more closely, as you think about things in a much deeper way. The evidence is all there it is written, you just have to look at it and give it a different slant and you will get an idea of what is going on. A lot of previous civilisations have been trying to tell you things, which you’ve dismissed. You say that it couldn’t be because it was a human civilisation, but I don’t think so. We’ve discussed this before. Some of the things that have been achieved, could not have been done by humans. It has had outside help, and they have left you instructions at different points, but you don’t seem to understand or grasp it and there are those that have deliberately covered up the pathway so that you do not know as much as they. So, then they have control again, and this is how it goes on my friends. That is all I have come to say this evening, I hope this will be of some help. Look at this closely and see yourselves as seeds in the bowl. The problem is, even if you re-incarnate, you will come back and do something similar, you are caught in the loop, you must try to lift your mind and use your brain and try and unlock a little more and we will help you and point you in the right direction. I will give you a word my friend, for you have not had one for a while. I’m going to give you ORB. Not in the accepted sense. Have a look and see what you can find. Good evening my ladies and I hope to be with you another time, and may the Divine light shine on you.


I bring you the Divine Light from the Divine One, to wrap you up in my friends, as you go about your earthly work. I am with you and bring you the love of the Divinity. For he is forever with you my friends, you need not be afraid. I know you take your work seriously, and he will be there to help you and to bring you the love of the Divinity, so it helps you to go along your pathway. I know this pathway is stony and hard, but we will always be there to help you my friends. As you stumble and fall, the Divine light will come and pick you up, and hold you in his arms and clasp you to me. For I love you, I love you and I bring you the love of all the Divinity. The light enfolds and caresses you my friends, for you are mine, and I need you to come to me, I need you to come to me. I bring you again the chalice of love so that you may drink from it to help you along your way in your earthly life. But when your life is over, and you come in the death state, I will be there, at the crossroads, at the gates to meet you my friends and to clasp you to me. I do not want to leave you, for I feel the hug that comes from each and every one of you. But I am afraid I must go, and I leave you with this beautiful light of love, that brings this warm light to soften all the blows of your world and your earthly plane. My friends, you come to me, come to me, for I want you to be with me. I do not want you to come too soon, for you have your life to lead, and your friends to help one another along the path way. I know that you have been set many tasks, but believe me the light of the loved one is with you. You are bathed in the warm light of the Divine one, and I will leave you with that this evening my friends, and may your God go with you, for I know the Divinity goes also with you, and bathes you in the light as you go. I leave you now my friends, I leave you.

Suppression:….  http://www.prisonplanet.com

Offline -  http://www.spirit-truths.co.uk

1 comment:

  1. I am here on the eve of the 21st Dec 2012, reading these words that were given to us so long ago. Personally, I have grown immensely by the teachings of these Beings. It is with nostalgia and gratitude that I can read this again for the first time, and know that I have become the person that I always should have been Aware and able to transcend the prison of third dimensional duality. These were wise words indeed. Far from this being an ending, it is a massive and glorious beginning. Welcome to the New world my friends...Jane






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