Once upon a time ... three British ladies who sat in a circle with one medium and three Beings of Light who, attracted by the Light of their auras, came and started a cycle extraordinarily informative messages which triggered my spiritual awakening.

This is my tribute to all of them because I know that the many still sleeping and skeptical will see the beauty and the message of Light and Love contained in each of them.

Be at peace

I am no-one special. I am a curious, problem solving type who's strict upbringing in the Catholic community gave me the foundation of a service to others ethic and a resolve for justice and peace.

I guess that is why, when drawn to others who were able to see beyond the ordinary we were chosen to receive outstanding messages, and beyond that, to see the MESSENGERS

We had a talented medium who was able to 'move over' and let spiritual light beings use her voice.

We were told things that would freeze us with fear, and others that were so amazing we would literally be silent and gasping at the end of the sessions.

We did this for about 8 years off and on. Above all we were compelled to return nearly every Monday for another gruelling session that would ultimately wake us out of our comfortable slumber and start the process of truth, research and upliftment.

Even more astonishing was the fact that we saw three separate light beings distinct from each other. We tested each other to see if we were imagining them and named them 1, 2 and 3 in order of appearance in many tests. The numbers stuck and the transcriptions state thus. (The Beings of Light preferred this too, as when asked their names, they insisted that we wouldn't know them, and that numbers were fine).

I found a reference to our phenomenon in an ancient script. The Apochryphon of John.

(In the light I beheld a youth who stood beside me. Even as I looked he became like an old man, then like a servant. Yet there were not three before me, but one, with multiple forms appearing through each other as though transparent. He said to me, "John, John, why do you doubt? And why are you afraid? I am the one who is with you always. I am the Father. I am the Mother. I am the Son.")

Curiously, this is EXACTLY how we saw our B.O.L. Morphing and then settling into one familiar face. It makes you think about what was reported from ancient times, and who these ‘apparitions’ really were.

Ours when asked who they were, said: Alpha, Omega, Andromeda. Still makes me tingle to think of the possibilities!


Saturday, December 1, 2012


5th May 2003  

Sars/ Space Shuttle/ Blackness/ Spirit Tracking via Bar Codes
 No 1

It is so nice to be with you here again. We have missed you, and we certainly enjoyed the last time that we were together, especially with the young person. We have seen the eagerness on his face, but like you say he needs to learn more, and this is important to get the base line of some of the information that comes through, so that he will be able to assimilate it in the proper manner, not to brood about such things. The brooding won’t do you any good you understand, whatever will be will be.

 My friend no 3 does not make up these things to frighten you. All these things are written, and it is not a secret. You are already privy to the information if you care to look for it as you have. This is important, as it’s not the information, but the way that you look at it.

Ah, it is very good at any rate to be back amongst the ladies, a different energy you see. No 3 is coming forward to speak to you, to make contact even if it is for a short while. I will wait a moment while he settles himself. Good evening my ladies.

                                                                       No 3

Has it settled my children, I want to know, (not quite), then I will wait.

It is important my children to get it to settle, because of the break we’ve had, because I know that once I start to speak, then what you can see fades. Our energy is very fast, we are not like ordinary spirit,  {I say ordinary, there aren’t any ordinary spirits}. We are Beings of Light and we move fast, and the frequency is much quicker, so therefore having to slow things down is very difficult, as YOU vibrate at such a low frequency. If you vibrated at a higher frequency, you also would be almost invisible. You were speaking a moment ago about the old days. (We had been discussing our childhoods, where all had seemed safe and free from the hidden manipulations of our modern times!)

You think that it was quite different from today, but of course it wasn’t. The things that went on then were quite despicable as they are now, the underhandedness was just as bad. You understand this?

I want you to think for a moment please, about the shuttle, Columbia, that broke up as it entered the vibration of the Earth, and something allegedly hit it. You were talking about foam. How ridiculous can that be, (exactly). So we need to look for something else that hit it. Maybe it was done deliberately, maybe not. But in breaking up…….. how long has it been since this craft broke up? How long? ( About three months?) You deal in time and I do not, so I find it difficult. No 1 is nodding that it is two and a half months.

Well, think about this new virus that is infecting everybody. I’m not saying there is a connection, you understand, but there were doctors and scientists aboard this space shuttle were there not, carrying out experiments within the shuttle, and it explodes for whatever reason whether it was heat shields, or it just exploded, or it was deliberately shot out of the sky, who knows? And maybe it was done for a purpose, from somewhere else maybe, somebody or something wanted it out of the way, this shuttle, and perhaps knew what experiments you had on board.

Or it may have been an internal thing. I don’t think so though I have a feeling that it is something else outside that has hit it. But it would be worth thinking about. This virus is loose, and it could have developed in the atmosphere above your Earth plane. It comes down and where does it go, to China, which is very overcrowded as you know, and you see in your papers the opinions about the animals and cross species virus’s. But maybe this is an excuse. They have always had their animals there, in that way. It’s either that, or something they have been experimenting with has got loose, but you think about how many people have been in space, think also of all the germs that you could have taken with you, and also brought back into your own atmosphere, unfortunately. Have a look and try to find out if you have the time, my ladies. The last one that exploded with the seven people, see if anything developed after that one.                                        

It is not as easy as you think, you may think that I know every thing but I do not, and I have to go and find out as you do, but it would be worth an experimental look to see if anything untoward with regard to medical side of things, virus’s, germs, and is it germ warfare that the Geneva Convention is about? Is it written in the Geneva Convention that no country should have germ warfare? Yet somebody has got it, because they’ve stolen the formula from one country to another, so somebody had it in the first place. Ah, guess where?  I will leave you with that one, to think about, but it is stolen now so every body has it. This is where the problem is you see, I wont go into it but it could be disaster, it would be a catastrophe, but we need not go down that path because we need not face things that might never happen at the moment.                                                                                                                                              

The other thing that is going on, on your Earth plane is to do with, as I said the last time, a great hole in the mountain side,( did I not say for this computer), supposedly not built yet, and may be coming, who knows, I cannot tell you and I will not tell you. But this seems rather peculiar to me, and my friends who are also spirit, that you need to go into a great big black hole in order to find out what black is like. 

This is to do with the universe, and they want to know how the blackness is made up. There is an experiment going on in a great mountain, it is in THIS part of the world is it not, north of here, is it in this country? I think it is. They have a great hole there, which has been used for something else, for mining? It is very deep, and a lot of money has been spent on taking instruments into it, and they are going to make it even bigger, the scientists, and they are going to find out what the blackness is all about.  I told you about something of this sort being used last time, and you did not know then about this experiment that was about to take place. One wonders about the computer? It would be an ideal situation you see, but you wont find anything about that, (laughs), and the dark experiment may be an excuse, who knows to house something quite different……to let everybody think that one thing is happening when it is something else.! 

It could be very secret and significant. If an optical computer that size could be built, it would be significant. Everything could travel at the speed of light, as I, and my friends do. In the blink of an eye, information could be fed through to it, faster than that even.                                

Before, I spoke to you about passing, dying as you call it, death. There isn’t any and there can’t be, it’s just a different state. When the light and animation from the body departs, leaves the body with the spirit, if this could be tracked via our optical computer in some way, (Oh my Goodness). 

Just think, and people are thinking believe you me, if it had a special code as you remember we talked about bar codes. Each person would have a signature of spirit, and just imagine it stored in the computer, then, you could also have access to the bar codes of your departed loved ones. You could enter the codes of your loved ones into the computer and speak to them.(Good Lord yes!) Sound ridiculous? Impossible?                             

(No, I do believe it) Well do believe it. Then all your mediums would be obsolete. But they could have another job to do with spirit. There would always be those who could not be traced, those who die in a non-hospital situation. You couldn’t depart without apparatus being used to record the data. It sounds as improbable as walking on the moon, I know. And we know that SOMEBODY did that, and this WOULD have been improbable some years ago. This is some thing to think about.                                                                                                                                           

Now, we will go back, and I was with you when you went to the place, (Stanstead Hall), and I understand that the instrument asked a question about cloning, and I did not like the answer that she got. When cloning takes place, the spirit that enters the body cannot be cloned or separated or split in half. If there were identical twins, their personalities might be the same, but their actual spirit, the essence of the person would be different. So therefore, spirit would use the cloned one as well. But also, can you imagine a cloning, with the spirit entering the one that is being cloned, then, you might have a vessel there that no spirit would enter.  There you see, this is where the seeded ones come in.  It is an empty vessel ready for seeding. There is more thinking going on about this than you can understand, not all the scientists are privy to the information as to why this information would be paid for and backed up, because somebody somewhere, or an entity somewhere, prefers you to do it this way. 

I’m not going to say that it is going to happen, but it may do and this is an ideal condition. I know more about the spirit here than you know there, and I know more about the universe than you know.  I know more about the ones that would like also to control things from this side. You are good candidates, I’m sorry to say, you can be easily led, (yes). Money, finance will buy anything. The power you see.                                                               

There is only one power my friends and that is LOVE, and it means the same in any language that you care to speak. The LOVE is the power, and it is the ultimate power, there is nothing higher. This is why the Divinity comes to you and brings you his power you see. 

I think I’m going to leave you now my friends and perhaps we will meet again, and this is something for you to think about. Maybe the next time we meet, we will go back to the pole shift again. I have this information here but I’m not going to give it to you as I think you have enough new information to be looking into at the moment. It may be all ifs and buts, we’ll see.  Watch and wait my friends, it will be on those lines if not exact.                                                        (So much of what you have said has come true so far).

We are not telling you stories, as No1 has said. These things are written already, but you can look at them all in a different light. The information you have been spoon fed you see, you have been given so much and no more. ( I know that now).

I will leave you now my friends. It is a pleasure for me to come.                                     
(We will share it with others too)
Good evening my ladies and may your God, your Divinity go with you.

                                                                      No 2

I bring you blessings of the divine light from the Divinity. That it may surround you and hold you and bring you to me my friends. For I long to come to be with you, as do my other two friends. 

I come to be with you to give you happiness and joy, and I know that you have problems within your families, but I assure you that the love of the Divine Light will find a way. Keep your light bright my friends, keep your light bright, that we may be able to home in and contact you, to give you the light and to lead you down the pathway. You must follow the pathway. 

I come to give you the light of the Divinity to help you, but you must keep your light within bright. Never let anything put it out, for you shine beautifully to us, and in this way we can come to you, you understand?  I bring you the Divine Light, and they say that the eyes are the soul, then the voice is the chariot that brings you to heaven, and I want to bring you and hold you to me my friends. 

For I want you to be with me for ever, and I’m sure this will come about if you keep your bright light shining, so that I can be with you and I know where you are, for I feel you reaching out from afar. I bring you a choir of blessings this evening, but I also bring you the chalice of love so that you may drink from it, for I feel that you need some upliftment at the moment. 

Oh I know that you have had a good experience in the last few hours but I need you to drink from the cup of the Divine one, for you need the light to boost you. I come with the love for you of the Divine one, he loves to have you with him, and he sees your light as a beacon in the darkest places. I bring you that my friends, and I clasp you to me, and I’m going to lift you through to the next dimension, I can feel that your light body has already been transported to the fourth, but we are now trying to lift you to the fifth, and you will come and I will see you and help you and bring the Divine Light to give to you, for you will come to me, you will come to me. 

Because I need you, and you are made of the Divine Light also I will lift your light body upwards, upwards to the Divinity, have no fear of that. Because you will come because you are mine I will leave you with that my friends I will leave you with that, and may the Divine Light go with you through the next day.
Thank you my friends, thank you.

May 05 03  Sars/ Space Shuttle/ Blackness/ Spirit Tracking via Bar Codes
                                                                                  No 1

It is so nice to be with you here again. We have missed you, and we certainly enjoyed the last time that we were together, especially with the young person. We have seen the eagerness on his face, but like you say he needs to learn more, and this is important to get the base line of some of the information that comes through, so that he will be able to assimilate it in the proper manner, not to brood about such things. The brooding won’t do you any good you understand, whatever will be will be. My friend no 3 does not make up these things to frighten you. All these things are written, and it is not a secret. You are already privy to the information if you care to look for it as you have. This is important, as it’s not the information, but the way that you look at it. Ah, it is very good at any rate to be back amongst the ladies, a different energy you see. No 3 is coming forward to speak to you, to make contact even if it is for a short while. I will wait a moment while he settles himself. Good evening my ladies.

                                                                            No 3

Has it settled my children, I want to know, (not quite), then I will wait.
It is important my children to get it to settle, because of the break we’ve had, because I know that once I start to speak, then what you can see fades. Our energy is very fast, we are not like ordinary spirit,  (I say ordinary, there aren’t any ordinary spirits). We are Beings of Light and we move fast, and the frequency is much quicker, so therefore having to slow things down is very difficult, as YOU vibrate at such a low frequency. If you vibrated at a higher frequency, you also would be almost invisible. You were speaking a moment ago about the old days. (We had been discussing our childhoods, where all had seemed safe and free from the hidden manipulations of our modern times!)
You think that it was quite different from today, but of course it wasn’t. The things that went on then were quite despicable as they are now, the underhandedness was just as bad. You understand this?
I want you to think for a moment please, about the shuttle, Columbia, that broke up as it entered the vibration of the earth, and something allegedly hit it. You were talking about foam. How ridiculous can that be, (exactly). So we need to look for something else that hit it. Maybe it was done deliberately, maybe not. But in breaking up…….. how long has it been since this craft broke up? How long? ( About three months?) You deal in time and I do not, so I find it difficult. No 1 is nodding that it is two and a half months.  Well, think about this new virus that is infecting everybody. I’m not saying there is a connection, you understand, but there were doctors and scientists aboard this space shuttle were there not, carrying out experiments within the shuttle, and it explodes for whatever reason whether it was heat shields, or it just exploded, or it was deliberately shot out of the sky, who knows. And maybe it was done for a purpose, from somewhere else maybe, somebody or something wanted it out of the way, this shuttle, and perhaps knew what experiments you had on board. Or it may have been an internal thing. I don’t think so though I have a feeling that it is something else outside that has hit it. But it would be worth thinking about. This virus is loose, and it could have developed in the atmosphere above your earth plane. It comes down and where does it go, to China, which is very overcrowded as you know, and you see in your papers the opinions about the animals and cross species virus’s. But maybe this is an excuse. They have always had their animals there, in that way. It’s either that, or something they have been experimenting with has got loose, but you think about how many people have been in space, think also of all the germs that you could have taken with you, and also brought back into your own atmosphere, unfortunately. Have a look and try to find out if you have the time, my ladies. The last one that exploded with the seven people, see if anything developed after that one.                                        It is not as easy as you think, you may think that I know every thing but I do not, and I have to go and find out as you do, but it would be worth an experimental look to see if anything untoward with regard to medical side of things, virus’s, germs, and is it germ warfare that the Geneva Convention is about? Is it written in the Geneva Convention that no country should have germ warfare. Yet somebody has got it, because they’ve stolen the formula from one country to another, so somebody had it in the first place. Ah, guess where?  I will leave you with that one, to think about, but it is stolen now so every body has it. This is where the problem is you see, I wont go into it but it could be disaster, it would be a catastrophe, but we need not go down that path because we need not face things that might never happen at the moment.                                                                                                                                              The other thing that is going on, on your earth plane is to do with, as I said the last time, a great hole in the mountain side,( did I not say for this computer), supposedly not built yet, and may be coming, who knows, I cannot tell you and I will not tell you. But this seems rather peculiar to me, and my friends who are also spirit, that you need to go into a great big black hole in order to find out what black is like. This is to do with the universe, and they want to know how the blackness is made up. There is an experiment going on in a great mountain, it is in THIS part of the world is it not, north of here, is it in this country? I think it is. They have a great hole there, which has been used for something else, for mining? It is very deep, and a lot of money has been spent on taking instruments into it, and they are going to make it even bigger, the scientists, and they are going to find out what the blackness is all about.  I told you about something of this sort being used last time, and you did not know then about this experiment that was about to take place. One wonders about the computer? It would be an ideal situation you see, but you wont find anything about that, ( laughs), and the dark experiment may be an excuse, who knows to house something quite different……to let everybody think that one thing is happening when it is something else.! It could be very secret and significant. If an optical computer that size could be built, it would be significant. Everything could travel at the speed of light, as I, and my friends do. In the blink of an eye, information could be fed through to it, faster than that even.                                Before, I spoke to you about passing, dying as you call it, death. There isn’t any and there can’t be, it’s just a different state. When the light and animation from the body departs, leaves the body with the spirit, if this could be tracked via our optical computer in some way, (Oh my Goodness). Just think, and people are thinking believe you me, if it had a special code as you remember we talked about bar codes. Each person would have a signature of spirit, and just imagine it stored in the computer, then, you could also have access to the bar codes of your departed loved ones. You could enter the codes of your loved ones into the computer and speak to them.(Good Lord yes!) Sound ridiculous? Impossible?                             (No, I do believe it) Well do believe it. Then all your mediums would be obsolete. But they could have another job to do with spirit. There would always be those who could not be traced, those who die in a non-hospital situation. You couldn’t depart without apparatus being used to record the data. It sounds as improbable as walking on the moon, I know. And we know that SOMEBODY did that, and this WOULD have been improbable some years ago. This is some thing to think about.                                                                                                                                           Now, we will go back, and I was with you when you went to the place, (Stanstead Hall), and I understand that the instrument asked a question about cloning, and I did not like the answer that she got. When cloning takes place, the spirit that enters the body cannot be cloned or separated or split in half. If there were identical twins, their personalities might be the same, but their actual spirit, the essence of the person would be different. So therefore, spirit would use the cloned one as well. But also, can you imagine a cloning, with the spirit entering the one that is being cloned, then, you might have a vessel there that no spirit would enter.  There you see, this is where the seeded ones come in.  It is an empty vessel ready for seeding. There is more thinking going on about this than you can understand, not all the scientists are privy to the information as to why this information would be paid for and backed up, because somebody somewhere, or an entity somewhere, prefers you to do it this way. I’m not going to say that it is going to happen, but it may do and this is an ideal condition. I know more about the spirit here than you know there, and I know more about the universe than you know.  I know more about the ones that would like also to control things from this side. You are good candidates, I’m sorry to say, you can be easily led, (yes). Money, finance will buy anything. The power you see.                                                               There is only one power my friends and that is LOVE, and it means the same in any language that you care to speak. The LOVE is the power, and it is the ultimate power, there is nothing higher. This is why the Divinity comes to you and brings you his power you see. I think I’m going to leave you now my friends and perhaps we will meet again, and this is something for you to think about. Maybe the next time we meet, we will go back to the pole shift again. I have this information here but I’m not going to give it to you as I think you have enough new information to be looking into at the moment. It may be all ifs and buts, we’ll see.  Watch and wait my friends, it will be on those lines if not exact.                                                        (So much of what you have said has come true so far).
We are not telling you stories, as No1 has said. These things are written already, but you can look at them all in a different light. The information you have been spoon fed you see, you have been given so much and no more. ( I know that now).
I will leave you now my friends. It is a pleasure for me to come.                                       ( We will share it with others too)                                                                                                                                           
Good evening my ladies and may your God, your Divinity go with you.

                                                                               No 2

I bring you blessings of the divine light from the Divinity. That it may surround you and hold you and bring you to me my friends. For I long to come to be with you, as do my other two friends. I come to be with you to give you happiness and joy, and I know that you have problems within your families, but I assure you that the love of the Divine Light will find a way. Keep your light bright my friends, keep your light bright, that we may be able to home in and contact you, to give you the light and to lead you down the pathway. You must follow the pathway. I come to give you the light of the Divinity to help you, but you must keep your light within bright. Never let anything put it out, for you shine beautifully to us, and in this way we can come to you, you understand?  I bring you the Divine Light, and they say that the eyes are the soul, then the voice is the chariot that brings you to heaven, and I want to bring you and hold you to me my friends. For I want you to be with me for ever, and I’m sure this will come about if you keep your bright light shining, so that I can be with you and I know where you are, for I feel you reaching out from afar. I bring you a choir of blessings this evening, but I also bring you the chalice of love so that you may drink from it, for I feel that you need some upliftment at the moment. Oh I know that you have had a good experience in the last few hours but I need you to drink from the cup of the Divine one, for you need the light to boost you. I come with the love for you of the Divine one, he loves to have you with him, and he sees your light as a beacon in the darkest places. I bring you that my friends, and I clasp you to me, and I’m going to lift you through to the next dimension, I can feel that your light body has already been transported to the fourth, but we are now trying to lift you to the fifth, and you will come and I will see you and help you and bring the Divine Light to give to you, for you will come to me, you will come to me. Because I need you, and you are made of the Divine Light also I will lift your light body upwards, upwards to the Divinity, have no fear of that. Because you will come because you are mine I will leave you with that my friends I will leave you with that, and may the Divine Light go with you through the next day.
Thank you my friends, thank you.

Offline -  http://www.spirit-truths.co.uk

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