Once upon a time ... three British ladies who sat in a circle with one medium and three Beings of Light who, attracted by the Light of their auras, came and started a cycle extraordinarily informative messages which triggered my spiritual awakening.

This is my tribute to all of them because I know that the many still sleeping and skeptical will see the beauty and the message of Light and Love contained in each of them.

Be at peace

I am no-one special. I am a curious, problem solving type who's strict upbringing in the Catholic community gave me the foundation of a service to others ethic and a resolve for justice and peace.

I guess that is why, when drawn to others who were able to see beyond the ordinary we were chosen to receive outstanding messages, and beyond that, to see the MESSENGERS

We had a talented medium who was able to 'move over' and let spiritual light beings use her voice.

We were told things that would freeze us with fear, and others that were so amazing we would literally be silent and gasping at the end of the sessions.

We did this for about 8 years off and on. Above all we were compelled to return nearly every Monday for another gruelling session that would ultimately wake us out of our comfortable slumber and start the process of truth, research and upliftment.

Even more astonishing was the fact that we saw three separate light beings distinct from each other. We tested each other to see if we were imagining them and named them 1, 2 and 3 in order of appearance in many tests. The numbers stuck and the transcriptions state thus. (The Beings of Light preferred this too, as when asked their names, they insisted that we wouldn't know them, and that numbers were fine).

I found a reference to our phenomenon in an ancient script. The Apochryphon of John.

(In the light I beheld a youth who stood beside me. Even as I looked he became like an old man, then like a servant. Yet there were not three before me, but one, with multiple forms appearing through each other as though transparent. He said to me, "John, John, why do you doubt? And why are you afraid? I am the one who is with you always. I am the Father. I am the Mother. I am the Son.")

Curiously, this is EXACTLY how we saw our B.O.L. Morphing and then settling into one familiar face. It makes you think about what was reported from ancient times, and who these ‘apparitions’ really were.

Ours when asked who they were, said: Alpha, Omega, Andromeda. Still makes me tingle to think of the possibilities!


Saturday, December 1, 2012


1st September 2003     

 Pole Shift Update.  Iraq.  Understanding the Beings of Light.
 4th-5th Dimension.  Our Self-Made Prison

 No 1
                                                                                                                                                              Good evening my ladies. 

Its nice to be with you again, to be here, and I welcome you. I think that No 3 wants to touch on one or two subjects this evening, so we will see how we get on. I must try to keep him in line you see, because he wanders from one subject to the other. He is looking at me and frowning.

I tell you this No 3, it isn’t very kind of you to wander with these ladies, you understand, because they have to sort it all out after you have gone away, and this isn’t easy. 

I try to lighten the atmosphere you understand, around him, as sometimes he is very dour, and I have to shake him out of it from time to time. I will move away now and let him come forward as he is keen to speak, but it might take a moment, for it to settle, to break away and to come in. Do you understand this?  

I have to move away from the instrument, so the energy changes slightly, as I move away. Then right at the end of moving out there is a slight elastic feeling, just as I step out of the energy, then he will come in, and the energy changes again.
 I shall see you again my ladies; I shall see you again. (Thank you for coming). 

You would be surprised at how many times I do see you. ( J. I am not surprised). (P. I am not surprised at all). So you understand that I visit from time to time? (A. Yes). You know who it is then? (All. Yes). 

It isn’t No 3, although sometimes, very rarely on occasion No 3, but this is my job and sometimes when I can’t do it, No3 will come, just to help you, you know? Just to smooth things down for you.                                       

Thank you.  I will leave you now my ladies.


I am here at last, now No 1 has decided to depart and let me through. (Laughs).

I come to be with you again this evening, and I look forward to it as always and I just wanted to touch on one or two things this evening if I may?                                                     

I wonder if you have had any thoughts about the current scene in Iraq, with the ayatollah killed? Have you thought about it, and what was your conclusion my friend, tell me?

(I think it was a set up, I don’t think it was the group or persons that they proposed at all, and I don’t think it was Al Quaida either. Was it to cause chaos?).

Yes I understand where you are, I understand your thinking, but do you understand if I put another perspective on it, another slant as you may say.           

How clever of the perpetrators if you understand me. This man, this ayatollah, had come after 21 years to return to his home, and he is much venerated. There is a  losing of control in Iraq. So what better way to encourage and motivate the Iraqi’s to control themselves, but to blow up the one they love, to highlight the total chaos and lack of security. 

Suddenly they are angry enough to want to take on their own policing, because the Americans and the English seem unable to do this, do you see my thinking, and maybe even this isn’t what it seems. For this way, you get the Iraqi people to police themselves, which is the only way that the Americans and the English will have the excuse to be able to depart this country. 

Although of course, they will not fully depart from it, you understand? They will keep a lever on anything that is going on, as they certainly haven’t done all this just for the joy of it. 

Oil will be at the back of it obviously, even though they will tell the Iraqis that they are governing their own oil, you can be sure that somewhere along the line, there is an Elite crowd out there watching over everything to make sure that it doesn’t all slip away. They wont have put all this machinery into action just to get rid of Saddam Hussein you understand me? 

Think the other way, all is not what it seems, I fear that this was a contrived action, but it won’t be in the way that you are supposed to think of it. This way, they can back off and start to leave this country. Maybe there will be a few left but you can be sure that the Elite is somewhere, they are handling things in the background, but it will look as if the Iraqi’s are just governing themselves. They will of course to a degree, but under the guidance of someone somewhere else. It is another way of looking at it.                                                              (J. I feel that there was a similarity with the United Nations building.)
Yes, this is good thinking. Yes, yes. There are ties in this.

Now, I want to return…and its alright No1 I can see you, and you needn’t shake your head, I am moving away from that now, as we can’t spend the whole evening talking about Iraq, and how they will govern themselves.  We will just have to watch and wait. 

I know these ladies are wondering about the Pole Shift, (Yes), yes, well…. wait my ladies, you wait, you wait. This, we are relieved to say, won’t now happen overnight, and you wouldn’t want it to anyway, (J. of course not). 

Fortunately, the Mars pull was steady.  It is a slow process, and will gather momentum and you will look back and see the things that have happened, and you will know why this is. You have thought about the power problems in all these countries, well if you pull away your oil from underneath, and then you begin to get a shift on, the pylons will disintegrate and fall to the ground, and this is what carries the power, some of the problems lie here. So you will get a shifting of the ground you see, the mechanism will be breaking up, and foundations will begin to alter.

There is going to be a big wind somewhere, which is going to cause a lot of trouble. It is coming, it is on its way already, so you must watch and wait for this and you will find it on your boxes. This will cause a problem, with the power and the oil and havoc with everything else, so watch. I feel that it will come, and our friend here already thinks that, at the end of it, excessive flooding will come into play. 

The spreading out and the snatching back, it won’t happen in five minutes, as you would say. This is how I understand it, that a spreading and stretching out of the water, and then the slopping of it back again, this is where the problem will come. It will be the slopping and the rush back that will cause the flooding. Not necessarily here, but in other places you understand me. You keep a watch. You watch, you watch.

The flip that you think of, 180 degrees you’ll remember, I don’t think has happened yet, because you would know about it already, or NOT know a lot about it. You will have to wait and see in 2012, what will happen then, I know that many people talk about 2015, and you will see that this has been mentioned also, but enough of that.  

We have looked at that and it has not finished with you yet, I’m afraid we will have to wait and see. The slower it is the better it is, because you can manage it. You have a chance, and you will take things in your stride, so don’t worry. We are trying to protect you all the time, we can only do so much because we are not a physical being, as you already understand, do you not?  

I come perhaps in a form that you can understand, to these meetings that you have, because what is the point of me coming in as a ball of light, we felt that it was better that we had some shape and form that you would understand, and could appreciate, and was like yourselves, you understand me?

(J. So you chose the image that you project?)  Not really we just project an image, we didn’t particularly pick it out, it just happens that No1 is handsome. (Laughs) and the others just have to put up with whatever. No 1, he is a very vain one, No 2 is from elsewhere anyway, and has visual properties and visual art all of its own, (very different) we sometimes can blend in with it or not, only temporarily you understand, if we do the blending, only temporary, for No 2 is No2, and is something on its own.

Now I want to speak to you again about this problem with  people, humans not feeling too well, when things come in spasms like the headaches and the feeling nauseous, but it doesn’t go anywhere does it, it just comes in spasms and goes. Now this as you know, is to do with drawing you up into the next dimension, you understand this? 

Now you will find ordinary people, I separate them from you, because you my friends, we are trying to draw you into the fifth dimension, the others we are trying to draw into the fourth dimension, and you will find people talking about sickness, and not feeling well, and not having any energy and lethargy and the headaches and the aches and pains, and they don’t tie in together and they don’t build up into anything in any particular way. 

This is because their light bodies are feeling the difference in the wavelength you see, the vibration of the waves as we are trying to draw their light bodies into the fourth dimension. I did say to you, did I not? that we were determined to draw you all into the fourth dimension whether you like it or not. (J. Kicking and screaming). 

Kicking and screaming into the fourth dimension, laughs. This is how it is going to be, it is for their own good at the end, but for you my friends, it is the fifth dimension, and you might find it a little rocky at times. 

This we felt you could handle and put up with, because we had already taken you on the journey with No 1, and really this was sort of a test, do you understand, as how you would react to this vibration change, for though it physically upset you for a while, we thought you could handle that and take it in your stride. We felt that this was the time to do the drawing into the fifth dimension, while everything else was progressing quite well. 

We have gone on with it and taken you on further, so that you wouldn’t have to start again you understand, this would all come to an end, and everybody would have a different attitude and a different frame of mind. You see, a lot of people now are beginning to understand that they are looking differently at things, and suddenly realise that they haven’t free will.  

You see it has taken a long time to come to this, for they have been taught by their parents about certain ways to act, and to be, and to work you see, certain ways that are set in stone as you would say; but people have been educated, for they are beginning to look further a field and will not put up or accept what they are told, so they are trying to fight their way through the darkness put it that way, they are trying to feel their way out. 

We are trying to shine the light to help them come forward, and you my ones are the light s that will show them the way, they will hopefully follow you, you see. You have people that are beginning to take interest in what you are doing, so they are trying to follow your light. Some will accept and some won’t, this is up to them and that is their life path, to do with as they will, but we are hoping that at least some of them will find the way out, for we see them struggling with what they cannot understand, but eventually they will, and they will find that they are prisoners of their own making. 

They’ve been brought up in such a way, that they have actually built their own prison from which they are trying to escape, you understand me my ladies? Because what I am saying to you, it is important that you thoroughly understand. We felt you could do. The problem is you see, that although they are beginning to realise that they are not generally free people, they THINK THEY are free but they are not, they are still just like rats in a cage really, they go round and round in circles, and they do not look the left or the right, they are just quite happy with their lot, and they are the ones who are trapped, and they are the ones who are in prison. 

They cannot see that they are, and if they will not see you will just have to let them go, but there will be some who are interested in what you have to say. You must listen and must look. The one that writes, (David Icke), he is very much out of his time really because he is so much far advanced, and there are others like him also. We were glad to see that you followed some of the writing that is being done by him. 

Not everything is quite right, but he is definitely far advanced of any other, and this is why you see he is tormented, because they don’t like to think, those that are up at the top there, that you have one here that has seen the light and you are showing the light to others, so they try to make him look a fool. They try to say that his ideas are ridiculous, but they are NOT and they should be looked at, for he and some others are on the right path….

I will leave you now my ladies, thank you.

                                                                     No 2

I come to bring you the love of the Divine one, and hope that you have had a good week this time. I will try and bring you more satisfaction in your work as you go along for the following days that will come and go before we meet again. 

I bring you the chalice also once again, with love so that you may drink from it. I feel my arms trying to hug you, as I sit here, and to be with you is very much my goal, as I am here, you understand. 

I wonder if you understand and appreciate the world that you live in, the earth plane that you come from my friends, for it is very beautiful, is it not? You see the mist in the morning rising from the water, and then the sun over the sea. You see it come up and rise over the water, and it brightens as it comes up, and flashes its rays all around it, bringing light to the Earth, so that everything may grow, and everything may progress in an orderly manner. You understand me my friends? 

It is beautiful also, the rain that comes and polishes everything, and helps things to grow, and everything may have water so that it may drink, it is a beautiful place. Also the darkness when it comes to you my friends, it comes quietly, creeps and casts its shadow into the dark corners, so that the ones may hide, that you may go and hide, and it is likened that the ones you are can go back into the darkness, just as it would be into the womb of your mother. 

You understand me my children, my ladies, my daughters, we give you this as a offering of peace, the quietness and the darkness, so that you may go and sit and be quiet and meditate, and bring your thoughts together. For the path that you have travelled has been hard has it not my daughters? (Indeed).                                                                                                                    

I bring the blessing from the Divine one, that you may go forward and appreciate everything that is natural and normal within your life path, and to take this blessing, and take it to your loved ones also, and to those who are not so kind, as the lady here has said, and that you might have the kindness and the goodness of heart to forgive them. 

You understand me my friends, that this is all part of your growingness, I will liken it to growing, the growing within, the growing of the heart and the mind and the spirit, that it may be polished and honed into shape, for you are travelling further forward, and quicker than you know my friends, you are travelling much further forward than you know. 

You will not just stop at the fifth dimension, we will take you on and on, but you must grow and you will be given problems to deal with, but this will help you to grow to a whole spirit person, do you understand me? 

Your vibration will quicken and quicken, and the light will shine upon you, and your light will become brighter and brighter. I bring you this my friends as I bring you the love of the Divinity, it wants you to glow as brightly as you may, as this vibration is very, very good, and we want you to be part of it for the coming new world which is about to take place, my daughters of the Divinity, we want you to come with us, we want you. 

We want to clasp you to us, so that you will never leave us, we can be as one and ride the universe together, to take you and lift you up higher and higher into the light, so it may shine and dazzle you with its beauty. 

I must leave you now my friends, though it breaks my heart to leave, for I will come again another time (thank you). I bring you the blessing of the Divinity and the Divine one, for I am his messenger, I bring it to you my friends so that you can take it and impart it to yours, as this will help your kin and your loved ones. 

I will leave you now my daughters of the Divinity, It hurts so to go, for the tears fall, but I must depart from you. I will be with you again, my daughters I will be with you again. May the tears wash away your troubles, for you are such good people, you must always be kept in the same Divine space so that we may reach you. Thank you my daughters. (Thank you). Go with love.


Sept 01/03      Pole Shift Update.  Iraq.  Understanding the Beings of Light.
                                4th-5th Dimension.  Our Self-Made Prison
                                                                                 No 1
                                                                                                                                                              Good evening my ladies. Its nice to be with you again, to be here, and I welcome you. I think that No 3 wants to touch on one or two subjects this evening, so we will see how we get on. I must try to keep him in line you see, because he wanders from one subject to the other He is looking at me and frowning.  I tell you this No3, it isn’t very kind of you to wander with these ladies, you understand, because they have to sort it all out after you have gone away, and this isn’t easy. I try to lighten the atmosphere you understand, around him, as sometimes he is very dour, and I have to shake him out of it from time to time. I will move away now and let him come forward as he is keen to speak, but it might take a moment, for it to settle, to break away and to come in. Do you understand this?  I have to move away from the instrument, so the energy changes slightly, as I move away. Then right at the end of moving out there is a slight elastic feeling, just as I step out of the energy, then he will come in, and the energy changes again.                                                                                                         I shall see you again my ladies; I shall see you again. (Thank you for coming). You would be surprised at how many times I do see you. ( J. I am not surprised). (P. I am not surprised at all). So you understand that I visit from time to time? (A. Yes). You know who it is then? (All. Yes). It isn’t No 3, although sometimes, very rarely on occasion No 3, but this is my job and sometimes when I can’t do it, No3 will come, just to help you, you know? Just to smooth things down for you.                                       Thank you.  I will leave you now my ladies.

I am here at last, now No 1 has decided to depart and let me through. (Laughs).
I come to be with you again this evening, and I look forward to it as always and I just wanted to touch on one or two things this evening if I may?                                                     I wonder if you have had any thoughts about the current scene in Iraq, with the ayatollah killed? Have you thought about it, and what was your conclusion my friend, tell me?
(I think it was a set up, I don’t think it was the group or persons that they proposed at all, and I don’t think it was Al Quaida either. Was it to cause chaos?).
Yes I understand where you are, I understand your thinking, but do you understand if I put another perspective on it, another slant as you may say.           How clever of the perpetrators if you understand me. This man, this ayatollah, had come after 21 years to return to his home, and he is much venerated. There is a  losing of control in Iraq. So what better way to encourage and motivate the Iraqi’s to control themselves, but to blow up the one they love, to highlight the total chaos and lack of security. Suddenly they are angry enough to want to take on their own policing, because the Americans and the English seem unable to do this, do you see my thinking, and maybe even this isn’t what it seems. For this way, you get the Iraqi people to police themselves, which is the only way that the Americans and the English will have the excuse to be able to depart this country. Although of course, they will not fully depart from it, you understand? They will keep a lever on anything that is going on, as they certainly haven’t done all this just for the joy of it. Oil will be at the back of it obviously, even though they will tell the Iraqis that they are governing their own oil, you can be sure that somewhere along the line, there is an Elite crowd out there watching over everything to make sure that it doesn’t all slip away. They wont have put all this machinery into action just to get rid of Saddam Hussein you understand me? Think the other way, all is not what it seems, I fear that this was a contrived action, but it won’t be in the way that you are supposed to think of it. This way, they can back off and start to leave this country. Maybe there will be a few left but you can be sure that the Elite is somewhere, they are handling things in the background, but it will look as if the Iraqi’s are just governing themselves. They will of course to a degree, but under the guidance of someone somewhere else. It is another way of looking at it.                                                              (J. I feel that there was a similarity with the United Nations building.)
Yes, this is good thinking. Yes, yes. There are ties in this.

Now, I want to return…and its alright No1 I can see you, and you needn’t shake your head, I am moving away from that now, as we can’t spend the whole evening talking about Iraq, and how they will govern themselves.  We will just have to watch and wait. I know these ladies are wondering about the Pole Shift, (Yes), yes, well…. wait my ladies, you wait, you wait. This, we are relieved to say, won’t now happen overnight, and you wouldn’t want it to anyway, (J. of course not). Fortunately, the Mars pull was steady.  It is a slow process, and will gather momentum and you will look back and see the things that have happened, and you will know why this is. You have thought about the power problems in all these countries, well if you pull away your oil from underneath, and then you begin to get a shift on, the pylons will disintegrate and fall to the ground, and this is what carries the power, some of the problems lie here. So you will get a shifting of the ground you see, the mechanism will be breaking up, and foundations will begin to alter.
There is going to be a big wind somewhere, which is going to cause a lot of trouble. It is coming, it is on its way already, so you must watch and wait for this and you will find it on your boxes. This will cause a problem, with the power and the oil and havoc with everything else, so watch. I feel that it will come, and our friend here already thinks that, at the end of it, excessive flooding will come into play. The spreading out and the snatching back, it won’t happen in five minutes, as you would say. This is how I understand it, that a spreading and stretching out of the water, and then the slopping of it back again, this is where the problem will come. It will be the slopping and the rush back that will cause the flooding. Not necessarily here, but in other places you understand me. You keep a watch. You watch, you watch.
  The flip that you think of, 180 degrees you’ll remember, I don’t think has happened yet, because you would know about it already, or NOT know a lot about it. You will have to wait and see in 2012, what will happen then, I know that many people talk about 2015, and you will see that this has been mentioned also, but enough of that.  We have looked at that and it has not finished with you yet, I’m afraid we will have to wait and see. The slower it is the better it is, because you can manage it. You have a chance, and you will take things in your stride, so don’t worry. We are trying to protect you all the time, we can only do so much because we are not a physical being, as you already understand, do you not?  I come perhaps in a form that you can understand, to these meetings that you have, because what is the point of me coming in as a ball of light, we felt that it was better that we had some shape and form that you would understand, and could appreciate, and was like yourselves, you understand me?

(J. So you chose the image that you project?)  Not really we just project an image, we didn’t particularly pick it out, it just happens that No1 is handsome. (Laughs) and the others just have to put up with whatever. No 1, he is a very vain one, No 2 is from elsewhere anyway, and has visual properties and visual art all of its own, (very different) we sometimes can blend in with it or not, only temporarily you understand, if we do the blending, only temporary, for No 2 is No2, and is something on its own.
Now I want to speak to you again about this problem with  people, humans not feeling too well, when things come in spasms like the headaches and the feeling nauseous, but it doesn’t go anywhere does it, it just comes in spasms and goes. Now this as you know, is to do with drawing you up into the next dimension, you understand this? Now you will find ordinary people, I separate them from you, because you my friends, we are trying to draw you into the fifth dimension, the others we are trying to draw into the fourth dimension, and you will find people talking about sickness, and not feeling well, and not having any energy and lethargy and the headaches and the aches and pains, and they don’t tie in together and they don’t build up into anything in any particular way. This is because their light bodies are feeling the difference in the wavelength you see, the vibration of the waves as we are trying to draw their light bodies into the fourth dimension. I did say to you did I not, that we were determined to draw you all into the fourth dimension whether you like it or not. (J. Kicking and screaming). Kicking and screaming into the fourth dimension, laughs. This is how it is going to be, it is for their own good at the end, but for you my friends, it is the fifth dimension, and you might find it a little rocky at times. This we felt you could handle and put up with, because we had already taken you on the journey with No 1, and really this was sort of a test, do you understand, as how you would react to this vibration change, for though it physically upset you for a while, we thought you could handle that and take it in your stride. We felt that this was the time to do the drawing into the fifth dimension, while everything else was progressing quite well. We have gone on with it and taken you on further, so that you wouldn’t have to start again you understand, this would all come to an end, and everybody would have a different attitude and a different frame of mind. You see, a lot of people now are beginning to understand that they are looking differently at things, and suddenly realise that they haven’t free will.  You see it has taken a long time to come to this, for they have been taught by their parents about certain ways to act, and to be, and to work you see, certain ways that are set in stone as you would say; but people have been educated, for they are beginning to look further a field and will not put up or accept what they are told, so they are trying to fight their way through the darkness put it that way, they are trying to feel their way out. We are trying to shine the light to help them come forward, and you my ones are the light s that will show them the way, they will hopefully follow you, you see. You have people that are beginning to take interest in what you are doing, so they are trying to follow your light. Some will accept and some won’t, this is up to them and that is their life path, to do with as they will, but we are hoping that at least some of them will find the way out, for we see them struggling with what they cannot understand, but eventually they will, and they will find that they are prisoners of their own making. They’ve been brought up in such a way, that they have actually built their own prison from which they are trying to escape, you understand me my ladies? Because what I am saying to you, it is important that you thoroughly understand. We felt you could do. The problem is you see, that although they are beginning to realise that they are not generally free people, they THINK THEY are free but they are not, they are still just like rats in a cage really, they go round and round in circles, and they do not look the left or the right, they are just quite happy with their lot, and they are the one s who are trapped, and they are the ones who are in prison. They cannot see that they are, and if they will not see you will just have to let them go, but there will be some who are interested in what you have to say. You must listen and must look. The one that writes, (David Icke), he is very much out of his time really because he is so much far advanced, and there are others like him also. We were glad to see that you followed some of the writing that is being done by him. Not everything is quite right, but he is definitely far advanced of any other, and this is why you see he is tormented, because they don’t like to think, those that are up at the top there, that you have one here that has seen the light and you are showing the light to others, so they try to make him look a fool. They try to say that his ideas are ridiculous, but they are NOT and they should be looked at, for he and some others are on the right path….
I will leave you now my ladies, thank you.

                                                                     No 2
I come to bring you the love of the Divine one, and hope that you have had a good week this time. I will try and bring you more satisfaction in your work as you go along for the following days that will come and go before we meet again. I bring you the chalice also once again, with love so that you may drink from it. I feel my arms trying to hug you, as I sit here, and to be with you is very much my goal, as I am here, you understand. I wonder if you understand and appreciate the world that you live in, the earth plane that you come from my friends, for it is very beautiful, is it not? You see the mist in the morning rising from the water, and then the sun over the sea. You see it come up and rise over the water, and it brightens as it comes up, and flashes its rays all around it, bringing light to the earth, so that everything may grow, and everything may progress in an orderly manner. You understand me my friends? It is beautiful also, the rain that comes and polishes everything, and helps things to grow, and everything may have water so that it may drink, it is a beautiful place. Also the darkness when it comes to you my friends, it comes quietly, creeps and casts its shadow into the dark corners, so that the ones may hide, that you may go and hide, and it is likened that the ones you are can go back into the darkness, just as it would be into the womb of your mother. You understand me my children, my ladies, my daughters, we give you this as a offering of peace, the quietness and the darkness, so that you may go and sit and be quiet and meditate, and bring your thoughts together. For the path that you have travelled has been hard has it not my daughters? (Indeed).                                                                                                                    I bring the blessing from the Divine one, that you may go forward and appreciate everything that is natural and normal within your life path, and to take this blessing, and take it to your loved ones also, and to those who ar e not so kind, as the lady here has said, and that you might have the kindness and the goodness of heart to forgive them. You understand me my friends, that this is all part of your growingness, I will liken it to growing, the growing within, the growing of the heart and the mind and the spirit, that it may be polished and honed into shape, for you are travelling further forward, and quicker than you know my friends, you are travelling much further forward than you know. You will not just stop at the fifth dimension, we will take you on and on, but you must grow and you will be given problems to deal with, but this will help you to grow to a whole spirit person, do you understand me? Your vibration will quicken and quicken, and the light will shine upon you, and your light will become brighter and brighter. I bring you this my friends as I bring you the love of the Divinity, it wants you to glow as brightly as you may, as this vibration is very, very good, and we want you to be part of it for the coming new world which is about to take place, my daughters of the Divinity, we want you to come with us, we want you. We want to clasp you to us, so that you will never leave us, we can be as one and ride the universe together, to take you and lift you up higher and higher into the light, so it may shine and dazzle you with its beauty. I must leave you now my friends, though it breaks my heart to leave, for I will come again another time (thank you). I bring you the blessing of the Divinity and the Divine one, for I am his messenger, I bring it to you my friends so that you can take it and impart it to yours, as this will help your kin and your loved ones. I will leave you now my daughters of the Divinity, It hurts so to go, for the tears fall, but I must depart from you. I will be with you again, my daughters I will be with you again. May the tears wash away your troubles, for you are such good people, you must always be kept in the same Divine space so that we may reach you. Thank you my daughters. (Thank you). Go with love.


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