16th June 2003
Q’s & A’s about the afterlife. MMR vaccine . World domination. The Etheric Body.
Good evening my ladies.
I will start where I left off the last time we were together. We were talking about photons, were we not? This time my dears I am going to speak about the etheric body, do you understand anything about this?
The etheric body is what you would call the light body, you understand. I want to speak about this, because it is part of you as well, the light body the etheric body. I will call it the etheric body this evening, and you will understand why as we go along a little, it may not be a long session, as you have perhaps already gathered but we will see what happens.
Now the etheric body is a part of you, and this is the light body which surrounds you. I’m not speaking of the energy field if you understand, this is the etheric body and your different dimensions are etheric dimensions. I will try to explain a little more.
Now the mindset that you have, your mind, it comes from the UNIVERSAL mind, my friends, and where the genes of the parents join together, the cells, to mould the child, the person, the mindset, this is what comes first believe it or not.
It has already come from the universal mind, and knows how you will be designed, how you will be moulded and helped with your life pattern, as it has been designed by your guides, you understand me? (Gosh!).
Your mindset is not part of the guides, the guides are separate from the mindset, but your mind comes from the universal mind and this is your design. You see, you are moulded to fit in a certain way, as this is how you will adapt to your earthly condition here, because this is all controlled by vibration, which as you know is very slow here. We have to slow down considerably to get here, and because of different etheric fields, dimensions shall we call it, the one adjacent to your Earth plane. This is where you will all congregate when you pass. (Ah!).
This is where every body will be, your friends, your relatives and your parents maybe. This is a collecting station. What was that my friend? Please if there is a question you ARE allowed to ask me now? ( What is this place called?) It is just another dimension, the first dimension after the Earth plane.
When you leave the Earth plane this is the first dimension that you will go to. Not the dimensions that you are already involved in now, do you understand, that is why I am going to call it an etheric plane because there will be some confusion.
We are trying to draw you into the fourth dimension, which we have done, we have managed to suck you through the holes, the vortices at long last, and we hope to bring you further forward into the fifth dimension, but this is different from the etheric. The etheric dimensions are where you will pass to when you transform from this physical body to the mindset, and the spirit, and this is the collecting station, you understand me? This is where your friends will congregate to greet you as you pass over.
Why there is such sadness, hesitation, and grief about the bereaved I do not understand, they have not done their homework properly, because it is written, and it is not a secret or a fairy story, and as I am telling you, you understand, that the information, it is out there and it has been brought forward from some very reliable sources so that you can learn about it, but it is a case of finding it my friends, but it would not be difficult.
So this is the clearing station here, and you will meet up with your friends and relatives. For wherever they have been on the etheric plain, they may not be there all the time you understand. They come and drop down especially to greet you. Then they will rise back, to the second perhaps etheric plane, which is the next step up. You see what I mean, so your vibration is beginning to gather. You are vibrating a little bit faster than you were on the Earth plane, you see, and they also are vibrating as well, but wherever they have been and they may have progressed further than each other, and you, but they are able to control their vibration and come down to wherever you are so they can greet you and take you on, you see?
But you will only progress to the etheric plane that your vibration has managed to master. As time goes on, you will raise to the next plane and the next and the next, for there are many of them, as there are dimensions as well, which complicates things a little more I know, but I am going to tell you about this all the same, so the vibration continues, you see, it gets faster and faster. Now when you get to your second plane, you will have all the things my friends that you have here, (ah!), only they will be much brighter and lighter, because the light there is different do you see from the vibration, which heightens the light.
Its all to do with light and vibration, the whole thing is to do with light and vibration I tell you this, and all the things that you want will be there. In order to build, you just have to think of something, you will not go through the process of actually building, unless you insist on going through it, in which case you would build like you would here, but there isn’t any point because everything is just a thought away, the mindset you understand me?
So then the mind and every thing will pass with you, but your actual brain will die with your physical body. Your mindset will enter, is already part of the new person that you are, the vibration that you are, you are beginning to lose your physical or when you go to the second etheric plane you will actually find that you have a body but it is lighter, and the colours that you wear are lighter, because the vibration is lighter.
Let me say this, that when your mediums work with you, the clairvoyants, and they bring you people, your friends and relatives so that you may communicate with them, that’s when they see people at their closest, light and bright, according to their vibration from which they have come from.
If the intelligence and knowledge is there, they will vibrate much faster, if the intelligence is not there, they will not, it will be slower and darker. They will be in the same plane but they will vibrate at a different level. So therefore when the clairvoyant says she sees pictures but not too clearly, sometimes it is because the actual mentality of the person isn’t fast enough, or wasn’t in the beginning.
It’s all bound up with the mind you see, all bound up with the mind. With the more intelligent ones they will be able to grasp onto the information spontaneously, it will come as a flash of light, which is a pun I think, yes, it will come as a flash. So there we have it, and so we move on.
You are then thinking about reincarnation, and to a certain point I can understand this and I see this, but those with the lower mentality, and I’m not putting people down by making them seem less than they are, but those with the slower mentality will think about reincarnation because the vibration which is slower may actually want to reincarnate, but those with the faster vibration, and the mental capacity will not want to.
I will tell you this now, for nobody with the sense or the mindset will want to come back here. You will only come back if you want to come back here. If you really set your mind on coming back, then come back you will, but people with the common sense, and the higher mental state would not want to come back here.
In fact the faster the mentality the faster the mindset the faster the vibration, you will move on further, and further and further, until there are all these different realms here that you will pass through, in fact you will get so fast a vibration that you will be just light, pure light.
I do not come from this realm my friends, I can only tell you about it, because I am light and I have never been anything else you see, do you understand, but like a view from where I am, I can see what takes place, and I understand what happens.
In order to visit you, you see, there are vortices that are well trodden pathways, archways that we can come through, which saves us a lot of bother and time, because it saves us bringing our vibration down to penetrate, I can come through a vortex, a porthole, or a matrix, where there will be a small place for us to come through, and it saves us a lot of energy with the vibration.
We do have to get it right at the end, but we don’t have to force a hole through. This is the only way that I can explain it, but the mindset will come from the universal MIND, this is where it comes from.
If you think about the second etheric plane, and you may say, well if I still have a body that I can recognise, and my friends that I can recognise surely I must have a brain, it is true you will have, but it wont exactly be a brain as you have had in a physical body.
Is there a question you would like to ask me on this subject while I am here?
( Will it be a help to us if we are say on the fifth dimension, when we go over to the etheric plane, does it make a difference?)
Yes it will, you can always drop down to see your friends you see, but your friends cannot rise further than the plane that they have reached. You cannot go further than your vibration will take you, but you can come back down to see your friends, they will be able to come down to greet you as you pass. I will be there, never fear, and at one point I will greet you too, but not at THAT point, I am a little further on.
(If we are part of the collective mindset, does that mean that we all have, we all belong to this one thought process?)
Yes. It is very difficult for you to understand, and very difficult for me to tell you, but at the end of everything, the whole universe and your Earth plane, which is very tiny, very tiny place really, at the end of it all it is all interconnected, and joined with one another, and there is a universal interaction, even right down as I said last time I think, of the cells of the body passing information from one to another, with the vibration of the fluid that is within, do you understand?
So then you have a vast network. If something goes awry in one place, the rest of the universe will know about it, because of the tug or the slight difference in the vibration will happen. It will change and this will alter you see and change things.
(So our negative thoughts about what is going on in our world at the moment, collectively affects the level of negativity?).
Yes don’t contribute to the negativity. Join the positive. You see you have the negative and the positive, as in everything, you don’t want to join the negative, feel the positive side, and join with positive thoughts, and help others to have positive thoughts, help them to look on the brighter side, rather than on the darker side. This you will find and I know for a fact that, you smile a lot at people when you are out and this helps them, you find that they smile back at you. It is positive for you to be like this, you understand me?
Now I want to talk about something else, I want you to think about this, I’m not going to, I don’t want you to take this as an absolute truth, but think!
This MR thing, is it? MMR vaccine? Should it be MMRT? (MMRT? Tuberculosis?)
Think tracking! I am not saying that it is correct at this moment, but do you understand that it would be very simple for small babies to be encouraged to have this injection. There is no obvious cover up or anything, but a lot of people are rebelling against it. Is it because your government has sunk so much money into it, into the production of this vaccine, and the pharmaceutical companies have money to lose?
Everything comes back to money on your Earth plane, from where I am I can see it, and power. This power thing and money basically, and the joy of playing one country against another, so that they all fight and kill and the cull begins again, and if you look at, I see they have been talking about Iran, but you want to look back at Korea.
Your mind is being diverted again, point this way, and you must look in the opposite direction, and you are not being told everything, as you already know. This isn’t a secret to you, you already understand the way the game is played, and it is a big game, and there are many ways to play it.
I just wondered about this immunisation, this mumps, measles, rubella and maybe a tracking device. Perhaps another illness will be introduced, that the adults can be injected against, as well as the children, and this thing will be so minute, so tiny that you would not even know about it.
I’m not thinking about something that they would put in animals, not that at all, it would be something else very tiny, as you have already thought of and spoken about the nanobots. If they go too far with it they won’t be able to manage it and it will overrun. Lets hope they don’t.
THIS is going for world domination really, by whatever force there is out there. This is what it is looking for, and you are getting the big countries here with power, getting footholds in here and footholds in there, and really it is about world domination. You have the European Union, which they may not be able to have control of straightaway, but wouldn’t it be good just to have a friend in the camp whom you could communicate with, to bend, to get that person to help to bend the others to the will of the one, so you could have world domination by stealth? The Europeans think that they are looking after themselves, but they won’t be.
If you have any more questions my friends, about these subjects I may be able to help.
(There is a virus that has arrived suddenly and very strangely, called Monkey Pox, and the Americans are trying to get, they are suggesting that people get vaccinated against smallpox again. I’m just wondering if the Monkey Pox was introduced deliberately?)
It could well be my friend, I cannot say at this point, and I would not tell you even if I knew, but it does make you think, and it should make you think, and it should make you all think. This smallpox thing was done away with years ago, long time ago and all the vaccines disappeared for it, because it was no longer in existence, especially in your little tiny country. Then this Sars thing appears from nowhere. (Laughs) which is a mystery altogether. Then suddenly you don’t hear so much about it. ( It seems to have died a death), hmmm yes, literally.
(You said that we must be positive about everything. How do we keep the balance between being positive towards people and helping them in the right way, having the truth as we know it, and sharing dreadful information with them like Pole shifts and World domination?)
You will have to wait my friend and deal with the questions as they come to you, and the ideas you see. You will be inspired if you leave yourself open a little time, you will be inspired to come through with the answers, and you will wonder where this information has come from. You will find the right people to talk to about the pole shift. Some of them you will know there is no point in telling. You just let them go on in blind ignorance, for that is better for some, you understand. I hope that has helped you my friend, just leave yourself open for the information to come through. It is like posting letters in the letterbox.
I’m going to leave you now my friends, and I hope that this has been of some interest to you, I have tried to carry on from last time, even though I get into trouble from No 1, who says that I muddle things up, and switch from one thing to another, because I remember things at the end and I want to get them out before I go.
You mustn’t misunderstand me; this etheric thing is not the same as the dimensions. You have this etheric plane you see, which is beyond the energy field that you have, and it just gets faster and faster, as you get faster with it. Who would want to come back here? It is a beautiful place here, unfortunately it is the people on it, but the other places are beautiful beyond compare my friends, the colours and the light are on a different plane altogether.
You must not be afraid any of you, for we will be there, but not right at the beginning, I said that I will be there and I WILL be there. We promised you your mission as a present, and you have had that, and who knows, there may be something else in store for you. (How lovely).
I will leave you now my friends and may God go with you, and the light of the Divine one help you through. I thank you my friends.
I bring the blessing for this evening. I will keep it short for I know that it uncomfortable at this time of the year.
I bring you the Divine light once again, to wrap you in, to conceal you in it, and hold you in it my friends, for I believe that you have been travelling far, and have walked into the Light of the Divine one.
You will remember I feel, what has taken place on your journey, as you go along with your work in your time. It will come back as a very pleasant flashback, that the others have provided for you, as chrysalises of time, waiting to burst forth, like butterflies. We wait for you and your colours and your beauty to come to us. For we need you, and you are working well my friends you are working very well for us.
We want you to know this, for we need to wrap you in the Divine light, and to take you to our very heart and soul, that you may develop and come along to this beautiful light, beautiful golden light that you develop of your own. You do not know how much you shine, when we can come to you. So much has changed, my children of the Divinity, so much has changed.
We can see you from afar, and we want to bring you to us. We feel the tug of your love drawing us to you, and we do not want to go but we have to, all the time, knowing that we shall have to depart from you, and leave you this evening so that you may go on with your work, and you will be helped and blessed along the way. I bring you this, my friends, and I must go now, I am sorry. The energy is beginning to fade. (Thank you so much).
May the Divine light go with you and wrap you in it. I feel the tug, always the tug. My daughters of the Divinity, I leave you in the safe hands of the others, who come to stand behind you while you work. I’m with you always, always. I thank you.
June 16/03 Q’s & A’s
about the afterlife. MMR vaccine . World
domination. The Etheric Body.
Good evening my ladies. I will start where I left off the last time we
were together. We were talking about photons, were we not? This time my dears I
am going to speak about the etheric body, do you understand anything about
this? The etheric body is what you would call the light body, you understand. I
want to speak about this, because it is part of you as well, the light body the
etheric body. I will call it the etheric body this evening, and you will
understand why as we go along a little, it may not be a long session, as you
have perhaps already gathered but we will see what happens. Now the etheric
body is a part of you, and this is the light body which surrounds you. I’m not
speaking of the energy field if you understand, this is the etheric body and
your different dimensions are etheric dimensions. I will try to explain a
little more. Now the mindset that you have, your mind, it comes from the
UNIVERSAL mind, my friends, and where the genes of the parents join together,
the cells, to mould the child, the person, the mindset, this is what comes
first believe it or not. It has already come from the universal mind, and knows
how you will be designed, how you will be moulded and helped with your life
pattern, as it has been designed by your guides, you understand me? (Gosh).Your
mindset is not part of the guides, the guides are separate from the mindset,
but your mind comes from the universal mind and this is your design. You see,
you are moulded to fit in a certain way, as this is how you will adapt to your
earthly condition here, because this is all controlled by vibration, which as
you know is very slow here. We have to slow down considerably to get here, and
because of different etheric fields, dimensions shall we call it, the one
adjacent to your earth plane. This is where
you will all congregate when you pass. (Ah). This is where every body will be,
your friends, your relatives and your parents maybe. This is a collecting
station. What was that my friend? Please if there is a question you ARE allowed
to ask me now? ( What is this place called?) It is just another dimension, the
first dimension after the earth plane. When you leave the earth plane this is
the first dimension that you will go to. Not the dimensions that you are
already involved in now, do you understand, that is why I am going to call it
an etheric plane because there will be some confusion. We are trying to draw
you into the fourth dimension, which we have done, we have managed to suck you
through the holes, the vortices at long last, and we hope to bring you further
forward into the fifth dimension, but this is different from the etheric. The
etheric dimensions are where you will pass to when you transform from this
physical body to the mindset, and the spirit, and this is the collecting
station, you understand me? This is where your friends will congregate to greet
you as you pass over.
Why there is such sadness,
hesitation, and grief about the bereaved I do not understand, they have not
done their homework properly, because it is written, and it is not a secret or
a fairy story, and as I am telling you, you understand, that the information,
it is out there and it has been brought forward from some very reliable sources
so that you can learn about it, but it is a case of finding it my friends, but
it would not be difficult.
So this is the clearing station here, and you will meet up with your
friends and relatives. For wherever they have been on the etheric plain, they
may not be there all the time you understand. They come and drop down
especially to greet you. Then they will rise back, to the second perhaps
etheric plane, which is the next step up. You see what I mean, so your
vibration is beginning to gather. You are vibrating a little bit faster than
you were on the earth plane, you see, and they also are vibrating as well, but
wherever they have been and they may have progressed further than each other,
and you, but they are able to control their vibration and come down to wherever
you are so they can greet you and take you on you see? But you will only
progress to the etheric plane that your vibration has managed to master. As
time goes on, you will raise to the next plane and the next and the next, for
there are many of them, as there are dimensions as well, which complicates
things a little more I know, but I am going to tell you about this all the
same, so the vibration continues, you see, it gets faster and faster. Now when
you get to your second plane, you will have all the things my friends that you
have here, (ah), only they will be much brighter and lighter, because the light
there is different do you see from the vibration, which heightens the light.
Its all to do with light and vibration, the whole thing is to do with light and
vibration I tell you this, and all the things that you want will be there. In
order to build, you just have to think of something, you will not go through
the process of actually building, unless you insist on going through it, in
which case you would build like you would here, but there isn’t any point
because everything is just a thought away, the mindset you understand me? So
then the mind and every thing will pass with you, but your actual brain will
die with your physical body. Your mindset will enter, is already part of the
new person that you are, the vibration that you are, you are beginning to lose
your physical or when you go to the second etheric plane you will actually find
that you have a body but it is lighter, and the colours that you wear are
lighter, because the vibration is lighter.
Let me say this, that when your mediums work with you, the clairvoyants,
and they bring you people, your friends and relatives so that you may
communicate with them, that’s when they see people at their closest, light and
bright, according to their vibration from which they have come from. If the
intelligence and knowledge is there, they will vibrate much faster, if the intelligence
is not there, they will not, it will be slower and darker. They will be in the
same plane but they will vibrate at a different level. So therefore when the
clairvoyant says she sees pictures but not too clearly, sometimes it is because
the actual mentality of the person isn’t fast enough, or wasn’t in the
beginning. It’s all bound up with the mind you see, all bound up with the mind.
With the more intelligent ones they will be able to grasp onto the information
spontaneously, it will come as a flash of light, which is a pun I think, yes,
it will come as a flash. So there we have it, and so we move on. You are then
thinking about reincarnation, and to a certain point I can understand this and
I see this, but those with the lower mentality, and I’m not putting people down
by making them seem less than they are, but those with the slower mentality
will think about reincarnation because the vibration which is slower may
actually want to reincarnate, but those with the faster vibration, and the
mental capacity will not want to. I will tell you this now, for nobody with the
sense or the mindset will want to come back here. You will only come back if
you want to come back here. If you really set your mind on coming back, then come
back you will, but people with the common sense, and the higher mental state
would not want to come back here. In fact the faster the mentality the faster
the mindset the faster the vibration, you will move on further, and further and
further, until there are all these different realms here that you will pass
through, in fact you will get so fast a vibration that you will be just light,
pure light.
I do not come from this realm my friends, I can only tell you about it,
because I am light and I have never been anything else you see, do you
understand, but like a view from where I am, I can see what takes place, and I
understand what happens. In order to visit you, you see, there are vortices
that are well trodden pathways, archways that we can come through, which saves
us a lot of bother and time, because it saves us bringing our vibration down to
penetrate, I can come through a vortex, a porthole, or a matrix, where there
will be a small place for us to come through, and it saves us a lot of energy
with the vibration. We do have to get it right at the end, but we don’t have to
force a hole through. This is the only way that I can explain it, but the mindset
will come from the universal MIND, this is where it comes from. If you think
about the second etheric plane, and you may say, well if I still have a body
that I can recognise, and my friends that I can recognise surely I must have a
brain, it is true you will have, but it wont exactly be a brain as you have had
in a physical body.
I s there a question you would like to ask me on this subject while I am
here? ( Will it be a help to us if we are say on the fifth dimension, when we
go over to the etheric plane, does it make a difference?) Yes it will, you can
always drop down to see your friends you see, but your friends cannot rise
further than the plane that they have reached. You cannot go further than your
vibration will take you, but you can come back down to see your friends, they
will be able to come down to greet you as you pass. I will be there, never
fear, and at one point I will greet you too, but not at THAT point, I am a
little further on.
(If we are part of the collective mindset, does that mean that we all
have, we all belong to this one thought process?) Yes. It is very difficult for
you to understand, and very difficult for me to tell you, but at the end of
everything, the whole universe and your earth plane, which is very tiny, very
tiny place really, at the end of it all it is all interconnected, and joined
with one another, and there is a universal interaction, even right down as I
said last time I think, of the cells of the body passing information from one
to another, with the vibration of the fluid that is within, do you understand?
So then you have a vast network. If something goes awry in one place, the rest
of the universe will know about it, because of the tug or the slight difference
in the vibration will happen. It will change and this will alter you see and
change things. (So our negative thoughts about what is going on in our world at
the moment, collectively affects the level of negativity?). Yes don’t
contribute to the negativity. Join the positive. You see you have the negative
and the positive, as in everything, you don’t want to join the negative, feel
the positive side, and join with positive thoughts, and help others to have
positive thoughts, help them to look on the brighter side, rather than on the
darker side. This you will find and I know for a fact that, you smile a lot at
people when you are out and this helps them, you find that they smile back at
you. It is positive for you to be like this, you understand me?
Now I want to talk about something else, I want you to think about this,
I’m not going to, I don’t want you to take this as an absolute truth, but
think! This MR thing, is it? MMR vaccine? Should it be MMRT? (MMRT?
Tuberculosis?) Think tracking! I am not saying that it is correct at this
moment, but do you understand that it would be very simple for small babies to
be encouraged to have this injection. There is no obvious cover up or anything,
but a lot of people are rebelling against it. Is it because your government has
sunk so much money into it, into the production of this vaccine, and the
pharmaceutical companies have money to lose?
Everything comes back to money on your earth plane, from where I am I
can see it, and power. This power thing and money basically, and the joy of
playing one country against another, so that they all fight and kill and the
cull begins again, and if you look at, I see they have been talking about Iran,
but you want to look back at Korea. Your mind is being diverted again, point
this way, and you must look in the opposite direction, and you are not being
told everything, as you already know. This isn’t a secret to you, you already
understand the way the game is played, and it is a big game, and there are many
ways to play it. I just
wondered about this immunisation, this mumps, measles, rubella and maybe a
tracking device. Perhaps another illness will be introduced, that the adults
can be injected against, as well as the children, and this thing will be so
minute, so tiny that you would not even know about it. I’m not thinking about
something that they would put in animals, not that at all, it would be
something else very tiny, as you have already thought of and spoken about the
nanobots. If they go too far with it
they won’t be able to manage it and it will overrun. Lets hope they don’t. THIS
is going for world domination really, by whatever force there is out there.
This is what it is looking for, and you are getting the big countries here with
power, getting footholds in here and footholds in there, and really it is about
world domination. You have the European union, which they may not be able to
have control of straightaway, but wouldn’t it be good just to have a friend in
the camp whom you could communicate with, to bend, to get that person to help
to bend the others to the will of the one, so you could have world domination
by stealth? The Europeans think that they are looking after them selves, but
they won’t be.
If you have any more questions my friends, about these subjects I may be
able to help. (There
is a virus that has arrived suddenly and very strangely, called Monkey Pox, and
the Americans are trying to get, they are suggesting that people get vaccinated
against smallpox again. I’m just wondering if the Monkey Pox was introduced
It could well be my friend, I cannot say at this point, and I would not
tell you even if I knew, but it does make you think, and it should make you
think, and it should make you all think. This smallpox thing was done away with
years ago, long time ago and all the vaccines disappeared for it, because it
was no longer in existence, especially in your little tiny country. Then this
Sars thing appears from nowhere. (Laughs) which is a mystery altogether. Then
suddenly you don’t hear so much about it. ( It seems to have died a death), hmmm
yes, literally.
(You said that we must be positive about everything. How do we keep the
balance between being positive towards people and helping them in the right
way, having the truth as we know it, and sharing dreadful information with them
like Pole shifts and World domination?)
You will have to wait my friend and deal with the questions as they come
to you, and the ideas you see. You will be inspired if you leave yourself open
a little time, you will be inspired to come through with the answers, and you
will wonder where this information has come from. You will find the right
people to talk to about the pole shift. Some of them you will know there is no
point in telling. You just let them go on in blind ignorance, for that is
better for some, you understand. I hope that has helped you my friend, just
leave yourself open for the information to come through. It is like posting
letters in the letterbox.
I’m going to leave you now my friends, and I hope that this has been of
some interest to you, I have tried to carry on from last time, even though I
get into trouble from No 1, who says that I muddle things up, and switch from
one thing to another, because I remember things at the end and I want to get
them out before I go. You mustn’t misunderstand me; this etheric thing is not
the same as the dimensions. You have this etheric plane you see, which is
beyond the energy field that you have, and it just gets faster and faster, as
you get faster with it. Who would want to come back here? It is a beautiful
place here, unfortunately it is the people on it, but the other places are
beautiful beyond compare my friends, the colours and the light are on a
different plane altogether. You must not be afraid any of you, for we will be
there, but not right at the beginning, I said that I will be there and I WILL
be there. We promised you your mission as a present, and you have had that, and
who knows, there may be something else in store for you. (How lovely).
I will leave you now my friends and may God go with you, and the light
of the Divine one help you through. I thank you my friends.
I bring the blessing for this evening. I will keep it short for I know
that it uncomfortable at this time of the year. I bring you the Divine light
once again, to wrap you in, to conceal you in it, and hold you in it my
friends, for I believe that you have been travelling far, and have walked into
the Light of the Divine one. You will remember I feel, what has taken place on
your journey, as you go along with your work in your time. It will come back as
a very pleasant flashback, that the others have provided for you, as
chrysalises of time, waiting to burst forth, like butterflies. We wait for you
and your colours and your beauty to come to us. For we need you, and you are
working well my friends you are working very well for us. We want you to know
this, for we need to wrap you in the Divine light, and to take you to our very
heart and soul, that you may develop and come along to this beautiful light,
beautiful golden light that you develop of your own. You do not know how much
you shine, when we can come to you. So much has changed, my children of the
Divinity, so much has changed. We can see you from afar, and we want to bring
you to us. We feel the tug of your love drawing us to you, and we do not want
to go but we have to, all the time, knowing that we shall have to depart from
you, and leave you this evening so that you may go on with your work, and you
will be helped and blessed along the way. I bring you this, my friends, and I
must go now, I am sorry. The energy is beginning to fade. (Thank you so much).
May the Divine light go with you and wrap you in it. I feel the tug, always the
tug. My daughters of the Divinity, I leave you in the safe hands of the others,
who come to stand behind you while you work. I’m with you always, always. I
thank you.
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