Once upon a time ... three British ladies who sat in a circle with one medium and three Beings of Light who, attracted by the Light of their auras, came and started a cycle extraordinarily informative messages which triggered my spiritual awakening.

This is my tribute to all of them because I know that the many still sleeping and skeptical will see the beauty and the message of Light and Love contained in each of them.

Be at peace

I am no-one special. I am a curious, problem solving type who's strict upbringing in the Catholic community gave me the foundation of a service to others ethic and a resolve for justice and peace.

I guess that is why, when drawn to others who were able to see beyond the ordinary we were chosen to receive outstanding messages, and beyond that, to see the MESSENGERS

We had a talented medium who was able to 'move over' and let spiritual light beings use her voice.

We were told things that would freeze us with fear, and others that were so amazing we would literally be silent and gasping at the end of the sessions.

We did this for about 8 years off and on. Above all we were compelled to return nearly every Monday for another gruelling session that would ultimately wake us out of our comfortable slumber and start the process of truth, research and upliftment.

Even more astonishing was the fact that we saw three separate light beings distinct from each other. We tested each other to see if we were imagining them and named them 1, 2 and 3 in order of appearance in many tests. The numbers stuck and the transcriptions state thus. (The Beings of Light preferred this too, as when asked their names, they insisted that we wouldn't know them, and that numbers were fine).

I found a reference to our phenomenon in an ancient script. The Apochryphon of John.

(In the light I beheld a youth who stood beside me. Even as I looked he became like an old man, then like a servant. Yet there were not three before me, but one, with multiple forms appearing through each other as though transparent. He said to me, "John, John, why do you doubt? And why are you afraid? I am the one who is with you always. I am the Father. I am the Mother. I am the Son.")

Curiously, this is EXACTLY how we saw our B.O.L. Morphing and then settling into one familiar face. It makes you think about what was reported from ancient times, and who these ‘apparitions’ really were.

Ours when asked who they were, said: Alpha, Omega, Andromeda. Still makes me tingle to think of the possibilities!


Saturday, December 1, 2012


19th May 2003

  Experimental Transport, Pharmaceutical Co’s, David Icke,

                                                                       No 1

Good evening my ladies.

 I’m glad Nº3 has moved out of the way. I know the hand is shaking but I want to speak to you myself this evening. It is very nice to be with you my ladies, and to come and be with you, and to share with you.

I have spoken to number 3, and we have consulted with No 2, who you know is a slightly different level from the rest of us, and comes from a totally different place. But 1 and 3, which is the other being of light and myself, we come from the same place and the same dimension. We have a problem balancing the energy as you know, and we try to get the vibration down so that it fits the medium. Our instrument is kind enough to let us come forward to speak to you.         (Personal message follows- not to be transcribed)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
                                                                  No 3

Good evening my children,

I come to be with you this evening, and I’m not sure where we shall travel to this evening. I was thinking about the seeds in the bowl that I spoke of last time we were together, and I was thinking that I liken you all to an egg or a balloon. You are all enclosed, the Earth plane and all its inhabitants, enclosed, I would say really in a balloon, opaque, you cannot see out, and this is the problem you see. 

You are all in there and all going about your earthly business, constantly going on and on, and only a few of you are beginning to look and see whence you came from and what is going on and being done in your name. As you begin to realise, you poke forward and the balloon stretches, and with others, try to burst the balloon and peer out from within, and it is true what is written, and do you think it is a coincidence my children, that you should have been led to find at least one person who has an idea of what is going on in your universe?                                      

(We had been introduced to the writings of David Icke, and had been given tickets to see him in London).   
The book, the time and the place. He has written much, and he has a very good background and knowing of what is going on. He had a very rough journey trying to bring it all forward. He tried to make an impression, but it wasn’t the right one unfortunately, and what he had to say, people belittled and didn’t give him a chance, but he has a lot to say, and it is not airy fairy as you would say.                        

It is very true, what is going on, as you were speaking of this evening, about the pharmaceutical companies.  
(We had been discussing, alleged non-disclosure about disease origins and cures).                                                                                                                          Different laboratories that have cures for this and cures for that, but it would not do them any good you see, because like you say, and you have already realized it- it would not make the money. It seems very cruel for some of the diseases that are being denied the cure. They have the cure and this doesn’t seem feasible to me that somebody would stop this coming forward. But I understand that they would do this, because you see, it is greed, money and POWER, and this is the problem here.

Let us take for instance the poor countries on your Earth plane, which have nothing. The bigger, wealthier countries go in to help, and you have people who go from the rich countries who have the education, who build businesses, you understand? 

The businesses are built, and the country begins to flourish, and the education takes place with the people that are born within the country. So you get a smattering of education, which raises them, and there will be the one or two who will be exceptional, and they will rise to power. Then you see, because they know a lot more than their friends or others, this is what gives them the power. Knowledge. 

Then you get like in Iraq , a dictator that comes, and he is very cruel to his people, who do not obey his instructions, and he is gathering all his financial gains to himself. So what happens next my friends? There are other rich countries that come in to help, and overthrow, like in Iraq, the dictator. They come in you see, but they make money at the same time, because of all the arms and suchlike that has given business to some. So this goes on. 

There is also a cull of some or most of the people, the original inhabitants, so we have this going on as well. Those that have got rid of the dictator, suddenly decide to withdraw, but only to a certain point. For it is in their interest to stay. Underneath, there are always minerals or oil, or riches to be got out of the country, which will gain them money. 

Iraq surely does not think that the liberators will go altogether, for it would not be in their interest to do so, and they will not have final government themselves, they will be governed from outside, by the most powerful country there is on your Earth plane. It is just another one to add to their stepping stones of world domination, do you understand me? 

For then they will go forward and find another little country, which in the beginning will be helped by business and such, and then you will have another dictator raise. They will let this happen, it suits them to let this happen, then more money is made, more arms are bought, more interest is made on the money that is lent, and so it goes on, it steamrollers. This is how things happen you see. This is what happens.                                                                                                                                              

Do you think regarding this referendum that you may or may not have, and monetary thing that is going on, within your country, that your president, your prime minister you call it here, will have his own way in the end? He sees himself as this European minister of high descent, he feels he would win it and have control over all these countries, but he WON’T GET IT, and you will be pushed into a backwater, a dumping ground. Keep an eye on what is going on, you must be very careful because this is all tied up, one thing within the other.                                        (Being manipulated?

Yes it is being manipulated,  it is from higher up, and higher and higher. You are all being manipulated one way or the other. Some are happy with it and do not see the need to look any further, they are quite happy with their lot and that is fair enough. But there are some who need to look, who are looking, there are those who are beginning to defrost their brains and use them, and the sooner the better because things could be so different you see. 

You still have the different religions fighting, and you have the Palestinians and the Israeli’s, and this is all to the benefit of the manipulators really, it will benefit THEM in the end. THEY are letting them get on with it. Countries are culling one another and this suits THEM.

                                                                                                                                    I Must go back to the pharmaceutical companies again who’s laboratories are meddling with different viruses and germs, although it is not germ warfare as you think of, as in Iraq, which is devastating. This comes by stealth in a quieter way, it is released gently, and this will cause culling. 

It is in the countries that have the vast populations, India possibly will be next, China, all those who need to practise birth control. These countries think that it is to their advantage to have big families, to support them in their old age, as they have no organization like you have here, although yours is failing because it is becoming overburdened. You have so many people growing to an old age, and there are not enough young ones coming on, because of the birth control that is practised here. 

Of course it works both ways (laughs). It’s gone too far the other way here and in some other countries too. All these rich countries, they haven’t got the time for the children, they are busy making money. So preoccupied with pleasures. I cannot understand this mad rush at the weekend, to do the same as you did the last weekend. 

You’d think that people would look further for more suitable things to do, far more opportunities out there than the taking of drugs and drink to give them a lift because they cannot stand the world that they live in. Can they not see that they are the ones that could lift it? They just sit there apathetically, not looking forward at all. This is a shame.

This will be a short session this evening, it may be short, I don’t know. There are so many things going on in your world, and you must not worry about the pole shift, it won’t do you any good to worry about it, we may have got it all wrong. 

We are not infallible you know. It will be a natural thing in any case so you might as well get on with your own life for there isn’t a thing you can do about it, unless you all take to the sky. I make light of this. This reminds me, there are a lot of places like your Area 51, there are a lot of places, which are underground, do you understand me? 

Well, if you think about this, and the overcrowding everywhere,  you could look at the transport. Do you understand what is being done here, in these places … they are experimenting with transport, where you could have a vantage point for everybody to gather, and this whatever it is would fly over, and I think you would be drawn up into it.  The gravity would be broken, and you would be drawn up into something flying, a transporting thing, like an airbus, but not like the air bus you have. 

There would be places where you would go and wait for this thing to come for you, and rather than overcrowd your roads with these cars, although they could be made to use a different fuel, but of course this is not to THEIR advantage as it would be much cheaper, so it isn’t going to come about so easily. Don’t think that this is fanciful, because this IS being experimented with one way or the other. 

You won’t know anything about at the moment, but I’m sure that somebody will leak some information. Experiments are being done, and it is like one could be drawn up into a tube like device, or have a force field around you, and when they break the force of gravity, you would float up more or less, but in a guided way. Do you understand me? 

(Yes we do, we see things like these on science fiction films). 

You call it science fiction, but there is a lot of truth in it, and this is just the forerunner. Well I am going to leave you now my ladies, and hope to be with you again, and our blessing goes with you, and the love of the Divinity comes to be with you also. I will leave you now.  (Extension of private message, not for transcript)
                                                                       No 2

It is so good to hear you say that you feel so happy and glad, for I come to you to give you the blessing as I always do, bringing the Divine light from the Divinity to wrap you in, and as your light flows from within, we can see to come to you my dear ones. 

We can feel you as if you hug us to you, as we bring you the light of the Divine one, so that you can bathe in it and it will go with you and walk with you all your days. And I come to you because I feel a personal pull towards the three of you. 

I bring you the chalice of love, that you may drink from it my friends, I bring it to you once more, so that you may share it with your friends as well, also the happiness and the delight that comes with you. For we bring you peace I hope my friends, the peace of the Divine one, and he knows that you are there and you are doing his work for him. He is much pleased with you my ladies. He is much pleased with you. 

Your world is in such turmoil and trouble at this moment, but the lighter days will come, the pleasurable days will come, for all will not be put right in several minutes in your space of time.  

I bring you the light, I want to draw you into it, and hold you to me as ever my dear ones, my Divine ones, the ones of light for that is what you are, and you spread your light and spread it amongst the people that you come in contact with, for you know not what upliftment you give to them. Try to be aware my friends, for this is very important to us that you understand the privilege of having the divine light bestowed upon you directly, and it is a privilege for me to bring it to you. I wrap you in it my friends, I wrap you in it and I clasp you to my bosom as always, and I will take you with me, and you will come with me in time for you are mine, for you are mine. 

I leave you now my ladies, to go forward throughout your working time, and take with you the divine light, and spread it amongst your own and your families and your friends and may you be uplifted also. Peace be with you, and I am always with you I am always with you, I’m always there. 

I will bathe you in the light whenever I can. May your God do with you, may the Divine light go with you. Until the next time of our meeting I thank you my dear ones.
David Icke   http://www.davidicke.com/


 May19/03  Experimental Transport, Pharmaceutical Co’s, David Icke,
                                                                       No 1

Good evening my ladies. I’m glad 3 has moved out of the way. I know the hand is shaking but I want to speak to you myself this evening. It is very nice to be with you my ladies, and to come and be with you, and to share with you. I have spoken to number 3, and we have consulted with no 2, who you know is a slightly different level from the rest of us, and comes from a totally different place. But 1 and 3, which is the other being of light and myself, we come from the same place and the same dimension. We have a problem balancing the energy as you know, and we try to get the vibration down so that it fits the medium. Our instrument is kind enough to let us come forward to speak to you.         (Personal message follows- not to be transcribed)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Good evening my children, I come to be with you this evening, and I’m not sure where we shall travel to this evening. I was thinking about the seeds in the bowl that I spoke of last time we were together, and I was thinking that I liken you all to an egg or a balloon. You are all enclosed, the earth plane and all its inhabitants, enclosed, I would say really in a balloon, opaque, you cannot see out, and this is the problem you see. You are all in there and all going about your earthly business, constantly going on and on, and only a few of you are beginning to look and see whence you came from and what is going on and being done in your name. As you begin to realise, you poke forward and the balloon stretches, and with others, try to burst the balloon and peer out from within, and it is true what is written, and do you think it is a coincidence my children, that you should have been led to find at least one person who has an idea of what is going on in your universe.                                      (We had been introduced to the writings of David Icke, and had been given tickets to see him in London).                                                                                                              The book, the time and the place. He has written much, and he has a very good background and knowing of what is going on. He had a very rough journey trying to bring it all forward. He tried to make an impression, but it wasn’t the right one unfortunately, and what he had to say, people belittled and didn’t give him a chance, but he has a lot to say, and it is not airy fairy as you would say.                        It is very true, what is going on, as you were speaking of this evening, about the pharmaceutical companies.  (We had been discussing, alleged non-disclosure about disease origins and cures).                                                                                                                          Different laboratories that have cures for this and cures for that, but it would not do them any good you see, because like you say, and you have already realised it- it would not make the money. It seems very cruel for some of the diseases that are being denied the cure. They have the cure and this doesn’t seem feasible to me that somebody would stop this coming forward. But I understand that they would do this, because you see, it is greed, money and POWER, and this is the problem here.
Let us take for instance the poor countries on your earth plane, which have nothing. The bigger, wealthier countries go in to help, and you have people who go from the rich countries who have the education, who build businesses, you understand? The businesses are built, and the country begins to flourish, and the education takes place with the people that are born within the country. So you get a smattering of education, which raises them, and there will be the one or two who will be exceptional, and they will rise to power. Then you see, because they know a lot more than their friends or others, this is what gives them the power. Knowledge. Then you get like in Iraq , a dictator that comes, and he is very cruel to his people, who do not obey his instructions, and he is gathering all his financial gains to himself. So what happens next my friends? There are other rich countries that come in to help, and overthrow, like in Iraq, the dictator. They come in you see, but they make money at the same time, because of all the arms and suchlike that has given business to some. So this goes on. There is also a cull of some or most of the people, the original inhabitants, so we have this going on as well. Those that have got rid of the dictator, suddenly decide to withdraw, but only to a certain point. For it is in their interest to stay. Underneath, there are always minerals or oil, or riches to be got out of the country, which will gain them money. Iraq surely does not think that the liberators will go altogether, for it would not be in their interest to do so, and they will not have final government themselves, they will be governed from outside, by the most powerful country there is on your earth plane. It is just another one to add to their stepping stones of world domination, do you understand me? For then they will go forward and find another little country, which in the beginning will be helped by business and such, and then you will have another dictator raise. They will let this happen, it suits them to let this happen, then more money is made, more arms are bought, more interest is made on the money that is lent, and so it goes on, it steamrollers. This is how things happen you see. This is what happens.                                                                                                                                              Do you think regarding this referendum that you may or may not have, and monetary thing that is going on, within your country, that your president, your prime minister you call it here, will have his own way in the end? He sees himself as this European minister of high descent, he feels he would win it and have control over all these countries, but he WON’T GET IT, and you will be pushed into a backwater, a dumping ground. Keep an eye on what is going on, you must be very careful because this is all tied up, one thing within the other.                                        (Being manipulated?) Yes it is being manipulated,  it is from higher up, and higher and higher. You are all being manipulated one way or the other. Some are happy with it and do not see the need to look any further, they are quite happy with their lot and that is fair enough. But there are some who need to look, who are looking, there are those who are beginning to defrost their brains and use them, and the sooner the better because things could be so different you see. You still have the different religions fighting, and you have the Palestinians and the Israeli’s, and this is all to the benefit of the manipulators really, it will benefit THEM in the end. THEY are letting them get on with it. Countries are culling one another and this suits THEM.                                                                                                                                    I must go back to the pharmaceutical companies again who’s laboratories are meddling with different viruses and germs, although it is not germ warfare as you think of, as in Iraq, which is devastating. This comes by stealth in a quieter way, it is released gently, and this will cause culling. It is in the countries that have the vast populations, India possibly will be next, China, all those who need to practise birth control. These countries think that it is to their advantage to have big families, to support them in their old age, as they have no organisation like you have here, although yours is failing because it is becoming overburdened. You have so many people growing to an old age, and there are not enough young ones coming on, because of the birth control that is practised here. Of course it works both ways (laughs). It’s gone too far the other way here and in some other countries too. All these rich countries, they haven’t got the time for the children, they are busy making money. So preoccupied with pleasures. I cannot understand this mad rush at the weekend, to do the same as you did the last weekend. You’d think that people would look further for more suitable things to do, far more opportunities out there than the taking of drugs and drink to give them a lift because they cannot stand the world that they live in. Can they not see that they are the ones that could lift it? They just sit there apathetically, not looking forward at all. This is a shame.
This will be a short session this evening, it may be short, I don’t know. There are so many things going on in your world, and you must not worry about the pole shift, it won’t do you any good to worry about it, we may have got it all wrong. We are not infallible you know. It will be a natural thing in any case so you might as well get on with your own life for there isn’t a thing you can do about it, unless you all take to the sky. I make light of this. This reminds me, there are a lot of places like your Area 51, there are a lot of places, which are underground, do you understand me? Well, if you think about this, and the overcrowding everywhere,  you could look at the transport. Do you understand what is being done here, in these places … they are experimenting with transport, where you could have a vantage point for everybody to gather, and this whatever it is would fly over, and I think you would be drawn up into it.  The gravity would be broken, and you would be drawn up into something flying, a transporting thing, like an airbus, but not like the air bus you have. There would be places where you would go and wait for this thing to come for you, and rather than overcrowd your roads with these cars, although they could be made to use a different fuel, but of course this is not to THEIR advantage as it would be much cheaper, so it isn’t going to come about so easily. Don’t think that this is fanciful, because this IS being experimented with one way or the other. You won’t know anything about at the moment, but I’m sure that somebody will leak some information. Experiments are being done, and it is like one could be drawn up into a tube like device, or have a force field around you, and when they break the force of gravity, you would float up more or less, but in a guided way. Do you understand me? (Yes we do, we see things like these on science fiction films). You call it science fiction, but there is a lot of truth in it, and this is just the forerunner. Well I am going to leave you now my ladies, and hope to be with you again, and our blessing goes with you, and the love of the Divinity comes to be with you also. I will leave you now.  (Extension of private message, not for transcript)
It is so good to hear you say that you feel so happy and glad, for I come to you to give you the blessing as I always do, bringing the Divine light from the Divinity to wrap you in, and as your light flows from within, we can see to come to you my dear ones. We can feel you as if you hug us to you, as we bring you the light of the Divine one, so that you can bathe in it and it will go with you and walk with you all your days. And I come to you because I feel a personal pull towards the three of you. I bring you the chalice of love, that you may drink from it my friends, I bring it to you once more, so that you may share it with your friends as well, also the happiness and the delight that comes with you. For we bring you peace I hope my friends, the peace of the Divine one, and he knows that you are there and you are doing his work for him. He is much pleased with you my ladies. He is much pleased with you. Your world is in such turmoil and trouble at this moment, but the lighter days will come, the pleasurable days will come, for all will not be put right in several minutes in your space of time.  I bring you the light, I want to draw you into it, and hold you to me as ever my dear ones, my Divine ones, the ones of light for that is what you are, and you spread your light and spread it amongst the people that you come in contact with, for you know not what upliftment you give to them. Try to be aware my friends, for this is very important to us that you understand the privilege of having the divine light bestowed upon you directly, and it is a privilege for me to bring it to you. I wrap you in it my friends, I wrap you in it and I clasp you to my bosom as always, and I will take you with me, and you will come with me in time for you are mine, for you are mine. I leave you now my ladies, to go forward throughout your working time, and take with you the divine light, and spread it amongst your own and your families and your friends and may you be uplifted also. Peace be with you, and I am always with you I am always with you, I’m always there. I will bathe you in the light whenever I can. May your God do with you, may the Divine light go with you. Until the next time of our meeting I thank you my dear ones.
David Icke   http://www.davidicke.com/


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