20th October 2003.
Exploding Stars. Dark
Energy. Alaskan Anomalies. Split in the
Universe. World Army. Aids. *** Matthew Manning.
Good evening. (Good evening).
It’s nice to be with you again. I haven’t
prepared much for you this evening, as we have decided that it will be a
gathering of energy, and drawing together you understand, as we haven’t met for
a while. I understand that there is to be a visitor at some point soon; but we
need to get together first and balance ourselves, then we can have a visitor
perhaps, which would be nice for us, I don’t know for them. You understand me?
(J. Laughs. Very much). (P. We have another week to get balanced before then).
Yes my lady, I think so, I think so. We have these little breaks and we have to
adjust, it is only to be expected. Now, the remote viewing seems to have gone
awry at the moment. No 1 is smiling also, but we will get back on track I’ve no
doubt, as the time seems more right now, now that we are at the end of this
holiday period. We do not know what this holiday period is but it seems to be
very exciting, and very needed this rest and this time to recuperate from the
daily grind, your daily grind anyway, not mine. I have a grind and a problem of
my own which is slightly different, (laughs); which I have no intention of
telling you about.
We are talking about the UNIVERSE again now, and we think about it and
look at it. Some astronomers think that the universe is growing smaller, but
this isn’t true my friends, as it is expanding, and there is an outer edge, and
the stars that on the outer edge of the universe, as far as you are able to see
from where you are, are EXPLODING.
This is a peculiar phenomena really, you understand me, because this isn’t
quite right, and we have this what we call, there is a vacuum of course which
we call the outer space, they call it a vacuum but I’ve said this before, it
isn’t a true vacuum, because this is where the Energy is
which if you could enable yourselves to tap into it, you could use this energy
you see.
It wouldn’t hurt you, it would have no actual fallout from it that
would hurt or harm you human beings you understand. So there is all this going
on out there, but amongst all these exploding stars on the edge of the
universe, there is what is also called, and I’m using your words for this, we
don’t call it this, but I understand that the astronomers here have named it DARK ENERGY.
We do not know what the Dark Energy
is made up of, and it is this dark energy that is accelerating your universe,
expanding it faster than it would normally do. WE do not know what this dark
energy is either my friends. The thing is this, if it goes on expanding and
generating all this energy, as it is doing, and it already has enough of its
own as it’s reprogramming and rejuvenating, it will accelerate everything at a
much faster pace than should be.
This could be detrimental, because it could SPLIT
THE UNIVERSE. This is serious my friends. You see you do not need to have a
tear or a rip in the universe because of its expansion that it is expanding so
quickly, such a vast spread you understand. There is a lot of energy there that
is going to waste really. (P. How can we help?)
You cannot for we cannot
either, so I am sure that you cannot. We are the nearest galaxy to you, you
understand, the galaxy that you are in, we are the next. In three billion,
billion not million years time, Andromeda will be knocking at your door, my friends.
(J&P. Good heavens). So No 1 would say, he’s coined a phrase, watch this
space. (J. Laughs, I don’t think we’ll be around). There is nothing that you
can do about it, as with Mars and the weather patterns, and that’s not finished
with you yet, although it IS quieter, it is not finished with it yet.
Now my friend there was something on your talking box, about somebody in
Alaska was it not, that had found lines that have been viewed from above, and
people have been sent away, do you remember this? (J. Yes I do, P. I do. ) Yes,
and somebody has asked what is going on in Alaska. Do think about the HAARP,
and also from the HAARP experiment,
not the actual HAARP itself but something else that is being experimented with,
what a time to do it when there is a war in the Middle East, (quite), you
understand what I am saying?
It’s an excuse and a very good excuse to try one
or two things out that they have not been able to do before because of this ordinance…..(Its
very remote). Yes, you understand this? Maybe you could perhaps refer the
enquirer to look at the HAARP experiment. (I will, It originated in Alaska,)
there are lots of things going on here, and moving away from that for a moment.
Let’s look now at your trouble with the United Nations, although they are not
united, as you understand it. If this U.N. joins up with NATO as well,
eventually you have a WORLD ARMY, you also will have the Microchipping
going on which will bring Biochip
Control also, and do you understand
me? (Totally,) and your third world countries are used for, as has been written
about, their minerals and their oil, and the people there are expendable. (J.
Yes exactly).
I’m sorry but this is how it is. (It’s true). By the illumined ones, you
understand, they are not of your race, and this is the governing body here,
which could come in as well with things to do with AIDS and the Aids virus
and the pharmaceutical companies, there is a lot out here that needs
scrutiny, but you don’t need to look at everything, for you already know. (J.
Eugenics yes, that’s it. Micro chipping too, you see all the
information could be put into one computer, a world computer of which I’ve
spoken before, buried in the depths, have I not? (J. You have, you have.)
Then my friends, perhaps it would be good to look at Alaska also, there
are these underground experiments, and perhaps something else is being built
there? As I said before about an underground computer,
their control and information on every living soul on this earth planet. It can
be pinpointed at any moment in time, because it can be worked with a flick of
an eye; you
would not need to touch it, you would just need to look at it, and it would
bring you the information that was required, I have mentioned this before.
further my friend; look further. All this information will not be freely given
on your box, but some bits you will be able to piece together like a jigsaw
puzzle, and you will begin to see a picture emerge. The information is
fragmented on purpose, but they have to let a certain amount of news out,
because people would become more suspicious if there isn’t anything at all, but
you won’t get to hear of it until it is all too late, then you will find that
you have been caught up in the web.
We just want to make you aware of what is
happening so you can look for yourselves, so you will not be dragged through
like somebody who cannot see, blind through the fog, into it, and being bathed
in a certain kind of light whereby that you live your life in the…the PRISON
that you are not aware that you have built for yourself, for you are programmed to do this. This
is our main job you understand me, we are trying to de programme you, and
others who may be interested of course, the deprogramming must go on. Things
are to change and be different you understand.
(P. Can others, and we make a difference to this problem, can we through
our higher thinking change things?)
Your thinking can change things; you can influence other people by
thinkings that are on the transcripts already, like you have already said when
you spoke before we started, you cannot drag people into it who do not want to
Some will never ever see the light of day, and are happy in their prison,
they will not know what is going on with them until it is too late, they will
suddenly find that they are bound with chains and cannot see, you understand
Some will be happy to just go along as they are, but those with an
inquiring and an inquisitive mind will not, and I think and I feel and my
friends feel, that there is a gathering of these people that are looking
beyond, they are not going to be dragged blindly from hither to thither, and
this is good this is where the changes could come.
But you won’t get away with
it without a fight, and don’t forget this has been going on since time began
almost, and this is not something that you will be able to pull down in your
life time, you are chipping away and bringing the light, to make more people
aware of the gathering storm.
It is extremely important, for we think that
people should have their own lives in their hands, not bound as they seem to be
on some sort of treadmill to us who are looking down, and that is the way you
live your life.
Looking down from where we are we see lots of misery, how the
third world is kept under the thumb. They have a little but they think they’ve
got a lot, as I said before, then you have the schools there and you have the
education, and you have somebody emerge with a bit more intelligence than
others, and gradually they are built up into leaders who can be looked up to
and they begin to turn that into power, and this is when it all goes awry,
because they become brutal and brutalise the people that they are trying to
help, and of course this is done deliberately, and they cannot see it and they
cannot have it that they are being used in this way, so the wars can start again
and the arms and the ammunition and the power, and the money and the banks. (J.
It does seem strange that some of these so-called despots are educated in our
country, in our universities.)
Yes, you are very good at educating them here.
First class education: in every way, and don’t forget that there is more behind
this education than meets the eye, only because this is meant to be, so this is
an ideal way to bring this about, then send them back to do what they want and
what- they are being asked to do. It is exactly control as you say. Power and
control, control and
power, this is what it is all about; but you are doing your best and we are
trying to help you, and you will have a breakthrough my friends, you will have
a breakthrough. (Good). It may not come in the guise that you think that it is
going to come in, but it will come you will have to wait and see.
Now, with the remote viewing, if you would like, we would like you to go
on with that, and I know you are still on the beginning, but it has been a bit,
now we have it now we have not, and we need a little bit more together shall we
say. We are asking you not to do this, do you understand, we would never
dictate. (P. Is there anything we can do to make it better?)
No, this is how
you must go on, because it is simple and this is how it should be, simplified,
start again from a base, at the beginning again, and get it organised perhaps a
little better, so that you can get on with it, it will come don’t you worry,
you don’t have to be anything special to develop. Some will be better than
others at some things but all in all it will come. (We’ve been quite close).
Yes, we’ve seen, we’ve seen. The absent healing is perhaps something you would
be interested in as well to develop that a little. I believe No1 was telling me
about on the boxes about the power of prayer, and you know we call it
meditation, and you do too and it is all the same sort of thing. You can alter
things like this my friends.
There is a man amongst you of whom you may not
know, that this man can actually change cancer cells in a petrie dish, by
passing his hand over it, and this is a normal ordinary human being, and the
name of the man is Matthew Manning. (J. Matthew Manning? Ah
I’ll look him up.)
He is a great healer, and it has been done experimentally
and done in laboratories, so there is no fixing of it, that he has actually
altered the cells, the cancer cells back again to normal. (How wonderful). (P.
Would it help if we meditated collectively like the remote viewing?) Yes of
course, because it gives extra power, one on it’s own can do so much, but if
you all at a time that was suitable for you, perhaps in the evening, night-time,
think of a time and then all lock in together at that time, this is what I’m
talking about, directed at somebody who needs the absent healing, if you have a
photograph so much the better, if you haven’t then it doesn’t matter.
focus on the area, no need to know anatomy. You will be surprised I think, we
have seen miracles happen this way. Others call it faith healing, and this
works on the same principle; you are just used as a channel for the healing to
take place. This is really what is happening when you do remote viewing, absent
healing you are directing but you use it as a bullet.
(J. Can you do it to yourself?) You can talk yourself into anything my
friend, (I’m very dizzy, I need to sort something out). Take your time. I think
you will find that there is something awry here, a virus is around at this
present time, for the instrument knows many people who have complained, and
also aches and pains as well in different joints of the body, and we feel that
it is a virus that is locked in, and is finding it a problem finding its way
out again. The dizziness will settle down, if you find that you are still
suffering my friend then go and seek help. (J. I will do).
I am going to go now my ladies, it has been very nice being with you
again; No1 hopes to make a proper appearance next time. He misses you all too,
very much so, you know what he is like. (J. We love him for it).
Yes, he loves you all too. (Laughs). He loves
all the ladies everywhere; that is the problem. I will leave you now, and thank
you for letting me come, I will look forward to doing it once more my ladies.
Do not lose heart about which way to go. It’s good for you to discuss it and to
put things in perspective so you view things in the right way, it is important
that you all air your own particular view.
My daughters of the Divinity, I come once again to be with you.
It is
such a pleasure to come to you to be with you and to share with you all the
things that have been said this evening. I understand them you see, I am not
one of them but I come separately, but I know what has been said, and I do work
with the others as well.
My daughters of the Divinity, out of the darkness
there will come the light, and you are the light my friends, we hope that you
will carry the light, you see that you come from the darkness into the light,
and we want you to take this light to all the dark places that you know.
think of all the different people who have had problems in their lives, and we
need you to take the light and the love of the Divinity to them, you understand
this of course, my daughters of the Divinity that you are used in this way, and
you understand the soul, the spirit may come forward in the Divine light, that
you have had to suffer in so many ways, but this is the way the spirit
develops, for it needs to know, and it needs to understand the compassion, so
things are brought to you, and we hope and we pray that you can handle and
understand, and bring you further forward for your enlightenment, your souls
enlightenment, you understand my daughters of the Divinity.
I need to wrap you
in the light and the love of the Divine one, for he holds you very dear to him,
as I hold you dear to me. For I feel the love tug again my dear friends, but I
am going to leave you with a short message this evening, and I bring you the
chalice of love once again, that you may drink from it, and take it to your
friends, help wherever you can, a kind word, a smile, a whispered comfort word,
all this will help and it will help your soul, you understand my Divine
I bring you this message from the Divine one, for he holds you in
his light, and you stand there in the light and glow. This beautiful light,
this pure white light, come in and let me draw you to it, and we will help you
along your path as you go along, we will try to smooth it out for you, the
boulders and the lumps that you may not trip.
You carry your light forward, for
it is within you and without you, and this is the light of the Divinity
himself. I bring this to you my daughters of the Divinity, I bring this to you,
I bring this for you. I must go now; I thank you. May the Divine light go with
you in your work time, and your pleasure and your play.
20 Oct03. Exploding Stars. Dark
Energy. Alaskan Anomalies. Split in the
Universe. World Army. Aids. Matthew Manning. ***
Good evening. (Good evening). It’s nice to be with you again. I haven’t
prepared much for you this evening, as we have decided that it will be a
gathering of energy, and drawing together you understand, as we haven’t met for
a while. I understand that there is to be a visitor at some point soon; but we
need to get together first and balance ourselves, then we can have a visitor
perhaps, which would be nice for us, I don’t know for them. You understand me?
(J. Laughs. Very much). (P. We have another week to get balanced before then).
Yes my lady, I think so I think so. We have these little breaks and we have to
adjust, it is only to be expected. Now, the remote viewing seems to have gone
awry at the moment. No 1 is smiling also, but we will get back on track I’ve no
doubt, as the time seems more right now, now that we are at the end of this
holiday period. We do not know what this holiday period is but it seems to be
very exciting, and very needed this rest and this time to recuperate from the
daily grind, your daily grind anyway, not mine. I have a grind and a problem of
my own which is slightly different, (laughs); which I have no intention of
telling you about.
We are talking about the UNIVERSE again now, and we think about it and
look at it. Some astronomers think that the universe is growing smaller, but
this isn’t true my friends, as it is expanding, and there is an outer edge, and
the stars that on the outer edge of the universe, as far as you are able to see
from where you are, are EXPLODING.
This is a peculiar phenomena really, you understand me, because this isn’t
quite right, and we have this what we call, there is a vacuum of course which
we call the outer space, they call it a vacuum but I’ve said this before, it
isn’t a true vacuum, because this is where the Energy is
which if you could enable yourselves to tap into it, you could use this energy
you see. It wouldn’t hurt you, it would have no actual fallout from it that
would hurt or harm you human beings you understand. So there is all this going
on out there, but amongst all these exploding stars on the edge of the
universe, there is what is also called, and I’m using your words for this, we
don’t call it this, but I understand that the astronomers here have named it DARK ENERGY.
We do not know what the Dark Energy
is made up of, and it is this dark energy that is accelerating your universe,
expanding it faster than it would normally do. WE do not know what this dark
energy is either my friends. The thing is this, if it goes on expanding and
generating all this energy, as it is doing, and it already has enough of its
own as it’s reprogramming and rejuvenating, it will accelerate everything at a
much faster pace than should be. This could be detrimental, because it could SPLIT
THE UNIVERSE. This is serious my friends. You see you do not need to have a
tear or a rip in the universe because of its expansion that it is expanding so
quickly, such a vast spread you understand. There is a lot of energy there that
is going to waste really. (P. How can we help?) You cannot for we cannot
either, so I am sure that you cannot. We are the nearest galaxy to you, you
understand, the galaxy that you are in, we are the next. In three billion,
billion not million years time, Andromeda will be knocking at your door, my friends.
(J&P. Good heavens). So No1 would say, he’s coined a phrase, watch this
space. (J. Laughs, I don’t think we’ll be around). There is nothing that you
can do about it, as with Mars and the weather patterns, and that’s not finished
with you yet, although it IS quieter, it is not finished with it yet.
Now my friend there was something on your talking box, about somebody in
Alaska was it not, that had found lines that have been viewed from above, and
people have been sent away, do you remember this? (J. Yes I do, P. I do. ) Yes,
and somebody has asked what is going on in Alaska. Do think about the HAARP,
and also from the HAARP experiment,
not the actual HAARP itself but something else that is being experimented with,
what a time to do it when there is a war in the Middle East, (quite), you
understand what I am saying? It’s an excuse and a very good excuse to try one
or two things out that they have not been able to do before because of this ordinance…..(Its
very remote). Yes, you understand this? Maybe you could perhaps refer the
enquirer to look at the HAARP experiment. (I will, It originated in Alaska,)
there are lots of things going on here, and moving away from that for a moment.
Let’s look now at your trouble with the United Nations, although they are not
united, as you understand it. If this U.N. joins up with NATO as well,
eventually you have a WORLD ARMY, you also will have the Microchipping
going on which will bring Biochip
Control also, and do you understand
me? (Totally,) and your third world countries are used for, as has been written
about, their minerals and their oil, and the people there are expendable. (J.
Yes exactly).
I’m sorry but this is how it is. (It’s true). By the illumined ones, you
understand, they are not of your race, and this is the governing body here,
which could come in as well with things to do with AIDS and the Aids virus
and the pharmaceutical companies, there is a lot out here that needs
scrutiny, but you don’t need to look at everything, for you already know. (J.
Eugenics), eugenics yes, that’s it. Micro chipping too, you see all the
information could be put into one computer, a world computer of which I’ve
spoken before, buried in the depths, have I not? (J. You have, you have.)
Then my friends, perhaps it would be good to look at Alaska also, there
are these underground experiments, and perhaps something else is being built
there? As I said before about an underground computer,
their control and information on every living soul on this earth planet. It can
be pinpointed at any moment in time, because it can be worked with a flick of
an eye; you
would not need to touch it, you would just need to look at it, and it would
bring you the information that was required, I have mentioned this before. Look
further my friend; look further. All this information will not be freely given
on your box, but some bits you will be able to piece together like a jigsaw
puzzle, and you will begin to see a picture emerge. The information is
fragmented on purpose, but they have to let a certain amount of news out,
because people would become more suspicious if there isn’t anything at all, but
you won’t get to hear of it until it is all too late, then you will find that
you have been caught up in the web. We just want to make you aware of what is
happening so you can look for yourselves, so you will not be dragged through
like somebody who cannot see, blind through the fog, into it, and being bathed
in a certain kind of light whereby that you live your life in the…the PRISON
that you are not aware that you have built for yourself, for you are programmed to do this. This
is our main job you understand me, we are trying to de programme you, and
others who may be interested of course, the deprogramming must go on. Things
are to change and be different you understand.
(P. Can others, and we make a difference to this problem, can we through
our higher thinking change things?)
Your thinking can change things; you can influence other people by
thinkings that are on the transcripts already, like you have already said when
you spoke before we started, you cannot drag people into it who do not want to
come. Some will never ever see the light of day, and are happy in their prison,
they will not know what is going on with them until it is too late, they will
suddenly find that they are bound with chains and cannot see, you understand
me? Some will be happy to just go along as they are, but those with an
inquiring and an inquisitive mind will not, and I think and I feel and my
friends feel, that there is a gathering of these people that are looking
beyond, they are not going to be dragged blindly from hither to thither, and
this is good this is where the changes could come. But you won’t get away with
it without a fight, and don’t forget this has been going on since time began
almost, and this is not something that you will be able to pull down in your
life time, you are chipping away and bringing the light, to make more people
aware of the gathering storm. It is extremely important, for we think that
people should have their own lives in their hands, not bound as they seem to be
on some sort of treadmill to us who are looking down, and that is the way you
live your life. Looking down from where we are we see lots of misery, how the
third world is kept under the thumb. They have a little but they think they’ve
got a lot, as I said before, then you have the schools there and you have the
education, and you have somebody emerge with a bit more intelligence than
others, and gradually they are built up into leaders who can be looked up to
and they begin to turn that into power, and this is when it all goes awry,
because they become brutal and brutalise the people that they are trying to
help, and of course this is done deliberately, and they cannot see it and they
cannot have it that they are being used in this way, so the wars can start again
and the arms and the ammunition and the power, and the money and the banks. (J.
It does seem strange that some of these so-called despots are educated in our
country, in our universities.) Yes, you are very good at educating them here.
First class education: in every way, and don’t forget that there is more behind
this education than meets the eye, only because this is meant to be, so this is
an ideal way to bring this about, then send them back to do what they want and
what- they are being asked to do. It is exactly control as you say. Power and
control, control and
power, this is what it is all about; but you are doing your best and we are
trying to help you, and you will have a breakthrough my friends, you will have
a breakthrough. (Good). It may not come in the guise that you think that it is
going to come in, but it will come you will have to wait and see.
Now, with the remote viewing, if you would like, we would like you to go
on with that, and I know you are still on the beginning, but it has been a bit,
now we have it now we have not, and we need a little bit more together shall we
say. We are asking you not to do this, do you understand, we would never
dictate. (P. Is there anything we can do to make it better?) No, this is how
you must go on, because it is simple and this is how it should be, simplified,
start again from a base, at the beginning again, and get it organised perhaps a
little better, so that you can get on with it, it will come don’t you worry,
you don’t have to be anything special to develop. Some will be better than
others at some things but all in all it will come. (We’ve been quite close).
Yes, we’ve seen, we’ve seen. The absent healing is perhaps something you would
be interested in as well to develop that a little. I believe No1 was telling me
about on the boxes about the power of prayer, and you know we call it
meditation, and you do too and it is all the same sort of thing. You can alter
things like this my friends. There is a man amongst you of whom you may not
know, that this man can actually change cancer cells in a petrie dish, by
passing his hand over it, and this is a normal ordinary human being, and the
name of the man is Matthew Manning. (J. Matthew Manning? Ah
I’ll look him up.) He is a great healer, and it has been done experimentally
and done in laboratories, so there is no fixing of it, that he has actually
altered the cells, the cancer cells back again to normal. (How wonderful). (P.
Would it help if we meditated collectively like the remote viewing?) Yes of
course, because it gives extra power, one on it’s own can do so much, but if
you all at a time that was suitable for you, perhaps in the evening, night-time,
think of a time and then all lock in together at that time, this is what I’m
talking about, directed at somebody who needs the absent healing, if you have a
photograph so much the better, if you haven’t then it doesn’t matter. Just
focus on the area, no need to know anatomy. You will be surprised I think, we
have seen miracles happen this way. Others call it faith healing, and this
works on the same principle; you are just used as a channel for the healing to
take place. This is really what is happening when you do remote viewing, absent
healing you are directing but you use it as a bullet.
(J. Can you do it to yourself?) You can talk yourself into anything my
friend, (I’m very dizzy, I need to sort something out). Take your time. I think
you will find that there is something awry here, a virus is around at this
present time, for the instrument knows many people who have complained, and
also aches and pains as well in different joints of the body, and we feel that
it is a virus that is locked in, and is finding it a problem finding its way
out again. The dizziness will settle down, if you find that you are still
suffering my friend then go and seek help. (J. I will do).
I am going to go now my ladies, it has been very nice being with you
again; No1 hopes to make a proper appearance next time. He misses you all too,
very much so, you know what he is like. (J. We love him for it). Yes, he loves you all too. (Laughs). He loves
all the ladies everywhere; that is the problem. I will leave you now, and thank
you for letting me come, I will look forward to doing it once more my ladies.
Do not lose heart about which way to go. It’s good for you to discuss it and to
put things in perspective so you view things in the right way, it is important
that you all air your own particular view.
My daughters of the Divinity, I come once again to be with you. It is
such a pleasure to come to you to be with you and to share with you all the
things that have been said this evening. I understand them you see, I am not
one of them but I come separately, but I know what has been said, and I do work
with the others as well. My daughters of the Divinity, out of the darkness
there will come the light, and you are the light my friends, we hope that you
will carry the light, you see that you come from the darkness into the light,
and we want you to take this light to all the dark places that you know. We
think of all the different people who have had problems in their lives, and we
need you to take the light and the love of the Divinity to them, you understand
this of course, my daughters of the Divinity that you are used in this way, and
you understand the soul, the spirit may come forward in the Divine light, that
you have had to suffer in so many ways, but this is the way the spirit
develops, for it needs to know, and it needs to understand the compassion, so
things are brought to you, and we hope and we pray that you can handle and
understand, and bring you further forward for your enlightenment, your souls
enlightenment, you understand my daughters of the Divinity. I need to wrap you
in the light and the love of the Divine one, for he holds you very dear to him,
as I hold you dear to me. For I feel the love tug again my dear friends, but I
am going to leave you with a short message this evening, and I bring you the
chalice of love once again, that you may drink from it, and take it to your
friends, help wherever you can, a kind word, a smile, a whispered comfort word,
all this will help and it will help your soul, you understand my Divine
daughters. I bring you this message from the Divine one, for he holds you in
his light, and you stand there in the light and glow. This beautiful light,
this pure white light, come in and let me draw you to it, and we will help you
along your path as you go along, we will try to smooth it out for you, the
boulders and the lumps that you may not trip. You carry your light forward, for
it is within you and without you, and this is the light of the Divinity
himself. I bring this to you my daughters of the Divinity, I bring this to you,
I bring this for you. I must go now; I thank you. May the Divine light go with
you in your work time, and your pleasure and your play.

Offline - http://www.spirit-truths.co.uk
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