8th September 2003
Michael Meacher’s stance. Alien technology & Area 51. Middle East. Planetary evacuation. Indian Earth anomaly.
Good evening.
I am gathering the energy up as you have already said; to be able to see the difference, as we begin to draw up the energy. I must remind you about the power that you sit in, the power that we bring. It might carry on afterwards for a little while, but it is nothing to worry about. (J. We quite like it actually).
I thought that you might, I quite like it myself, as this is the closest I can get to anything human; it is a shame.
No 3 is scowling at me, as he doesn’t like me to be so free and easy with the ladies. I always get a good telling off so to speak, if I am too familiar, he’s probably right. It’s the only opportunity I get. (J. We don’t mind at all). I could be more than friendly. (Laughs). For who knows what would happen if I release myself! (All Laugh). (P. We will look forward to that). You may well do, madam.
Well, I think we are perhaps ready to start, I can feel No 3 advancing, scowling just the same, (Ah!) He can put up with that, and we will see how we go on. There will be a gap, because the energy changes from myself to him, and this is how we go on, and you obviously are aware of the gap between 3 and 2, 2 is different again, the energy different from ours altogether, for we all have a slightly different vibration, enough to change the energy pattern. So I will be quiet now, and let the energy settle down ready for No 3. I expect he will have something to say, he usually does. I will leave you now my ladies, and good evening to you.
Speak of what you see, because this makes a difference to the energy. If the picture isn’t clear then the energy is down, and we must wait for it to strengthen do you understand? The clearer the picture, the picture that you see; the better it is because that means there is plenty of energy there. So I know that it fades as we go on throughout the evening, but to start off with it is always good that the picture is strong, and the features are clear, you understand me?
Is it still the same my ladies?
(J. It’s not a s strong as N o1was) No, but is it strong for No 3?
(P.I think so, yes). It WOULD be strong for No1, he is something else.
(J. I can see you better now). Are you sure of this or are you just imagining it?
( J. Now there is more definition.)
I want to touch on many things, and this will aggravate No 1 no end, but this is the way I work, I have tried to alter it with controlled organization, to organize myself, but I find it difficult at times to get it so that it flows for you.
I do tend to skip about from one thing to the other, but it is just my way you understand. (Don’t worry; it’s fine).
I want to go forward now, and I’m thinking about, I suppose, the Reptilians, but I’m thinking about aliens generally, you understand? About where they come from, and what they do and all the rest of it; and I suppose, that we would be classed as aliens, my friends and I, although we are light beings, and have no form as such. But the Aliens that you know about, they WILL come. Do you understand that all the publicity that you have about aliens, and all the films that you watch on your boxes, there are spasms of these entities that are on the screen. Do you sense that this is done for an important purpose? This is done deliberately to enlighten you, you see, to make you aware, for they will be coming, I can tell you this now, this explains the introduction, so to speak, they are trying to get you used to the form that they will come in, how they will look, so that you will not be taken unawares, although you still will be.
The idea being, that at some point in the future, they may come to take you away. Now don’t be afraid of this, PLEASE GO. If they come with their machines, and they want you to go with them, then PLEASE GO, for they will not hurt you, and they will take you to a safe place.
This is really to do with this Earth, and it may seem incredulous to you, but for what happens to your Earth plane in the future, they will gather up as many as they can, and for those that want to go, they will take them to a place that is like your earth plane, that you may stay there you see, until your Earth plane recovers. This will happen some time in the future.
(J. I’ve heard of this), and this is why you are exposed to so many things, whereby the aliens are put in front of you…..their different shapes and situations, you understand, so that you will not have such a big shock when the things come. What I want to tell you, is that I don’t want you to be AFRAID, we will be overseeing things as well. We will not be far away, there is no need to be afraid, and this is not going to happen straight away anyway, but at some point in the future if this should happen, then please don’t be afraid. DO GO, because this will save you, and we will need you for the return. (J. I’ve read about it and I understand it.)
The thing is you see, there are many, I liken it to caverns, being built under the Earth, in your Earth plane, deep bunkers I suppose you would have called them in the war time. These are for people who are feeling that are getting ready for something, you understand me? So that they can retreat to these bunkers.
Now you ladies, you understand more because I have told you, and you understand the scientific part about it. If you get a Pole Reversal with your Earth plane, you understand, some time in the future, then, what use are these bunkers going to be? Do they think they are going to be static and not move if you think about it logically?
From where I am I cannot see, that just because it is deep under the ground, that it would be safe. You wouldn’t like to be there, and be buried, would you? It would be horrible. We will try to ease it you see, by taking you my friends, to bring you away. I expect that you will put this out my friend, and people will think that this is absolutely ridiculous, and you will be laughed at, but you will be in good company because many people are laughed at. (J. I don’t care). What does it matter, if the truth is there for all to share, then why not share it? You understand?
The other thing is; that you are aware that aliens are already here at your Area 51 and other bases as well that are secret?
Well, you might wonder to yourself, why certain things have not been developed, if they have these aliens and they are very clever……………and some of these things that are not weapons, HAVE come from them…………..you may wonder why perhaps, with the illnesses that are about, why cures and prophylactics have not been developed more?
It is because they haven’t got access, you see. They haven’t got access to the things that they could get easily on their own planet, they haven’t them here, they can only use your material, and if it is not here, they cannot make or move without them, you understand. They are looking closely at other materials, that might do as well, that don’t always work in the same way, you understand.
The illnesses that you have here on this Earth plane, they would help with, but that is another story of course.
I’m moving on now from one thing to another, and my friend is looking at me with a frown. Do you understand about, we spoke about the American and the English people in Iraq and Afghanistan, and that they are all spread very thinly on the ground, and now the Americans want the United Nations to bear some of the brunt and to carry some of the expense. Of course they will be reluctant to come in because, they were not in agreement with them in the first place, so this is going to be heavy for the Americans to carry, and this will not do their finances any good, it could bring the American nation down onto its knees, and I forecast this a year ago, (J. You did), that this would happen; and if they continue the way they are going, it will, and they will drag you down with them if this isn’t watched very carefully.
It is important you see, that if they are already spread very thinly on the ground, with the armies that they can supply and the ammunition of course, what it costs. The people are in it for the money, and so it goes on, round in a circle, and each spreading the cost of the money, to develop more, so that more munitions will be required and made, and everyone will get rich out of it…
In the main, the nation will not because it will be spread too thin. Now imagine if you are dragged into the Iran conflict. You see what I mean. You thought of Iraq as posing a threat, although you haven’t found the weapons yet, but I have a feeling that you might do at some point, but this is now more worrying than a weapon you see, it is a faceless enemy that you are now confronting, the people that are faceless, do you understand, you are not facing an army, but the odd sniper and bomber who pick people off, one at a time.
It is better to face a whole army than this way, because you will never know from where or whence it comes. This is a very, very difficult situation, a very, very serious situation that you find yourself in at the moment, and if you look at Iran, where they have this potential now, this atomic potential, and as you have treated Iraq that way, and Afghanistan, then the logical thought is that you will have a go at Iran as well.
If you can get a treaty with them it would be better. They are an erratic people, if you think of the Ayatollah that has gone before. The whole place is governed by different Ayatollahs. (J. You mentioned Syria too). Ah Syria, yes and you have a spin off there. You see, the Syrians don’t particularly like the Iranians, but they will join together to drag America down, you see this is all very serious, a serious situation financially, as well as people- wise.
Soldiers are soldiers and they have not been pushed into armies, or conscripted like they were at one time. These are volunteers but they have joined hoping that they would never have to fight in a cause, but this is their job, and dead is dead, as far as you people are concerned as you see it in a different light to us.
We are looking at you and we know that it is a new beginning, but that doesn’t help the families here, and the sorrow, and it seems such a pity. So this is the point you see, where we have to look here, and it could escalate. Watch this space, as our friend here would say. This is a sorrowful situation.
Have you noticed also my friends that you no longer hear about the SARS epidemic? One or two other things, in a similar vein, suddenly disappear of the face of the Earth. Do you think that it has been developed on purpose?
Now there is another thing to be cautious of, which I think has come up in the last few hours. I think that they are thinking of trying to take DNA from every person, and storing it away in a fight against crime. But be careful, this is going to take away your freedom, in a very subtle way, and we don’t feel from where we are, we don’t feel that this is necessary, it’s best done as you are doing it at the moment. You see you are driven by one thing with the nanobots, and the DNA.
It is a mark to hold you, it is a chain to guard you with, it is a mark, and they will know where everybody is. It will be stored and banked away, and information could be drawn from it, if it is needed. As and when is better, and as is necessary, not freelance. It’s not just men women and children targeted, but babies born could have swabs taken. You may be surprised, it may already be happening, in a slow way. You see you won’t be told these anything, it will be brought out into the open when it has already been started.
It is the same as your GM foods that are happening as well. It s already out there, its loose, you won’t be able to get it back to what it was, and you don’t know what the future holds with this sort of thing because it’s not been out there long enough for anybody to make a proper diagnosis.
(J. May I ask you something?) Yes you may.
(J. One of our politicians, Michael Meacher has made a tremendous statement, about what he feels was the reason for the motivation for the Americans going into Iraq, and blaming it on the 9/11problem. He has actually made a stand, and stood up and said that things are not as they seem. Do you think that our Prime Minister will listen to him? Or is he in on it already? I need to know, because I need to know where I am going with this)
Your Prime Minister has already had an idea and knows, you can be sure of this. He has already been drawn into it, and has known from day one. (J. Ah! Does that make him a bad man? I feel that he isn’t at heart)
He might not have wanted to take part in it as he doesn’t have the pull and the power with the Americans, if you see, but once it’s been done, he will be sucked into it, he would know of it and hope that it wouldn’t take place, but he will get sucked into it, as he has nowhere else to go with it. (Oh gosh!)
The gentleman that has stood up is very brave, and it is hoped that some of the others, who already think this will also stand with him, but in view of the fact and the things that have happened to this Dr Kelly, one wonders. It is a shame that this man, is very sadly lost, and you won’t realize how clever this man is until a lot later. This man Kelly, had great potential and a wonderful brain, and look what has happened to him.
This MP as you call him, is a very brave man, but at least he has the courage to stand up and say it. He is a hero really, somebody out there is listening, for YOU know, and one or two others, well probably many out there who have thought it, and the more closely they look at the evidence, the more they begin to think this isn’t right.
Ah but THEY are banking on politicians and ordinary people, not imagining that the Americans would be able to do this unthinkable thing, or organize it from their end, that they couldn’t possibly do this. 3000 dead, and its not a small thing this. Can you imagine if everybody stood up and said what they truly thought, and that they could prove it? I think that they would execute this man, for being allowed to be sucked in to all this. I would not like to have to live with this man's conscience.
Well my ladies, I think I have spoken enough, this evening. There are one or two other things but I am going to keep them until next time.
Ah! I have just thought of something. How are you getting on with your Remote Viewing? (All. Quite well. ) This is very good then, I hope that this encourages you to go on. Keep to the simple things, and we will advance into the, more technical stuff later on, and then you will understand why it has to be done at such a basic level. We need to get this right first, then, we advance on. Make a note of what you have found and what you have done, and it will be something to look back on later, and you will be surprised at how much you can advance with it.
(P. Can I ask you a question please?)
(Earlier this evening, you spoke of aliens in films, and you said that this is so we won’t be surprised. So somebody somewhere knows what the aliens look like and have seen them, the film people. How do they know what they look like?)
Maybe they are already aware of the aliens themselves, as they were already working with you in your bases. Somebody somewhere has done a drawing. Its not only Base 51, there are other bases.
(J. We know that there are 4th dimensional entities that are controlling our planet, how do we know that the ones who come will be the right ones?)
You will be inspired and you will know, you will feel it is right to go, and if you need to go, then you need to go, and we will be on hand, and we will help to usher you forward, to inspire you to go. Don’t worry about this now, this is sometime in the future for you, but preparations are being made, because what made me say this about the bunkers you see, that are being built deep underground, and we can’t understand the thinking. We don’t understand what is going on, or how they have come to this conclusion, that they think it will not touch them because they are under the ground, for everything if this happens, IF this happens, and a big shift does come, then the rocks and everything under the ground, will move too.
Do you not think it is…….. I know you have had the Mars, and Mars is gently moving away now, but it will not move so that we get this catapult effect at the end. Do you not think it peculiar, that in India they have something that they cannot explain, seismic events, where they can hear crunching and cracking, and cannot account for it, it is not a great movement as such. They are doing an in depth study of this you see, and you have the monsoons, and the typhoons, and have you noticed that normally you would have more in the news, and now you have not? (Exactly.)
There are all these things going on, and they are trying to show you with your weather patterns, that there is a change, and you can’t put it onto Global Warming because it doesn’t fit.
They are beginning to wonder how many other people will know it, and if they don’t show it on the news, you see, it won’t alert people, as it will sit in the background, but it’s there all right. You have fires and the big winds coming with the dryness and the heat, it has come about, and we haven’t had the end of the flooding, not yet. (A. And the electrical Power Outages.) Yes, you will find that that has all suddenly disappeared, in significance, and there is no news on that at all, all played down, and they haven’t told you how many other countries it all happened in at the same time. We know that you are aware, and that somebody out there is aware, so that it can be put onto your boxes so that you can become aware. (We pass it around).
This is good; keep passing the information. You will be scorned at times, but don’t take any notice, you cannot help EVERYBODY, so don’t be hurt by it. They have their own opinion, let them make their own way.
I will leave you now my ladies, (thank you SO much). Thank you, and I hope your God goes with you. (I’m sure he will). You understand don’t you that your brain is driven by chemicals and cells, but your mind is separate from the body. Hmm. It is complicated. (But wonderful.)
It is. It would be good to let the people here with the brainpower come to the fore, because there are many of them, there are some very clever human beings about, you must let them come forward, not suppress them. THEY would have them suppressed like Dr Kelly, you understand? It’s sad, very sad.
I will leave you now my ladies. (We send you love).
08 sept/03 Michael Meacher’s
stance. Alien technology & Area 51.
Middle East. Planetary evacuation.
Indian earth anomaly.
Good evening. I am gathering the
energy up as you have already said; to be able to see the difference, as we
begin to draw up the energy. I must remind you about the power that you sit in,
the power that we bring. It might carry on afterwards for a little while, but
it is nothing to worry about. (J. We quite like it actually). I thought that
you might, I quite like it myself, as this is the closest I can get to anything
human; it is a shame.
No3 is scowling at me, as he
doesn’t like me to be so free and easy with the ladies. I always get a good
telling off so to speak, if I am too familiar, he’s probably right. It’s the
only opportunity I get. (J. We don’t mind at all). I could be more than friendly. (Laughs). For
who knows what would happen if I release myself! (All Laugh). (P. We will look
forward to that). You may well do, madam.
Well, I think we are perhaps ready to start, I can feel No 3 advancing,
scowling just the same, (Ah.) He can put up with that, and we will see how we
go on. There will be a gap, because the energy changes from myself to him, and
this is how we go on, and you obviously are aware of the gap between 3 and 2, 2
is different again, the energy different from ours altogether, for we all have
a slightly different vibration, enough to change the energy pattern, So I will
be quiet now, and let the energy settle down ready for No 3. I expect he will
have something to say, he usually does. I will leave you now my ladies, and good
evening to you.
Speak of what you see, because this makes a difference to the energy. If
the picture isn’t clear then the energy is down, and we must wait for it to
strengthen do you understand? The clearer the picture, the picture that you
see; the better it is because that means there is plenty of energy there. So I
know that it fades as we go on throughout the evening, but to start off with it
is always good that the picture is strong., and the features are clear, you
understand me? Is it still the same my
It’s not a s strong as No1was) No, but is it strong for No 3? (P.I think so,
yes). It WOULD be strong for No1, he is something else. (J. I can see you
better now). Are you sure of this or are you just imagining it? ( J. Now there is more definition.)
I want to touch on many things, and this will aggravate No 1 no end, but
this is the way I work, I have tried to alter it with controlled organisation,
to organise myself, but I find it difficult at times to get it so that it flows
for you.
I do tend to skip about from one thing to the other, but it is just my
way you understand. (Don’t worry; it’s fine).
I want to go forward now, and I’m thinking about, I suppose, the
Reptilians, but I’m thinking about aliens generally, you understand? About
where they come from, and what they do and all the rest of it; and I suppose,
that we would be classed as aliens, my friends and I, although we are light
beings, and have no form as such. But
the Aliens that
you know about, they WILL come. Do you understand that all the publicity that
you have about aliens, and all the films that you watch on your boxes, there
are spasms of these entities that are on the screen. Do you sense that this is
done for an important purpose? This is done deliberately to enlighten you, you
see, to make you aware, for they will be coming, I can tell you this now, this
explains the introduction, so to speak, they are trying to get you used to the
form that they will come in, how they will look, so that you will not be taken
unawares, although you still will be.
The idea being, that at some point in the future, they may come to take
you away. Now don’t be afraid of this, PLEASE GO. If they come with their
machines, and they want you to go with them, then PLEASE GO, for they will not
hurt you, and they will take you to a safe place. This is really to do with
this earth, and it may seem incredulous to you, but for what happens to your
earth plane in the future, they will gather up as many as they can, and for
those that want to go, they will take them to a place that is like your earth
plane, that you may stay there you see, until your earth plane recovers. This
will happen some time in the future.
(J. I’ve heard of this), and this is why you are exposed to so many
things, whereby the aliens are put in front of you…..their different shapes and
situations, you understand, so that you will not have such a big shock when the
things come. What I want to tell you,
is that I don’t want you to be AFRAID, we will be overseeing things as well. We
will not be far away, there is no need to be afraid, and this is not going to
happen straight away anyway, but at some point in the future if this should
happen, then please don’t be afraid. DO GO, because this will save you, and we
will need you for the return.
(J. I’ve read about it and I understand it.) The thing is you see, there
are many, I liken it to caverns, being built under the earth, in your earth
plane, deep bunkers I suppose you would have called them in the war time. These
are for people who are feeling that are getting ready for something, you
understand me? So that they can retreat to these bunkers. Now you ladies, you
understand more because I have told you, and you understand the scientific part
about it. If you get a Pole
Reversal with your earth plane, you understand, some time in the future,
then, what use are these bunkers going to be? Do they think they are going to
be static and not move if you think about it logically? From where I am I
cannot see, that just because it is deep under the ground, that it would be
safe. You wouldn’t like to be there, and be buried, would you? It would be
horrible. We will try to ease it you see, by taking you my friends, to bring
you away. I expect that you will put this out my friend, and people will think
that this is absolutely ridiculous, and you will be laughed at, but you will be
in good company because many people are laughed at. (J. I don’t care).
What does it matter, if the truth is there for all to share, then why not share
it? You understand? The other thing is;
that you are aware that aliens are already here at your Area 51 and other bases
as well that are secret? Well, you might wonder to yourself, why certain things
have not been developed, if they have these aliens and they are very
clever……………and some of these things that are not weapons, HAVE come from
them…………..you may wonder why perhaps, with the illnesses that are about, why
cures and prophylactics have not been developed more? It is because they
haven’t got access, you see. They
haven’t got access to the things that they could get easily on their own
planet, they haven’t them here, they can only use your material, and if it is
not here, they cannot make or move without them, you understand. They are
looking closely at other materials, that might do as well, that don’t always
work in the same way, you understand.
The illnesses that you have here on this earth plane, they would help
with, but that is another story of course.
moving on now from one thing to another, and my friend is looking at me with a
frown. Do you understand about, we spoke about the American and the English
people in Iraq and Afghanistan, and that they are all spread very thinly on the
ground, and now the Americans want the United Nations to bear some of the brunt
and to carry some of the expense. Of course they will be reluctant to come in
because, they were not in agreement with them in the first place, so this is
going to be heavy for the Americans to carry, and this will not do their
finances any good, it could bring the American nation down onto its knees, and
I forecast this a year ago, (J. You did), that this would happen; and if they
continue the way they are going, it will, and they will drag you down with them
if this isn’t watched very carefully. It is important you see, that if they are
already spread very thinly on the ground, with the armies that they can supply
and the ammunition of course, what it costs. The people are in it for the
money, and so it goes on, round in a circle, and each spreading the cost of the
money, to develop more, so that more munitions will be required and made, and
everyone will get rich out of it…In the main, the nation will not because it
will be spread too thin.
Now imagine if you are dragged into the Iran conflict. You see what I
mean. You thought of Iraq as posing a threat, although you haven’t found the
weapons yet, but I have a feeling that you might do at some point, but this is
now more worrying than a weapon you see, it is a faceless enemy that you are
now confronting, the people that are faceless, do you understand, you are not
facing an army, but the odd sniper and bomber who pick people off, one at a
time. It is better to face a whole army than this way, because you will never
know from where or whence it comes. This is a very, very difficult situation, a
very, very serious situation that you find yourself in at the moment, and if
you look at Iran, where they have this potential now, this atomic potential,
and as you have treated Iraq that way, and Afghanistan, then the logical
thought is that you will have a go at Iran as well. If you can get a
treaty with them it would be better. They are an erratic people, if you think
of the Ayatollah that has gone before. The whole place is governed by different
Ayatollahs. (J.
You mentioned Syria too). Ah Syria, yes and you have a spin off there. You see,
the Syrians don’t particularly like the Iranians, but they will join together
to drag America down, you see this is all very serious, a serious situation
financially, as well as people- wise.
Soldiers are soldiers and they have not been pushed into armies, or
conscripted like they were at one time. These are volunteers but they have
joined hoping that they would never have to fight in a cause, but this is their
job, and dead is dead, as far as you people are concerned as you see it in a
different light to us.
We are
looking at you and we know that it is a new beginning, but that doesn’t help
the families here, and the sorrow, and it seems such a pity. So this is the
point you see, where we have to look here, and it could escalate. Watch this
space, as our friend here would say. This is a sorrowful situation.
Have you notices also my friends that you no longer hear about the SARS epidemic? One
or two other things, in a similar vein, suddenly disappear of the face of the
earth. Do you think that it has been developed on purpose?
Now there is another thing to be
cautious of, which I think has come up in the last few hours. I think that they
are thinking of trying to take DNA
from every person, and storing it away in a fight against crime. But be
careful, this is going to take away your freedom, in a very subtle way, and we
don’t feel from where we are, we don’t feel that this is necessary, it’s best
done as you are doing it at the moment.
You see you are driven by one thing with the nanobots, and the DNA. It is a mark to hold you, it is
a chain to guard you with, it is a mark, and they will know where everybody is.
It will be stored and banked away, and information could be drawn from it, if
it is needed. As and when is better, and as is necessary, not freelance. It’s
not just men women and children targeted, but babies born could have swabs
taken. You may be surprised, it may already be happening, in a slow way. You
see you won’t be told these anything, it
will be brought out into the open when it has already been started. It is the
same as your GM foods that are happening as well. It s already out there, its
loose, you won’t be able to get it back to what it was, and you don’t know what
the future holds with this sort of thing because it’s not been out there long
enough for anybody to make a proper diagnosis.
(J. May I ask you something?) Yes you may.
(J. One of our politicians, Michael
Meacher has made a tremendous statement, about what he feels was the reason
for the motivation for the Americans going into Iraq, and blaming it on the
9/11problem. He has actually made a stand, and stood up and said that things
are not as they seem, do you think that our Prime Minister will listen to him?
Or is he in on it already? I need to know, because I need to know where I am going
with this)
Your Prime Minister has already had an idea and knows, you can be sure of this. He has already been
drawn into it, and has known from day one. (J. Ah! Does that make him a bad
man? I feel that he isn’t at heart)
He might not have wanted to take part in it as he doesn’t have the pull
and the power with the Americans, if you see, but once it’s been done, he will
be sucked into it, he would know of it and hope that it wouldn’t take place,
but he will get sucked into it, as he has nowhere else to go with it. (Oh gosh)
The gentleman that has stood up is very brave, and it is hoped that some
of the others, who already think this will also stand with him, but in view of
the fact and the things that have happened to this Dr Kelly, one wonders. It is
a shame that this man, is very sadly lost, and you won’t realise how clever
this man is until a lot later. This man Kelly, had great potential and a
wonderful brain, and look what has happened to him. This MP as you call him, is
a very brave man, but at least he has the courage to stand up and say it. He is
a hero really, somebody out there is listening, for YOU know, and one or two
others, well probably many out there who have thought it, and the more closely
they look at the evidence, the more they begin to think this isn’t right. Ah
but THEY are banking on politicians and ordinary people, not imagining that the
Americans would be able to do this unthinkable thing, or organise it from their
end, that they couldn’t possibly do this. 3000 dead, and its not a small thing
this. Can you imagine if everybody stood up and said what they truly thought,
and that they could prove it? I think that they would execute this man, for
being allowed to be sucked in to all this.
I would not like to have to live with this mans conscience.
Well my ladies, I think I have spoken enough, this evening. There are
one or two other things but I am going to keep them until next time.
Ah! I have just thought of something. How are you getting on with
your Remote
Viewing? (All. Quite well. ) This is very good then, I hope that this
encourages you to go on. Keep to the simple things, and we will advance into
the, more technical stuff later on, and then you will understand why it has to
be done at such a basic level. We need to get this right first, then, we
advance on. Make a note of what you have found and what you have done, and it
will be something to look back on later, and you will be surprised at how much
you can advance with it.
(P. Can I ask you a question please?)
(Earlier this evening, you spoke of aliens in films, and you said that
this is so we won’t be surprised. So somebody somewhere knows what the aliens
look like and have seen them, the film people. How do they know what they look
Maybe they are already aware of the aliens themselves, as they were
already working with you in your bases. Somebody somewhere has done a drawing.
Its not only Base 51, there are other bases
(J. We know that there are 4th dimensional entities that are
controlling our planet, how do we know that the ones who come will be the right
You will be inspired and you will know, you will feel it is right to go,
and if you need to go, then you need to go, and we will be on hand, and we will
help to usher you forward, to inspire you to go. Don’t worry about this now,
this is sometime in the future for you, but preparations are being made,
because what made me say this about the bunkers you see, that are being built
deep underground, and we can’t understand the thinking. We don’t understand
what is going on, or how they have come to this conclusion, that they think it
will not touch them because they are under the ground, for everything if this
happens, IF this happens, and a big shift does come, then the rocks and
everything under the ground, will move
too. Do you not think it is…….. I know you have had the Mars, and Mars is
gently moving away now, but it will not move so that we get this catapult
effect at the end. Do you not think it peculiar, that in India they have something that they cannot
explain, seismic events, where they can hear crunching and cracking, and cannot
account for it, it is not a great movement as such. They are doing an in depth
study of this you see, and you have the monsoons, and the typhoons, and have
you noticed that normally you would have more in the news, and now you have
not? (Exactly.) There are all these things going on, and they are trying to
show you with your weather patterns, that there is a change, and you can’t put
it onto Global
Warming because it doesn’t fit. They are beginning to wonder how many other
people will know it, and if they don’t show it on the news, you see, it won’t
alert people, as it will sit in the background, but it’s there all right. You
have fires and the big winds coming with the dryness and the heat, it has come
about, and we haven’t had the end of the flooding, not yet. (A. And the
electrical Power
Outages.) Yes, you will find that that has all suddenly disappeared, in
significance, and there is no news on that at all, all played down, and they
haven’t told you how many other countries it all happened in at the same time.
We know that you are aware, and that somebody out there is aware, so that it
can be put onto your boxes so that you can become aware. (We pass it around).
This is good; keep passing the information. You will be scorned at times, but don’t
take any notice, you cannot help EVERYBODY, so don’t be hurt by it. They have
their own opinion, let them make their own way.
I will leave you now my ladies, (thank you SO much). Thank you, and I
hope your God goes with you. (I’m sure
he will). You understand don’t you that your brain is driven by chemicals and
cells, but your mind is separate from the body. Hmm. It is complicated. (But
wonderful.) It is. It would be good to let the people here with the brainpower
come to the fore, because there are many of them, there are some very clever
human beings about, you must let them come forward, not suppress them. THEY
would have them suppressed like Dr Kelly, you
understand? It’s sad, very sad.
I will leave you now my ladies. (We send you love).
Offline - http://www.spirit-truths.co.uk
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