Once upon a time ... three British ladies who sat in a circle with one medium and three Beings of Light who, attracted by the Light of their auras, came and started a cycle extraordinarily informative messages which triggered my spiritual awakening.

This is my tribute to all of them because I know that the many still sleeping and skeptical will see the beauty and the message of Light and Love contained in each of them.

Be at peace

I am no-one special. I am a curious, problem solving type who's strict upbringing in the Catholic community gave me the foundation of a service to others ethic and a resolve for justice and peace.

I guess that is why, when drawn to others who were able to see beyond the ordinary we were chosen to receive outstanding messages, and beyond that, to see the MESSENGERS

We had a talented medium who was able to 'move over' and let spiritual light beings use her voice.

We were told things that would freeze us with fear, and others that were so amazing we would literally be silent and gasping at the end of the sessions.

We did this for about 8 years off and on. Above all we were compelled to return nearly every Monday for another gruelling session that would ultimately wake us out of our comfortable slumber and start the process of truth, research and upliftment.

Even more astonishing was the fact that we saw three separate light beings distinct from each other. We tested each other to see if we were imagining them and named them 1, 2 and 3 in order of appearance in many tests. The numbers stuck and the transcriptions state thus. (The Beings of Light preferred this too, as when asked their names, they insisted that we wouldn't know them, and that numbers were fine).

I found a reference to our phenomenon in an ancient script. The Apochryphon of John.

(In the light I beheld a youth who stood beside me. Even as I looked he became like an old man, then like a servant. Yet there were not three before me, but one, with multiple forms appearing through each other as though transparent. He said to me, "John, John, why do you doubt? And why are you afraid? I am the one who is with you always. I am the Father. I am the Mother. I am the Son.")

Curiously, this is EXACTLY how we saw our B.O.L. Morphing and then settling into one familiar face. It makes you think about what was reported from ancient times, and who these ‘apparitions’ really were.

Ours when asked who they were, said: Alpha, Omega, Andromeda. Still makes me tingle to think of the possibilities!


Saturday, December 1, 2012


30 th June 2003. 
 How to Remote View.   Political Manipulation

 No 1

Good evening my ladies.

You thought I’d gone away? It’s nice to be missed. No, I hadn’t gone far, I’d gone to do a little research myself on something that no 3 will speak about when he comes. I just wanted to know if it was possible to do what we had in mind, but again it will be with your consent, it won’t be a journey or anything of that sort; but research for yourselves, and we hope it will be of use to you. I will wait to let no 3 explain, but this is why I have been away from you, and am glad to be back. I understand that the idea is possible with your consent.  I will leave you now my ladies.

                                                                    No 3

This is what we have been researching, and the purpose is to unlock what is within you, and we know this can happen. 

You will have to work at it, my friends, you will have to work at it; but it will come with practise, and you don’t have to have any special abilities to do this. It will help us to help you too, you understand.                 

What we want you to do is to expand your brain, and you think this cannot be done? I can see you smiling and thinking we can’t do this, but we are going to try. We want to unlock a little more of what you have naturally if you understand me, and there are certain exercises that you will have to take part in, to enable us, to enable yourselves, to do this. 

What we need to do you see is to broaden the band wave of your mind, and this is going to be difficult because we need to make the brain more accessible, and we are going to try and train it to have more access to the mechanism, that you will be more able to store things, to develop it a little more. 

You will have to work at it, and some of you will be successful and some won’t at one time, and then the other way round.  I don’t want you to get despondent, because it won’t all happen in five minutes; because everything that I will tell you now will take time to master. We will tell you how to begin. We will start in a very basic manner. You can please yourselves whether you put this out or not my friend, but you may decide to keep this to yourself, for this is a lesson really for you.  You could incorporate, we know you have another group that is learning, you could possibly incorporate the other two from there.  We are not asking for too much of your time.

Everything you see within your world, actually within your universe, you have within you. You may not understand how this is so, but it is to do with Quantum Physics again, and to do with atoms. Everything is encoded in atoms, and part of this we are going to try and get you to work with, because at the end of the day, this is how it will be brought to you. 

It will be brought on fluctuations of atoms because it is all encoded, and the quantum particles, and everything in your world is encoded upon the particles; and in order to do this, we have to bring the quantum level down to a very low level, and it is in great depth because although all the knowledge of your world, your universe is there, we are going to have to work at a very low level, because you see your brain only ticks over at 10 hertz, which is very low. 

It isn’t unusual, because everybody is the same here, so we are already at a real disadvantage, as we need to boost it up a little bit. Now you may think what I am going to ask you to do, is really a bit on the childish side, and you may think that you have done this before, and it is very basic, but I want you to get this right.

Now in the instruments room, in her dining room, downstairs as you call it, there is a table. The table is to be cleared. At a certain time of the day, which you must come to an agreement on amongst yourselves that is accessible to you all at one particular time, say for example at a quarter past one, and at this particular time if you are all able to, something will be put on the table, something quite simple to start off with. 

At the specified time you will all stop what you are doing for fifteen minutes, and tune in to the room and the table, and try to see what is there. Then you will not only see it, you will draw a picture of it, and write down what you think it is. You will study this for fifteen minutes. Now my friend over there, you can do something the same for the instrument. 

Try to clear your mind, to get your concentration going and fixed, and don’t be distracted, cut out the other things that you know that are in the room. You will find that it gets deeper as you go along, and then you will really begin to see what is happening to you. Don’t expect to get it right the first time.
What about my friend by the door?

(P. I was just worried about what time of the day I could do it). 

Well you must decide between the three of you, what time is suitable, I only gave the time as an example. Whatever suits you my dear.  I want you to try all at the same time. It is important, that the timing is right and you all try at the same time. There is one thing I have forgotten, the instrument, if you are tuning in to her home, should be within that room and stay within that room for fifteen minutes, this is important. Now you may wonder why.  This is because you are being a beacon, and you are drawing in on the energy as the beacon. 

This is the first pull, and then we will see what we will see. This will prove to be quite interesting and entertaining to start with, but we have other exercises up our sleeves, totally different and more in depth. This is just the tip of the iceberg, so you people say. It could be quite exciting. (J. It will be). This will just be the beginning because in this way we begin to access the brain, and enlarge the mechanism that you can receive on.                                                                                           

(P. Will it be the same item every day for a week?) No, you will only do it once in that week. Pick one day, and that will be enough, not every day. Don’t choose something obscure to put on the table. Place something simple on the table with nothing else. Concentrate on the item and the person acting as the beacon. You will be surprised when you master this, what you can do, and where you can go, and what you can see that they don’t want you to see. 

What you can pick up that they don’t want you to pick up, and don’t think it cant be done, because it can, and the people that do it, my friend No1 has been told, you do not need any expertise in any field, to do with science; but it is a scientific experiment, and these are the grounds on which it is being built, but we have other things for you to do, which I think you would be interested in, and as you develop and expand further, we must expand the band wave to take on more.

Everything is encoded, it is quantum physics, with the atoms and everything. Its all there you see, it is all to do with the atoms, a cryptogram almost. You see there are people that tell you that, these spiritualists tell you that you can tune in to the universal mind, do they not? (J. Yes). They do, do they? 

Yes, but they don’t give you any idea of how to ACCESS it, they just tell you it is there, they wont tell you what you need to know. Well this is the way to access it. You will develop, I am determined that you will. Do you think that the other people in the other group would be interested and it wouldn’t take up much of their time?  I want you all to tune in you see all at the same time, so that you get a big build up.  It will be mostly places, ands then we will go deeper, and you will be surprised.                                         You will be taken away for spying, I tell you that now. (Laughs). No 1 says he will rescue you, the ladies. He will look after you I’m sure, he is determined to look after you. We have many words about such things I can tell you.

You understand we are light beings, and we have a difficulty with this sometimes you see, because we do understand compassion, sorrow and love and all these things, but we can’t experience them in the same way that you can, we can only sense what you are feeling, which is a help to us, but we cannot FEEL what you experience, this is the problem. 

It is a big problem for No 1, who has his own agenda. You need not smile No1 I can see you. I might be a light being, but I can move fast, I know you can too my friend, there he is making light of it all, and that is a pun. I just needed to point out that we can’t experience what you experience, we can only sense how you are. This helps us to understand you. 
                                                                                                                                                       Were you thinking about the political situation today? Of course there are many hidden agendas, and within those agendas there are more hidden agendas and so it goes on. It is like those Russian dolls, where there is one inside the other, you never get to the bottom of it.

There is all this problem in Iraq, I said to you did I not, that I watched you light the blue touch paper, and now the genie is out of the bottle, and it is going to be very difficult to see an end to this sequence. Now they are talking about Iran, as well, you understand me, and if you get Iran, and I know that Syria is next door, and they are not great friends, but they may join together to fight the Americans, which they all hate; and we know that they have atomic understanding, and Syria is a very big country, and joined with Iran, would be enormous. They are not as simple as they look, my friends, they have their own agendas regarding atomic energy, but while your mind is focused there, do not lose sight of Korea and China. 

You are being drawn one way and pulled another. We have to watch and wait and see, hoping that somebody will have some good ideas at the end of the day. There is a lot of infighting and squabbling among your political parties at the moment. This isn’t doing anyone any good. THEY are trying to pull your government down, do you understand that, THEY are trying to dismantle everything. Now we must look behind this, at the excuse for the other party to come in; but there is one is manipulating both sides, in the middle, do you understand me? (J. Yes). 

You look for the signs now, because you now have the understanding. You look deeper into things because this is how these things work unfortunately, all this subterfuge, one working with the other, and one against the other, and you find they are both being manipulated by the same body. Even so, THEY will be being manipulated also, and so it goes on and up and up, until it disappears out of sight, (J. and beyond). Yes, and beyond, quite so.  You must watch out for this my friends.

I’m going to leave you this evening, I want you to be able to have time to discuss and perhaps organise yourselves, and let the instrument in on the plan. We are not trying to make you do anything, only do it if you want to. We want you to stretch your minds because it will be important for the other things that are coming along, and you will be able to do more. If you are willing to start with the first step, and see how things develop, but we don’t want you to be put off by not getting it right. 

Persevere, and it will come with practise. It has been done before and your human mind can be worked on, and it will be to your advantage in every other way. It will help us to help you as well, (J. Oh wonderful) thank you for allowing me to come.

                                                             No 2

I come to you once again to bring you the love that I have brought you many times before, within the chalice that I ask you to drink from once again. I bring you all this love, and such hope that you will be able to use it and take it further forward, to be with you in your working life, and to help you and your families as you go forward with your heavy burden that you carry, for I know that you do.  

It is to help you move forward, for I bring this with all the love that there is from my world to yours, and it is infinite my friends, infinite. I would like to take my hands and wrap them round the whole of your world, so that I can bring peace and contentment to the sorrowing ones that you have here. 

So many sorrowful faces, so many terrible things done in the name of good. I cannot see any good here at the moment, but I’m sure it will come, and I will help to bring it to the ones that need it most. I’ll bring the light to all the dark corners, and I want you to glow with the light, so that we can come to you more easily. 

I want you to glow with this beautiful light that the Divinity sends you, for you are part of the Divine one do you not know that, my friends, you are part of the Divinity, and it takes you within it and it holds you again; and we bring you to a resting place my friends, where you can put down your burden for a few moments, so that you may rest and close your eyes and relax my friends. For I will never let anything come to you and hurt you, not for long anyway, I will bring you relief in any way I can. 

I will come and be with you for I want to be with you, as I can feel the pull from you, to bring you this love with all my heart, I bring it and give it to you. I will leave you now, and let you go forward with your life, and you can go in the knowledge that a part of me goes with you as you walk the stony pathway that you have chosen. I will be with you again my friends,  I will be with you again. 

Thank you for allowing me to come to you, and from my other two friends also. I do not work very closely with them, but we are together as you know. We work together in some ways but not in others. I will leave you now my children of the Divinity, of the Divine one, for that is what you are, my Divine children. (Thank you) Thank you.

2nd June                 No 3                                       Addition ( our message was cut short , but                                       this was important)
Now let us look at what we have at this moment in time. I have been looking at this European Government that your president, sorry, your Prime Minister wants you to belong to. To all go quietly and belong to the European Union, does he not? Yes – and you want to have a referendum, your instrument is worked up about this as she feels I know, that people should be allowed to make the decisions. He does not speak for everybody – (No)- especially at this time.                                       Underneath it, and I have taught you how to look underneath it, what would really be happening if you joined this Union? His hope would also be that he would be the leader of the Union. But I don’t think the others will allow it –  he has upset them so…………………………….   

30 June 03.     How to Remote View.   Political Manipulation

                                                                               No 1
Good evening my ladies. You thought I’d gone away? It’s nice to be missed. No, I hadn’t gone far, I’d gone to do a little research myself on something that no 3 will speak about when he comes. I just wanted to know if it was possible to do what we had in mind, but again it will be with your consent, it won’t be a journey or anything of that sort; but research for yourselves, and we hope it will be of use to you. I will wait to let no 3 explain, but this is why I have been away from you, and am glad to be back. I understand that the idea is possible with your consent.  I will leave you now my ladies.

                                                                              No 3
This is what we have been researching, and the purpose is to unlock what is within you, and we know this can happen. You will have to work at it, my friends, you will have to work at it; but it will come with practise, and you don’t have to have any special abilities to do this. It will help us to help you too, you understand.                 What we want you to do is to expand your brain, and you think this cannot be done? I can see you smiling and thinking we can’t do this, but we are going to try. We want to unlock a little more of what you have naturally if you understand me, and there are certain exercises that you will have to take part in, to enable us, to enable yourselves, to do this. What we need to do you see is to broaden the band wave of your mind, and this is going to be difficult because we need to make the brain more accessible, and we are going to try and train it to have more access to the mechanism, that you will be more able to store things, to develop it a little more. You will have to work at it, and some of you will be successful and some won’t at one time, and then the other way round.  I don’t want you to get despondent, because it won’t all happen in five minutes; because everything that I will tell you now will take time to master. We will tell you how to begin. We will start in a very basic manner. You can please yourselves whether you put this out or not my friend, but you may decide to keep this to yourself, for this is a lesson really for you.  You could incorporate, we know you have another group that is learning, you could possibly incorporate the other two from there.  We are not asking for too much of your time.
 Everything you see within your world, actually within your universe, you have within you. You may not understand how this is so, but it is to do with Quantum Physics again, and to do with atoms. Everything is encoded in atoms, and part of this we are going to try and get you to work with, because at the end of the day, this is how it will be brought to you. It will be brought on fluctuations of atoms because it is all encoded, and the quantum particles, and everything in your world is encoded upon the particles; and in order to do this, we have to bring the quantum level down to a very low level, and it is in great depth because although all the knowledge of your world, your universe is there, we are going to have to work at a very low level, because you see your brain only ticks over at 10 hertz, which is very low. It isn’t unusual, because everybody is the same here, so we are already at a real disadvantage, as we need to boost it up a little bit. Now you may think what I am going to ask you to do, is really a bit on the childish side, and you may think that you have done this before, and it is very basic, but I want you to get this right.
Now in the instruments room, in her dining room, downstairs as you call it, there is a table. The table is to be cleared. At a certain time of the day, which you must come to an agreement on amongst yourselves that is accessible to you all at one particular time, say for example at a quarter past one, and at this particular time if you are all able to, something will be put on the table, something quite simple to start off with. At the specified time you will all stop what you are doing for fifteen minutes, and tune in to the room and the table, and try to see what is there. Then you will not only see it, you will draw a picture of it, and write down what you think it is. You will study this for fifteen minutes. Now my friend over there, you can do something the same for the instrument. Try to clear your mind, to get your concentration going and fixed, and don’t be distracted, cut out the other things that you know that are in the room. You will find that it gets deeper as you go along, and then you will really begin to see what is happening to you. Don’t expect to get it right the first time.                                                                                                         What about my friend by the door? (P. I was just worried about what time of the day I could do it). Well you must decide between the three of you, what time is suitable, I only gave the time as an example. Whatever suits you my dear.  I want you to try all at the same time. It is important, that the timing is right and you all try at the same time. There is one thing I have forgotten, the instrument, if you are tuning in to her home, should be within that room and stay within that room for fifteen minutes, this is important. Now you may wonder why.  This is because you are being a beacon, and you are drawing in on the energy as the beacon. This is the first pull, and then we will see what we will see. This will prove to be quite interesting and entertaining to start with, but we have other exercises up our sleeves, totally different and more in depth. This is just the tip of the iceberg, so you people say. It could be quite exciting. (J. It will be). This will just be the beginning because in this way we begin to access the brain, and enlarge the mechanism that you can receive on.                                                                                           (P. Will it be the same item every day for a week?) No, you will only do it once in that week. Pick one day, and that will be enough, not every day. Don’t choose something obscure to put on the table. Place something simple on the table with nothing else. Concentrate on the item and the person acting as the beacon. You will be surprised when you master this, what you can do, and where you can go, and what you can see that they don’t want you to see. What you can pick up that they don’t want you to pick up, and don’t think it cant be done, because it can, and the people that do it, my friend No1 has been told, you do not need any expertise in any field, to do with science; but it is a scientific experiment, and these are the grounds on which it is being built, but we have other things for you to do, which I think you would be interested in, and as you develop and expand further, we must expand the band wave to take on more.
Everything is encoded, it is quantum physics, with the atoms and everything. Its all there you see, it is all to do with the atoms, a cryptogram almost. You see there are people that tell you that, these spiritualists tell you that you can tune in to the universal mind, do they not? (J. Yes). They do, do they? Yes, but they don’t give you any idea of how to ACCESS it, they just tell you it is there, they wont tell you what you need to know. Well this is the way to access it. You will develop, I am determined that you will. Do you think that the other people in the other group would be interested and it wouldn’t take up much of their time?  I want you all to tune in you see all at the same time, so that you get a big build up.  It will be mostly places, ands then we will go deeper, and you will be surprised.                                         You will be taken away for spying, I tell you that now. (Laughs). No 1 says he will rescue you, the ladies. He will look after you I’m sure, he is determined to look after you. We have many words about such things I can tell you.

You understand we are light beings, and we have a difficulty with this sometimes you see, because we do understand compassion, sorrow and love and all these things, but we can’t experience them in the same way that you can, we can only sense what you are feeling, which is a help to us, but we cannot FEEL what you experience, this is the problem. It is a big problem for No1, who has his own agenda. You need not smile No1 I can see you. I might be a light being, but I can move fast, I know you can too my friend, there he is making light of it all, and that is a pun. I just needed to point out that we can’t experience what you experience, we can only sense how you are. This helps us to understand you. 
                                                                                                                                                       Were you thinking about the political situation today? Of course there are many hidden agendas, and within those agendas there are more hidden agendas and so it goes on. It is like those Russian dolls, where there is one inside the other, you never get to the bottom of it.
There is all this problem in Iraq, I said to you did I not, that I watched you light the blue touch paper, and now the genie is out of the bottle, and it is going to be very difficult to see an end to this sequence. Now they are talking about Iran, as well, you understand me, and if you get Iran, and I know that Syria is next door, and they are not great friends, but they may join together to fight the Americans, which they all hate; and we know that they have atomic understanding, and Syria is a very big country, and joined with Iran, would be enormous. They are not as simple as they look, my friends, they have their own agendas regarding atomic energy, but while your mind is focused there, do not lose sight of Korea and China. You are being drawn one way and pulled another. We have to watch and wait and see, hoping that somebody will have some good ideas at the end of the day. There is a lot of infighting and squabbling among your political parties at the moment. This isn’t doing anyone any good. THEY are trying to pull your government down, do you understand that, THEY are trying to dismantle everything. Now we must look behind this, at the excuse for the other party to come in; but there is one is manipulating both sides, in the middle, do you understand me? (J. Yes). You look for the signs now, because you now have the understanding. You look deeper into things because this is how these things work unfortunately, all this subterfuge, one working with the other, and one against the other, and you find they are both being manipulated by the same body. Even so, THEY will be being manipulated also, and so it goes on and up and up, until it disappears out of sight, (J. and beyond). Yes, and beyond, quite so.  You must watch out for this my friends.

I’m going to leave you this evening, I want you to be able to have time to discuss and perhaps organise yourselves, and let the instrument in on the plan. We are not trying to make you do anything, only do it if you want to. We want you to stretch your minds because it will be important for the other things that are coming along, and you will be able to do more. If you are willing to start with the first step, and see how things develop, but we don’t want you to be put off by not getting it right. Persevere, and it will come with practise. It has been done before and your human mind can be worked on, and it will be to your advantage in every other way. It will help us to help you as well, (J. Oh wonderful) thank you for allowing me to come.

                                                             No 2

I come to you once again to bring you the love that I have brought you many times before, within the chalice that I ask you to drink from once again. I bring you all this love, and such hope that you will be able to use it and take it further forward, to be with you in your working life, and to help you and your families as you go forward with your heavy burden that you carry, for I know that you do.  It is to help you move forward, for I bring this with all the love that there is from my world to yours, and it is infinite my friends, infinite. I would like to take my hands and wrap them round the whole of your world, so that I can bring peace and contentment to the sorrowing ones that you have here. So many sorrowful faces, so many terrible things done in the name of good. I cannot see any good here at the moment, but I’m sure it will come, and I will help to bring it to the ones that need it most. I’ll bring the light to all the dark corners, and I want you to glow with the light, so that we can come to you more easily. I want you to glow with this beautiful light that the Divinity sends you, for you are part of the Divine one do you not know that, my friends, you are part of the Divinity, and it takes you within it and it holds you again; and we bring you to a resting place my friends, where you can put down your burden for a few moments, so that you may rest and close your eyes and relax my friends. For I will never let anything come to you and hurt you, not for long anyway, I will bring you relief in any way I can. I will come and be with you for I want to be with you, as I can feel the pull from you, to bring you this love with all my heart, I bring it and give it to you. I will leave you now, and let you go forward with your life, and you can go in the knowledge that a part of me goes with you as you walk the stony pathway that you have chosen. I will be with you again my friends,  I will be with you again. Thank you for allowing me to come to you, and from my other two friends also. I do not work very closely with them, but we are together as you know. We work together in some ways but not in others. I will leave you now my children of the Divinity, of the Divine one, for that is what you are, my Divine children. (Thank you) Thank you.

2nd June                 No 3                                       Addition ( our message was cut short , but                                       this was important)
Now let us look at what we have at this moment in time. I have been looking at this European Government that your president, sorry, your Prime Minister wants you to belong to. To all go quietly and belong to the European Union, does he not? Yes – and you want to have a referendum, your instrument is worked up about this as she feels I know, that people should be allowed to make the decisions. He does not speak for everybody – (No)- especially at this time.                                       Underneath it, and I have taught you how to look underneath it, what would really be happening if you joined this Union? His hope would also be that he would be the leader of the Union. But I don’t think the others will allow it –  he has upset them so…………………………….   

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