Once upon a time ... three British ladies who sat in a circle with one medium and three Beings of Light who, attracted by the Light of their auras, came and started a cycle extraordinarily informative messages which triggered my spiritual awakening.

This is my tribute to all of them because I know that the many still sleeping and skeptical will see the beauty and the message of Light and Love contained in each of them.

Be at peace

I am no-one special. I am a curious, problem solving type who's strict upbringing in the Catholic community gave me the foundation of a service to others ethic and a resolve for justice and peace.

I guess that is why, when drawn to others who were able to see beyond the ordinary we were chosen to receive outstanding messages, and beyond that, to see the MESSENGERS

We had a talented medium who was able to 'move over' and let spiritual light beings use her voice.

We were told things that would freeze us with fear, and others that were so amazing we would literally be silent and gasping at the end of the sessions.

We did this for about 8 years off and on. Above all we were compelled to return nearly every Monday for another gruelling session that would ultimately wake us out of our comfortable slumber and start the process of truth, research and upliftment.

Even more astonishing was the fact that we saw three separate light beings distinct from each other. We tested each other to see if we were imagining them and named them 1, 2 and 3 in order of appearance in many tests. The numbers stuck and the transcriptions state thus. (The Beings of Light preferred this too, as when asked their names, they insisted that we wouldn't know them, and that numbers were fine).

I found a reference to our phenomenon in an ancient script. The Apochryphon of John.

(In the light I beheld a youth who stood beside me. Even as I looked he became like an old man, then like a servant. Yet there were not three before me, but one, with multiple forms appearing through each other as though transparent. He said to me, "John, John, why do you doubt? And why are you afraid? I am the one who is with you always. I am the Father. I am the Mother. I am the Son.")

Curiously, this is EXACTLY how we saw our B.O.L. Morphing and then settling into one familiar face. It makes you think about what was reported from ancient times, and who these ‘apparitions’ really were.

Ours when asked who they were, said: Alpha, Omega, Andromeda. Still makes me tingle to think of the possibilities!


Saturday, December 1, 2012


26th July 2004.    

The Crystalline Ascension. Light-Body Ascension. Recent Visitors From Space. Mexico.                     Bigger Troubles in the World. Remote Viewing.                                                                                                                                                                                            

                                                            No 3

Tell me when you can see it. (J Yes I will do). (A. I can see No 3 quite clearly now.) (J. Yes you are stronger now, and there is more shadow and light around you,) and our other lady, can she see also? (P. A little bit). Just a little bit? Then we will wait until it is stronger still. Let me know my friend when you see properly. (J. There is more light around you now). How are we doing? (J. Great). (P. Better, your chin is very dark for me). (J. I can see you). (A. I can see you too). (J. And there is light around you, quite strong). (A. Yes.) (P. Very strong, I can see better now) (J. It is you; laughs).

Good evening my ladies, it is a pleasure to be with you, wholly with you, completely with you, it is very kind of you to come, and distribute your energy amongst your friends and with us also so that we can lift our energy to meet yours. It has been a little while since we have met, but I think that we are beginning to gather the energy again, which is good.

I want to know have you thought about Ascension , (J. Oh yes) What do you think or feel about this my friends?  I’m asking YOU this question so you will have to work a bit this evening. I shall work, but not as hard.

 (J. Well I think in the old days in the time of “Christ”, a visual Ascension was of seeing somebody going up into the sky, but I think that it is actually our light bodies. The more we experience and show unconditional love, the more we understand, the more we expand ourselves, the lighter we become; and maybe its just to do with our light bodies and a separation of the dimensions.)

This is true this is true, this is how it would be explained if I explained it to you, it IS a lightening of the light body so to speak, and it’s a fine tuning, and this comes through the love, and the understanding of your friends, if you understand me, wherever there is help that you can give, if you give it. This all helps you understand? 

The tuning becomes much finer you understand me? It helps to make this much finer. Its better to have the Lighter body than the heaviness that one person would drag about with them, if only they knew how easy it would be to lighten things for themselves as you have understood this. This is good, and there is another thing that I want to ask you. 

Do you understand how you can manage your anxiety problems, especially our lady here because I have heard her speak of this, do you understand me my dear? (P. Of course). You understand that through coming here as you have done with the listening the learning, that you are able now to cope more easily, and have a finer tuning than the ones that have the heavy body, and drag the burden with them. I’m very glad you do my friends; for you have found the will and the way to deal with it, have you not? You are learning and my teaching cannot have gone in vain, (All. No.) (P. NO, NO, NO, NO.) I have hoped that you have come to terms with your day-to-day problems, do you understand me.

Now there are some that say, and I know that it is written, that the Ascension is like the  Crystalline Body, (Yes) I don’t understand it, I’m asking you and you are saying yes. I’m not saying it isn’t right, couldn’t be so and couldn’t happen, but all the things that I have seen that are crystalline are dead and have no life. Now there are some that think that the body will change actually to crystalline, and cells will be able to alter, and manifest and re-orientate themselves.  It may come about I do not know, but I find it very complicated, and I cannot understand exactly what is being said or being asked to believe in this, but I can only tell you this, I don’t think that it will happen to the human race that you have here now. 

Now if you think, and I don’t want to drag it down, but if you think of the Pole Shift as a cleansing of the Earth plane, put it that way at any time. Then a new civilization may very well have a different, a new DNA, there may be differences in the DNA which will alter things considerably, you understand me, even in the animal world as well this could come about. 

It is written and it has been discussed that, after, you wouldn’t need any food or animals to sustain you, because all your life force would be there, and what your body needs and your energy would be taken in the breath, you understand me? (Yes, that would be wonderful

It would be wonderful, but I’m not sure that this isn’t too simplistic. It is hard to believe that this would come about, but not saying that it won’t, we will see we will see. This is the Ascension that they are talking about, this crystalline body, you can’t understand it fully yet, I’m not quite sure what is being said. 

I’ll go forward in this light the one that looks will have to look, I’m not sure that I understand this or the thinking that goes with it, it sounds wonderful, but I don’t think it is going to happen with this civilization that you have on your Earth planet at the moment, I would think that it needed a cleansing, I’m talking about 2500 maybe, maybe a difference then but a lot would have gone on beforehand there will be no problem whatsoever for you my friends at that time because you won’t be here. .

 (J, there has been talk about the Earth Separating and becoming two earths, a higher dimensional earth and a lower dimensional earth, that’s another theory). It is a theory yes and we must look at all theories and we must never disregard theories because lots of them have been proved to be right. So we will hold that in one hand and, and the other in the other hand so to speak, and see what happens in the future, but it is interesting to look at the thoughts of others, or what other people are saying, and I’m not saying that I agree with it but, but they are certainly looking at other aspects of things that may come about.

Now the problem with Ascension that you are going through at the moment, I’m afraid there will be suffering and Physical Problems, and there would be suffering with the crystalline Ascension as well, and you know that there is and I’m sorry that there is discomfiture in the rising of the light body and the refining of your mental state. We are trying to refine your mental state so that you can handle all the difficulties much better. (J. It is so much easier)

Yes, and you understand that you have the visitors from outer space, you have had them you have had them recently, do you know this? (How recently?) In the past 14 days. (No?) Yes my friend. (J. I heard about Mexico?) This is possibly where it is, and Eleven I think, (Gosh), all at the same time. 

You must be ready for this, you cannot truly believe that you are in isolation, I have said before that your planet is part of a great matrix, a large machine; if one bit breaks down and doesn’t work properly, you understand there is a knock on effect, it affects everything else, so we will have to wait and see about that, and lots of things are coming to light, you must look I think. 

If you look on your boxes, not the one that you look on for your information, my friend but I believe the box that you watch, you will find sometime this week, that they have opened the books on UFO’s, or old papers are being allowed to be looked at, but then there are some that you will never see, because they won’t let you, there are even some locked away that you wont be aware of at all, you understand me? 

Why Keep Them Secret I cannot understand it; if they are letting some out, why not everything? (J. They are selective in everything aren’t they) Yes, but this civilization isn’t as frightened of things, generation I mean, sorry, they will accept it more easily because they are more open, and understand more than their predecessors.

 (A. Will some of these beings that arrive, aliens, will they be able to bring a better way of life to the human race, will some of them be able to be a positive influence on us?) Yes, it might well happen I think there is a desperation here. You see it has already been for want of a better word, DISCUSSED. It is easier for me to say it like that than to tell you any other way. We know there is a problem here, and you seem to be getting deeper in the hole, and its not only with Iraq, it is with other places as well. 

You keep your eye on that ball my friend, because all that Iraq business is in your face, up front so to speak, and you cannot miss it, as it is there before your eyes and in your face, but the other is going on in the background, and its this picking at the spot that is going to cause the trouble, bigger trouble than Iraq. 

It’s building and building and building, constantly building, until the bubble will have to burst, and then this is what I have been trying to tell you about before, which I wont drag up again, but you know of which I speak, yes you watch this space, there are one or two other spots as well, but I won’t go into that now, it’s in the background, but fiery all the same…

Well my ladies, if that is all or is there something else that you wish to ask me?

 (J. May I say something? It is about what A asked you about earlier. The beings that have come, have they actually landed here in the last fourteen days, or have they just been seen?) They’ve been seen, they haven’t landed, not yet. Things are being appraised at the moment, ( I see) do you understand, we don’t know which way they will be able to help, we are looking for the right way, they need to look and come and be around so to speak, they will pick up information without actually landing at all.

(A. Have they visited us, because I have a feeling that something visited me.)
 My friend No 1 is forever visiting.

 (J. Can we be of any more service to you?) Not at the moment, what you are doing is very good and we are very pleased with the way things are going at the moment, the mediums got this problem but we will overcome it, and even if the worst happens, it would be cleared up quite quickly.
 (The mediums mother was terminally ill.)

 The sooner it comes to an end the better, then everyone can move forward. You are moving forward regardless of how she is, we know that she couldn’t have worked before because she needed the rest, but we are beginning to pick up a little speed, which is good for us all.

 Is there anything else?
(P. One other thing, we have fallen behind with our remote viewing, is this an important thing that we should be doing?) Oh YES my friend, (emphatic), don’t push it just yet, but I will tell you when, if you look at the different things that are going on. Do you understand, you have read it in your newspapers haven’t you? (P Yes.)  Recently? This is important, and you understand through reading recently, how important it could be and once you get going, it could be, do you really know what I’m talking about? 

Because there are actually a few groups working for the government, and they are doing remote viewing, you will have to get your skates on to catch up with them, I don’t think it’s possible with this particular thing that is going on, but you may be able to be used in the future, (P. Spying), I said that it WOULDN’T be used for that, but if it’s for the collective and the good, and if you were to put yourself forward and be accepted, you… well, anyway, this is a little bit in the future, and you will have to sharpen it up, and you haven’t had a really good go at it, not yet. You’ve only touched the surface have you not? (J. Absolutely). 

You will have to look at arranging it in a different way. We know you feel it is a nuisance, at times and it will be because of different things, we know this, so you must have a long think about what you are going to do. It might have to be organized differently so that it runs smoothly, in more or less a continuous pace, rather than the way it was before hit and miss, you are just going to have to discipline yourselves, we cannot do that for you, and as I’ve stressed before very important there may be work for you to do there, if you can get it together, for practise will make perfect, and you don’t have to have any particular intelligence.

I’m going to leave you now, and will speak with you again. Our friend, the medium, is ready to go forward I think, (J. yes she is much better).  This thorn in her side is a nuisance. You see I see things differently from you, I do have the emotion, and sense the emotion but I don’t understand the emotions as you do, we just sense the love that is there for ones mother, we can appreciate it but we cannot understand it, or experience it fully, we are sufficiently in tune enough to gather some of the emotion that is involved, you see we see things in a different light, which if you went into you would find it harsh, (J. Well………) because we are not soft centred?

 (J. You are more practical?) Yes I’m afraid so, because we understand that from where we come from, the different place to most spirit guides, we do understand that the place that you will be going to will be much better for her, so we do not be sorry, because it would be so much better, SO much better, if only she was not so frightened, but finally in the end she is not as indestructible as she thinks. She will go my friends and I can only hope that she goes quickly, and not any slower than she is going now, I know my friend here finds it difficult to watch, such a long drawn out thing. I must go my friends and much love to you.

                                                                 No 2

I come once again to bring you the chalice of love to share amongst you. I will not stay long my friends, but I just come to give you a kind word to help you on your way in your travels and your problems. 

To take you and let you walk in the sunshine. It is important that you walk in the sunshine, my friends, and as I’ve said before follow the rainbow, bathe in the rainbows colours go to the rainbow’s end, and let it enhance every part of you, 

You radiate the light and the love of the Divine one, for the light is within us all, and it burns brightly within you people who work for the spirit, when you are working it glows even clearer, so that we can pick you up from a long distance. 

We sense the light and come to you, to come to bring you peace my friends, to come to bring you peace. Regardless of whatever is going on around you, within your world, we come to bring you a corner of peace, where you can go and relax and be quiet, and go into yourself, for your inner spirit needs you to speak to it also, it needs to speak to you, find a place and a time that you can do this, it will bring you solace, peace and love in your everyday life. 

That you tread the path very, very carefully, my friends, tread it very carefully. Bring love to those and take it, but do not waste your time on people by polishing the diamond, do not waste you time with people who would never understand you. 

Let them come to YOU my friends, so that you can help and give it freely, freely in abundance, you can help to give it freely in abundance. 

My daughters of the Divinity, I come to you, I feel the hug and the pull, and I want you so, but it is not time yet. I will go now and leave you with peace, and think on what I have said. 

Bathe in the rainbow to help cleanse you, call in a ring of peace as well as the sun and the rainbow. Go in peace my friends go in peace. You will find the peace in nature, this is what I want you to do, find a quiet place and sit, contemplate. It will allow your own spirit to come to you and help you with your problems. 

I will go now my daughters of the Divinity, and …your God or whoever you like it to be go with you, we hope it is with us, we hope it is with us….you understand? (We do).

26 July 04.    The Crystalline Ascension. Light-Body Ascension. Recent Visitors From Space. Mexico.  Bigger Troubles in the World. Remote Viewing.                                                                                                                                                                                            

                                                            No 3

Tell me when you can see it. (J Yes I will do). (A. I can see No 3 quite clearly now.) (J. Yes you are stronger now, and there is more shadow and light around you,) and our other lady, can she see also? (P. A little bit). Just a little bit? Then we will wait until it is stronger still. Let me know my friend when you see properly. (J. There is more light around you now). How are we doing? (J. Great). (P. Better, your chin is very dark for me). (J. I can see you). (A. I can see you too). (J. And there is light around you, quite strong). (A. Yes.) (P. Very strong, I can see better now) (J. It is you; laughs).

Good evening my ladies, it is a pleasure to be with you, wholly with you, completely with you, it is very kind of you to come, and distribute your energy amongst your friends and with us also so that we can lift our energy to meet yours. It has been a little while since we have met, but I think that we are beginning to gather the energy again, which is good.

I want to know have you thought about Ascension , (J. Oh yes) What do you think or feel about this my friends?  I’m asking YOU this question so you will have to work a bit this evening. I shall work, but not as hard.
 (J. Well I think in the old days in the time of “Christ”, a visual Ascension was of seeing somebody going up into the sky, but I think that it is actually our light bodies. The more we experience and show unconditional love, the more we understand, the more we expand ourselves, the lighter we become; and maybe its just to do with our light bodies and a separation of the dimensions.)
 This is true this is true, this is how it would be explained if I explained it to you, it IS a lightening of the light body so to speak, and it’s a fine tuning, and this comes through the love, and the understanding of your friends, if you understand me, wherever there is help that you can give, if you give it. This all helps you understand? The tuning becomes much finer you understand me? It helps to make this much finer. Its better to have the Lighter body than the heaviness that one person would drag about with them, if only they knew how easy it would be to lighten things for themselves as you have understood this. This is good, and there is another thing that I want to ask you. Do you understand how you can manage your anxiety problems, especially our lady here because I have heard her speak of this, do you understand me my dear? (P. Of course). You understand that through coming here as you have done with the listening the learning, that you are able now to cope more easily, and have a finer tuning than the ones that have the heavy body, and drag the burden with them. I’m very glad you do my friends; for you have found the will and the way to deal with it, have you not? You are learning and my teaching cannot have gone in vain, (All. No.) (P. NO, NO, NO, NO.) I have hoped that you have come to terms with your day-to-day problems, do you understand me.

Now there are some that say, and I know that it is written, that the Ascension is like the  Crystalline Body, (Yes) I don’t understand it, I’m asking you and you are saying yes. I’m not saying it isn’t right, couldn’t be so and couldn’t happen, but all the things that I have seen that are crystalline are dead and have no life. Now there are some that think that the body will change actually to crystalline, and cells will be able to alter, and manifest and re-orientate themselves.  It may come about I do not know, but I find it very complicated, and I cannot understand exactly what is being said or being asked to believe in this, but I can only tell you this, I don’t think that it will happen to the human race that you have here now. Now if you think, and I don’t want to drag it down, but if you think of the Pole Shift as a cleansing of the earth plane, put it that way at any time. Then a new civilisation may very well have a different, a new DNA, there may be differences in the DNA which will alter things considerably, you understand me, even in the animal world as well this could come about. It is written and it has been discussed that, after, you wouldn’t need any food or animals to sustain you, because all your life force would be there, and what your body needs and your energy would be taken in the breath, you understand me? (Yes, that would be wonderful) It would be wonderful, but I’m not sure that this isn’t too simplistic. It is hard to believe that this would come about, but not saying that it won’t, we will see we will see. This is the Ascension that they are talking about, this crystalline body, you can’t understand it fully yet, I’m not quite sure what is being said. I’ll go forward in this light the one that looks will have to look, I’m not sure that I understand this or the thinking that goes with it, it sounds wonderful, but I don’t think it is going to happen with this civilisation that you have on your earth planet at the moment, I would think that it needed a cleansing, I’m talking about 2500 maybe, maybe a difference then but a lot would have gone on beforehand there will be no problem whatsoever for you my friends at that time because you won’t be here. .

 (J, there has been talk about the Earth Separating and becoming two earths, a higher dimensional earth and a lower dimensional earth, that’s another theory). It is a theory yes and we must look at all theories and we must never disregard theories because lots of them have been proved to be right. So we will hold that in one hand and, and the other in the other hand so to speak, and see what happens in the future, but it is interesting to look at the thoughts of others, or what other people are saying, and I’m not saying that I agree with it but, but they are certainly looking at other aspects of things that may come about.
 Now the problem with Ascension that you are going through at the moment, I’m afraid there will be suffering and Physical Problems, and there would be suffering with the crystalline Ascension as well, and you know that there is and I’m sorry that there is discomfiture in the rising of the light body and the refining of your mental state. We are trying to refine your mental state so that you can handle all the difficulties much better. (J. It is so much easier)

Yes, and you understand that you have the visitors from outer space, you have had them you have had them recently, do you know this? (How recently?) In the past 14 days. (No?) Yes my friend. (J. I heard about Mexico?) This is possibly where it is, and Eleven I think, (Gosh), all at the same time. You must be ready for this, you cannot truly believe that you are in isolation, I have said before that your planet is part of a great matrix, a large machine; if one bit breaks down and doesn’t work properly, you understand there is a knock on effect, it affects everything else, so we will have to wait and see about that, and lots of things are coming to light, you must look I think. If you look on your boxes, not the one that you look on for your information, my friend but I believe the box that you watch, you will find sometime this week, that they have opened the books on UFO’s, or old papers are being allowed to be looked at, but then there are some that you will never see, because they won’t let you, there are even some locked away that you wont be aware of at all, you understand me? Why Keep Them Secret I cannot understand it; if they are letting some out, why not everything. (J. They are selective in everything aren’t they) Yes, but this civilisation isn’t as frightened of things, generation I mean, sorry, they will accept it more easily because they are more open, and understand more than their predecessors.
 (A. Will some of these beings that arrive, aliens, will they be able to bring a better way of life to the human race, will some of them be able to be a positive influence on us?) Yes, it might well happen I think there is a desperation here. You see it has already been for want of a better word, DISCUSSED. It is easier for me to say it like that than to tell you any other way. We know there is a problem here, and you seem to be getting deeper in the hole, and its not only with Iraq, it is with other places as well. You keep your eye on that ball my friend, because all that Iraq business is in your face, up front so to speak, and you cannot miss it, as it is there before your eyes and in your face, but the other is going on in the background, and its this picking at the spot that is going to cause the trouble, bigger trouble than Iraq. It’s building and building and building, constantly building, until the bubble will have to burst, and then this is what I have been trying to tell you about before, which I wont drag up again, but you know of which I speak, yes you watch this space, there are one or two other spots as well, but I won’t go into that now, it’s in the background, but fiery all the same…
Well my ladies, if that is all or is there something else that you wish to ask me?
 (J. May I say something? It is about what A asked you about earlier. The beings that have come, have they actually landed here in the last fourteen days, or have they just been seen?) They’ve been seen, they haven’t landed, not yet. Things are being appraised at the moment, ( I see) do you understand, we don’t know which way they will be able to help, we are looking for the right way, they need to look and come and be around so to speak, they will pick up information without actually landing at all.
(A. Have they visited us, because I have a feeling that something visited me.)
 My friend No 1 is forever visiting.
 (J. Can we be of any more service to you?) Not at the moment, what you are doing is very good and we are very pleased with the way things are going at the moment, the mediums got this problem but we will overcome it, and even if the worst happens, it would be cleared up quite quickly.
 (The mediums mother was terminally ill.)
 The sooner it comes to an end the better, then everyone can move forward. You are moving forward regardless of how she is, we know that she couldn’t have worked before because she needed the rest, but we are beginning to pick up a little speed, which is good for us all.
 Is there anything else?
(P. One other thing, we have fallen behind with our remote viewing, is this an important thing that we should be doing?) Oh YES my friend, (emphatic), don’t push it just yet, but I will tell you when, if you look at the different things that are going on. Do you understand, you have read it in your newspapers haven’t you? (P Yes.)  Recently? This is important, and you understand through reading recently, how important it could be and once you get going, it could be, do you really know what I’m talking about? Because there are actually a few groups working for the government, and they are doing remote viewing, you will have to get your skates on to catch up with them, I don’t think it’s possible with this particular thing that is going on, but you may be able to be used in the future, (P. Spying), I said that it WOULDN’T be used for that, but if it’s for the collective and the good, and if you were to put yourself forward and be accepted, you… well, anyway, this is a little bit in the future, and you will have to sharpen it up, and you haven’t had a really good go at it, not yet. You’ve only touched the surface have you not? (J. Absolutely). You will have to look at arranging it in a different way. We know you feel it is a nuisance, at times and it will be because of different things, we know this, so you must have a long think about what you are going to do. It might have to be organised differently so that it runs smoothly, in more or less a continuous pace, rather than the way it was before hit and miss, you are just going to have to discipline yourselves, we cannot do that for you, and as I’ve stressed before very important there may be work for you to do there, if you can get it together, for practise will make perfect, and you don’t have to have any particular intelligence.
I’m going to leave you now, and will speak with you again. Our friend, the medium, is ready to go forward I think, (J. yes she is much better).  This thorn in her side is a nuisance. You see I see things differently from you, I do have the emotion, and sense the emotion but I don’t understand the emotions as you do, we just sense the love that is there for ones mother, we can appreciate it but we cannot understand it, or experience it fully, we are sufficiently in tune enough to gather some of the emotion that is involved, you see we see things in a different light, which if you went into you would find it harsh, (J. Well………) because we are not soft centred?
 (J. You are more practical?) Yes I’m afraid so, because we understand that from where we come from, the different place to most spirit guides, we do understand that the place that you will be going to will be much better for her, so we do not be sorry, because it would be so much better, SO much better, if only she was not so frightened, but finally in the end she is not as indestructible as she thinks. She will go my friends and I can only hope that she goes quickly, and not any slower than she is going now, I know my friend here finds it difficult to watch, such a long drawn out thing. I must go my friends and much love to you.

                                                No 2
I come once again to bring you the chalice of love to share amongst you. I will not stay long my friends, but I just come to give you a kind word to help you on your way in your travels and your problems. To take you and let you walk in the sunshine. It is important that you walk in the sunshine, my friends, and as I’ve said before follow the rainbow, bathe in the rainbows colours go to the rainbow’s end, and let it enhance every part of you, You radiate the light and the love of the Divine one, for the light is within us all, and it burns brightly within you people who work for the spirit, when you are working it glows even clearer, so that we can pick you up from a long distance, We sense the light and come to you, to come to bring you peace my friends, to come to bring you peace. Regardless of whatever is going on around you, within your world, we come to bring you a corner of peace, where you can go and relax and be quiet, and go into yourself, for your inner spirit needs you to speak to it also, it needs to speak to you, find a place and a time that you can do this, it will bring you solace, peace and love in your everyday life. That you tread the path very, very carefully, my friends, tread it very carefully. Bring love to those and take it, but do not waste your time on people by polishing the diamond, do not waste you time with people who would never understand you. Let them come to YOU my friends, so that you can help and give it freely, freely in abundance, you can help to give it freely in abundance. My daughters of the Divinity, I come to you, I feel the hug and the pull, and I want you so, but it is not time yet. I will go now and leave you with peace, and think on what I have said. Bathe in the rainbow to help cleanse you, call in a ring of peace as well as the sun and the rainbow. Go in peace my friends go in peace. You will find the peace in nature, this is what I want you to do, find a quiet place and sit, contemplate. It will allow your own spirit to come to you and help you with your problems. I will go now my daughters of the Divinity, and …your God or whoever you like it to be go with you, we hope it is with us, we hope it is with us….you understand? (We do).

Offline -  http://www.spirit-truths.co.uk


10th May 2004   

 Discussion, Torture allegations in Iraq war, Help will come.
   The importance of self-development.

                                                                            No 3

Good evening my ladies, it is nice to be back once more. 

We won’t be doing anything special this evening you understand, this has been quite a trying time for the instrument, and it continues unfortunately, so we must leave her, as we will not be able to return if the energy is diminished too far, you understand? We are pulling it up from the roots at the moment, and using the energy that we can gather from you also.    (The mediums’ mother was gravely ill)

I expect that you have been taking notice of the news that has been in your newspapers and on your televisions; and of course you might look for the answers in a different way, especially about the Torture Problem that is there; for if you scratch the surface, you see what you find underneath. 

No1 and I have already discussed this, we knew that this would happen, and you see how some of you have not really developed very far. Underneath some you see is the savage always; this HAS to be changed, altered whatever else you may say about it. You will always have the odd one, there will always be the few, but it is the few that can be so damaging in this case for all the rest of the army, and you will not trust them any more.

Have a look underneath though! Has this been devised my friends, to make it impossible for them to work in these countries so that they will have to withdraw at some point, and the excuse will be to withdraw, because perhaps it is unworkable. 

They should never have let the genie out of the bottle in the first place. It would have been easier to have got hold of Saddam on his own, without all this trouble, and taking in armies to release the peoples of all their problems, surely it could have been done another way, and not so spectacularly as it has been, and the list just goes on and on and on, and spills over into other countries as well. 

The hatred for the American and the English will spread around the world in a way. Now I mustn’t go on, and No1 is shaking his head, and telling me, we don’t want gloom and doom thank you very much, but this is the news that is about is it not?  This is the problem, but help may come from outside, you will have to wait and see. Help will come; you know this do you not? Help will come; we hope it will. It has been discussed anyway that some form may come and help. (J. From our planet?

No, elsewhere my friends, not from this planet. You are all involved too much in your own problems and how to deal with it, you have your own problems and you cannot see further than the end of your nose so to speak. It will take an outside influence to come to bear which is being discussed, perhaps it will be brought to bear………not that anybody will believe you if you tell them, they will not of course, because they are what they are.

It is a pity that you have not been recognised for what you are in this group, for it is quite unique and remarkable in many, many ways, you would have thought that someone would have taken it on board at least to have spoken to you about it. You understand what I’m saying? The people who are so-called, in this. It seems that you have more outsiders taking an interest, and they are interested in the content and not in what WE do, and how we come. They are not particularly interested in how the information, it seems to us, gets to them.

 (J. I think they find it unbelievable). This is the problem you see, and I suppose we must try and see it from their point of view, but you would think that there are more enquiring minds in the world. If it were being done in a spiritual way, maybe they would take more notice. I’m saying what you already know. It seems remarkable to us that no one is interested.

(P. Can we do any more than we do?) No there is nothing more that you can do, more than you have already done, it is there for everybody to see, for him or her to pick it up. We notice, my friend and I that you have had no more communication from the friend that you went to see, and put on your display (no), we believe you have not and that you will not either, (we haven’t contacted them either.) No, it would be well not to do so, if there was anything about them, they would have contacted you, and in a way we are glad for our mediums sake, because they are not on the same wavelength as you, we are at a different level and you have grown so far, you must continue to grow.

(J. May I ask you something)? You may. (I wish to get in touch with the man, who wrote the Bible Codes, not the original person obviously, but the person who’s written the book, would this be a sensible road to go down, because this is where the obelisk comes in)?

There would be no harm in trying, whether you get an answer or not I do not know, he may be the sort of person who thinks that this is his discovery, and nobody else’s, and would not have anybody else take it away from him, not that they’d want to they’d just want to discuss more than anything, (Oh gosh yes) and you can try my friend but otherwise if you don’t get an answer this time don’t keep poking it, you understand me, walk away, because you won’t want too much entanglement. You can try you can try, they might be full of their own importance, especially, I say especially, they may well be interested because of from whence it came, this source, and that might be interesting to them. He might be curious enough to make contact, especially if you give him the website of course, then he could look for himself, and then decide if he wants to be involved or not, on the other hand you must find your own way.

(P May I just follow on from that, if people don’t show an interest in our work, your work, we shouldn’t try and persuade them, we should walk away, people that we invite into our circle or talk to)? (J. Walk away).

 Yes because they can come to you. It is out there now, and it is down to them to contact you, and they can contact you through the web site can they not? Of course they can. If they want to know more if their curiosity is stirred enough, we will have to see what happens, but we are going to give the medium a little rest, well, we don’t give her a rest she gives us a rest, because if she refuses to work then there isn’t anything we can do about it as we will have to wait and see, we can understand this and we don’t demand anything, it is down to her.

 ( J. We are still working) Yes everybody seems to be doing a little here and a little there.
Mind how you go, my friend, mind how you go. (Really? Me?) Yes.. MIND HOW YOU GO. (I will), and the others, they must mind how they go in a different way. It is all happening out there, beware where you tread, who you contact, who you take on board, and who you do not and look a little deeper, I’m really telling you to be wary in general, and you never know, you can’t trust anybody.

(P. Is it good that while the medium is not working that we meet and occasionally meditate?) Is this good for us? This is fine, you are touching base as you would say, my friend it can only do good as it keeps the energy flowing, it is there and it is flowing and you are well experienced these days and you can manage that now, we are quite happy about that. 

You can draw it at any time see how it has happened this evening, as the medium had made her mind up that there would be nothing to go on. Now my friend in the middle, did you want to ask me something? Yes I did. 

( A. We must be patient we must be very patient, and we mustn’t think we should rush things) No there is no rush, if it happens it happens, the people that will be interested will come forward. You can only put it out there and see what happens you understand me, because there needs to be some spark there, you understand, then you can develop it maybe, but don’t worry if they don’t get it because that is how things are, and it may develop, you will find your way you will be inspired you will know it when people speak to you, they are opening up, a foot in the door so to speak, if the door is left ajar then you can open it a little wider, you can invite them to come in, but don’t get people forward to look at things they didn’t want to look at in the first place, you are wasting your energy, and you will become dissatisfied also. 

(A. We must be content to be as we are). Let it run as it is, and see what happens, so my friend that’s all I can say. I cannot promise you anything. 

(A. Will we as people develop further than this)?Yes of course, because you have this ability to develop other things, it isn’t just that you come and you sit and we use your energy, and you take an interest in what we say, but for your own personal development let the medium bring a development course would be good for you, this you will find other doors opening for you, do you understand? Go learn the basics.

 (J. We have actually found that we have all changed and grown, from this experience, every experience that we have had since we have been doing this, we have grown as people and feel higher spiritually and more loving, more loving, more connected with the spirit world really).
We have noticed the difference you see, we hoped that you would develop because we didn’t want you to stay in the same place so to speak, we needed you to reach out and move on, for your mind, for you do have a mind and an additional silicon, and this will help you to develop and move on, I know that this sounds ridiculous and it would be if you mentioned it outside. 

We want you to go and do this in your own way, but you will have developed so you can reach out into the universal cosmos, you can spread your mind further, as all the answers are out there, you understand me, you have the ability now to open up. Start at the basics, you need a foundation and a steady rock foundation, to build on your other beliefs, if you build on sand, or halfway up the ladder so to speak, you will fall. 

It is all very well these things, if all is going well it is ok, but let anything go wrong and it will be very difficult to pull back, and to sort it out, and it could be a very terrifying experience, and you need to know the basics of how it works, so that you can protect yourself, to keep yourself protected and to understand what is going on, so that for the most part it goes along quite smoothly, and you can reach for the highest and the highest is what you will get, but beware of some other people, you do not know of dark influences that have been trapped within their energy fields, and needs to come forward and find a place for it to come forward to find a place to express itself. 

It wont be that person, but whatever is around them, trying to open up and draw something in, and even they may not be aware of it. It is very complicated really in some ways but very simple in others, and you need to understand and this is why you need a very strong foundation to stand on you understand. You mustn’t take any risks really. (J, I will be more wary.)

 Be more wary, people set more traps to draw you to come in, and share what you have but be wary my friend, I know that you will because you have common sense, you will come across these people especially strangers, and even sometimes those that you know, be very, very wary.

I am going to for now my friends as I feel I may have stayed too long, thank you very much and we’ve missed you too and No 1 has missed everybody, and he looks forward to his visits, he is always a visitor, (He is very welcome), yes he knows, he’s smiling he knows he is being made very welcome, and until next time my friend whenever that may be, it may be a little while until we do this again or perhaps not. It is according to the medium, how soon we progress. There is a lot of fine-tuning well before you come and it will take a while for her to get her thoughts together. I will go now my children and we give you love.

                                                                 No 2

I come to you my ladies, it has been a long time I feel, nevertheless I am here now, to bring you the love of the Divinity my daughters, and to bring you the light and the love that is within you, to build it so that it may shine out, and as you say my friends take it to others so that they also may have the experiences you have around this time to help them shed all of the problems that they have as well with living amongst others, for this is the time that it is needed, it is needed so my friends, for you are my daughters and I  bath you  in the love of the Divinity so that you may be bathed in the light of the loved one . 

I bring you the chalice once more that you may drink from it, and take the love for your friends and families as I have said before…look with different eyes my children, you must learn to look with different eyes at your world. Go walk in the sunshine follow the rainbow and bathe in the light from your rainbows, and go and seek…that you may have peace. I leave you now my children with the love of the Divine one, and I will come back once more to be with you. I thank you also my friends.

We were able to start again every other week after the death of the medium’s mother. Next transcript up in seven days…………….

10 May04.    Discussion, Torture allegations in Iraq war, Help will come.
                          The importance of self-development.


Good evening my ladies, it is nice to be back once more. We won’t be doing anything special this evening you understand, this has been quite a trying time for the instrument, and it continues unfortunately, so we must leave her, as we will not be able to return if the energy is diminished too far, you understand? We are pulling it up from the roots at the moment, and using the energy that we can gather from you also.    (The mediums’ mother was gravely ill)
I expect that you have been taking notice of the news that has been in your newspapers and on your televisions; and of course you might look for the answers in a different way, especially about the Torture Problem that is there; for if you scratch the surface, you see what you find underneath. No1 and I have already discussed this, we knew that this would happen, and you see how some of you have not really developed very far. Underneath some you see is the savage always; this HAS to be changed, altered whatever else you may say about it. You will always have the odd one, there will always be the few, but it is the few that can be so damaging in this case for all the rest of the army, and you will not trust them any more.
Have a look underneath though! Has this been devised my friends, to make it impossible for them to work in these countries so that they will have to withdraw at some point, and the excuse will be to withdraw, because perhaps it is unworkable. They should never have let the genie out of the bottle in the first place. It would have been easier to have got hold of Saddam on his own, without all this trouble, and taking in armies to release the peoples of all their problems, surely it could have been done another way, and not so spectacularly as it has been, and the list just goes on and on and on, and spills over into other countries as well. The hatred for the American and the English will spread around the world in a way. Now I mustn’t go on, and No1 is shaking his head, and telling me, we don’t want gloom and doom thank you very much, but this is the news that is about is it not?  This is the problem, but help may come from outside, you will have to wait and see. Help will come; you know this do you not? Help will come; we hope it will. It has been discussed anyway that some form may come and help. (J. From our planet?) No, elsewhere my friends, not from this planet. You are all involved too much in your own problems and how to deal with it, you have your own problems and you cannot see further than the end of your nose so to speak. It will take an outside influence to come to bear which is being discussed, perhaps it will be brought to bear………not that anybody will believe you if you tell them, they will not of course, because they are what they are.
It is a pity that you have not been recognised for what you are in this group, for it is quite unique and remarkable in many, many ways, you would have thought that someone would have taken it on board at least to have spoken to you about it. You understand what I’m saying? The people who are so-called, in this. It seems that you have more outsiders taking an interest, and they are interested in the content and not in what WE do, and how we come. They are not particularly interested in how the information, it seems to us, gets to them.
 (J. I think they find it unbelievable). This is the problem you see, and I suppose we must try and see it from their point of view, but you would think that there are more enquiring minds in the world. If it were being done in a spiritual way, maybe they would take more notice. I’m saying what you already know. It seems remarkable to us that no one is interested.
(P. Can we do any more than we do?) No there is nothing more that you can do, more than you have already done, it is there for everybody to see, for him or her to pick it up. We notice, my friend and I that you have had no more communication from the friend that you went to see, and put on your display (no), we believe you have not and that you will not either, (we haven’t contacted them either.) No, it would be well not to do so, if there was anything about them, they would have contacted you, and in a way we are glad for our mediums sake, because they are not on the same wavelength as you, we are at a different level and you have grown so far, you must continue to grow.
(J. May I ask you something)? You may. (I wish to get in touch with the man, who wrote the Bible Codes, not the original person obviously, but the person who’s written the book, would this be a sensible road to go down, because this is where the obelisk comes in)?
There would be no harm in trying, whether you get an answer or not I do not know, he may be the sort of person who thinks that this is his discovery, and nobody else’s, and would not have anybody else take it away from him, not that they’d want to they’d just want to discuss more than anything, (Oh gosh yes) and you can try my friend but otherwise if you don’t get an answer this time don’t keep poking it, you understand me, walk away, because you won’t want too much entanglement. You can try you can try, they might be full of their own importance, especially, I say especially, they may well be interested because of from whence it came, this source, and that might be interesting to them. He might be curious enough to make contact, especially if you give him the website of course, then he could look for himself, and then decide if he want s to be involved or not, on the other hand you must find your own way.
(P May I just follow on from that, if people don’t show an interest in our work, your work, we shouldn’t try and persuade them, we should walk away, people that we invite into our circle or talk to)? (J. Walk away).
 Yes because they can come to you. It is out there now, and it is down to them to contact you, and they can contact you through the web site can they not? Of course they can. If they want to know more if their curiosity is stirred enough, we will have to see what happens, but we are going to give the medium a little rest, well, we don’t give her a rest she gives us a rest, because if she refuses to work then there isn’t anything we can do about it as we will have to wait and see, we can understand this and we don’t demand anything, it is down to her.
 ( J. We are still working) Yes everybody seems to be doing a little here and a little there.
Mind how you go, my friend, mind how you go. (Really? Me?) Yes.. MIND HOW YOU GO. (I will), and the others, they must mind how they go in a different way. It is all happening out there, beware where you tread, who you contact, who you take on board, and who you do not and look a little deeper, I’m really telling you to be wary in general, and you never know, you can’t trust anybody.
(P. Is it good that while the medium is not working that we meet and occasionally meditate?) Is this good for us? This is fine, you are touching base as you would say, my friend it can only do good as it keeps the energy flowing, it is there and it is flowing and you are well experienced these days and you can manage that now, we are quite happy about that. You can draw it at any time see how it has happened this evening, as the medium had made her mind up that there would be nothing to go on. Now my friend in the middle, did you want to ask me something? Yes I did. ( A. We must be patient we must be very patient, and we mustn’t think we should rush things) No there is no rush, if it happens it happens, the people that will be interested will come forward. You can only put it out there and see what happens you understand me, because there needs to be some spark there, you understand, then you can develop it maybe, but don’t worry if they don’t get it because that is how things are, and it may develop, you will find your way you will be inspired you will know it when people speak to you, they are opening up, a foot in the door so to speak, if the door is left ajar then you can open it a little wider, you can invite them to come in, but don’t get people forward to look at things they didn’t want to look at in the first place, you are wasting your energy, and you will become dissatisfied also. (A. We must be content to be as we are). Let it run as it is, and see what happens, so my friend that’s all I can say. I cannot promise you anything. (A. Will we as people develop further than this)?Yes of course, because you have this ability to develop other things, it isn’t just that you come and you sit and we use your energy, and you take an interest in what we say, but for your own personal development let the medium bring a development course would be good for you, this you will find other doors opening for you, do you understand? Go learn the basics.
 (J. We have actually found that we have all changed and grown, from this experience, every experience that we have had since we have been doing this, we have grown as people and feel higher spiritually and more loving, more loving, more connected with the spirit world really).
We have noticed the difference you see, we hoped that you would develop because we didn’t want you to stay in the same place so to speak, we needed you to reach out and move on, for your mind, for you do have a mind and an additional silicon, and this will help you to develop and move on, I know that this sounds ridiculous and it would be if you mentioned it outside. We want you to go and do this in your own way, but you will have developed so you can reach out into the universal cosmos, you can spread your mind further, as all the answers are out there, you understand me, you have the ability now to open up. Start at the basics, you need a foundation and a steady rock foundation, to build on your other beliefs, if you build on sand, or halfway up the ladder so to speak, you will fall. It is all very well these things, if all is going well it is ok, but let anything go wrong and it will be very difficult to pull back, and to sort it out, and it could be a very terrifying experience, and you need to know the basics of how it works, so that you can protect yourself, to keep yourself protected and to understand what is going on, so that for the most part it goes along quite smoothly, and you can reach for the highest and the highest is what you will get, but beware of some other people, you do not know of dark influences that have been trapped within their energy fields, and needs to come forward and find a place for it to come forward to find a place to express itself. It wont be that person, but whatever is around them, trying to open up and draw something in, and even they may not be aware of it. It is very complicated really in some ways but very simple in others, and you need to understand and this is why you need a very strong foundation to stand on you understand. You mustn’t take any risks really. (J, I will be more wary.)
 Be more wary, people set more traps to draw you to come in, and share what you have but be wary my friend, I know that you will because you have common sense, you will come across these people especially strangers, and even sometimes those that you know, be very, very wary.
I am going to for now my friends as I feel I may have stayed too long, thank you very much and we’ve missed you too and No 1 has missed everybody, and he looks forward to his visits, he is always a visitor, (He is very welcome), yes he knows, he’s smiling he knows he is being made very welcome, and until next time my friend whenever that may be, it may be a little while until we do this again or perhaps not. It is according to the medium, how soon we progress. There is a lot of fine-tuning well before you come and it will take a while for her to get her thoughts together. I will go now my children and we give you love.
I come to you my ladies, it has been a long time I feel, nevertheless I am here now, to bring you the love of the Divinity my daughters, and to bring you the light and the love that is within you, to build it so that it may shine out, and as you say my friends take it to others so that they also may have the experiences you have around this time to help them shed all of the problems that they have as well with living amongst others, for this is the time that it is needed, it is needed so my friends, for you are my daughters and I  bath you  in the love of the Divinity so that you may be bathed in the light of the loved one . I bring you the chalice once more that you may drink from it, and take the love for your friends and families as I have said before…look with different eyes my children, you must learn to look with different eyes at your world go walk in the sunshine follow the rainbow and bathe in the light from your rainbows, and go and seek…that you may have peace. I leave you now my children with the love of the Divine one, and I will come back once more to be with you. I thank you also my friends.

We were able to start again every other week after the death of the medium’s mother. Next transcript up in seven days…………….

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