16th December 2003
Number 3
Good evening my
It is quite a hard journey to get here, but we
make the effort and try to inspire you to go on and on, and learn a little more
as we progress through the weeks.
You may wonder
(or you may not wonder) how we communicate through the instrument and with you.
There are differences you know in the many people who sit in circles and it is
to do with the Brain energy. Now, I will tell you a little secret my children,
as to why it easier for us to contact you from where we are, note I SAY FROM
WHERE WE ARE. It’s because we have come
close to the spirit who already works within different circles. It is because
some brains in you human beings have more silicon than others. Therefore the circuitry is better and it is
easier for us to communicate with you. We can locate you quite quickly .
is why other people/students have sat in your circle and have not been so
adequately blessed – lets put it that way. One did not yet have the mind
energy, but will be of use in his own
way. The lady that came, had the intelligence and the energy but she lives in a
world or a time that is past – the teaching now is different. The silicon is
not there – the communication is not the
same. Some people will not see as you do . There will be the odd one
here and there who will experience it, you understand?
I’ve been led to you to with the purpose of helping you sort out and to look, and I knew you
would try and look for the information
to confirm what I say. Some of
the communications that you read, that we hear you speaking of, are man-made. Mans’
interpretation of near truths which can be slightly awry but never mind. We can
hopefully alter all that. (Laughs).
We are looking
at time; we come back to time because we think
that you have an understanding of
this. (Or you think you do).
Well it will be
possible at sometime to make time run backwards as well as forwards, my
friends, that is on your earth plane and you will think that it is impossible
but it is not so. You have cause and effect and soon you will
have effect and cause because it will run backwards as well as
You think this
is not true as you don’t see how it would work, it already works here now. If
you had two people , born at the same time, and the same day, twins. If you
have one here on the earth plane and if it were possible and it will be
possible one day to, in your lifetime, I fear it may not be in YOUR Lifetime, that
the second being would be in a space-craft and would travel at the speed of
light, and go to a different
planet altogether and would perhaps stay awhile which it may well be possible.
Now when they
return, they would find that the being that had travelled to the earth plane
back again to it’s twin, that the one on the earth plane would be older than
the one who is returning and yet they
were born at the same time, in the same place, because nothing can travel
faster than the speed of light, my friends. There is nothing that can be
brought forward or developed that can travel faster than the speed of light, it
is not possible.
Some of the
stars that you see in the Universe are hundred of millions of years old,
And the light
from them is millions and millions of years old (counted in your time years).
And the light
you are getting from them some of them, they are already dead you understand
this, so what is happening now has happened many millions of years ago with
regards to your universe, the light time. – If you had a clock, two clocks, one
on the earth plane and if you could lift the other one up quite high, you would
find that although they both start at the same time. The one that is brought back down is slower
or faster than the one that is on the ground. You cannot believe this, can you?
You cannot believe this you tell me you cannot (laugh) believe this!
It only a
minute amount of time but it is different – and do you know why this is? How
can I put this - because when the time factor
is developed…………… things travel
faster through oxygen . This is the gravitational pull if you have oxygen. The ball in the air returns to the ground
quite quickly. If it was to pass into outer space and into the ether, things
slow down. So then time alters again.
I’ve put it badly I’m afraid, the words are not available for me to explain
fully. I can only …………It is to do with velocity and it is to do with the ether
and the oxygen – near the earth, once it enters it will travel faster in the
earths atmosphere, the earth’s gravitational pull and the oxygen.
Then if you get beyond this point, you see you
have the ether and things slow down then, and WE can travel quite
quickly through the ether to contact you. It’s even faster when it comes into
your earth plane, your oxygen, everything travels even faster. Do you
understand? Are you getting the drift? I
want you to find out, to understand. Time is not I suppose finite. In some ways it is infinite, so you must go
away and look at this and see what you can see on your box of tricks, and what
you can come up with. You will find
people are developing. You have brains you see but not always the right
capacity, materials or the finance. We
come back to finance (and control) you see. Some of the people that develop
these things do not want the power, they need the finance, they are not looking
for power – you will be surprised how far they have got already, but you will not be told of these developments.
Now we return
to the problem of bringing the war, the
problems, into your own back yard.
It will be brought to you my friends I’m afraid to your own backyard. Unfortunately - you will not have to go to
it. At some point it will be
brought to you in your own back yard. There are a lot of outside influences who
wish to jump on the so-called bandwagon – and everything will be blamed on to
the one, but there are other forces at work also, who are only interested in
power and developing, so that they can make a nuisance of
themselves, ( being able to do it under
the cover of a more active force.) Stupid people, mindless and stupid. – You
must look after your ecology you know that, because there are many plants that
have not been documented yet (do you understand?) You will never get to find
out if…..well, never mind – I am not going to say that this or that is going to
happen - I just want you to be aware,
and you are, and your government is
telling you to be aware, and whilst they are telling you – they should be aware
for themselves because this could be a crucial period.
Not everybody
shares your delight at the Christmas festival that is about to take place. And this is where your Priest-craft comes in
again. You don’t know what your world
would have been like without it. It
could have been a much better place, than it is now. You understand me? It is important, but there you have it, and you can’t get rid of it overnight. There
will be a common cause, which will pull all decent people together – worldwide
it will pull them together - not just on
the little island where you live , (you understand).
This is a man-made thing, ecological and manmade – it will be
combined. This is the problem. Something
that is man-made, can set off something that is ecological
which you would not be able to solve so easily because once nature takes a
hand, you won’t be able to control it, my friends. You will have to do the best
you can. But it would be helped on by people that have been meddling also with
their bombs and their weapons of ultimate
destruction. They are stupid, very stupid. You are a TRIBE like
element, you know that don’t you. – We are trying to raise you up, trying very
hard to raise some of you up so that you can come away from this terrible muddle
you have got yourselves into (angry). This is no fault of yours – you
see there are innocents amongst the wicked and at the moment there seems to be
more of the wicked ones than there are innocent.
We look on you all, all over
your world, and shake our heads in dismay, because of the
problems you have got yourselves into. You would think people would have more
sense, but they don’t seem to (they don’t understand the bigger picture). They
still partake in this tribal business all the time. We thought you would have
evolved a little further than you have. And
some of you have and some of you are still in the depths.
I will let you go my friends, because I know you will want to enjoy your
festivities and celebrations for whatever reason be it Christian or Pagan. Most
of the Christian thing is built on the pagan ways, but still.
Whatever reason – go and enjoy yourselves my
sisters, my daughters, go and enjoy yourselves, do not worry about anything at
the moment – it is not worth it. You cannot and do not know what is underneath
the stone, but only deal with it as it comes to hand. We will help you in every
way we can – my sisters - I have said
before I am waiting and I will be there – but I do not want to be there yet for
you, because I know that you do not want to come. (Not yet, I tell you my sisters you have too much to
do). You have too much to do if you stay with us.
I leave you now to enjoy your time – I will leave you with love, and
look forward to meeting with you again – maybe not for a while because of the
celebrations, but after that we will be around again my friends – we will
be around again – if the instrument lets
us and I think she will, because she is as curious as everybody else.
She is very good to us to let us come so close – I leave you now my friends –
God be with you and God go with you wherever, and love and light to you all.
Offline - http://www.spirit-truths.co.uk
2003 16th December
Number 3
Good evening my
It is quite a hard journey to get here, but we
make the effort and try to inspire you to go on and on, and learn a little more
as we progress through the weeks.
You may wonder
(or you may not wonder) how we communicate through the instrument and with you.
There are differences you know in the many people who sit in circles and it is
to do with the Brain energy. Now, I will tell you a little secret my children,
as to why it easier for us to contact you from where we are, note I SAY FROM
WHERE WE ARE. It’s because we have come
close to the spirit who already works within different circles. It is because
some brains in you human beings have more silicon than others. Therefore the circuitry is better and it is
easier for us to communicate with you. We can locate you quite quickly . That
is why other people/students have sat in your circle and have not been so
adequately blessed – lets put it that way. One did not yet have the mind
energy, but will be of use in his own
way. The lady that came, had the intelligence and the energy but she lives in a
world or a time that is past – the teaching now is different. The silicon is
not there – the communication is not the
same. Some people will not see as you do . There will be the odd one
here and there who will experience it, you understand?
I’ve been led to you to with the purpose of helping you sort out and to look, and I knew you
would try and look for the information
to confirm what I say. Some of
the communications that you read, that we hear you speaking of, are man-made. Mans’
interpretation of near truths which can be slightly awry but never mind. We can
hopefully alter all that. (Laughs).
We are looking
at time; we come back to time because we think
that you have an understanding of
this. (Or you think you do).
Well it will be
possible at sometime to make time run backwards as well as forwards, my
friends, that is on your earth plane and you will think that it is impossible
but it is not so. You have cause and effect and soon you will
have effect and cause because it will run backwards as well as
You think this
is not true as you don’t see how it would work, it already works here now. If
you had two people , born at the same time, and the same day, twins. If you
have one here on the earth plane and if it were possible and it will be
possible one day to, in your lifetime, I fear it may not be in YOUR
Lifetime, that
the second being would be in a space-craft and would travel at the speed of
light, and go to a different
planet altogether and would perhaps stay awhile which it may well be possible.
Now when they
return, they would find that the being that had travelled to the earth plane
back again to it’s twin, that the one on the earth plane would be older than
the one who is returning and yet they
were born at the same time, in the same place, because nothing can travel
faster than the speed of light, my friends. There is nothing that can be
brought forward or developed that can travel faster than the speed of light, it
is not possible.
Some of the
stars that you see in the Universe are hundred of millions of years old,
And the light
from them is millions and millions of years old (counted in your time years).
And the light
you are getting from them some of them, they are already dead you understand
this, so what is happening now has happened many millions of years ago with
regards to your universe, the light time. – If you had a clock, two clocks, one
on the earth plane and if you could lift the other one up quite high, you would
find that although they both start at the same time. The one that is brought back down is slower
or faster than the one that is on the ground. You cannot believe this, can you?
You cannot believe this you tell me you cannot (laugh) believe this! It only a
minute amount of time but it is different – and do you know why this is? How
can I put this - because when the time factor
is developed……………
things travel
faster through oxygen . This is the gravitational pull if you have oxygen. The ball in the air returns to the ground
quite quickly. If it was to pass into outer space and into the ether, things
slow down. So then time alters again.
I’ve put it badly I’m afraid, the words are not available for me to explain
fully. I can only …………It is to do with velocity and it is to do with the ether
and the oxygen – near the earth, once it enters it will travel faster in the
earths atmosphere, the earth’s gravitational pull and the oxygen. Then if you get beyond this point, you see you
have the ether and things slow down then, and WE can travel quite
quickly through the ether to contact you. It’s even faster when it comes into
your earth plane, your oxygen, everything travels even faster. Do you
understand? Are you getting the drift? I
want you to find out, to understand. Time is not I suppose finite. In some ways it is infinite, so you must go
away and look at this and see what you can see on your box of tricks, and what
you can come up with. You will find
people are developing. You have brains you see but not always the right
capacity, materials or the finance. We
come back to finance (and control) you see. Some of the people that develop
these things do not want the power, they need the finance, they are not looking
for power – you will be surprised how far they have got already, but you will not be told of these developments.
Now we return
to the problem of bringing the war, the
problems, into your own back yard.
It will be brought to you my friends I’m afraid to your own backyard. Unfortunately - you will not have to go to
it. At some point it will be
brought to you in your own back yard. There are a lot of outside influences who
wish to jump on the so-called bandwagon – and everything will be blamed on to
the one, but there are other forces at work also, who are only interested in
power and developing, so that they can make a
nuisance of
themselves, ( being able to do it under
the cover of a more active force.) Stupid people, mindless and stupid. – You
must look after your ecology you know that, because there are many plants that
have not been documented yet (do you understand?) You will never get to find
out if…..well, never mind – I am not going to say that this or that is going to
happen - I just want you to be aware,
and you are, and your government is
telling you to be aware, and whilst they are telling you – they should be aware
for themselves because this could be a crucial period.
Not everybody
shares your delight at the Christmas festival that is about to take place. And this is where your Priest-craft comes in
again. You don’t know what your world
would have been like without it. It
could have been a much better place, than it is now. You understand me? It is important, but there you have it, and you can’t get rid of it overnight. There
will be a common cause, which will pull all decent people together – worldwide
it will pull them together - not just on
the little island where you live , (you understand). This is a man-made thing, ecological and manmade – it will be
combined. This is the problem. Something
that is man-made, can set off something that is ecological
which you would not be able to solve so easily because once nature takes a
hand, you won’t be able to control it, my friends. You will have to do the best
you can. But it would be helped on by people that have been meddling also with
their bombs and their weapons of ultimate
destruction. They are stupid, very stupid. You are a TRIBE like
element, you know that don’t you. – We are trying to raise you up, trying very
hard to raise some of you up so that you can come away from this terrible muddle
you have got yourselves into (angry). This is no fault of yours – you
see there are innocents amongst the wicked and at the moment there seems to be
more of the wicked ones than there are innocent. We look on you all, all over
your world, and shake our heads in dismay, because of the
problems you have got yourselves into. You would think people would have more
sense, but they don’t seem to (they don’t understand the bigger picture). They
still partake in this tribal business all the time. We thought you would have
evolved a little further than you have. And
some of you have and some of you are still in the depths.
I will let you go my friends, because I know you will want to enjoy your
festivities and celebrations for whatever reason be it Christian or Pagan. Most
of the Christian thing is built on the pagan ways, but still. Whatever reason – go and enjoy yourselves my
sisters, my daughters, go and enjoy yourselves, do not worry about anything at
the moment – it is not worth it. You cannot and do not know what is underneath
the stone, but only deal with it as it comes to hand. We will help you in every
way we can – my sisters - I have said
before I am waiting and I will be there – but I do not want to be there yet for
you, because I know that you do not want to come. (Not yet, I tell you my sisters you have too much to
do). You have too much to do if you stay with us.
I leave you now to enjoy your time – I will leave you with love, and
look forward to meeting with you again – maybe not for a while because of the
celebrations, but after that we will be around again my friends – we will
be around again – if the instrument lets
us and I think she will, because she is as curious as everybody else.
She is very good to us to let us come so close – I leave you now my friends –
God be with you and God go with you wherever, and love and light to you all.
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