10th Feb 2003
Orion Nebula, Mayan Calendar, Earth’s Coral
Layer, Europa, E’T’ Buried Creature,
Earth Crust Movement.
No 3
Good evening my
We gather here once more, and
I can tell by the news that you have, that all is not going well in your world
at the moment, with regards to the United Nations, which are not united. I was just thinking to myself, that if the
greatest country, the most powerful country in the world, withdraws from the
United Nations altogether - where will
that leave the others? Because it is needed you see, that they all stay
together. You would not want the most powerful country that there is – to pull
away. They can afford by power and
wealth, to go alone in any case, so they need not consult other nations. It is
better that they stay in the group, because then you know what they are doing
and where they are coming from. This is not something you can do anything
about. We are not expecting you to be able to influence the United Nations in
any way whatsoever – unfortunately. This is too big job even for you my
children to do. They will make their own mess in the end.
Now we come
back to one or two items – I want to come back to Orion – the Orion Belt. I
wonder if you did know that in about the last four months - It has been found by a few astrologers and
professors, that there are 31 new stars in the Orion Nebula. Now they are
either new to you, or they are in fact new stars - I will leave you with that – we can have an
exploration to find out more about that.
We go back to numbers, mathematics. You must have a look my friends, on
your boxes about the Mayan tribe that developed a calendar. You must have a look because there are
certain numbers that had been drawn up, mathematical equations even before
They will be of
use today as they were then. So what civilization was it, which could work out
these mathematical problems – and provide all these answers to all the
equations that were put down, if you understand? Your own civilization would
have a problem with it, without going back thousands of years, or more than
thousands even; perhaps you’ve lost more than two civilizations. They have
disappeared without trace, but they have left some artefacts behind them, which
could be looked at, and of interest.
I wonder also if you came to the Jurassic period, did you realize that
the moon was nearer to your planet than then at any other time, because there
is a coral layer on your Earth plane, and it could only have developed with the
moon coming closer to your Earth plane. (Oh!).
So this maybe also be of interest to you, as things are moving on a
is lso for your interest – the Europa moon. It is the - it is assumed that there is no life on this
particular moon or planet; it is encased in ice miles thick. But beyond that,
there is an inner core which is liquid and which is water, and in this water
there is life my friends, and there is a piece of equipment that you have sent
out to explore that has sent back this information, so that is something else
for you to look at.
Now on the Earth plane we’ve talked about being seeded (yes). It has been hard for you to
grasp – I do not mean by any matter of means that EVERYBODY has been seeded –
do you understand? Just the odd ones
here and there! Now, if alien beings came to your Earth plane, they would not
want to be recognised would they? They
can’t come in vast numbers, well not that I know of, so they would want to
mingle with the civilization that is already here, so as not to stick out. You
can accept this can you?
This is how it
would be, and you would have a seeding in that way. You already have on your Earth plane, a creature (I may have said animal last time), what is a creature
but an animal – (I know what you mean) you cannot find it my friend? (No). Well
it is here and it does live here. It has been here for billions of years, not
millions, billions. It is here and on your Earth plane now. I will tell you a
little about it (please). It is buried, and it can go for billions of years
without water. It already arrives here seeded and pregnant (yes). It has 20
sexes (good lord!) and it will eat its young (Oh!) and it can live all this time
without water. So it’s really ancient.
So where has this come from my friends, where has this come from? It is here
and you will find it in your books – look for creature, rather than animals.
(Is it from Orion?). I’m not going to tell you. I will leave you with this
information so that you can explore. It is pleasurable for me to bring you
these bits of information for you to look at (Thank you).
It has been a long time now, since I have been coming to be with you. To
bring these pieces of information for you to look at, and I think you already
know about this the Arctic, Antarctic shift. Now we are not talking about the
tectonic plates, we are talking about the Earth’s crust, which is different.
Now as has happened before, and we know that it has happened, that the Earth
moved on its axis by 1% this would cause great pressure on the Earth’s crust.
It is encased in a crust you see, and if it moves on it’s axis and brings it
closer to the sun so that it’s gravitational pull puts greater pressure on your Earth plane, and if you can imagine that
it’s like being a fruit that you have here my dears ones.
You call it an
orange. If you can imagine the oranges’ skin completely loosened and the orange
being able to move inside the skin (yes), this is what would cause the shift
because there would be a tilt, which would move the ice caps you see. The
Antarctic would shift and the poles as well,
and this is when you would get this great disaster. This is how the
civilization underneath the Antarctic would have been there you see, and now it
is covered in ice. This ice is not symmetrical, which causes a centrifugal
force which contributes as well, it all happens with this slight shift, Now it
is believed that you are already in an ice age, it wouldn’t be that be that
obvious to you ……………………..Why as you
know, you have some deposits of ice that are melting really quite quickly.
shift is gentle but it could have some consequences. That is why I am talking
about ecology and the fact that man doesn’t help. All these things are to be
taken into account and looked at. This
gives you the answers to things that you have already been looking at, how some
of the poles and the ice caps can be moved, so once a hot place, can now be
cold, and it would seem minor, but that is how the great flood would have
occurred at that time, with the melting of the ice, and even if you were on the
highest mountain you would have a job to miss the tidal wave that would have
come. (I see). This is when they talk
about the great flood in your history, your scientists already know about this connection.
Well my
children, I haven’t much to say to you this evening so I will draw to a close
and I know you have a meeting a short time and I will find this interesting and
will stand in the shadow and watch your efforts, and we will see how we go. I
do not want to frighten the instrument by saying that we might make an
appearance and I will have to look to and see how things go on – I don’t want
to disturb anybody by making a sudden appearance as they may get up and go.
(Laughs). It helps to expand the knowledge – there is no point in keeping it
all to yourselves, as you say. You have to be very careful and handle your
people very carefully. Go with stealth, go very slowly my friends; I’m sure it
will be fine.
I will leave you now………….with the divine
spirit wrapped around you to keep you safe, I leave you now (Goodbye).
No 2
I come once
more my Divine ladies of the light, to bring you love from afar, to wrap you in
and to help bring you through the next few days. I will be with you always, as
you know, my friends. Not just for the next few days, but forever and a day,
and I come to you and bring you the blessing of the Divine one – to wrap you up
in his loving care.
Do not be afraid my friends, I am here and I will always be
here to look after you, to will wrap you in his Divine love. You shine as
beacons in the night, that is what draws us to you my friends, and we are
hoping that other lights will open up on your Earth plane so that we can go to
them to give them strength and to give them love, so that they may go on with a
good heart.
I bring you the chalice again my friends for you to drink, and you
can take what you need and pass it on to others who are low. You intend to have
a gathering and you may take the love from the Divine one also – to give it to
them my friends and hold you all to me and I clasp you to me as we said before,
to my breast and I take and bring you ever close to me my friends. (Thank you).
I will leave
you now in the knowledge that I am always with you, and that I will be here to
help you, whatever. You may just call me my friends and I will be there. I will
be there to bring you love and comfort always.
I will leave you now my friends, my daughters of the Divine light, may
the Divinity go with you as I know it does, and I will be with you again my
friends, I will be with you again.
10th Feb 2003 Orion Nebula, Mayan Calendar, Earth’s Coral
Layer, Europa, E’T’ Buried Creature,
Earth Crust Movement.
Good evening my
children. We gather here once more, and
I can tell by the news that you have, that all is not going well in your world
at the moment, with regards to the United Nations, which are not united. I was just thinking to myself, that if the
greatest country, the most powerful country in the world, withdraws from the
United Nations altogether - where will
that leave the others? Because it is needed you see, that they all stay
together. You would not want the most powerful country that there is – to pull
away. They can afford by power and
wealth, to go alone in any case, so they need not consult other nations. It is
better that they stay in the group, because then you know what they are doing
and where they are coming from. This is not something you can do anything
about. We are not expecting you to be able to influence the United Nations in
any way whatsoever – unfortunately. This is too big job even for you my
children to do. They will make their own mess in the end.
Now we come
back to one or two items – I want to come back to Orion – the Orion Belt. I
wonder if you did know that in about the last four months - It has been found by a few astrologers and
professors, that there are 31 new stars in the Orion Nebula. Now they are
either new to you, or they are in fact new stars - I will leave you with that – we can have an
exploration to find out more about that.
We go back to numbers, mathematics. You must have a look my friends, on
your boxes about the Mayan tribe that developed a calendar. You must have a look because there are
certain numbers that had been drawn up, mathematical equations even before
They will be of
use today as they were then. So what civilisation was it, which could work out
these mathematical problems – and provide all these answers to all the
equations that were put down, if you understand? Your own civilisation would
have a problem with it, without going back thousands of years, or more than
thousands even; perhaps you’ve lost more than two civilisations. They have
disappeared without trace, but they have left some artefacts behind them, which
could be looked at, and of interest.
I wonder also if you came to the Jurassic period, did you realise that
the moon was nearer to your planet than then at any other time, because there
is a coral layer on your earth plane, and it could only have developed with the
moon coming closer to your earth plane. (Oh).
So this maybe also be of interest to you, as things are moving on a
pace. There
is also for your interest – the Europa moon. It is the - it is assumed that there is no life on this
particular moon or planet; it is encased in ice miles thick. But beyond that,
there is an inner core which is liquid and which is water, and in this water
there is life my friends, and there is a piece of equipment that you have sent
out to explore that has sent back this information, so that is something else
for you to look at.
Now on the
earth plane we’ve talked about being seeded (yes). It has been hard for you to
grasp – I do not mean by any matter of means that EVERYBODY has been seeded –
do you understand? Just the odd ones
here and there! Now, if alien beings came to your earth plane, they would not
want to be recognised would they? They
can’t come in vast numbers, well not that I know of, so they would want to
mingle with the civilisation that is already here, so as not to stick out. You
can accept this can you? This is how it
would be, and you would have a seeding in that way. You already have on your
earth plane, a creature (I may have said animal last time), what is a creature
but an animal – (I know what you mean) you cannot find it my friend? (No). Well
it is here and it does live here. It has been here for billions of years, not
millions, billions. It is here and on your earth plane now. I will tell you a
little about it (please). It is buried, and it can go for billions of years
without water. It already arrives here seeded and pregnant (yes). It has 20
sexes (good lord) and it will eat its young (Oh) and it can live all this time
without water. So it’s really ancient.
So where has this come from my friends, where has this come from? It is here
and you will find it in your books – look for creature, rather than animals.
(Is it from Orion?). I’m not going to tell you. I will leave you with this
information so that you can explore. It is pleasurable for me to bring you
these bits of information for you to look at (Thank you).
It has been a long time now, since I have been coming to be with you. To
bring these pieces of information for you to look at, and I think you already
know about this the Arctic, Antarctic shift. Now we are not talking about the
tectonic plates, we are talking about the earth’s crust, which is different.
Now as has happened before, and we know that it has happened, that the earth
moved on its axis by 1% this would cause great pressure on the earth’s crust.
It is encased in a crust you see, and if it moves on it’s axis and brings it
closer to the sun so that it’s gravitational pull puts greater pressure on your
earth plane, and if you can imagine that
it’s like being a fruit that you have here my dears ones. You call it an
orange. If you can imagine the oranges’ skin completely loosened and the orange
being able to move inside the skin (yes), this is what would cause the shift
because there would be a tilt, which would move the ice caps you see. The
Antarctic would shift and the poles as well,
and this is when you would get this great disaster. This is how the
civilisation underneath the Antarctic would have been there you see, and now it
is covered in ice. This ice is not symmetrical, which causes a centrifugal
force which contributes as well, it all happens with this slight shift, Now it
is believed that you are already in an ice age, it wouldn’t be that be that
obvious to you ……………………..
Why as you
know, you have some deposits of ice that are melting really quite quickly. The
shift is gentle but it could have some consequences. That is why I am talking
about ecology and the fact that man doesn’t help. All these things are to be
taken into account and looked at. This
gives you the answers to things that you have already been looking at, how some
of the poles and the ice caps can be moved, so once a hot place, can now be
cold, and it would seem minor, but that is how the great flood would have
occurred at that time, with the melting of the ice, and even if you were on the
highest mountain you would have a job to miss the tidal wave that would have
come. (I see). This is when they talk
about the great flood in your history, your scientists already know about this connection.
Well my
children, I haven’t much to say to you this evening so I will draw to a close
and I know you have a meeting a short time and I will find this interesting and
will stand in the shadow and watch your efforts, and we will see how we go. I
do not want to frighten the instrument by saying that we might make an
appearance and I will have to look to and see how things go on – I don’t want
to disturb anybody by making a sudden appearance as they may get up and go.
(Laughs). It helps to expand the knowledge – there is no point in keeping it
all to yourselves, as you say. You have to be very careful and handle your
people very carefully. Go with stealth, go very slowly my friends; I’m sure it
will be fine.
I will leave you now………….with the divine
spirit wrapped around you to keep you safe, I leave you now (Goodbye).
I come once
more my Divine ladies of the light, to bring you love from afar, to wrap you in
and to help bring you through the next few days. I will be with you always, as
you know, my friends. Not just for the next few days, but forever and a day,
and I come to you and bring you the blessing of the Divine one – to wrap you up
in his loving care. Do not be afraid my friends, I am here and I will always be
here to look after you, to will wrap you in his Divine love. You shine as
beacons in the night, that is what draws us to you my friends, and we are
hoping that other lights will open up on your earth plane so that we can go to
them to give them strength and to give them love, so that they may go on with a
good heart. I bring you the chalice again my friends for you to drink, and you
can take what you need and pass it on to others who are low. You intend to have
a gathering and you may take the love from the Divine one also – to give it to
them my friends and hold you all to me and I clasp you to me as we said before,
to my breast and I take and bring you ever close to me my friends. (Thank you).
I will leave
you now in the knowledge that I am always with you, and that I will be here to
help you, whatever. You may just call me my friends and I will be there. I will
be there to bring you love and comfort always.
I will leave you now my friends, my daughters of the Divine light, may
the Divinity go with you as I know it does, and I will be with you again my
friends, I will be with you again.
Offline - http://www.spirit-truths.co.uk
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