20th January 2003
Nebulium /Cozco /Pyramid Alignment /Phone Masts/ Reptilians/
Draco/Seeded ones.
No 3
Good evening my friends.
What can I say this
evening as the shadow draws nearer?Things do not look very good at the
I want to take you back again to the beginning, the beginning my friends
to try to get you to move forward and then look at what is happening now and
give you a little something to explore again as I usually do. We will go back
and look at the pyramids again my friends, as this is where the beginning is –
it will be easier for you to follow from this point – the second one in
particular, as it was obviously the one was built first. This sounds strange,
but if you look at it closely you will find all sorts of things that will point
to earlier design and building. We have been back to 4000 BC to 4,500, but I’m
going to take you back even further my friends to 10,450 BC.
That is when this pyramid was built and you
might think to yourself, how am I going to find out about this? You will be
able to, you will be able. I will tell you why. If you take the alignment of
the pyramids and they are lined up with the Orion belt, there is a slight
difference – this is nothing to do with the builders - it is to do with the
changing equinox, and it you take the alignment now – it will be slightly
different to what it was then. It’s not much but it is because of the changing
equinox, and you see that it’s not quite in line, a tiny difference. What I
will say is, that to take this exactly as it should be, you’d have to go back
to 10,450 BC, then the alignment is exact.
Now the ventilation shafts from this
pyramid, 2 – they could have been built straight up – but they were not. They
were started and at an angle and where they came through the pyramid itself,
the focus, the outlet is directly in line with the Orion belt, and the one that
hangs the lowest is the one that it aligns with. So the alignment would have
been exact at 10,450.
Now on the other side of the pyramid there is another ventilation shaft
– which comes in line with the constellation of Draco, and this Draco or
Draconian constellation is in line with this also. So these things you can find
out for yourself. I know that you will
take the time and trouble my friend.
I also want you to look at
the plateau of Cozco, which is a vast, vast rock place – it is the driest place
on your earth plane. There is not inhabitation there, no habitation at all,
because of the way this place is; but on this place are sacred pictures,
pictures of different objects and animals and humanoids, and they are of such
gigantic proportions that you could only see them from the sky. They are
absolutely huge, as are the steps and the arches that are already build there –
these are for a giant people; but the pictures that are there, you could only
view from the sky, and how would anybody or human have scribed it? You are
beginning to get the message my friend. I pose another problem to you. Who were
the people, the humanoids who came from the sea?
The white skinned and the shining
ones with the grey hair and the grey beards? Who were the white skinned ones
with the red hair? That came also? (Laughs.) You will have to delve into this
my friend. You see there are many clues that you have on your Earth plane. Now
we go back to the reptilian time and perhaps not reptilian as you imagine it to
be, you understand, but there is a similarity – I can’t be more specific that
that at this time, but you must take this on board – that this seeding has
taken place and does take place on your earth place even now my friends.
You do
have aliens with you at this time and all things are not right – if you look at
your Earth place as a whole – the world as a whole, these seeded people may
have been the ones that have introduced your society to drugs and wayward
sexual responses, and its all out of control and people seem to do as they
like. They are completely uninhibited and do not care about the law of the
land. Look at the mess – and it is not only in this part of your Earth plane,
but also in other areas.
Then you have the warmongers the ones that want power,
and then you have all the seeded ones in the armies. Vast numbers of peoples
all gathered together, do they have families? And where do they come from?
Thousands upon thousands – nobody looks into it – from whence they come - they
come forward to be used as soldiers – but to what end my friend to what end.
Now we are all working to one target………, but it isn’t the one they are working
to – I can tell you that, and the power struggle will go on – but in the end,
from outer space will come the answer, and it may not be the power that you
want. All is not friendly out there – but hopefully people will revert, people
will try to avert some of that. We are trying our best to divert some of the
energy away from you. It is coming forward to you my friends – and we need to
avert it so you can move on and carry on and resurrect your own life, so you
live it, as you want to live it my friends and to help others. We help you as
well to help others.
have listened to others talking about physical circles, where the spirit did
nothing but lift tables in the air. Why would spirit want to
be involved in such things? The answer was that this is what the people want.
They want tricks – they cannot cope with the heavier material that is coming to
you my friends. You have been picked in particular as this circle is ideal for
us, and you will allow it. It is a pleasure to be able to be allowed to come to
speak to you.
I’ll give you these words
my friends this week – Nebulium, (nebula) you look at this – Another word is
Bole(?) (Ebola?) – you go look and see. This is a bit of a change but it will
be a disaster just the same, even more so perhaps. I feel.
Another thought
my friends – have you thought about all those masts that are going up
supposedly for your phones? It is for the phones – but what else could they be
used for? All is not what it seems. There are ulterior motives here – hidden
agendas. (There is protest about their use but will it be enough?)
We shall see, we shall see. I cannot say at the moment, there seems to
be a rash all over the place – we shall see, something for you to watch. I will
leave you now my friends.
We are always trying to
protect you – you understand – wherever you need us we will be there, only a
thought away. If there is help needed with anything you have to manage – just
ask – I might not come up with the answers straight away, but we will get there
in the end and you will find out the best way.
Pyramid Alignment:
Seeded ones:
20January 2003
Nebulium /Cozco /Pyramid Alignment /Phone Masts/ Reptilians/
Draco/Seeded ones.
Good evening my friends. What can I say this
evening as the shadow draws nearer?
Things do not look very good at the
I want to take you back again to the beginning, the beginning my friends
to try to get you to move forward and then look at what is happening now and
give you a little something to explore again as I usually do. We will go back
and look at the pyramids again my friends, as this is where the beginning is –
it will be easier for you to follow from this point – the second one in
particular, as it was obviously the one was built first. This sounds strange,
but if you look at it closely you will find all sorts of things that will point
to earlier design and building. We have been back to 4000 BC to 4,500, but I’m
going to take you back even further my friends to 10,450 BC. That is when this pyramid was built and you
might think to yourself, how am I going to find out about this? You will be
able to, you will be able. I will tell you why. If you take the alignment of
the pyramids and they are lined up with the Orion belt, there is a slight
difference – this is nothing to do with the builders- it is to do with the
changing equinox, and it you take the alignment now – it will be slightly
different to what it was then. It’s not much but it is because of the changing
equinox, and you see that it’s not quite in line, a tiny difference. What I
will say is, that to take this exactly as it should be, you’d have to go back
to 10,450 BC, then the alignment is exact. Now the ventilation shafts from this
pyramid, 2 – they could have been built straight up – but they were not. They
were started and at an angle and where they came through the pyramid itself,
the focus, the outlet is directly in line with the Orion belt, and the one that
hangs the lowest is the one that it aligns with. So the alignment would have
been exact at 10,450.
Now on the other side of the pyramid there is another ventilation shaft
– which comes in line with the constellation of Draco, and this Draco or
Draconian constellation is in line with this also. So these things you can find
out for yourself. I know that you will
take the time and trouble my friend.
I also want you to look at
the plateau of Cozco, which is a vast, vast rock place – it is the driest place
on your earth plane. There is not inhabitation there, no habitation at all,
because of the way this place is; but on this place are sacred pictures,
pictures of different objects and animals and humanoids, and they are of such
gigantic proportions that you could only see them from the sky. They are
absolutely huge, as are the steps and the arches that are already build there –
these are for a giant people; but the pictures that are there, you could only
view from the sky, and how would anybody or human have scribed it? You are
beginning to get the message my friend. I pose another problem to you. Who were
the people, the humanoids who came from the sea? The white skinned and the shining
ones with the grey hair and the grey beards? Who were the white skinned ones
with the red hair? That came also? (Laughs.) You will have to delve into this
my friend. You see there are many clues that you have on your earth plane. Now
we go back to the reptilian time and perhaps not reptilian as you imagine it to
be, you understand, but there is a similarity – I can’t be more specific that
that at this time, but you must take this on board – that this seeding has
taken place and does take place on your earth place even now my friends. You do
have aliens with you at this time and all things are not right – if you look at
your earth place as a whole – the world as a whole, these seeded people may
have been the ones that have introduced your society to drugs and wayward
sexual responses, and its all out of control and people seem to do as they
like. They are completely uninhibited and do not care about the law of the
land. Look at the mess – and it is not only in this part of your earth plane,
but also in other areas. Then you have the warmongers the ones that want power,
and then you have all the seeded ones in the armies. Vast numbers of peoples
all gathered together, do they have families? And where do they come from?
Thousands upon thousands – nobody looks into it – from whence they come - they
come forward to be used as soldiers – but to what end my friend to what end.
Now we are all working to one target………, but it isn’t the one they are working
to – I can tell you that, and the power struggle will go on – but in the end,
from outer space will come the answer, and it may not be the power that you
want. All is not friendly out there – but hopefully people will revert, people
will try to avert some of that. We are trying our best to divert some of the
energy away from you. It is coming forward to you my friends – and we need to
avert it so you can move on and carry on and resurrect your own life, so you
live it, as you want to live it my friends and to help others. We help you as
well to help others. I
have listened to others talking about physical circles, where the spirit did
nothing but lift tables in the air. Why would spirit want to
be involved in such things? The answer was that this is what the people want.
They want tricks – they cannot cope with the heavier material that is coming to
you my friends. You have been picked in particular as this circle is ideal for
us, and you will allow it. It is a pleasure to be able to be allowed to come to
speak to you.
I’ll give you these words
my friends this week – Nebulium, (nebula) you look at this – Another word is
Bole(?) (Ebola?) – you go look and see. This is a bit of a change but it will
be a disaster just the same, even more so perhaps. I feel. Another thought
my friends – have you thought about all those masts that are going up
supposedly for your phones? It is for the phones – but what else could they be
used for? All is not what it seems. There are ulterior motives here – hidden
agendas. (There is protest about their use but will it be enough?)
We shall see, we shall see. I cannot say at the moment, there seems to
be a rash all over the place – we shall see, something for you to watch. I will
leave you now my friends.
We are always trying to
protect you – you understand – wherever you need us we will be there, only a
thought away. If there is help needed with anything you have to manage – just
ask – I might not come up with the answers straight away, but we will get there
in the end and you will find out the best way.
Pyramid Alignment:
Seeded ones:
Offline - http://www.spirit-truths.co.uk
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