Once upon a time ... three British ladies who sat in a circle with one medium and three Beings of Light who, attracted by the Light of their auras, came and started a cycle extraordinarily informative messages which triggered my spiritual awakening.

This is my tribute to all of them because I know that the many still sleeping and skeptical will see the beauty and the message of Light and Love contained in each of them.

Be at peace

I am no-one special. I am a curious, problem solving type who's strict upbringing in the Catholic community gave me the foundation of a service to others ethic and a resolve for justice and peace.

I guess that is why, when drawn to others who were able to see beyond the ordinary we were chosen to receive outstanding messages, and beyond that, to see the MESSENGERS

We had a talented medium who was able to 'move over' and let spiritual light beings use her voice.

We were told things that would freeze us with fear, and others that were so amazing we would literally be silent and gasping at the end of the sessions.

We did this for about 8 years off and on. Above all we were compelled to return nearly every Monday for another gruelling session that would ultimately wake us out of our comfortable slumber and start the process of truth, research and upliftment.

Even more astonishing was the fact that we saw three separate light beings distinct from each other. We tested each other to see if we were imagining them and named them 1, 2 and 3 in order of appearance in many tests. The numbers stuck and the transcriptions state thus. (The Beings of Light preferred this too, as when asked their names, they insisted that we wouldn't know them, and that numbers were fine).

I found a reference to our phenomenon in an ancient script. The Apochryphon of John.

(In the light I beheld a youth who stood beside me. Even as I looked he became like an old man, then like a servant. Yet there were not three before me, but one, with multiple forms appearing through each other as though transparent. He said to me, "John, John, why do you doubt? And why are you afraid? I am the one who is with you always. I am the Father. I am the Mother. I am the Son.")

Curiously, this is EXACTLY how we saw our B.O.L. Morphing and then settling into one familiar face. It makes you think about what was reported from ancient times, and who these ‘apparitions’ really were.

Ours when asked who they were, said: Alpha, Omega, Andromeda. Still makes me tingle to think of the possibilities!


Tuesday, November 27, 2012


30th December 2002.    

   Equinox, Exodus
                                                                    No 1

 I’m here to balance the energy for our friend who is waiting in the wings. I like to be with you my ladies. I may not always speak, but I am here trying to balance the energy, so that our friends can come through and speak to you. You are doing a good job, you need not fear. We cannot expect anymore of you than that which you are doing. It is good of you to spare the time – we understand and know that you also have a life path to tread, and that this must sometimes precede that. – We understand this and it is delightful for us that you that you take so much time and trouble. No 3, as you call him, likes to set his little puzzles, to keep you busy throughout the weeks! We understand that you do not know where you are being led, but we hope to impart information to you, and hold your interest at the same time. It would be too overwhelming all at once; you would miss a lot of things that we wish to impart to you. The information is as you say very heavy, and this is the best way that we can show you  - a little at a time. We are moving along very nicely, at a very steady pace and this is how we would like to keep it – you understand? 

         My friend is waiting I feel. He wishes for me to go, but I like speaking with the ladies, I like the ladies, not so much the men (laughs).    

I will go now my friends and we will wait for No 3 as you call him, or maybe No 2, who knows, but he comes from further away. He is from a much higher sphere than us. I will leave you now my friends and you will have to wait for No 3 to come. I can feel the vibration from him through the instrument   - I shall have to hold him back a little. He must wait - May your God be with you.

                                                          No 3

Good evening my children, we meet again once again. I hope you enjoyed you festivities over the celebration period. I wont call it Christmas, because that isn’t what I understand it to be all about. In any case, I have a different view and I see you from afar and I know what has happened in the past. We must leave that because that is not of interest to us at the moment. I have been listening to your observations, and you have taken on board some of the information that has been imparted to you – we are glad about that, that you have an understanding. You think that you have puny brains, but this is not so. You see, some are more aware than others, and even those who have more intellectual brains, would not be able to take on whom we are, or what we are talking about.This is no advantage to us whatsoever and they will not comprehend or understand what we are saying, and do not want to. They already think they know it all, but that is very far from the truth, very far.

We must move on, and you have spoken of the ecology and of man and this will be the combination, this will be the combination. (We had been discussing the events that could lead up to the catastrophic changing of the world as we know it). – You must take care of your plant life and such, because of this earth change. Even now, some of the plants haven’t been registered and recognised, and some have not even have been found, but this is where some of your medicines will come from, you understand? It would be a shame if they were overlooked.                                             

We MUST not allow harm. ( I don’t know if they meant we humans, or they the light beings).  This is why the devastation you see, MUST not happen. I feel we must be prepared for a war of some kind, it’s coming and you don’t need me to tell you that – it is not a secret obviously. Then how far will it go, how long will it last?    This will be. What comes to the fore comes to the fore. I know the instrument has seen on the box that she watches – about getting ready for a germ warfare or a biological warfare attack and the rings of guards round different cities that may be invaded. This will not work  - it won’t work  - How many people will be involved in this – I ask you? 

Realistically, you would need containment, a continuous wall all round, and how long will these people, these guards, actually stay there, and when they come off duty where will they go? What will happen to them? Do you not think that they will allow their friends and family to escape?  How would you prevent one carrying the bug to the others? The idea is ridiculous. The ideal thing would be force field of course, which would be better in the circumstances to guard against people escaping to safer ground. The force field would stop it. I am not sure how advanced you are with that  - I mean you have the Base 51 – you do not know what is going on there and you wont be told – they may be developing a force field of some kind which may be put in place, which would hold everybody. Do you understand? That would WORK. – The other is cosmetic – can you not see that it is to make you think that things are being done to protect you?  - They are trying to reassure the general public by trying to say this is what they are going to do, but if you stop and think about it logically it will not work, human beings are human beings – they will find a way!

If you were being held and had no idea of being infected – you would want to escape wouldn’t you?

If it comes to this!  IF? IT COMES TO THIS. You do not know what is going on at Base 51, or the other place that you have in this country, Porton Down is it?  You do not know what is being developed there either!                       

You see my friends if these bombs come to this country – this Iraq, it is Iraq? If these bombs explode, will they not release, what will happen when their spores are released into the air – these biological germs – because of the explosion they will be ruptured and displaced into the air!

It won’t stop there. This is what we said earlier about letting the genie out of the bottle. It should never have been developed in the first place – but of course that is not a realistic outlook, because there is always someone who wants to develop something that they shouldn’t, and usually done undercover too, you understand?                                                                                                                                                            So we must see what we can do, we are still trying to influence people to come to their senses, but we are having a lot of difficulty trying to inspire them. Many of them understand the problems that this impending war will cause, they are not oblivious to the concerns – they are not – They understand, but then they do not know what would be best, to leave alone, or to attack.

 I give you two words this time my friends. I give you Exodus and I give you Equinox, and not the understanding that you have of these two words.               The Instrument is very kind in allowing us to come forward to speak to you, because you have the intellect and we want to raise you to the next level you understand? We are trying and it will happen, it will happen, I promise you that your work and all you have put in – you will be raised  - practically a little higher and that will be good. Good for you and good for us to know that we have tried hard, tried to instil some sensibilities about different things. If only the politicians would listen! Some of them are sensitive but most of them are not.  They are hardheaded businessmen only interested in power, as everybody seems to be at the moment. It is contagious. But you must   - yes you will be capable of dealing with any problems – that come along – you will do well with whatever comes your way.  Now does my friend here want to ask a question?  (Yes. What can we do to save the world, we have many ideas, but what can we do to help?)  (Whom can we trust?) (Where can we go?)  

                                                                                                                                         You must trust your intuition. By that, I mean you must trust yourselves because we will be inspiring you to go that way, leave yourself open and you will be told in a roundabout fashion. I’m sorry but this is the only way we can work. We can inspire you until it becomes so strong  (the inspiration), that you will know and feel it within your heart and yourself that this is the time and the right way to go.                         

We only expect you to do what you can.  So do you want to save the world on your own? You are three women, and you will not be able to influence the world on your own, but little by little you might be able to influence and inspire others, you see. Slowly the crowd will grow, and hopefully then, somebody will see some sense that has the power to pull the plug on it all.                                                                               

I hope I have been able to help, you must wait for the influence to be so strong that the way that you want to go dominates, then that it is the way, and you will have no choice. Leave yourself open: we cannot direct you. This is the best that I can offer you.  ( I do this already and think that it is you and sense that this is true, or that isn’t! ) Well yes of course – if you can give yourself 5 minutes for meditation it will give us the chance to come close to you. Otherwise, you can ask questions – but don’t expect answers straight away. It doesn’t work like that – it will come another way and you will know – you will know instinctively that it is not of your thinking – I know it is very hard to think, is it me or is it them? In this case it will be them! (Laughs).

If you give us the chance to come close to you. Just a few minutes – we know that you are so busy with your life path and you have other things to do – you can ask your questions and we may be able to give you answers that you want. Though maybe not what you WANT! You’ll be inspired to work in which way. To open up so that we can come through, we can go away and think about what you have asked, and when you are doing something we can absent-mindedly drop it in the letterbox so to speak. Is there anything else – I do not have all the answers; sometimes, I will have to go higher. 
God bless you, my ladies        


30th Dec/02.    Equinox, Exodus


                                                             No 1

 I’m here to balance the energy for our friend who is waiting in the wings. I like to be with you my ladies. I may not always speak, but I am here trying to balance the energy, so that our friends can come through and speak to you. You are doing a good job, you need not fear. We cannot expect anymore of you than that which you are doing. It is good of you to spare the time – we understand and know that you also have a life path to tread, and that this must sometimes precede that. – We understand this and it is delightful for us that you that you take so much time and trouble. No 3, as you call him, likes to set his little puzzles, to keep you busy throughout the weeks! We understand that you do not know where you are being led, but we hope to impart information to you, and hold your interest at the same time. It would be too overwhelming all at once; you would miss a lot of things that we wish to impart to you. The information is as you say very heavy, and this is the best way that we can show you  - a little at a time. We are moving along very nicely, at a very steady pace and this is how we would like to keep it – you understand?          My friend is waiting I feel. He wishes for me to go, but I like speaking with the ladies, I like the ladies, not so much the men (laughs).                                                            I will go now my friends and we will wait for No 3 as you call him, or maybe No 2, who knows, but he comes from further away. He is from a much higher sphere than us. I will leave you now my friends and you will have to wait for No 3 to come. I can feel the vibration from him through the instrument   - I shall have to hold him back a little. He must wait - May your God be with you.

                                                          No 3

Good evening my children, we meet again once again. I hope you enjoyed you festivities over the celebration period. I wont call it Christmas, because that isn’t what I understand it to be all about. In any case, I have a different view and I see you from afar and I know what has happened in the past. We must leave that because that is not of interest to us at the moment. I have been listening to your observations, and you have taken on board some of the information that has been imparted to you – we are glad about that, that you have an understanding. You think that you have puny brains, but this is not so. You see, some are more aware than others, and even those who have more intellectual brains, would not be able to take on whom we are, or what we are talking about. This is no advantage to us whatsoever and they will not comprehend or understand what we are saying, and do not want to. They already think they know it all, but that is very far from the truth, very far.                                                                                                                                 We must move on, and you have spoken of the ecology and of man and this will be the combination, this will be the combination. (We had been discussing the events that could lead up to the catastrophic changing of the world as we know it). – You must take care of your plant life and such, because of this earth change. Even now, some of the plants haven’t been registered and recognised, and some have not even have been found, but this is where some of your medicines will come from, you understand? It would be a shame if they were overlooked.                                             We MUST not allow harm. ( I don’t know if they meant we humans, or they the light beings).  This is why the devastation you see, MUST not happen. I feel we must be prepared for a war of some kind, it’s coming and you don’t need me to tell you that – it is not a secret obviously. Then how far will it go, how long will it last?    This will be. What comes to the fore comes to the fore. I know the instrument has seen on the box that she watches – about getting ready for a germ warfare or a biological warfare attack and the rings of guards round different cities that may be invaded. This will not work  - it won’t work  - How many people will be involved in this – I ask you? Realistically, you would need containment, a continuous wall all round, and how long will these people, these guards, actually stay there, and when they come off duty where will they go? What will happen to them? Do you not think that they will allow their friends and family to escape?  How would you prevent one carrying the bug to the others? The idea is ridiculous. The ideal thing would be force field of course, which would be better in the circumstances to guard against people escaping to safer ground. The force field would stop it. I am not sure how advanced you are with that  - I mean you have the Base 51 – you do not know what is going on there and you wont be told – they may be developing a force field of some kind which may be put in place, which would hold everybody. Do you understand? That would WORK. – The other is cosmetic – can you not see that it is to make you think that things are being done to protect you?  - They are trying to reassure the general public by trying to say this is what they are going to do, but if you stop and think about it logically it will not work, human beings are human beings – they will find a way!

If you were being held and had no idea of being infected – you would want to escape wouldn’t you?
If it comes to this!  IF? IT COMES TO THIS. You do not know what is going on at Base 51, or the other place that you have in this country, Porton Down is it?  You do not know what is being developed there either!                       You see my friends if these bombs come to this country – this Iraq, it is Iraq? If these bombs explode, will they not release, what will happen when their spores are released into the air – these biological germs – because of the explosion they will be ruptured and displaced into the air!
It won’t stop there. This is what we said earlier about letting the genie out of the bottle. It should never have been developed in the first place – but of course that is not a realistic outlook, because there is always someone who wants to develop something that they shouldn’t, and usually done undercover too, you understand?                                                                                                                                                            So we must see what we can do, we are still trying to influence people to come to their senses, but we are having a lot of difficulty trying to inspire them. Many of them understand the problems that this impending war will cause, they are not oblivious to the concerns – they are not – They understand, but then they do not know what would be best, to leave alone, or to attack.

 I give you two words this time my friends. I give you Exodus and I give you Equinox, and not the understanding that you have of these two words.               The Instrument is very kind in allowing us to come forward to speak to you, because you have the intellect and we want to raise you to the next level you understand? We are trying and it will happen, it will happen, I promise you that your work and all you have put in – you will be raised  - practically a little higher and that will be good. Good for you and good for us to know that we have tried hard, tried to instil some sensibilities about different things. If only the politicians would listen! Some of them are sensitive but most of them are not.  They are hardheaded businessmen only interested in power, as everybody seems to be at the moment. It is contagious. But you must   - yes you will be capable of dealing with any problems – that come along – you will do well with whatever comes your way.  Now does my friend here want to ask a question?  (Yes. What can we do to save the world, we have many ideas, but what can we do to help?)  (Whom can we trust?) (Where can we go?)                                                                                                                                           You must trust your intuition. By that, I mean you must trust yourselves because we will be inspiring you to go that way, leave yourself open and you will be told in a roundabout fashion. I’m sorry but this is the only way we can work. We can inspire you until it becomes so strong  (the inspiration), that you will know and feel it within your heart and yourself that this is the time and the right way to go.                         We only expect you to do what you can.  So do you want to save the world on your own? You are three women, and you will not be able to influence the world on your own, but little by little you might be able to influence and inspire others, you see. Slowly the crowd will grow, and hopefully then, somebody will see some sense that has the power to pull the plug on it all.                                                                               I hope I have been able to help, you must wait for the influence to be so strong that the way that you want to go dominates, then that it is the way, and you will have no choice. Leave yourself open: we cannot direct you. This is the best that I can offer you.  ( I do this already and think that it is you and sense that this is true, or that isn’t! ) Well yes of course – if you can give yourself 5 minutes for meditation it will give us the chance to come close to you. Otherwise, you can ask questions – but don’t expect answers straight away. It doesn’t work like that – it will come another way and you will know – you will know instinctively that it is not of your thinking – I know it is very hard to think, is it me or is it them? In this case it will be them! (Laughs).

If you give us the chance to come close to you. Just a few minutes – we know that you are so busy with your life path and you have other things to do – you can ask your questions and we may be able to give you answers that you want. Though maybe not what you WANT! You’ll be inspired to work in which way. To open up so that we can come through, we can go away and think about what you have asked, and when you are doing something we can absent-mindedly drop it in the letterbox so to speak. Is there anything else – I do not have all the answers; sometimes, I will have to go higher. 
God bless you, my ladies        


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