Once upon a time ... three British ladies who sat in a circle with one medium and three Beings of Light who, attracted by the Light of their auras, came and started a cycle extraordinarily informative messages which triggered my spiritual awakening.

This is my tribute to all of them because I know that the many still sleeping and skeptical will see the beauty and the message of Light and Love contained in each of them.

Be at peace

I am no-one special. I am a curious, problem solving type who's strict upbringing in the Catholic community gave me the foundation of a service to others ethic and a resolve for justice and peace.

I guess that is why, when drawn to others who were able to see beyond the ordinary we were chosen to receive outstanding messages, and beyond that, to see the MESSENGERS

We had a talented medium who was able to 'move over' and let spiritual light beings use her voice.

We were told things that would freeze us with fear, and others that were so amazing we would literally be silent and gasping at the end of the sessions.

We did this for about 8 years off and on. Above all we were compelled to return nearly every Monday for another gruelling session that would ultimately wake us out of our comfortable slumber and start the process of truth, research and upliftment.

Even more astonishing was the fact that we saw three separate light beings distinct from each other. We tested each other to see if we were imagining them and named them 1, 2 and 3 in order of appearance in many tests. The numbers stuck and the transcriptions state thus. (The Beings of Light preferred this too, as when asked their names, they insisted that we wouldn't know them, and that numbers were fine).

I found a reference to our phenomenon in an ancient script. The Apochryphon of John.

(In the light I beheld a youth who stood beside me. Even as I looked he became like an old man, then like a servant. Yet there were not three before me, but one, with multiple forms appearing through each other as though transparent. He said to me, "John, John, why do you doubt? And why are you afraid? I am the one who is with you always. I am the Father. I am the Mother. I am the Son.")

Curiously, this is EXACTLY how we saw our B.O.L. Morphing and then settling into one familiar face. It makes you think about what was reported from ancient times, and who these ‘apparitions’ really were.

Ours when asked who they were, said: Alpha, Omega, Andromeda. Still makes me tingle to think of the possibilities!


Thursday, November 29, 2012

17:02:2003 + a comment

17th February 2003 

     Nanobots.  May2000 Alignment. Hidden Messages 2012 Shift

 No 3


Welcome my children. 

I’m glad to be with you again this evening, I look forward to coming you know, as do my colleagues. They enjoy working behind the scenes with you.

Now I think I am going to start at the beginning; there are two aspects I want to talk about this evening. 

There are the marches for peace that are going on, and we can’t ignore the energy, it draws us because of the amount of people together. The positive energy is great, and this is what gave us the idea of coming forward and tuning in. We can understand the distress, but in the galaxy as you understand, there is a little strife here too, as you may have already guessed.         

This is what I must say to you my friends, that there is this, not war as you would know it, but a conflict, a disagreement, like a bickering between so called friends, that is as close as I can get to it. That is as strong as it is, not an all out conflict. (Ah!) But, there ARE forces at work you know, and if you think about your leaders, do you not think that those in some of these galaxies can influence them? We can inspire, not so much influence as inspire, and if WE can inspire, do you not think that from other galaxies, they can inspire the great leaders from your different countries?  This is important to understand, because they are not all of a friendly disposition, and THEY are looking for power.                                            

Now, about this war and terrorism, and the war is almost inevitable as the die is cast my friends; I will be amazed if there is a step-back. At least now they understand where the peoples’ feelings lie – but in one way, you can understand why they want to do this, can you not. If this man has these weapons of destruction, then you have to find them, because you cannot guarantee that he would not implement them. Whether he has got them or hasn’t, he can’t win, he is in a no-win situation. If he hasn’t got them, they still want him on the hook so to speak because they do not trust him and he hasn’t have a very good report of being trustworthy. 

He mutilates and tortures his own people (yes) – so this is not the word of a honourable man. So this is the difficulty there and should this war happen, you would recognize the mind games my friends and this really about POWER, the mind games and you will see the seeded ones – you would recognize them because they will come to the fore. You will know. 

They have not got two heads, they are as you are, human in form, humanoid. You will know the seeded ones, and you will understand what we have been talking about all this time. From that though, you can say this; you have invited them in because you as a people, have turned your back on science and not monitored and questioned everything that has been going on. You have turned a blind eye to the evidence and you should have looked deeper. In a way you have invited them because that is how the world trusts and believes what it is told. 

It has made it easy for them to come to the fore unnoticed. To drift in, and my friends they would have you in the palm of their hands and you will have invited them here. So you must be aware. Do you understand the power and the mind games? We hope the leaders of your different countries, perhaps will understand also, if they are not already seeded ones themselves or their close aides maybe.    

The ones who guide (yes) you see, they would not be at the forefront themselves.  There is stealth in the background, guiding and persuading; you understand what am talking about now? This is the danger here you see, you will know the seeded ones  - yes.

Now – This you will not be able to do anything about. It will go one way or the other and we will be there to help and inspire also. It’s not all one way; it’s not all bad and not all good. There is hope – there is always hope my friends and you will go through from day to day and there is hope, there is hope.  We can inspire as well, so all is not lost.

So now lets us look at the other end of the scale, the beginnings so to speak although we have covered the beginning before, there are other aspects that I want to bring to your notice, as I know your inquiring minds will want to find out more – I feel sure.

We are still into Orion Belt. Let us go there. Did you realise that it was at its highest point in the year 2000 and on the date on May, there were five planets in alignment, I think it was the 5th (yes). They were in alignment for the first time, and it was from the other side of the sun. (Ah!) so they were in a complete alignment then.  This is what will cause the wobble on the axis the beginning of the shift of the Earth’s crust.    It’s not something that man can control. This is just the way things are in nature, it will be. This has already been set in motion; so you will find that you can understand different catastrophes that happen on your Earth plane.  From one year to the next, you’ll have volcanic eruptions and whirlwinds and fire because it is dry and windy and the temperature is rising and therefore the poles move (yes). 

There is beauty under the Antarctic under the ice from a past civilization. Did you realize that you have 8000 years you cannot account for, (no). So that has to be something for you to look at also. If there is anything written, I do not know but all comes down to alignment and the Orion belt then in 2000 – it rose to its highest point, (I see).  This is how the alignment was able to come to pass, the five planets the other side of the sun. So this is why the shift will begin very slowly to take place. This is what happened before, when there was the great flood. Then there’s a shift of the Earth’s crust as we have mentioned before – you understand this? 

You see there are a lot of warnings here, and it would be well worth, your scientists to look into the myths and the legends because that is where the truth is. They are not myths and legends, they are trying to leave something behind to warn you about this, not that you can do anything about it, but you could be prepared to a certain degree (indeed), because, I am going to tell you but I don’t know if you will like it or not. 

I am talking about the year 2012, and it will be the month of December.  You must really use this time, your scientists, to see what is there for everybody to read. They have left the messages in the best way they can, the Mayan calendar and all the writings that they have tried to decipher from the monuments, of the pyramids and all the hieroglyphs. 

Did you know there is a man-made cavity under the feet of the Sphinx, and what has this got in it, what has this got in it? Does it contain the secrets that you should know about? (It probably does). Then why haven’t they made an effort to find out? What is in there?              
This is something we cannot understand – for they know it is there, it is not a secret, and it is a man made cavity and something has been put in there, but you will never know because they will never get round to finding out and exploring it, (they should).                                                                                                                                                

Now I come to another point. You may think that all the money that is being used on your Earth plane, gathered together for health and such is a good thing, but there should be more money put into space exploration and you might say it seems a waste, in view of the disappointment that you have had recently – well your space station is the beginning and it is in its infancy.  It is the first thing that you would expect man to develop, is it not? 

Think about space exploration my friends, and life on other planets  - if they have carbon they could support you, because this is what you have here; carbon and hydrogen.  You think about gases and other planets and what they contain, yours has it also but you are living with it and disregard it, it is your life blood! You should put more money into it because there will come a time, if not 2012 causing a disaster, when there will be an over population here and you are going to have to spread out sooner or later into the universe my friends, other planets – there are others that would be able to contain your life form. 

They must look harder.  You would think that they would explore further because you may not be able to live here forever. (They do not see the danger). They are not looking forward as they should be (no) with the money, it will be a case of let some other generation do it. You cannot avoid it, if you want to look into it properly you understand (Yes). It’s very important that you do this because there is a possibility of Europa – there is a possibility here. There are other planets that would be more considerate to you, with regard to their make-up, their nature as such. 

So this is what should be done – they would not have ideas like the Roman Catholic Church with birth control. You could not take that there and you could not take your religions there either. There would be something there to leave you open to live your life, successfully, and you must have a bigger understanding of the things that are going on around you – you would not be able to take this with you – I cannot imagine anything worse, than to take this religious dogma with you and this understanding of birth control – you must not have that because you must not proliferate another place. 

Do you realise you have infected a lot of space already (really?) because of all the bits of rubbish flying about up there, contaminated with your germs. You have walked here, you have sent things up and it is contamination all over the place. So you must take more care. They are watching them, and other planets are watching and they have ways of dealing with it, but you have left your mark – we know you are there (Oh no). Lets put it this way, its like watching naughty children playing with toys they shouldn’t be playing with, because they do not understand the dangers that they are causing. Scientists must be more careful with the rubbish that is left. There must be some way of dealing with it.

I will leave you with the word Nanobot, a nanobot and don’t get excited when you find out what it is – it can be quite frightening in one way (Yes), and you are capable of producing this and you are capable of using it NOW. So I will leave you with this my friends.   

Poleshift.     http://all-ez.com/tilt.htm

Galactic Control.    http://www.diagnosis2012.co.uk/link.htm

Just a poster comment:

Dear  Friends,

On WOTS message dated 26:10:2012 the Galactic Federation said:


6. As these matters develop, and as the grip of the Illuminati becomes fainter and fainter, you will learn your true history and will gather strength from its message of hope for all of you. Indeed, you have begun to see it already as discoveries of long lost civilizations begin to emerge in your media. And as all of this dawns upon you as a people, and you become aware of the larger picture, both on your world and throughout the universe, we will come, with open arms, in love and respect for your journey. The process has already begun and we are overseeing so much more on your behalf.

I got some original messages of the ones that triggered my spiritual awakening and when I was posting the one dated 17th February 2003 I came across these paragraphs:

There is beauty under the Antarctic under the ice from a past civilization. Did you realize that you have 8000 years you cannot account for, (no). So that has to be something for you to look at also. If there is anything written, I do not know but all comes down to alignment and the Orion belt then in 2000 – it rose to its highest point, (I see).  This is how the alignment was able to come to pass, the five planets the other side of the sun. So this is why the shift will begin very slowly to take place. This is what happened before, when there was the great flood. Then there’s a shift of the Earth’s crust as we have mentioned before – you understand this? 

You see there are a lot of warnings here, and it would be well worth, your scientists to look into the myths and the legends because that is where the truth is. They are not myths and legends, they are trying to leave something behind to warn you about this, not that you can do anything about it, but you could be prepared to a certain degree (indeed), because, I am going to tell you but I don’t know if you will like it or not. 

I am talking about the year 2012, and it will be the month of December.  You must really use this time, your scientists, to see what is there for everybody to read. They have left the messages in the best way they can, the Mayan calendar and all the writings that they have tried to decipher from the monuments, of the pyramids and all the hieroglyphs. 

Did you know there is a man-made cavity under the feet of the Sphinx, and what has this got in it, what has this got in it? Does it contain the secrets that you should know about? (It probably does). Then why haven’t they made an effort to find out? What is in there?              
This is something we cannot understand – for they know it is there, it is not a secret, and it is a man made cavity and something has been put in there, but you will never know because they will never get round to finding out and exploring it, (they should).

When reading it, the paragraph of the message channeled for you immediately come to my mind as I have searched for ir but I have not found out nothing recent , but of course, I am not an expert in searching and have little time too.

Well, searching at Google for Antarctica old civilization, I found out:

Ancient structure under Antarctica’s ice
Posted on May 17th, 2011, 5:04 pm by admin
This does not surprise me at all, there has been many theories about how there might be a ancient civilization under the ice on Antarctica. All the theories have been pushed aside because of the STUPID time frame thats tells us that modern man ( you know! the ones that are able to build civilizations) has only been around for 250,000,00 years, Geologist tell us that the ice on Antarctica has been there for MILLIONS of years! well if this is right well how come we have an ancient map called the “Piri Reis map”? The Piri Reis map is explained as followed: The Piri Reis map is a pre-modern world map compiled in 1513 from military intelligence by the Ottoman-Turkish admiral and cartographer Piri Reis. The half of the map that survives shows the western coasts of Europe and North Africa and the coast of Brazil with reasonable accuracy. Various Atlantic islands including the Azores and Canary Islands are depicted also it shows what is to be believed as Antarctica with now ice one it, as is the mythical island of Antillia and possibly Japan. The historical importance of the map lies in its demonstration of the extent of exploration of the New World by approximately 1510, perhaps before others. It used 10 Arabian sources, 4 Indian maps sourced from Portuguese and one map of Columbus. When reading the story of how Piri Reis got his map he explained that the Chinese copied their version of the map from an even older map.  What i’m trying to say is it is not impossible for there to be a civilization under the ice of Antarctica, also that our time frame of ancient history and modern man are way off! well here is the story enjoy!

According to the European Union Times, disturbing news has been leaking out from the giant continent at the bottom of the world. During April 2001 an ancient structure or apparatus that lay encased miles under the hard Antarctic ice was detected by a roving spy satellite. The US military immediately moved to quash the reports and the mainstream news media dutifully complied. Despite the news blackout, reports still surfaced that a secretive excavation project had commenced on the heels of the discovery. Some European countries formally protested the excavation by the US military.

“If it’s something the US military has constructed down there, then they’re violating the international Antarctic Treaty,” said an aide to Nicole Fontaine, at the time he was the European Parliament’s French president. “If not, then it’s something that’s at least 12,000 years old, which is how long ice has covered Antarctica. That would make it the oldest man-made structure on the planet. The Pentagon should heed the calls of Congress and release whatever it’s hiding.”
What could be under the ice?

And now, please click this link and go to:

The Egyptian Connection
The mysteries that surround the construction of the pyramids of Egypt and South America have caused speculation that an ancient, advanced and civilized race once existed. The construction of artifacts like the Sphinx, and the pyramids of Egypt, was impossible for people to have accomplished in the period 4000-10,500 BC. and even today, the construction of these artifacts is only barely within our technological grasp. The Sphinx that stands in the sands of Egypt and which is believed to be at least 10,000 years old, is said by experts to show inexplicable signs of water erosion. Explorers have searched the mysterious network of chambers that lies beneath the Sphinx and the pyramids of the Giza plateau, hoping to find the legendary Hall of Records which is said to contain ancient knowledge of even older civilizations. Information about this repository of knowledge originates with one of the most ancient and famous of the Egytptian legends - that of Isis and Osiris, and clues have been discovered in many other ancient texts. The pyramids themselves have spawned many theories about the astronomical knowledge of the early Egyptians. Certain pyramids are said to be aligned with constellations of stars, and even Newton studied the dimensions of the pyramids, relating them to calculations of the size of the earth. Recent NASA photographs of Mars have revealed a pyramidic-like structure on it's surface which some
astronomers believe is not natural See planetary cartography.

For more information on Egyptian civilization, see

Egyptian Mythology and Egyptian Archeology

From ancient history and the occasional archeological discovery, we gain tantalising glimpses of civilizations that flourished and died, tales of vast wealth, hidden treasure and impossible accomplishments, - from the Phoenicians, Sumerians, Hebrews, Mesopotamians, Egyptians and ancient Greeks - They all talk of at least one civilization with phenomenal wealth and power, special knowledge and extraordinary abilities.

This ancient culture may have undergone a catclysmic event, perhaps an earthquake or a flood, even the 'Great Flood' of Noah, causing the destruction of the civilization, or perhaps, this culture endured a slow decline over the centuries of forgotten time. They certainly have disappeared from our world altogether. One possible explanation suggested is that of continental drift, violent or gradual. Is it possible that Antarctica might have been somewhere else 10,000 years ago, with a different, more temperate, climate? Some scientists believe that the actual position of the South Pole itself may have shifted significantly in time gone by. Antartica was also once part of an ancient supercontinent, Gondwanaland, see

Being so, judge and search for yourselves. If you find out more connected with this please revert to me. Tks
THE EXPANDED DIRECTOR'S CUT OF THE EMMY AWARD WINNING NBC NETWORK SPECIAL. 95 mins. This program presents geological evidence that the world's most famous monument, The Great Sphinx of Egypt, may be thousands of years older than we have been taught.

The Mystery of the Sphinx - NOW ON DVD with Bonus Features - 95 mins. Cat. #U526. Go to http://www.UFOTV.com.

How were the massive 200-ton limestone blocks lifted and stacked five high to build the Sphinx Temple? John Anthony West and a team of seismologists, headed by Boston University's Professor Robert Schoch, discovered a square cavity directly beneath one of the paws of the Sphinx. According to the experts, it does not appear to be a natural formation. Could this be the Hall of Records of Atlantis? Includes the facts about this amazing mystery along with a fascinating series of spellbinding interviews with researchers, scientists and the best-known most credible ancient authorities in the world today.

17th February 2003      Nanobots.  May2000 Alignment. Hidden Messages 2012 Shift

                                                                                   No 3

Welcome my children – I’m glad to be with you again this evening, I look forward to coming you know, as do my colleagues. They enjoy working behind the scenes with you.

Now I think I am going to start at the beginning; there are two aspects I want to talk about this evening. There are the marches for peace that are going on, and we can’t ignore the energy, it draws us because of the amount of people together. The positive energy is great, and this is what gave us the idea of coming forward and tuning in. We can understand the distress, but in the galaxy as you understand, there is a little strife here too, as you may have already guessed.         This is what I must say to you my friends, that there is this, not war as you would know it, but a conflict, a disagreement, like a bickering between so called friends, that is as close as I can get to it. That is as strong as it is, not an all out conflict. (Ah) But, there ARE forces at work you know, and if you think about your leaders, do you not think that those in some of these galaxies can influence them? We can inspire, not so much influence as inspire, and if WE can inspire, do you not think that from other galaxies, they can inspire the great leaders from your different countries?  This is important to understand, because they are not all of a friendly disposition, and THEY are looking for power.                                            Now, about this war and terrorism, and the war is almost inevitable as the die is cast my friends; I will be amazed if there is a step-back. At least now they understand where the peoples’ feelings lie – but in one way, you can understand why they want to do this, can you not. If this man has these weapons of destruction, then you have to find them, because you cannot guarantee that he would not
implement them. Whether he has got them or hasn’t, he can’t win, he is in a no- win situation. If he hasn’t got them, they still want him on the hook so to speak because they do not trust him and he hasn’t have a very good report of being trustworthy. He mutilates and tortures his own people (yes) – so this is not the word of a honourable man. So this is the difficulty there and should this war happen, you would recognise the mind games my friends and this really about POWER, the mind games and you will see the seeded ones – you would recognise them because they will come to the fore. You will know. They have not got two heads, they are as you are, human in form, humanoid. You will know the seeded ones, and you will understand what we have been talking about all this time. From that though, you can say this; you have invited them in because you as a people, have turned your back on science and not monitored and questioned everything that has been going on. You have turned a blind eye to the evidence and you should have looked deeper. In a way you have invited them because that is how the world trusts and believes what it is told. It has made it easy for them to come to the fore unnoticed. To drift in, and my friends they would have you in the palm of their hands and you will have invited them here. So you must be aware. Do you understand the power and the mind games? We hope the leaders of your different countries, perhaps will understand also, if they are not already seeded ones themselves or their close aides maybe.    The ones who guide (yes) you see, they would not be at the forefront themselves.  There is stealth in the background, guiding and persuading; you understand what am talking about now? This is the danger here you see, you will know the seeded ones  - yes.
Now – This you will not be able to do anything about. It will go one way or the other and we will be there to help and inspire also. It’s not all one way; it’s not all bad and not all good. There is hope – there is always hope my friends and you will go through from day to day and there is hope, there is hope.  We can inspire as well, so all is not lost.

So now lets us look at the other end of the scale, the beginnings so to speak although we have covered the beginning before, there are other aspects that I want to bring to your notice, as I know your inquiring minds will want to find out more – I feel sure.

We are still into Orion Belt. Let us go there. Did you realise that it was at its highest point in the year 2000 and on the date on May, there were five planets in alignment, I think it was the 5th (yes). They were in alignment for the first time, and it was from the other side of the sun. (Ah) so they were in a complete alignment then.  This is what will cause the wobble on the axis the beginning of the shift of the earth’s crust.    It’s not something that man can control. This is just the way things are in nature, it will be. This has already been set in motion; so you will find that you can understand different catastrophes that happen on your earth plane.  From one year to the next, you’ll have volcanic eruptions and whirlwinds and fire because it is dry and windy and the temperature is rising and therefore the poles move (yes). 

There is beauty under the Antarctic under the ice from a past civilisation. Did you realise that you have 8000 years you cannot account for, (no). So that has to be something for you to look at also. If there is anything written, I do not know but all comes down to alignment and the Orion belt then in 2000 – it rose to its highest point, (I see).  This is how the alignment was able to come to pass, the five planets the other side of the sun. So this is why the shift will begin very slowly to take place. This is what happened before, when there was the great flood. Then there’s a shift of the earth’s crust as we have mentioned before – you understand this? You see there are a lot of warnings here, and it would be well worth, your scientists to look into the myths and the legends because that is where the truth is. They are not myths and legends, they are trying to leave something behind to warn you about this, not that you can do anything about it, but you could be prepared to a certain degree (indeed), because, I am going to tell you but I don’t know if you will like it or not. I am talking about the year 2012, and it will be the month of December.  You must really use this time, your scientists, to see what is there for everybody to read. They have left the messages in the best way they can, the Mayan calendar and all the writings that they have tried to decipher from the monuments, of the pyramids and all the hieroglyphs. Did you know there is a man-made cavity under the feet of the Sphinx, and what has this got in it, what has this got in it? Does it contain the secrets that you should know about? (It probably does). Then why haven’t they made an effort to find out? What is in there?              This is something we cannot understand – for they know it is there, it is not a secret, and it is a man made cavity and something has been put in there, but you will never know because they will never get round to finding out and exploring it, (they should).                                                                                                                                                Now I come to another point. You may think that all the money that is being used on your earth plane, gathered together for health and such is a good thing, but there should be more money put into space exploration and you might say it seems a waste, in view of the disappointment that you have had recently – well your space station is the beginning and it is in its infancy.  It is the first thing that you would expect man to develop is it not. Think about space exploration my friends, and life on other planets  - if they have carbon they could support you, because this is what you have here; carbon and hydrogen.  You think about gases and other planets and what they contain, yours has it also but you are living with it and disregard it, it is your life blood! You should put more money into it because there will come a time, if not 2012 causing a disaster, when there will be an over population here and you are going to have to spread out sooner or later into the universe my friends, other planets – there are others that would be able to contain your life form. They must look harder.  You would think that they would explore further because you may not be able to live here forever. (They do not see the danger). They are not looking forward as they should be (no) with the money, it will be a case of let some other generation do it. You cannot avoid it, if you want to look into it properly you understand (Yes). It’s very important that you do this because there is a possibility of Europa – there is a possibility here. There are other planets that would be more considerate to you, with regard to their make-up, their nature as such. So this is what should be done – they would not have ideas like the Roman Catholic Church with birth control. You could not take that there and you could not take your religions there either. There would be something there to leave you open to live your life, successfully, and you must have a bigger understanding of the things that are going on around you – you would not be able to take this with you – I cannot imagine anything worse, than to take this religious dogma with you and this understanding of birth control – you must not have that because you must not proliferate another place. Do you realise you have infected a lot of space already (really?) because of all the bits of rubbish flying about up there, contaminated with your germs. You have walked here, you have sent things up and it is contamination all over the place. So you must take more care. They are watching them, and other planets are watching and they have ways of dealing with it, but you have left your mark – we know you are there (Oh no). Lets put it this way, its like watching naughty children playing with toys they shouldn’t be playing with, because they do not understand the dangers that they are causing. Scientists must be more careful with the rubbish that is left. There must be some way of dealing with it.

I will leave you with the word Nanobot, a nanobot and don’t get excited when you find out what it is – it can be quite frightening in one way (Yes), and you are capable of producing this and you are capable of using it NOW. So I will leave you with this my friends.   

Poleshift.     http://all-ez.com/tilt.htm

      Nanobot.    http://www.gyre.org/news/article/1650   
      Galactic Control.    http://www.diagnosis2012.co.uk/link.htm

Offline -  http://www.spirit-truths.co.uk

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