Once upon a time ... three British ladies who sat in a circle with one medium and three Beings of Light who, attracted by the Light of their auras, came and started a cycle extraordinarily informative messages which triggered my spiritual awakening.

This is my tribute to all of them because I know that the many still sleeping and skeptical will see the beauty and the message of Light and Love contained in each of them.

Be at peace

I am no-one special. I am a curious, problem solving type who's strict upbringing in the Catholic community gave me the foundation of a service to others ethic and a resolve for justice and peace.

I guess that is why, when drawn to others who were able to see beyond the ordinary we were chosen to receive outstanding messages, and beyond that, to see the MESSENGERS

We had a talented medium who was able to 'move over' and let spiritual light beings use her voice.

We were told things that would freeze us with fear, and others that were so amazing we would literally be silent and gasping at the end of the sessions.

We did this for about 8 years off and on. Above all we were compelled to return nearly every Monday for another gruelling session that would ultimately wake us out of our comfortable slumber and start the process of truth, research and upliftment.

Even more astonishing was the fact that we saw three separate light beings distinct from each other. We tested each other to see if we were imagining them and named them 1, 2 and 3 in order of appearance in many tests. The numbers stuck and the transcriptions state thus. (The Beings of Light preferred this too, as when asked their names, they insisted that we wouldn't know them, and that numbers were fine).

I found a reference to our phenomenon in an ancient script. The Apochryphon of John.

(In the light I beheld a youth who stood beside me. Even as I looked he became like an old man, then like a servant. Yet there were not three before me, but one, with multiple forms appearing through each other as though transparent. He said to me, "John, John, why do you doubt? And why are you afraid? I am the one who is with you always. I am the Father. I am the Mother. I am the Son.")

Curiously, this is EXACTLY how we saw our B.O.L. Morphing and then settling into one familiar face. It makes you think about what was reported from ancient times, and who these ‘apparitions’ really were.

Ours when asked who they were, said: Alpha, Omega, Andromeda. Still makes me tingle to think of the possibilities!


Wednesday, November 28, 2012


 27th January 03 


No 3 


Orion Belt Alignment/Easter Island/Russian Spy planes/StarWars

Good evening my ladies.

Now what am I going to say to you this evening?  We seem to have covered quite a bit of ground since our first meeting do you not think?  I would like to bring us back to the Orion belt, the mystery of the Orion belt and the pyramids. You realise don’t you that they perfectly match the Orion belt stars. They are in exact alignment or they would be, but that’s to do with the equinoxes. They are just slightly off now as the universe changes a little.  As I said before you would have to go back to 10450BC and then it is exact. 

The relevance of the alignment, is all part and parcel of your inheritance really from whence you came. The seeding that has taken place. Also this reptilian thing that you do not seem to grasp (and is difficult for me to say and to show you), do you not think it strange that the ancients worshipped serpents of some kind, and I think you must think in that way. It is not quite like you would see a reptile, I know this is repugnant to you. But it is not quite as it seems and it is not quite as I explain it. This is the closest that I can get, you understand?  

This really is the beginning and you have to go back a long way, and I can tell you that it did happen and but is not to do with YOUR civilization. There was a civilization that was brought here thousands upon thousands of years ago, who were much more advanced than you are I am afraid, as you are even today, quite remarkable – I’m trying to show you things so that you can draw a comparison. 

Did you realise that the Mayan people could count in millions? They had no computers, only a chequer board, which would be used in a similar way to a computer by using the symbol of ( couldn’t hear  word!), which is quite incredible really – But you look beyond that – the Mayan People could not develop the wheel, they had not the intelligence for that, they could not even weigh corn. 

Do you not think this is quite remarkable to think that the Mayan people could count in millions, but not grasp other simple facts? Do you think they inherited something from another past civilisation that had long gone and was here a long time before them. They were intelligent, of the highest intelligence and this is where you must look my children, for this is where the beginning really is. You must go back. I want you to have a look at Easter Island too.                                                     

Now, I know you are warned about this war that maybe drawing close – the cloak is fast wrapping round you I’m afraid – but it seems unlikely to me and our other spirit friends here that it will be delayed for long – for some have a determination, and maybe you are not being told all. They, the perpetrators, may have other knowledge that you do not have, you understand. The one particular human being is remarkably stupid and not ready to comply with what is being asked of him. It is not only for his sake and saving of his people  - it is for others as well – its no good fighting to the last man it doesn’t gain you anything. But you can be assured that there is an under current here that you do not know about  -  everywhere – not just in this country – the full picture is not being shown to you. 

You will not find out till much later on, if ever at all. But you can be sure as I’ve said many times before all is not as it seems, we just scratch the surface here – there is a lot going on underneath that you do not know of unfortunately. So there we are my children and it brings us back to – Easter Island. Maybe that is not what it seems either.(Laughs)

I would like to bring you right forward. I have taken you right back – and I’ll bring you now to today. In a country that you have here – I will name it – Russia – you know the Russian people - and you have a communism which works well in theory but not well in fact - The idea was fine but to make it work, nigh impossible. 

Because everybody wants the power despite what they are telling you. Everybody’s grasping for power, even though it’s supposed to be equal.  It is a beautiful idea, but it doesn’t work because of man himself.  If you look at this and when this country was divided up into smaller pieces, these countries had vast amounts of military equipment, which were scattered, left to rot or put in mothballs in different places. I have said to you before, it is not being guarded properly. These people have – spy planes. 

Now I’m talking about the unmanned ones – the little ones. These Russians have these planes, but the unscrupulous people there will sell them, because their military is unsatisfied and will sell these things for money that is owed to them (which you can understand in a way, but all the same). Different parts could be sent to other places and rebuilt (Do you understand)? 

The equipment that could be used for spying could be replaced by something else. This would have to be replaced because these planes are light, and it could not carry all the equipment, but it could carry this. This is something to think about my friends. All the equipment that is laying about in bits and pieces – but not being guarded properly.  

This is the problem with the atomic devices, which we have spoken of before, and they go astray. I am thinking of other devices for these lighter planes that could be reassembled elsewhere. I do not know what the range is – I have no doubt I could go and find out.                                                                                   So I bring you almost up to date my friends and you go and look at the differences of Easter Island and see that all that is not what it seems – Different things going on in different……  - you would be surprised.


Also there is this thing with the stars – what do you call it Star War things, very advanced. The trouble is that some of them could not ultimately control where they’d set it off – dozen of different things, can be done under the umbrella of star wars and many instruments can be used. They are looking for an excuse to experiment,(and it would be an excuse) for a trial run so to speak, but they don’t, or do know, the repercussions of this and they haven’t the solution – (some of these things should not be used), but if pushed… this could be a disaster –. They are looking for excuses but they do not know the whole of the plan, the ordinary little people do not know what is going on beneath the surface  - you understand. 

We’ll come back to the Orion mysteries, the Orion Belt  - it is important for you to know – you in particular on the earth plane – it is important for you to know this. There are things there that are important to you, as humans – you understand me? We keep coming back and why should this be. The Milky Way too, it’s all tied together. It would be replicated in a plan, in a direct plan on your earth plane and the stars in the sky. There must be a significant point here that has been overlooked. Surely you can grasp it, my children, I know that you can because one replicated another, there are other constellations  and some such, why aren’t they replicated here on Earth? It is only the Orion Belt and that is because it is important to you as a human race – it is from whence you came my children, I tell you. 

I will leave you now my friends and I will hope to come and visit you again. I hope I have not distressed you this week, and you can handle what has been said to you  - and we don’t want to upset you and make you despondent in any way – you will get the answer you want, something will happen from the letter you have written, one way or the other - something will occur. Maybe directly maybe indirectly, but somehow or other something will occur and suddenly you may have to move yourselves quickly and you may be busier than you think in the end – we will see. I will leave you now my friends and may your God go with you and light shine upon you from the Divine one.

                                                                  No 2

Welcome my children I’ve come to give you love from the Divine one. I hear what you are saying, and you are being prepared for what is to come, to help others. That is why all the knowledge is being given to you my friends  - to help you to look back at whence you came. But not to worry you about it – you shine with the Divine Light and you come from the divine light. 

Never let that be taken away from you my children. You glow with the Divine Light and it surrounds you and uplifts you and I am here for you my children, I am here for you. I will not let any harm come to you never will I let it. You must not worry about the things that are being said and done in your name in the world. Just be happy and go along with your normal work.  This is the preparation for you my children that you may have greater understanding, so that you can go on and you can help, you see.  The time will come  - you feel isolated now.  The time will come when you will not be. 

People will come to you to seek the truth from you, and you may be able to help in many ways that you are not able to understand yet.  This is why I bring you the chalice of love once again for you to sip from it. And the Divine one shines his light on you and brings you all the love that there is – for you are surely the divine ones and I bring you this again and again. Because I need you to know and understand and we love you so. 

I will leave you with this now my children  - go in peace and do not worry and love is wrapped around you.  Nothing can hurt you my children, nothing can hurt you – lift up your spirits for it is no good being down. You are going to be needed to help other people, that will come from whence they come also for there is much more intelligence out there than you give credit for. 

Many people are beginning to think and wonder from whence they came and what this whole world is about for them. So we bring them love too but they are not aware of it – I bring it to you my children that you will use it and spread it around. I go now my friends. I will come again when the hour is right.

 27th January 03  

      No 3      

Orion Belt Alignment/Easter Island/Russian Spy planes/StarWars

Good evening my ladies.

Now what am I going to say to you this evening?  We seem to have covered quite a bit of ground since our first meeting do you not think?  I would like to bring us back to the Orion belt, the mystery of the Orion belt and the pyramids. You realise don’t you that they perfectly match the Orion belt stars. They are in exact alignment or they would be, but that’s to do with the equinoxes. They are just slightly off now as the universe changes a little.  As I said before you would have to go back to 10450BC and then it is exact. The relevance of the alignment, is all part and parcel of your inheritance really from whence you came. The seeding that has taken place. Also this reptilian thing that you do not seem to grasp (and is difficult for me to say and to show you), do you not think it strange that the ancients worshipped serpents of some kind, and I think you must think in that way. It is not quite like you would see a reptile, I know this is repugnant to you. But it is not quite as it seems and it is not quite as I explain it. This is the closest that I can get, you understand?  This really is the beginning and you have to go back a long way, and I can tell you that it did happen and but is not to do with YOUR civilisation. There was a civilisation that was brought here thousands upon thousands of years ago, who were much more advanced than you are I am afraid, as you are even today, quite remarkable – I’m trying to show you things so that you can draw a comparison. Did you realise that the Mayan people could count in millions? They had no computers, only a chequer board, which would be used in a similar way to a computer by using the symbol of ( couldn’t hear  word!), which is quite incredible really – But you look beyond that – the Mayan People could not develop the wheel, they had not the intelligence for that, they could not even weigh corn. Do you not think this is quite remarkable to think that the Mayan people could count in millions, but not grasp other simple facts? Do you think they inherited something from another past civilisation that had long gone and was here a long time before them. They were intelligent, of the highest intelligence and this is where you must look my children, for this is where the beginning really is. You must go back. I want you to have a look at Easter Island too.                                                     Now, I know you are warned about this war that maybe drawing close – the cloak is fast wrapping round you I’m afraid – but it seems unlikely to me and our other spirit friends here that it will be delayed for long – for some have a determination, and maybe you are not being told all. They, the perpetrators, may have other knowledge that you do not have, you understand. The one particular human being is remarkably stupid and not ready to comply with what is being asked of him. It is not only for his sake and saving of his people  - it is for others as well – its no good fighting to the last man it doesn’t gain you anything. But you can be assured that there is an under current here that you do not know about  -  everywhere – not just in this country – the full picture is not being shown to you. You will not find out till much later on, if ever at all. But you can be sure as I’ve said many times before all is not as it seems, we just scratch the surface here – there is a lot going on underneath that you do not know of unfortunately. So there we are my children and it brings us back to – Easter Island. Maybe that is not what it seems either.(Laughs)

I would like to bring you right forward. I have taken you right back – and I’ll bring you now to today. In a country that you have here – I will name it – Russia – you know the Russian people - and you have a communism which works well in theory but not well in fact - The idea was fine but to make it work, nigh impossible. Because everybody wants the power despite what they are telling you. Everybody’s grasping for power, even though it’s supposed to be equal.  It is a beautiful idea, but it doesn’t work because of man himself.  If you look at this and when this country was divided up into smaller pieces, these countries had vast amounts of military equipment, which were scattered, left to rot or put in mothballs in different places. I have said to you before, it is not being guarded properly. These people have – spy planes. Now I’m talking about the unmanned ones – the little ones. These Russians have these planes, but the unscrupulous people there will sell them, because their military is unsatisfied and will sell these things for money that is owed to them (which you can understand in a way, but all the same). Different parts could be sent to other places and rebuilt (Do you understand)? The equipment that could be used for spying could be replaced by something else. This would have to be replaced because these planes are light, and it could not carry all the equipment, but it could carry this. This is something to think about my friends. All the equipment that is laying about in bits and pieces – but not being guarded properly.  This is the problem with the atomic devices, which we have spoken of before, and they go astray. I am thinking of other devices for these lighter planes that could be reassembled elsewhere. I do not know what the range is – I have no doubt I could go and find out.                                                                                   So I bring you almost up to date my friends and you go and look at the differences of Easter Island and see that all that is not what it seems – Different things going on in different……  - you would be surprised.                                                                             Also there is this thing with the stars – what do you call it Star War things, very advanced. The trouble is that some of them could not ultimately control where they’d set it off – dozen of different things, can be done under the umbrella of star wars and many instruments can be used. They are looking for an excuse to experiment,(and it would be an excuse) for a trial run so to speak, but they don’t, or do know, the repercussions of this and they haven’t the solution – (some of these things should not be used), but if pushed… this could be a disaster –. They are looking for excuses but they do not know the whole of the plan, the ordinary little people do not know what is going on beneath the surface  - you understand. 

We’ll come back to the Orion mysteries, the Orion Belt  - it is important for you to know – you in particular on the earth plane – it is important for you to know this. There are things there that are important to you, as humans – you understand me? We keep coming back and why should this be. The Milky Way too, it’s all tied together. It would be replicated in a plan, in a direct plan on your earth plane and the stars in the sky. There must be a significant point here that has been overlooked. Surely you can grasp it, my children, I know that you can because one replicated another, there are other constellations  and some such, why aren’t they replicated here on earth? It is only the Orion Belt and that is because it is important to you as a human race – it is from whence you came my children, I tell you. I will leave you now my friends and I will hope to come and visit you again. I hope I have not distressed you this week, and you can handle what has been said to you  - and we don’t want to upset you and make you despondent in any way – you will get the answer you want, something will happen from the letter you have written, one way or the other - something will occur. Maybe directly maybe indirectly, but somehow or other something will occur and suddenly you may have to move yourselves quickly and you may be busier than you think in the end – we will see. I will leave you now my friends and may your God go with you and light shine upon you from the Divine one.

                                                                  NO 2

Welcome my children I’ve come to give you love from the Divine one. I hear what you are saying, and you are being prepared for what is to come, to help others. That is why all the knowledge is being given to you my friends  - to help you to look back at whence you came. But not to worry you about it – you shine with the Divine Light and you come from the divine light. Never let that be taken away from you my children. You glow with the Divine Light and it surrounds you and uplifts you and I am here for you my children, I am here for you. I will not let any harm come to you never will I let it. You must not worry about the things that are being said and done in your name in the world. Just be happy and go along with your normal work.  This is the preparation for you my children that you may have greater understanding, so that you can go on and you can help, you see.  The time will come  - you feel isolated now.  The time will come when you will not be. People will come to you to seek the truth from you, and you may be able to help in many ways that you are not able to understand yet.  This is why I bring you the chalice of love once again for you to sip from it. And the Divine one shines his light on you and brings you all the love that there is – for you are surely the divine ones and I bring you this again and again. Because I need you to know and understand and we love you so. I will leave you with this now my children  - go in peace and do not worry and love is wrapped around you.  Nothing can hurt you my children, nothing can hurt you – lift up your spirits for it is no good being down. You are going to be needed to help other people, that will come from whence they come also for there is much more intelligence out there than you give credit for. Many people are beginning to think and wonder from whence they came and what this whole world is about for them. So we bring them love too but they are not aware of it – I bring it to you my children that you will use it and spread it around. I go now my friends. I will come again when the hour is right.

Offline -  http://www.spirit-truths.co.uk

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