Once upon a time ... three British ladies who sat in a circle with one medium and three Beings of Light who, attracted by the Light of their auras, came and started a cycle extraordinarily informative messages which triggered my spiritual awakening.

This is my tribute to all of them because I know that the many still sleeping and skeptical will see the beauty and the message of Light and Love contained in each of them.

Be at peace

I am no-one special. I am a curious, problem solving type who's strict upbringing in the Catholic community gave me the foundation of a service to others ethic and a resolve for justice and peace.

I guess that is why, when drawn to others who were able to see beyond the ordinary we were chosen to receive outstanding messages, and beyond that, to see the MESSENGERS

We had a talented medium who was able to 'move over' and let spiritual light beings use her voice.

We were told things that would freeze us with fear, and others that were so amazing we would literally be silent and gasping at the end of the sessions.

We did this for about 8 years off and on. Above all we were compelled to return nearly every Monday for another gruelling session that would ultimately wake us out of our comfortable slumber and start the process of truth, research and upliftment.

Even more astonishing was the fact that we saw three separate light beings distinct from each other. We tested each other to see if we were imagining them and named them 1, 2 and 3 in order of appearance in many tests. The numbers stuck and the transcriptions state thus. (The Beings of Light preferred this too, as when asked their names, they insisted that we wouldn't know them, and that numbers were fine).

I found a reference to our phenomenon in an ancient script. The Apochryphon of John.

(In the light I beheld a youth who stood beside me. Even as I looked he became like an old man, then like a servant. Yet there were not three before me, but one, with multiple forms appearing through each other as though transparent. He said to me, "John, John, why do you doubt? And why are you afraid? I am the one who is with you always. I am the Father. I am the Mother. I am the Son.")

Curiously, this is EXACTLY how we saw our B.O.L. Morphing and then settling into one familiar face. It makes you think about what was reported from ancient times, and who these ‘apparitions’ really were.

Ours when asked who they were, said: Alpha, Omega, Andromeda. Still makes me tingle to think of the possibilities!


Tuesday, October 30, 2012



18th November 2002 

                 Neutrinos.  Channel Tunnel.  Ascension Problems

          No 3

Good evening my ladies.

(Sorry, we were busy talking. Welcome).

It has been an education listening to your comments. We understand that we have taken you along the pathway quite quickly, so  perhaps you need to have a breathing space? ( No, we are fine).
(We had been discussing how the content of the messages was quite gruelling, and how our families had been blaming our Monday night sessions for our change in attitude and preoccupation. How shocking it was WAKE UP and think. How delicious and comfortable ignorance is.)                                                                                                                                                      

Well, it is quite a lot to take in, and we are expecting quite a lot of you, and from some of your observations, there are certain things that you do not understand, and that is fair, very fair.                                                                                                                    

We have another subject that perhaps you may be interested in. The last time you were here we talked of Neutralinos. This time we will make it neutrons with the pronunciation Neutrino, and the discovery by a physicist, of the etheric and the ether. You will find the Neutrino is  part and parcel of this experiment.   

What I was trying to explain to you was this, that Einstein with his theory, which is not correct, prevented a lot of other scientists furthering their own research, because they felt obliged to conform to his theory. There were one or two that persisted, because they thought there were errors in his theory. This is how the discovery of the etheric essence came about. It is partly to do with the Neutrino. This is the force along with Neutralino. They are all similarities of the one, but not quite the same thing. The Neutralino is the essence that cannot be seen, but can pass through metal, can pass through anything, anything at all,

So now we are going to look, at your universe as a whole. I know that this is well documented, but you do not see most of your universe. Most of your universe is obscured to you. It is to do with velocity, time, space and light waves as well.  You actually only see 1% of your universe, and if you have a Neutralino it can pass through the universe and go on through the universe without stopping, no matter what stars it comes in contact with.  It can pass right though them, but it is also passing through the ones you cannot see in your Universe. They are there but you cannot see them, it is to do with velocity, space, time and light waves.

Also my friends I feel that in sometime to come, maybe not so far into the future that your scientists will come to realise that perhaps the Big Bang theory was not correct.  They are still working in the dark I am afraid, still working in the dark.

Now we come to the problem of raising the dimensions.  The etheric body, this is not the physical body, the etheric body; this is being raised gently, gradually and we are trying to raise others too without their knowledge but it is almost an impossibility at this time.

But you my ladies of light, the Divine light you are moving quite swiftly, and you will eventually rise to the 9th Dimension, my friends. It might take a little time. We have got quite a way already but you cannot expect others to change as quickly.  You must allow them time, and you must get on with your life path as well.  I know it is mundane and ordinary but you have to take this into account and allow others to walk their pathway too. (Yes). 

They cannot be in the same place on the spiral as you are, and each of you in this group, is not in the same place as the other anyway. There is not a great difference, lets put it that way that is why the energy here mingles and blends so well.  This is reflected in the example of the woman who came here last week, for the essence of her energy was perfect for blending with yours, but the capability and the understanding was not there. Now, we had tried to instruct our instrument about this but she has a mind of her own, (Laughs). She will not always listen to spirit if it does not suit.  She makes up her own mind up. We told her about the problem regarding her friend who was due to come to the circle, you understand. (Yes, yes). You now know what we were trying to tell her. (We understand).

I want you now to listen carefully. (Yes). We are now talking about now your tunnel train. There are plans to do with your tunnel train that are being considered, listen my friends this is ONLY being considered. This does not mean it will BE. What is being considered very seriously, is a threat to you or to the people that travel on it and this will not be fixed to the train itself that passes through the tunnel. It will be taken aboard by those who are not afraid of bringing everything including themselves to a halt, if you understand me, (Yes, indeed). I will tell you this my friends I have no need to tell you about the disaster that it will cause and the problems. I need not go into details, you have imagination.
But even that all is not what it seems, you are not being told the whole of the story and will never will be. (No, We are beginning to realise this). You are only touching the tip of the iceberg here. They know, those who are in authority know, that you are just being told what you need to know, no more, no less. (Yes).                     

Some things are obvious, how would you ever spot someone on a train with a small gas cylinder?  Now you see how difficult it is to understand what they are telling you to keep your eyes open for and look for. These people are not exactly going to wear a flag, are they? This is difficult, this is difficult, and this is where terrorist war is difficult. You do not know, or cannot see, and are not aware of the enemy that you fight against, until it is too late. You understand this? (Yes, absolutely).        

Now, do you really want to carry on? I have listened to you speak, and if it is going to make a difference to your life, or upset your partners, or make you ill, we will sit back. (No). This is not what we want from you; we need you in top form, fighting fit to lean on.  (We are doing our best). (We have talked). We know you are doing your best but you must listen to me (Yes. We will listen to you and we will moderate). 

You must moderate and bring some vision. Balance my children, balance. I am trying to keep my instrument still but she is shaking. This is the energy and sometimes she listens but I think she will be more intelligent and inspired to listen to the whole of the conversation and not the bits that suit her at the time. (We want to be available to help, to do anything, and we will learn to be balanced about it. This is what we are learning to do).  

You will find it difficult because as you have already said and I have already listened to you speaking, that there are few and far of you that can accept the enormity and responsibility, of what I am saying. You CAN help. (Yes). Don’t talk to the people that you feel cannot handle this situation (we are learning that). There is no point in trying to tell them, they are not far enough advanced. They are not well placed on the spiral, and with regard to the dimensions, some of them are only just past two. We must raise the dimensions of some of them. They will rise, they will rise. Some will always stay in the same place (Yes). Some have tunnel vision too, which does not help them either. There are a lot of frightened people, the human consciousness itself is frightened.

Still what is death at the end of it, just death? (Just another step), not to be feared, (No). Just understand that it is a way of getting from  one place to another. It is a progression, a transformation, there is no death, there IS no death. The etheric body sits almost alongside you; you just slip from one to the other, (That encouraging). No problem. Some are terrified, (They fear the unknown),  because of the indoctrination of the priest-craft, but it is not that simple, there is a lot to answer for. 

We cannot cure all this in one evening my children. We will be back. (Thank you for coming please come again). We will not leave you, (Thank you), may you walk the pathway safely.(Thank you so much). We shall see that you will walk the pathway safely. (You are so good to us). We send love to you. ………………….. (We send love to you).

 18th Nov 02.                   Neutrinos.  Channel Tunnel.  Ascension Problems

                                                                              No 3

Good evening my ladies.

(Sorry, we were busy talking. Welcome).
It has been an education listening to your comments. We understand that we have taken you along the pathway quite quickly, so  perhaps you need to have a breathing space? ( No, we are fine).                                                                                       (We had been discussing how the content of the messages was quite gruelling, and how our families had been blaming our Monday night sessions for our change in attitude and preoccupation. How shocking it was WAKE UP and think. How delicious and comfortable ignorance is.)                                                                                                                                                      Well, it is quite a lot to take in, and we are expecting quite a lot of you, and from some of your observations, there are certain things that you do not understand, and that is fair, very fair.                                                                                                                     We have another subject that perhaps you may be interested in. The last time you were here we talked of Neutralinos. This time we will make it neutrons with the pronunciation Neutrino, and the discovery by a physicist, of the etheric and the ether. You will find the Neutrino is  part and parcel of this experiment.   What I was trying to explain to you was this, that Einstein with his theory, which is not correct, prevented a lot of other scientists furthering their own research, because they felt obliged to conform to his theory. There were one or two that persisted, because they thought there were errors in his theory. This is how the discovery of the etheric essence came about. It is partly to do with the Neutrino. This is the force along with Neutralino. They are all similarities of the one, but not quite the same thing. The Neutralino is the essence that cannot be seen, but can pass through metal, can pass through anything, anything at all,

So now we are going to look, at your universe as a whole. I know that this is well documented, but you do not see most of your universe. Most of your universe is obscured to you. It is to do with velocity, time, space and light waves as well.  You actually only see 1% of your universe, and if you have a Neutralino it can pass through the universe and go on through the universe without stopping, no matter what stars it comes in contact with.  It can pass right though them, but it is also passing through the ones you cannot see in your Universe. They are there but you cannot see them, it is to do with velocity, space, time and light waves.
Also my friends I feel that in sometime to come, maybe not so far into the future that your scientists will come to realise that perhaps the Big Bang theory was not correct.  They are still working in the dark I am afraid, still working in the dark.

Now we come to the problem of raising the dimensions.  The etheric body, this is not the physical body, the etheric body; this is being raised gently, gradually and we are trying to raise others too without their knowledge but it is almost an impossibility at this time.

But you my ladies of light, the Divine light you are moving quite swiftly, and you will eventually rise to the 9th Dimension, my friends. It might take a little time. We have got quite a way already but you cannot expect others to change as quickly.  You must allow them time, and you must get on with your life path as well.  I know it is mundane and ordinary but you have to take this into account and allow others to walk their pathway too. (Yes). They cannot be in the same place on the spiral as you are, and each of you in this group, is not in the same place as the other anyway. There is not a great difference, lets put it that way that is why the energy here mingles and blends so well.  This is reflected in the example of the woman who came here last week, for the essence of her energy was perfect for blending with yours, but the capability and the understanding was not there. Now, we had tried to instruct our instrument about this but she has a mind of her own, (Laughs). She will not always listen to spirit if it does not suit.  She makes up her own mind up. We told her about the problem regarding her friend who was due to come to the circle, you understand. (Yes, yes). You now know what we were trying to tell her. (We understand).

I want you now to listen carefully. (Yes). We are now talking about now your tunnel train. There are plans to do with your tunnel train that are being considered, listen my friends this is ONLY being considered. This does not mean it will BE. What is being considered very seriously, is a threat to you or to the people that travel on it and this will not be fixed to the train itself that passes through the tunnel. It will be taken aboard by those who are not afraid of bringing everything including themselves to a halt, if you understand me, (Yes, indeed). I will tell you this my friends I have no need to tell you about the disaster that it will cause and the problems. I need not go into details, you have imagination.                                          But even that all is not what it seems, you are not being told the whole of the story and will never will be. (No, We are beginning to realise this). You are only touching the tip of the iceberg here. They know, those who are in authority know, that you are just being told what you need to know, no more, no less. (Yes).                     Some things are obvious, how would you ever spot someone on a train with a small gas cylinder?  Now you see how difficult it is to understand what they are telling you to keep your eyes open for and look for. These people are not exactly going to wear a flag, are they? This is difficult, this is difficult, and this is where terrorist war is difficult. You do not know, or cannot see, and are not aware of the enemy that you fight against, until it is too late. You understand this? (Yes, absolutely).        

 Now, do you really want to carry on? I have listened to you speak, and if it is going to make a difference to your life, or upset your partners, or make you ill, we will sit back. (No). This is not what we want from you; we need you in top form, fighting fit to lean on.  (We are doing our best). (We have talked). We know you are doing your best but you must listen to me (Yes. We will listen to you and we will moderate). You must moderate and bring some vision. Balance my children, balance. I am trying to keep my instrument still but she is shaking. This is the energy and sometimes she listens but I think she will be more intelligent and inspired to listen to the whole of the conversation and not the bits that suit her at the time. (We want to be available to help, to do anything, and we will learn to be balanced about it. This is what we are learning to do).  You will find it difficult because as you have already said and I have already listened to you speaking, that there are few and far of you that can accept the enormity and responsibility, of what I am saying. You CAN help. (Yes). Don’t talk to the people that you feel cannot handle this situation (we are learning that). There is no point in trying to tell them, they are not far enough advanced. They are not well placed on the spiral, and with regard to the dimensions, some of them are only just past two. We must raise the dimensions of some of them. They will rise, they will rise. Some will always stay in the same place (Yes). Some have tunnel vision too, which does not help them either. There are a lot of frightened people, the human consciousness itself is frightened.
Still what is death at the end of it, just death? (Just another step), not to be feared, (No). Just understand that it is a way of getting from  one place to another. It is a progression, a transformation, there is no death, there IS no death. The etheric body sits almost alongside you; you just slip from one to the other, (That encouraging). No problem. Some are terrified, (They fear the unknown),  because of the indoctrination of the priest-craft, but it is not that simple, there is a lot to answer for. We cannot cure all this in one evening my children. We will be back. (Thank you for coming please come again). We will not leave you, (Thank you), may you walk the pathway safely.(Thank you so much). We shall see that you will walk the pathway safely. (You are so good to us). We send love to you. ………………….. (We send love to you).


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