Once upon a time ... three British ladies who sat in a circle with one medium and three Beings of Light who, attracted by the Light of their auras, came and started a cycle extraordinarily informative messages which triggered my spiritual awakening.

This is my tribute to all of them because I know that the many still sleeping and skeptical will see the beauty and the message of Light and Love contained in each of them.

Be at peace

I am no-one special. I am a curious, problem solving type who's strict upbringing in the Catholic community gave me the foundation of a service to others ethic and a resolve for justice and peace.

I guess that is why, when drawn to others who were able to see beyond the ordinary we were chosen to receive outstanding messages, and beyond that, to see the MESSENGERS

We had a talented medium who was able to 'move over' and let spiritual light beings use her voice.

We were told things that would freeze us with fear, and others that were so amazing we would literally be silent and gasping at the end of the sessions.

We did this for about 8 years off and on. Above all we were compelled to return nearly every Monday for another gruelling session that would ultimately wake us out of our comfortable slumber and start the process of truth, research and upliftment.

Even more astonishing was the fact that we saw three separate light beings distinct from each other. We tested each other to see if we were imagining them and named them 1, 2 and 3 in order of appearance in many tests. The numbers stuck and the transcriptions state thus. (The Beings of Light preferred this too, as when asked their names, they insisted that we wouldn't know them, and that numbers were fine).

I found a reference to our phenomenon in an ancient script. The Apochryphon of John.

(In the light I beheld a youth who stood beside me. Even as I looked he became like an old man, then like a servant. Yet there were not three before me, but one, with multiple forms appearing through each other as though transparent. He said to me, "John, John, why do you doubt? And why are you afraid? I am the one who is with you always. I am the Father. I am the Mother. I am the Son.")

Curiously, this is EXACTLY how we saw our B.O.L. Morphing and then settling into one familiar face. It makes you think about what was reported from ancient times, and who these ‘apparitions’ really were.

Ours when asked who they were, said: Alpha, Omega, Andromeda. Still makes me tingle to think of the possibilities!


Thursday, October 25, 2012


28th October 2002

Nº 3

Good evening.

Today I want to talk to you about sub-atomic particles. This has to do with what people call as paranormal, and actually it is a scientific fact, the sub-atomic particles. It is related to the difference in energies and I think you are wondering why the male energy is not necessary in this group? (We had to ask our male colleague to leave the group because he disrupted the flow rate required by the Beings of Light to manifest successfully).

 I will try to explain to you the difference. The male energy is not as refined as the feminine energy. The feminine energy vibrates at a much higher level. The male energy, sometimes also vibrates at that level, but there are differences in male, you understand. Some men are basically very masculine and others are not completely male and have a female side in his nature which makes its vibration better attuned than a male fully loaded with testosterone. Of course this may seem ridiculous but it is true, you can investigate.  

 I want to explain to you that it is because of this that he does not always see what others can see and I'll try to explain why. This sub-atomic thing you see that energy vibrates and everything is interconnected by an array or a fine or a grid network, call it a grid, an interpenetrating grid, or a  grill that is intertwined with each other. At this grill there are holes  (fine points like a pin) that you can call if you will as a dotted vision and these holes are placed there for a purpose.

 This is to instill hope on you because you know those who have a more refined energy can sometimes see through these holes. This gives you a view of the opposite side though momentarily but this GIVES YOU a vision of the other side. Some mediums or instruments are not so good as others because few can see clearly through the pin holes, the tiny holes, and it makes their information more accurate. They can see a little more clearly than others. And some that are exceptionally well tuned can provide very accurate information. Others will never give accurate and subtle information.. It's not their fault and of course your work is as important as the work of those who can see with more accuracy. It's like looking through a smoked glass.

 This is one thing that you should consider. There is always a scientific basis for all things, even paranormal, therefore it is why sub-atomic particles are involved. This is why we do not want male energy in a so small group as it is too strong and not too refined and probably never will be but can be used on a different level, in a different way with a different group of people, do you understand? This is why we prefer for this circle, at this time, that the energy is female. It's more refined, more receptive and reaches higher. You see that there is an ethereal world that is identical to that one in which you reside.

When it happens what you call to die, death - and when it leads you to what we call the other side, it is precisely the other side. It is exactly as if you crossed a door and it is precisely the other side, because it is an identical world, and this etheric world travels with you and have everything you need but is more delicate. It is faster, the colors are more intense. There are colors that you will never see in this earthly plane. It is a beautiful life, it is the first stage, so to speak. You will travel more to learn and to sharpen the issues that have learned to express. You are light waves, as you can see you are made of light waves  and that is what attracts us to you. Here on this Earth plane you vibrate very slowly and we vibrate very quickly from where we come but we can slow down. It took us a while (I even felt it) and we had some difficulty and arrived very quickly at first, but I noticed that the control is better now. I move slower as I get closer to my instrument when she allows me to work through her and with her. This gives us great pleasure; we enjoy working with you and maybe teach you (We are grateful).

I try to keep the information on a basic level, better saying, for not burning your brains out with items you do not understand, so it's a very basic teaching due to  the language we use, and of course, my instrument is very basic as you all know (laughs) and one can only use words in her vocabulary, which is difficult. I must say it is hard but in the end we managed. It enables us to work and we like to work with you very, very much. (And we like also), I hope this has enlightened you a little more and now I am leaving and I leave you with your experiments (laughs). (We had planned an experiment, but it went downhill with the appearance of Beings of Light!)

We shall see, we shall see certain things that will happen maybe not tonight but at another time. Do you understand what happens here when trying to pair with your energy? It is trying to keep OUR energy fixed and low, so we can work together. My daughters, now I leave you with our blessing. Our blessing and our love goes to you and engage you with light. (Thank you. Thanks for coming). We leave in order you continue with your experience and we will see what happens next. (Thank you). It was a pleasure.


Sub-atomic particles - Link 1

28th October 2002.   Sub Atomics. Male v Female Energy


Good evening.  I want to talk to you tonight about sub atomics. This is to do with what people call the paranormal, and it is in actual fact a scientific term, sub atomics. This is in reference to the difference in energies, and I suspect you wonder why the male energy is not required in this group? (We had had to ask our male sitter to leave the group, as he disrupted the flow necessary for the Beings of Light to successfully manifest themselves).                                                                              I am going to try and explain the difference to you. The male energy is not as fine as you may understand the female energy. The female energy vibrates on a much higher level. The male energy does at sometime vibrate on this level too, but there are differences in the male, you understand. Some men are very basically male, and some are not quite as overtly male and have a feminine side to their nature, which make their vibration finer tuned than a testosterone fuelled male. This may sound ridiculous to you, it is right; it IS true you can research this.  I want to explain to you that this is why he does not always see what the others can see, and I will try and explain why.                                                                                                                                   
This sub atomic thing, you see the energy vibrates and the whole is connected together by a matrix or a fine web or a grid, call it a grid an interpenetrating grid, grid upon grid interpenetrating, one with another. Now in this grid there are small holes you could call it a pinpoint view if you like, and these are put there for a purpose. This is so to give you hope, because you see, those with the finer energy can sometimes see through the pinpoints. This gives you a view of the opposite side if only momentarily but it WILL give you a view of the other side. This is why some mediums or instruments are better than others, for some can see more clearly through the pin holes, the tiny holes, this makes their information much sharper. They can see a little more clearly than someone else. Some instruments or mediums will not be as finely tuned as others, and some that are exceeding finely tuned can give very exact information. Others will never give exact and fine information. This is not their fault, and obviously their work is of as immense importance as those who can see more clearly. It is like looking through a glass darkly. This is one of the things you should think about. There is a scientific base to all things, even the paranormal and this is why it involves sub atomics. This is why we do not always want the male energy, the male energy in this little group was very strong and not very refined and may never be so but can be used on a different level, in a different way with a different group of people altogether, you understand? That is why we prefer, for this circle at the moment anyway, that the energy should be female. It is finer, more receptive and should reach higher. There is you see an etheric world which is identical to the one in which you now reside.
When you so call die, death- and it takes you to what we call the other side, it is just the other side. It is just like walking through a doorway and it is just the other side for it is an identical world, and it travels along with you this, etheric world and it has every thing in that you require and need but it is much finer, it is faster, the colours are intense, there are colours there which you will never see on this earth plane. This is a finer life; this is just the first stage, so to speak. You will travel to learn more and to hone the aspects that you have learnt to express. You are light waves you see, you are made up of light waves and that is what attracts us to you. You vibrate really quite slowly here on the earth plane as we vibrate very fast from whence we come but we can slow down, we can slow down. We, myself, it has taken a little time and trouble and we came in much too fast in the beginning, but I have noticed the control is better now, the control is better. I move a little more gently and softly when I come closer and closer to my instrument, when she allows me to work through her and with her. This gives us great pleasure; we like to work with you and perhaps to instruct you (Thank you). I try to keep the information on a basic level, I do not want to fire it across the tops of your heads so to speak, so you do not understand, so it is very basic for the language that is used, and of course my instrument is very basic as you all know, (laughs) and one can only use the words in her vocabulary, which is difficult. I must say it is difficult but we managed to get there in the end. She allows us to work and we enjoy working with you very much, very much indeed. (So do we). I hope that this has enlightened you a little more and I will go now and let you get on with your experiment. (Laughs).       (We had been planning an experiment, but it had fallen into the shade by the appearance of the Beings of Light!) We will see, we will see, things will take place, may be not this evening but at some other time. What goes on here you understand, in trying to match your energy is trying to keep OUR energy down and in place so that we can work together. Some times it is a little easier than at other times. We are getting there; slowly we will get there.  I will leave you now my children with our blessing. Our blessing and our love goes with you, and we wrap you within the light. (Thank you. Thank you so much Thank you for coming). We will let you get on with your experiment and we will see what happens next. (Thank you).  It’s a pleasure. 


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