26th August 2002
Last week we listened to the discussion
about your visitor. There are two legs that support up your world. One is the scientific
leg and the other is the religious leg.
I was wondering if you had thought about anything after his visit? You seemed
to find his viewpoint very narrow. (We had a discussion with a priest who was
very interested in what we do. He refused to accept what we saw was real. He thought
she was demonic (the medium), and nothing
we said has changed his mind).
You can understand that the scientific leg and the religious one can benefit
each other if scientific minds can accept the spiritual aspect and if religions
could accept the scientific aspects of certain things. Millions of people
believe in religion. If you remove that leg they would be lost, they would have
nothing to believe in. It would cause so much anxiety and concern especially
when there are so many problems in your world. We will come back to that.
It takes so much time for us to
come here, if you understand. Your atmosphere is so difficult to penetrate, it
is so dark. Teaching is our job and we take pleasure and pride in it and we
have chosen to do so. You, ladies, seem to be of good intelligence and one of your
group is absent. ............
All aspects of the scientific
side, many things are made up of neutrons and microns, so take part of your
time to see and understand some of the scientific developments that you have in
your world, in the plane of your world, if you understand. Unfortunately there
are some instruments that have been developed in your country that are tiny and
went astray, having done great havoc and destruction on - do you know them? Well, they exist.
You need to look and try to
understand and learn a little more about this kind of scientific developments
that are taking place, about which you know nearly nothing. For some reason,
they have been kept secret. It becomes better known and widely publicized that
there are some things that have been developed in the not too distant past,
which are now in the wrong hands, and I'm not talking about the destruction of
the great powers that have been used in the past to cause massive devastation.
They are quite tiny instruments that could fall into the wrong hands. Watch and
learn more about it. Their existence was detailed and impressive and you have
access to some of this knowledge if you keep on searching. It will be at the
scientific side with (unclear) .......
They were not built with that aim. They are the developing side/secondary effect of another experiment
that was stumbled on by accident. I know that you, ladies, could not do
anything about this information, so to speak. There is nowhere you could go and
make a fuss about it or someone that will listen to you. But it may be a call
of attention for you to know the things that are going on around you. You see,
they are not normal things, they are man made. This is not what we want for you,
this terrible destruction. All these things are due to man and to man's ability
to destroy one another. We shudder on this but we cannot help and there is
nothing we can do and it is not done by spirit. We see the distress that it
causes, and it also causes us great distress. People should be encouraged to
see the light. The leaders of the countries must be brought to reason and
should understand. They seem to be oblivious about the distress they cause to
civilians by their actions.
It is the power and the power
games that are played on the Earth’s plane and the great sufferer is people that is between
........................ my ladies, just being in the power and knowledge and
understanding that you can perceive a little more about what is going on around
you now, and in order you take time and find in places where you have books or
you can even find it on your instruments of which you enter in contact with one
another. You must understand that, my ladies, and I will leave you now with
this message.
This was our first real
contact. We did not really understood what was then told to us . It is
only now that the truth and
the enormity begins to dawn on us.
I have only my
translations in Portuguese because the original site was offline and it started with the one dated 26th August 2002 translated by me on
22:04:2003. Now I am turning them into English that will be more correct then a translator machine. The owner of that site promised me to make the original English messages available as well as the audio of each séance. Maria Luísa de
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