Once upon a time ... three British ladies who sat in a circle with one medium and three Beings of Light who, attracted by the Light of their auras, came and started a cycle extraordinarily informative messages which triggered my spiritual awakening.

This is my tribute to all of them because I know that the many still sleeping and skeptical will see the beauty and the message of Light and Love contained in each of them.

Be at peace

I am no-one special. I am a curious, problem solving type who's strict upbringing in the Catholic community gave me the foundation of a service to others ethic and a resolve for justice and peace.

I guess that is why, when drawn to others who were able to see beyond the ordinary we were chosen to receive outstanding messages, and beyond that, to see the MESSENGERS

We had a talented medium who was able to 'move over' and let spiritual light beings use her voice.

We were told things that would freeze us with fear, and others that were so amazing we would literally be silent and gasping at the end of the sessions.

We did this for about 8 years off and on. Above all we were compelled to return nearly every Monday for another gruelling session that would ultimately wake us out of our comfortable slumber and start the process of truth, research and upliftment.

Even more astonishing was the fact that we saw three separate light beings distinct from each other. We tested each other to see if we were imagining them and named them 1, 2 and 3 in order of appearance in many tests. The numbers stuck and the transcriptions state thus. (The Beings of Light preferred this too, as when asked their names, they insisted that we wouldn't know them, and that numbers were fine).

I found a reference to our phenomenon in an ancient script. The Apochryphon of John.

(In the light I beheld a youth who stood beside me. Even as I looked he became like an old man, then like a servant. Yet there were not three before me, but one, with multiple forms appearing through each other as though transparent. He said to me, "John, John, why do you doubt? And why are you afraid? I am the one who is with you always. I am the Father. I am the Mother. I am the Son.")

Curiously, this is EXACTLY how we saw our B.O.L. Morphing and then settling into one familiar face. It makes you think about what was reported from ancient times, and who these ‘apparitions’ really were.

Ours when asked who they were, said: Alpha, Omega, Andromeda. Still makes me tingle to think of the possibilities!


Monday, October 29, 2012


November 11, 2002

# 3

Good Night,

It is good to be with you once again, and perhaps to guide you a little further along the way.

I want to talk with you tonight about ... you may think it is very strange but I want to talk a little with you about Einstein's Theory of Relativity. I will not go into great detail, because I think my instrument could not encompass it. What is important is that the theory does not work and now you have scientists who come up and admit that it does not work. Previously, they feared being ridiculed and their jobs endangered, but now there is a sense of truth about this whole matter. This means that certain experiences can now be shared among physicists, because they are no more afraid to speak about what they know. They found by not using Einstein's theory they had been able to develop more for themselves and that they had found a better way. Now they do not strive to make things fit, that was what Einstein tried to do, even at his old age, and  he thought at times he was on the wrong track. So you have to think for yourselves: What significance/importance does this matter have for me?

I'll try to explain you something. Some scientists have discovered what they call  Ether. I am not talking about the gas, anesthetic, I am talking about the etheric body, ether. Until now this was a forbidden subject to a certain extent, because they were using the Einstein Theory of Relativity to prove its existence, but once that scientists fully understand that Einstein's theory does not fit they advanced gradually but firmly on their way. They found an essence, this essence they called ether. Now through this you see that you are part of the ether, the Etheric Body. This is the Body of Light that all of you have, that we have, you have, that I belong. I am light, (Yes). So you are light. Your Light Body is light but you do appear to us as light. If you think of the cathode ray tube of your television sets, the boxes that you have to see, you are made of the same light waves like them, it is as simple as that.

That was how we came into contact with you, because we can come together and mingle with your Light body, I hope. (Yes). It is this Light body that we want to move from the third to the ninth dimension, if possible. We are fighting for this to happen to you, you want it to happen to you. This is POWER, do you understand? The ninth dimension is absolute power; do you think you have power now? (We don’t!), you do not! (No, we don’t have). We have power and everything has to do with Time, it has to do with time and due to Einstein's Theory of Relativity it does not work, it has to do with the Time and Space. That is why we think that time travel will happen. It will happen because there are experiences that have to do with neutrons, do you understand? And from these experiences we get neutralinos. Please take note of this name, my sister. Neutralinos are almost a byproduct and a branch of the neutrons that are imperceptible. You do not see them, you cannot see them with your most powerful telescopes, you cannot and must not. What can I say? (P. They are like atoms?) You cannot see even with your most powerful microscopes, you cannot and they do not show up. What you call ghosts passing through walls (Yeah, yeah) and doors. Things that disappear and appear, are made of neutralinos because they can pass through obstacles without being impeded. Does it explain something to you? (It does not surprise me).

Well, that is how it happens. Now it is about the time, time does not exist where I am, but it exists there (in your plan). It helps you to prepare the different activities you carry out in your 24-hour day. I understand why it is fractioned, you have to go your way and need to have it split into segments in which they can do this (Yeah, yeah). Thus, if you have a project or a difficulty to overcome, I am trying to think of something in which I can demonstrate this, time and space, if you have to come to a place or if you have the need to do something at a specific time and the place you have to do it be difficult to be found out, it could mean that your roads are not perfect, there will be some work in progress on these roads at that time (Yes). They need to get to a destination at a certain time, do not they? (Yes, yes). Then there would be frustration due to the road works or anything else that could stop you in your road till that destination as an accident and other things happening. So, frustration grows because they have to be there at a certain time. If you were like beings of light it would not happen. (No) They could relax and do it at their pace because when they arrived at their destination it WOULD be at the right time. They would not have problems. I tried to put it as a simple matter.

There would be no restrictions. You are restricted by time and it is what causes consternation. (Yes) It has everything to do with time and relativity. The time travel will possibly happen, well, I know that this will happen but it cannot be during your lifetime, but you will know it through your etheric body that continues. It's like going through a door as someone said, please do not be afraid, do not be afraid. Things must happen in your Earth plane as I think they will happen, you should look at YOUR OWN INTERIOR COURTYARD, (I know).

It is very important that you do this and no government that worths its salt should know that in any case, am I being quite clear? (Quite clear) I cannot stress anything, all I can say is that we know that there are plenty of different targets to be considered. Some of the major targets are being worked, this entails obviously much planning and when planning, mistakes can be done. This will be an opportunity for those who are watching and waiting, those who try to keep you safe to be able to rescue you, do you see? (Yes, yes). It is difficult to say when and where, when what is being prepared will happen. Do you understand? (It seems that they are being aware, it is in the news right now). Yes, yes. We know that. You are obsessed in your plan by time and money, (Yes, unfortunately). This overlap all things, it is here that corruption comes. (Yes)

There is another corruption, that is the corruption of priests and while it is in operation in your Earth plane you will not have peace because all your wars have been forced by the priests (Yes, I understand). All religions, all the fighting and all the confusion of ones with the others, and as soon as something is eliminated another thing arises to take its place. Like my instrument would say, all are trying to jump into the wagon (Yes). They are all trying to project its power and this is not good, this is not good and at the end power corrupts, but the power does not corrupt the ninth dimension, this is pure total power. Let's try to raise your bodies of light to that ninth dimension and we will find a way. (Precisely at this stage?). Just you, my friends, at this stage. (Thank you). At this stage you are an experience. There are different groups in different places where it was suggested and carried forward so maybe you could have contacted any other group? This is to be sought and watched, and in any case, we will lift you to the ninth dimension (How wonderful, we will do everything we can). This is your Light body because your physical body will have to walk the path, it is your learning, your inner courtyard, the school, you understand, you must continue your journey (Yes, we know).

It was designed for you, it makes part of your make up, part of your journey, each one of you and all are interconnected but there are groups, special groups that are trying to communicate, and we're trying to connect them and to work with them (Good). Some find it difficult, there are some groups who cannot work because we cannot raise their intellect high enough. We know you have to struggle now to discuss what we give, but we try to keep it as simple as possible so you can find out for yourselves. We say that it is part of your learning, that you should search and experience and a piece connects to another, my friend, one piece connects to another (It seems so).

I will leave you with a little, how shall I say, another small piece of information that I know you will search for and find it interesting. You have already had Alpha and you have now Delta and when you will find it please look at the big picture, look at this in the broader picture, it is not what it seems. (Right). It is not what it seems if you look how this can be used in another direction. It is not so cute, (not so cute) or a so beautiful idea. Well, it is not a nice idea, but you will know what it is when you search for it. I know what it is but I will leave it with you to see, you like to search (J. I'll look for it) (P. She will try).You will be led to other directions, that they are also interconnected..

It is good, we have this matrix, this grid we can enter and penetrate with you and it is this way we come to work with you on the Earth plane. We hope to be of help to all of you. Anyway, we will try assisting special groups as we said to you (Yes). Whatever happens in the future, you will be embraced and I will be there to raise you up, hold and bring you to your selected place, my friends. Do not worry, I will be here to meet you, (Thank you) (We are delighted) and hold you, clinging you to me, (Thank you) (This is so comforting). To wrap you in the Light of the Golden Brotherhood, because I know you have found another brotherhood. The Golden Brotherhood is not the White Brotherhood, but it should not be mocked, as the White Brotherhood, tries its best but this is more intellectual (Yes) and we are trying desperately to bring you there.

As you told your friend that is missing at the moment, the energy is fine, absolutely fine, it mixes well and it interpenetrates quite well and the intellect of this lady is high but it is not from the same vein, I fear that she is on a different path, but we will see what happens while we continue. (But you would prefer her to stay, because of her energy), we think it works well with the three of you. Maybe she could be used as an accumulator, but I do not think she will find it easy. (No) We will have to see, you made this happen, so we leave up to you to keep her or to push her away like you did with the others. We do not want anyone who is so indifferent that she/he do not look or try to understand (Definitely, we do not want it also) because there is no point for wasting our energy. We will waste our precious energy trying to bring someone who has a preconceived idea of ​​who we are and where we are going, (I understand). It will be a long or a short trip.

We hope you stay with us because we feel very enlightening and enjoyable to be working with you (We are also delighted to be with you). We wait for our next coming and we will start as the medium, the instrument said to impress her - before the day arrives. We leave her alone on other times (Laughter) (She can endure it). We hope so. We will leave you now, my daughters, and we hope you have enjoyed this evening (Very much). We left a clue to investigate (Yes) and look at the bigger picture and I think it can be used, because not everything is as it seems. I leave you with this, my daughters, God bless you and keep you safe. I will keep you safe (Yes I know, thank you). (Thank you for the privilege of your coming and talking to us), is a pleasure, it is a pleasure, my ladies.

(We had someone to sit with us, she had a strong energy, but she had no idea about what was happening and what was being said. The Beings referred her. We have not invited her again to her great regret. She had a narrow view about the world and about life after death, and she would not try to see the big picture)


  Einstein. Neutrinos.  Delta. White & Golden Brotherhoods.
Light Body. Time & Space.

                                                                                 No 3

Good Evening it is nice to be with you once more, and to guide you perhaps a little further along the pathway. I want to talk to you this evening about….. you may think this very peculiar but I want to talk to you a little about Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. I shall not go into any great detail, as my instrument I don’t think would cope with it.  
What is important is, that the theory does not work and now we have scientists who have come forward and admit that it does not work. Before, they were afraid they would be laughed at and their jobs would be in jeopardy, but now there is a feeling of truth about the whole thing. It has meant that certain experiments can now be shared amongst these physicists, because they are not now afraid to speak of what they know. They have found that by not using Einstein’s theory, they have managed to work out more for themselves and have found a better way. Now they don’t strive to make things match, which is what Einstein had tried to do, even in his old age, and had sometimes thought he was on the wrong track. So you may think yourself, what does it matter to me? I am going to try to explain something to you.                                            Some scientists in another country have discovered what they call Ether. I am not talking about the gas, the anaesthetic; I am talking about ether, the etheric body, ether. Now this was a banned subject at one point, as they were using Einstein's Theory of Relativity to prove it but once scientists realised that this Einstein’s theory does not match, they forged their own way. They found an essence, this essence, which they named ether; they called ether. Now through this, you see that you are part of the ether, the Etheric Body. This is the Light Body of which you all have, we have, you have, I am part of; I am light, (Yes). Now you are light, your etheric Light Body is light but you appear to us as light. If you think of the cathode ray tube in your television sets, your viewing boxes that you have, you are made up of the same light waves as that, it is as simple as that. That is how we have come to be able to contact you, because we can join in and blend we hope, with your Light Body. (Yes). It is this Light Body that we want to move from the third dimension to the ninth dimension, if at all possible. We are striving to help this happen for you, we wish this to happen for you. This is POWER you understand, the ninth dimension is absolute power; you think you have power now? (No), you have not (No we don’t). We have power and the whole thing is to do with Time, it’s to do with Time, and because Einstein’s theory relativity does not work it is to do with Time AND Space. So this is why we think time travel will happen, will happen because there are experiments that have gone on with neutrons, you understand, and from this experiment we have neutralinos. Mark the name well my sister.
Neutralinos are a by-product and an offshoot from neutrons they are almost, well they ARE unperceivable. You cannot see them, you could not see them with your most powerful telescopes you cannot and won’t. What can I say?                                           ( P. Are they like little atoms?) You cannot see them even with the most powerful microscope; you could not see them and they would not show up either.
What you call ghosts which pass through walls (Yes, yes), and doors.
Things that disappear and then appear, they are made up of neutralinos because they can pass through unhindered. Does this explain something to you? (It does not surprise me), Well this is how it happens you see. Now it is to do with time, time does not exist where I am, but it does exist here. It helps you prepare for the different activities that you carry out within your 24 hour day. I can understand why this is broken down, you have your pathway to tread and need to have it broken down into segments in which you are able to do this, (yes, yes).

So if you have a project or a difficulty to overcome, I am trying to think of something that I can perhaps demonstrate this with, time and space, if you need to get somewhere or need to do something at a particular time, and the place of which you have to do it is difficult to get to. It may mean your roads are not perfect you may have road works proceeding and going on at this time (Yes). You need to make a destination at a certain time do you not? (Yes, yes). So there would be frustration because of the road works or anything else that might hamper you on your road to this destination as you may have accidents and all sorts happening. So the frustration builds because you have to be there at a certain time. If you were like light beings this would not happen, (No) you could relax and you would take all of this in your stride because when you arrive at your destination it would BE the right time. You would not have a problem; I have tried to make it simple. There would be no restrictions you are restricted by time, and this is what causes the consternation, (Yes). It is all to do with time and relativity. Time travel will possibly be happening, well I know it will happen but may not be in your life time, but nevertheless you will know of it because of your etheric light body that goes on. It is just like stepping through the door way as one would say, not to be feared, not to be feared.                                                                  Should things happen on your earth plane as I think they now might do, you must keep looking in YOUR OWN BACK YARD, (I know). It is very important that you do this and any Government worth its salt would know this in any case, do I make my self-clear, (very much)? I cannot pin point anything, all I can say is we do know there are lots of different soft targets being considered. Some of the bigger targets are being worked on, obviously it takes a lot of planning and in the planning this is where the mistakes will be made. This will be the chance where those that are watching and waiting, those who are trying to keep you safe should be able to pick these up, do you understand, (Yes, yes). It is difficult to say when and where and at this time what is being prepared should not take place. Do you understand? (They do seem to be becoming aware; it is on the news at the moment). Yes, yes we know this.                    You are obsessed on your earth plane with time and money, (Yes, unfortunately).  This take precedence over everything, this is where the corruption comes in, (Yes).

Now there is another corruption, it is priest-craft and while that is in operation on your earth plane you will have no peace, do you understand because all your wars are priest-craft driven (Yes, I do understand). All religions all fighting and in turmoil with one another, and as fast as one thing is sorted out something else reappears to take its place. They are all trying to, as my instrument would say; jump on the band-wagon (Yes). They are all trying to project themselves, their power, and this is not good, this is not good and in the end power corrupts, but the power from the ninth dimension does not, this is ultimate pure power. We are going to try and raise your light bodies to this and we will find a way. (Just us at this stage?) Just you my friends, at this stage. (Thank you). At this stage you are an experiment. There are different groups in different places where this is being suggested and being put forward so you may contact some of other group's maybe? This is all being sought after and looked into, and somehow we will raise you to the ninth dimension (How wonderful, we will do everything we can). This is your Light Body because your physical body unfortunately has to tread the path; it is the learning, the playground, the school you understand, you must go along this pathway (Yes, we know).   This has been designed for you, it is part of your make-up, part of your pathway, each and everyone will be interlinked but there are groups, special groups that are reaching out to, and we are managing to interlock and work with them, (Good). Some find it difficult, there are some groups who we cannot work with because we cannot raise the intellect high enough. We know you have a struggle now to contend with what we are giving you, but we try to keep it as simple as possible so you may find out for yourselves. It is part of the learning  shall we say, that you look and try, and one piece links to another, my friend, one piece links to another (It seems to). I am going to leave you with a little, what can I say, another small piece of information which I know you will look for and you will find interesting you have had  Alpha, now have Delta, and when you have found it look for the wider picture, look at it from a wider picture it is not what it seems (Right). It is not what it seems if you look at it and see how it could be used in another direction. It is not so pretty, (Not so pretty) not such a pretty idea, well it isn't a pretty idea, but you will know what it is when you look for it. I know what it is but I will leave it with you to look, you enjoy the looking (J.I will), (P. She does). You will be led off into other directions as well, which also knit together. It is good; you see we have this matrix, this grid that we can enter; penetrate with you and this is how we come to work with you on your earth plane, we hope this will be of help to you all. We are going to try and help the special groups in any case as I have told you (Yes). Whatever, whatever, happens in the future you will be embraced and I will be there to lift you and hold you and bring you to your appointed place, my friends. Do not worry I will be there to meet you, (Thank you so much), (We are so pleased) and hold you, clasp you to me, (Thank you so much) (That is so reassuring). To wrap you in Golden Light from the brotherhood, as I know you have found out that there is another brotherhood. The Golden Brotherhood not the  White Brotherhood, they are not to be sneered at, the White Brotherhood, they are trying their best but this is more intellectual, (Yes) and we are trying desperately to bring you on. Like you say with the friend who is away at the moment, the energy is fine, absolutely fine it blends and interpenetrates very well and the intellect of this lady is high but it is not in the same vein; she is on a different pathway I am afraid, but we will see what happens as we go along. (But you would prefer her to stay, for her energy), this works well with the three of you of you we think. She could be used as a backup, maybe but I do not think that she will find it easy, perhaps, (No). We will have to see, you have made this happen so we will leave you to either keep it or disregard it as you have done with the others. We do not want any body that is so dismissive that they will not look or try to understand (definitely, we do not either), because there is no point to us wasting our energy. We will be wasting our precious energy trying to bring along somebody that has not the first idea of what we are about or where we are going, (I understand). This will be a long journey, or a short one.  We hope you will stay with us as we have found it quite enlightening and enjoyable to be with you and work with you (We have found it lovely to be with you). We look forward to our coming and we already start as the medium, the instrument has said to impress her before the day comes. We leave her in peace at other times, (Laughter), (She can take it), we hope so. I will leave you now my children and hope that you have enjoyed this evening (Very much). We have left you with a little clue for you to investigate (Yes) and look at the wider picture, and think of what this could be used for all is not as it seems. I will leave with that my children, God bless you and keep you safe. I will keep you safe (I know you will, Thank you). (Thank you for the privilege for coming and talking to us), it is a pleasure, it is a pleasure my ladies.

(We had had another sitter with us, who had a strong energy, but who hadn’t the first idea of what was going on and being said. The Beings were referring to her. We didn’t invite her again, much to her disappointment. She had narrow views about the world and the afterlife, and wouldn’t try to see the bigger picture.)   

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